[packages/xulrunner] - on second thought drop gtkmozembed patch entirely, nothing should use it, it has been dropped up

baggins baggins at pld-linux.org
Wed Oct 24 08:49:54 CEST 2012

commit 95de5d8264d3feb84fee37297602618a63ff2dd3
Author: Jan Rękorajski <baggins at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Wed Oct 24 08:49:15 2012 +0200

    - on second thought drop gtkmozembed patch entirely, nothing should use
      it, it has been dropped upstream for years

 xulrunner-gtkmozembed.patch | 8849 -------------------------------------------
 xulrunner.spec              |    3 -
 2 files changed, 8852 deletions(-)
diff --git a/xulrunner.spec b/xulrunner.spec
index 1d82a1c..0972070 100644
--- a/xulrunner.spec
+++ b/xulrunner.spec
@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ Patch4:		%{name}-paths.patch
 Patch5:		%{name}-pc.patch
 Patch6:		%{name}-prefs.patch
 Patch7:		system-cairo.patch
-# http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/gitweb/?p=xulrunner.git;a=tree
-Patch9:		%{name}-gtkmozembed.patch
 Patch11:	idl-parser.patch
 # Edit patch below and restore --system-site-packages when system virtualenv gets 1.7 upgrade
 Patch12:	system-virtualenv.patch
@@ -191,7 +189,6 @@ echo 'LOCAL_INCLUDES += $(MOZ_HUNSPELL_CFLAGS)' >> extensions/spellcheck/src/Mak
 %patch5 -p1
 %patch6 -p1
 %patch7 -p2
-#patch9 -p2
 %patch11 -p2
 %patch12 -p2
diff --git a/xulrunner-gtkmozembed.patch b/xulrunner-gtkmozembed.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a4d0f9..0000000
--- a/xulrunner-gtkmozembed.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8849 +0,0 @@
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/Makefile.in.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/Makefile.in
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/Makefile.in.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.248678665 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/Makefile.in	2012-03-09 15:19:22.248678665 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
-+# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+# License.
-+# The Original Code is the Mozilla browser.
-+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+# Christopher Blizzard.
-+# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999
-+# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+# Contributor(s):
-+#   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+DEPTH		= ../../..
-+topsrcdir	= @top_srcdir@
-+srcdir		= @srcdir@
-+VPATH		= @srcdir@
-+include $(DEPTH)/config/autoconf.mk
-+MODULE		= gtkembedmoz
-+TOOL_DIRS  += tests
-+include $(topsrcdir)/config/rules.mk
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedCertificates.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedCertificates.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedCertificates.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.248678665 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedCertificates.cpp	2012-03-09 15:19:22.248678665 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
-+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 tw=80 et cindent: */
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Netscape Communications Corporation.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Terry Hayes <thayes at netscape.com>
-+ *   Javier Delgadillo <javi at netscape.com>
-+ *   Oleg Romashin <romaxa at gmail.com>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+ * Derived from nsNSSDialogs http://landfill.mozilla.org/mxr-test/seamonkey/source/security/manager/pki/src/nsNSSDialogs.cpp
-+ */
-+#include <strings.h>
-+#include "nsIURI.h"
-+#include "EmbedPrivate.h"
-+#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
-+#include "nsIWebNavigationInfo.h"
-+#include "nsDocShellCID.h"
-+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
-+#include "nsString.h"
-+#include "nsXPIDLString.h"
-+#include "nsReadableUtils.h"
-+#include "nsStringAPI.h"
-+#include "nsIPrompt.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMWindow.h"
-+#include "nsIComponentManager.h"
-+#include "nsIServiceManager.h"
-+#include "nsIStringBundle.h"
-+#include "nsIInterfaceRequestor.h"
-+#include "nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h"
-+#include "nsIX509Cert.h"
-+#include "nsIX509CertDB.h"
-+#include "nsIDateTimeFormat.h"
-+#include "nsDateTimeFormatCID.h"
-+#include "EmbedCertificates.h"
-+#include "nsIKeygenThread.h"
-+#include "nsIX509CertValidity.h"
-+#include "nsICRLInfo.h"
-+#include "gtkmozembed.h"
-+#define PIPSTRING_BUNDLE_URL "chrome://pippki/locale/pippki.properties"
-+  nsresult rv;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundleService> service =
-+           do_GetService(NS_STRINGBUNDLE_CONTRACTID, &rv);
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return NS_OK;
-+  rv = service->CreateBundle(PIPSTRING_BUNDLE_URL,
-+                             getter_AddRefs(mPIPStringBundle));
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedCertificates::SetPassword(nsIInterfaceRequestor *ctx,
-+                          const PRUnichar *tokenName, PRBool* _canceled)
-+  *_canceled = PR_FALSE;
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedCertificates::GetPassword(nsIInterfaceRequestor *ctx,
-+                          const PRUnichar *tokenName,
-+                          PRUnichar **_password,
-+                          PRBool* _canceled)
-+  *_canceled = PR_FALSE;
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedCertificates::CrlImportStatusDialog(nsIInterfaceRequestor *ctx, nsICRLInfo *crl)
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedCertificates::ConfirmDownloadCACert(nsIInterfaceRequestor *ctx,
-+                                    nsIX509Cert *cert,
-+                                    PRUint32 *_trust,
-+                                    PRBool *_retval)
-+  // If an implementation chooses not to implement UI for displaying
-+  // the cert and asking the user for confirmation,
-+  // then this function must return PR_FALSE.
-+  *_retval = PR_FALSE;
-+  *_trust = nsIX509CertDB::UNTRUSTED;
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedCertificates::NotifyCACertExists(nsIInterfaceRequestor *ctx)
-+  return NS_OK;
-+  nsIInterfaceRequestor *ctx,
-+  const PRUnichar *cn,
-+  const PRUnichar *organization,
-+  const PRUnichar *issuer,
-+  const PRUnichar **certNickList,
-+  const PRUnichar **certDetailsList,
-+  PRUint32 count,
-+  PRInt32 *selectedIndex,
-+  PRBool *canceled)
-+  *canceled = PR_FALSE;
-+  return NS_OK;
-+  nsIInterfaceRequestor *ctx,
-+  const PRUnichar **certNickList,
-+  const PRUnichar **certDetailsList,
-+  PRUint32 count,
-+  PRInt32 *selectedIndex,
-+  PRBool *canceled)
-+  *canceled = PR_FALSE;
-+  return NS_OK;
-+  nsIInterfaceRequestor *ctx,
-+  nsAString &_password,
-+  PRBool *_retval)
-+  /* The person who wrote this method implementation did
-+   * not read the contract.
-+   */
-+  *_retval = PR_FALSE;
-+  return NS_OK;
-+  nsIInterfaceRequestor *ctx,
-+  nsAString &_password,
-+  PRBool *_retval)
-+  /* The person who wrote this method implementation did
-+   * not read the contract.
-+   */
-+  *_retval = PR_FALSE;
-+  return NS_OK;
-+/* void viewCert (in nsIX509Cert cert); */
-+  nsIInterfaceRequestor *ctx,
-+  nsIX509Cert *cert)
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedCertificates::DisplayGeneratingKeypairInfo(nsIInterfaceRequestor *aCtx, nsIKeygenThread *runnable)
-+  return NS_OK;
-+  nsIInterfaceRequestor *aCtx,
-+  const PRUnichar **aTokenList,
-+  PRUint32 aCount,
-+  PRUnichar **aTokenChosen,
-+  PRBool *aCanceled)
-+  *aCanceled = PR_FALSE;
-+  return NS_OK;
-+  nsIInterfaceRequestor *aCtx,
-+  nsIProtectedAuthThread *runnable)
-+  return NS_OK;
-+/* boolean ConfirmKeyEscrow (in nsIX509Cert escrowAuthority); */
-+EmbedCertificates::ConfirmKeyEscrow(nsIX509Cert *escrowAuthority, PRBool *_retval)
-+  // If an implementation chooses not to implement UI that asks the user for 
-+  // confirmation to hand out the private key, 
-+  // then this function must return PR_FALSE.
-+  *_retval = PR_FALSE;
-+  return NS_OK;
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedCertificates.h.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedCertificates.h
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedCertificates.h.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.249678670 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedCertificates.h	2012-03-09 15:19:22.249678670 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
-+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Netscape Communications Corporation.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Terry Hayes <thayes at netscape.com>
-+ *   Javier Delgadillo <javi at netscape.com>
-+ *   Oleg Romashin <romaxa at gmail.com>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+ * Derived from nsNSSDialogs http://landfill.mozilla.org/mxr-test/seamonkey/source/security/manager/pki/src/nsNSSDialogs.h
-+ */
-+#ifndef __EmbedCertificates_h
-+#define __EmbedCertificates_h
-+#include "nsITokenPasswordDialogs.h"
-+#include "nsICertificateDialogs.h"
-+#include "nsIClientAuthDialogs.h"
-+#include "nsICertPickDialogs.h"
-+#include "nsITokenDialogs.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMCryptoDialogs.h"
-+#include "nsIGenKeypairInfoDlg.h"
-+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
-+#include "nsIStringBundle.h"
-+  { 0x518e071f, 0x1dd2, 0x11b2, \
-+  { 0x93, 0x7e, 0xc4, 0x5f, 0x14, 0xde, 0xf7, 0x78 }}
-+#define EMBED_CERTIFICATES_DESCRIPTION "Certificates Listener Impl"
-+class EmbedPrivate;
-+class EmbedCertificates
-+: public nsITokenPasswordDialogs,
-+  public nsICertificateDialogs,
-+  public nsIClientAuthDialogs,
-+  public nsICertPickDialogs,
-+  public nsITokenDialogs,
-+  public nsIDOMCryptoDialogs,
-+  public nsIGeneratingKeypairInfoDialogs
-+  public:
-+    EmbedCertificates();
-+    virtual ~EmbedCertificates();
-+    nsresult Init(void);
-+  protected:
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> mPIPStringBundle;
-+#endif /* __EmbedCertificates_h */
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedContentListener.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedContentListener.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedContentListener.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.249678670 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedContentListener.cpp	2012-03-09 15:19:22.249678670 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#include "nsIURI.h"
-+#include "EmbedContentListener.h"
-+#include "EmbedPrivate.h"
-+#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
-+#include "nsIWebNavigationInfo.h"
-+#include "nsDocShellCID.h"
-+  mOwner = nsnull;
-+                   nsIURIContentListener,
-+                   nsISupportsWeakReference)
-+EmbedContentListener::Init(EmbedPrivate *aOwner)
-+  mOwner = aOwner;
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedContentListener::OnStartURIOpen(nsIURI     *aURI,
-+				     bool     *aAbortOpen)
-+  nsresult rv;
-+  nsCAutoString specString;
-+  rv = aURI->GetSpec(specString);
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
-+    return rv;
-+  gint return_val = FALSE;
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[OPEN_URI], 0,
-+                specString.get(), &return_val);
-+  *aAbortOpen = return_val;
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedContentListener::DoContent(const char         *aContentType,
-+				bool             aIsContentPreferred,
-+				nsIRequest         *aRequest,
-+				nsIStreamListener **aContentHandler,
-+				bool             *aAbortProcess)
-+EmbedContentListener::IsPreferred(const char        *aContentType,
-+				  char             **aDesiredContentType,
-+				  bool            *aCanHandleContent)
-+  return CanHandleContent(aContentType, PR_TRUE, aDesiredContentType,
-+			  aCanHandleContent);
-+EmbedContentListener::CanHandleContent(const char        *aContentType,
-+				       bool           aIsContentPreferred,
-+				       char             **aDesiredContentType,
-+				       bool            *_retval)
-+  *_retval = PR_FALSE;
-+  *aDesiredContentType = nsnull;
-+  if (aContentType) {
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIWebNavigationInfo> webNavInfo(
-+           do_GetService(NS_WEBNAVIGATION_INFO_CONTRACTID));
-+    if (webNavInfo) {
-+      PRUint32 canHandle;
-+      nsresult rv =
-+	webNavInfo->IsTypeSupported(nsDependentCString(aContentType),
-+				    mOwner ? mOwner->mNavigation.get() : nsnull,
-+				    &canHandle);
-+      NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
-+      *_retval = (canHandle != nsIWebNavigationInfo::UNSUPPORTED);
-+    }
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedContentListener::GetLoadCookie(nsISupports **aLoadCookie)
-+EmbedContentListener::SetLoadCookie(nsISupports *aLoadCookie)
-+EmbedContentListener::GetParentContentListener(nsIURIContentListener **aParent)
-+EmbedContentListener::SetParentContentListener(nsIURIContentListener *aParent)
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedContentListener.h.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedContentListener.h
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedContentListener.h.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.250678675 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedContentListener.h	2012-03-09 15:19:22.250678675 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#ifndef __EmbedContentListener_h
-+#define __EmbedContentListener_h
-+#include "nsIURIContentListener.h"
-+#include "nsWeakReference.h"
-+class EmbedPrivate;
-+class EmbedContentListener : public nsIURIContentListener,
-+                             public nsSupportsWeakReference
-+ public:
-+  EmbedContentListener();
-+  virtual ~EmbedContentListener();
-+  nsresult Init (EmbedPrivate *aOwner);
-+ private:
-+  EmbedPrivate *mOwner;
-+#endif /* __EmbedContentListener_h */
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedContextMenuInfo.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedContextMenuInfo.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedContextMenuInfo.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.251678680 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedContextMenuInfo.cpp	2012-03-09 15:19:22.251678680 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
-+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 tw=80 et cindent: */
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Oleg Romashin.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Oleg Romashin <romaxa at gmail.com>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#include "EmbedContextMenuInfo.h"
-+#include "nsIImageLoadingContent.h"
-+#include "imgILoader.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMDocument.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMHTMLDocument.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMHTMLElement.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMHTMLHtmlElement.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMHTMLAnchorElement.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMHTMLImageElement.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMHTMLAreaElement.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMHTMLLinkElement.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMDocumentView.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMAbstractView.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMViewCSS.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMCSSStyleDeclaration.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMCSSValue.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMCSSPrimitiveValue.h"
-+#include "nsNetUtil.h"
-+#include "nsUnicharUtils.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMMouseEvent.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMNSEvent.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMWindow.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMWindowCollection.h"
-+#include "nsIWebBrowser.h"
-+#include "nsIContent.h"
-+#include "nsIPresShell.h"
-+#include "nsIFormControl.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMNSHTMLTextAreaElement.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMHTMLInputElement.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMNSHTMLDocument.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMNodeList.h"
-+#include "nsISelection.h"
-+#include "nsIDocument.h"
-+#include "EmbedPrivate.h"
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include <stdarg.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#if defined(FIXED_BUG347731) || !defined(MOZ_ENABLE_LIBXUL)
-+#include "nsIFrame.h"
-+// class EmbedContextMenuInfo
-+EmbedContextMenuInfo::EmbedContextMenuInfo(EmbedPrivate *aOwner) : mCtxFrameNum(-1), mEmbedCtxType(0)
-+  mOwner = aOwner;
-+  mEventNode = nsnull;
-+  mCtxDocument = nsnull;
-+  mNSHHTMLElement = nsnull;
-+  mNSHHTMLElementSc = nsnull;
-+  mCtxEvent = nsnull;
-+  mEventNode = nsnull;
-+  mFormRect = nsIntRect(0,0,0,0);
-+  mEventNode = nsnull;
-+  mCtxDocument = nsnull;
-+  mNSHHTMLElement = nsnull;
-+  mNSHHTMLElementSc = nsnull;
-+  mCtxEvent = nsnull;
-+  mEventNode = nsnull;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindowCollection> frames;
-+  mCtxDomWindow->GetFrames(getter_AddRefs(frames));
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow> currentWindow;
-+  PRUint32 frameCount = 0;
-+  frames->GetLength(&frameCount);
-+  for (unsigned int i= 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
-+    frames->Item(i, getter_AddRefs(currentWindow));
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> currentDoc;
-+    currentWindow->GetDocument(getter_AddRefs(currentDoc));
-+    if (currentDoc == mCtxDocument) {
-+      mCtxFrameNum = i;
-+      mCtxDomWindow = currentWindow;
-+      nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNSDocument> doc = do_QueryInterface(currentDoc);
-+      if (doc)
-+        doc->GetTitle(mCtxDocTitle);
-+      return NS_OK;
-+    }
-+  }
-+  return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+EmbedContextMenuInfo::GetFormControlType(nsIDOMEvent* aEvent)
-+  if (!aEvent)
-+    return NS_OK;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNSEvent> nsevent(do_QueryInterface(aEvent));
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEventTarget> target;
-+  nsevent->GetOriginalTarget(getter_AddRefs(target));
-+  //    mOrigTarget  = target;
-+  if (SetFormControlType(target)) {
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> eventNode = do_QueryInterface(target);
-+    if (!eventNode)
-+      return NS_OK;
-+    //Frame Stuff
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> domDoc;
-+    nsresult rv = eventNode->GetOwnerDocument(getter_AddRefs(domDoc));
-+    if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) || !domDoc) {
-+      return NS_OK;
-+    }
-+    mEventNode = eventNode;
-+    mCtxDocument = domDoc;
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc = do_QueryInterface(mCtxDocument);
-+    if (!doc)
-+      return NS_OK;
-+    nsIPresShell *presShell = doc->GetShell();
-+    if (!presShell)
-+      return NS_OK;
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> tgContent = do_QueryInterface(mEventTarget);
-+    nsIFrame* frame = nsnull;
-+#if defined(FIXED_BUG347731) || !defined(MOZ_ENABLE_LIBXUL)
-+    frame = tgContent->GetDocument() == presShell->GetDocument() ?
-+      tgContent->GetPrimaryFrame() : nsnull;
-+    if (frame)
-+      mFormRect = frame->GetScreenRectExternal();
-+    return NS_OK;
-+  }
-+  return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+EmbedContextMenuInfo::SetFormControlType(nsIDOMEventTarget *originalTarget)
-+  nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> targetContent = do_QueryInterface(originalTarget);
-+  mCtxFormType = 0;
-+  if (targetContent && targetContent->IsNodeOfType(nsIContent::eHTML_FORM_CONTROL)) {
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIFormControl> formControl(do_QueryInterface(targetContent));
-+    if (formControl) {
-+      mCtxFormType = formControl->GetType();
-+      rv = NS_OK;
-+      //#ifdef MOZ_LOGGING
-+      switch (mCtxFormType) {
-+        break;
-+      case NS_FORM_BUTTON_RESET:
-+        break;
-+        break;
-+      case NS_FORM_INPUT_BUTTON:
-+        break;
-+        break;
-+      case NS_FORM_INPUT_FILE:
-+        mEmbedCtxType |= GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_INPUT;
-+        break;
-+      case NS_FORM_INPUT_HIDDEN:
-+        break;
-+      case NS_FORM_INPUT_RESET:
-+        break;
-+      case NS_FORM_INPUT_IMAGE:
-+        break;
-+        mEmbedCtxType |= GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_INPUT;
-+        mEmbedCtxType |= GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_IPASSWORD;
-+        break;
-+      case NS_FORM_INPUT_RADIO:
-+        break;
-+      case NS_FORM_INPUT_SUBMIT:
-+        break;
-+      case NS_FORM_INPUT_EMAIL:
-+      case NS_FORM_INPUT_SEARCH:
-+      case NS_FORM_INPUT_TEXT:
-+      case NS_FORM_INPUT_TEL:
-+      case NS_FORM_INPUT_URL:
-+        mEmbedCtxType |= GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_INPUT;
-+        break;
-+      case NS_FORM_LABEL:
-+        break;
-+      case NS_FORM_SELECT:
-+        break;
-+      case NS_FORM_TEXTAREA:
-+        mEmbedCtxType |= GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_INPUT;
-+        break;
-+      case NS_FORM_OBJECT:
-+        break;
-+      case NS_FORM_OUTPUT:
-+        break;
-+      default:
-+        break;
-+      }
-+      if (mEmbedCtxType & GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_INPUT) {
-+        PRBool rdonly = PR_FALSE;
-+        if (mCtxFormType == NS_FORM_TEXTAREA) {
-+          nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement> input;
-+          input = do_QueryInterface(mEventNode, &rv);
-+          if (!NS_FAILED(rv) && input)
-+            rv = input->GetReadOnly(&rdonly);
-+          if (!NS_FAILED(rv) && rdonly) {
-+            mEmbedCtxType |= GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_ROINPUT;
-+          }
-+        } else {
-+          nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLInputElement> input;
-+          input = do_QueryInterface(mEventNode, &rv);
-+          if (!NS_FAILED(rv) && input)
-+            rv = input->GetReadOnly(&rdonly);
-+          if (!NS_FAILED(rv) && rdonly) {
-+            mEmbedCtxType |= GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_ROINPUT;
-+          }
-+        }
-+      }
-+      //#endif
-+    }
-+  }
-+  return rv;
-+const char*
-+  nsString cString;
-+  nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+  if (mCtxFormType != 0 && mEventNode) {
-+    PRInt32 TextLength = 0, selStart = 0, selEnd = 0;
-+    if (mCtxFormType == NS_FORM_INPUT_TEXT || mCtxFormType == NS_FORM_INPUT_FILE) {
-+      nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLInputElement> nsinput = do_QueryInterface(mEventNode, &rv);
-+      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && nsinput)
-+        nsinput->GetTextLength(&TextLength);
-+      if (TextLength > 0) {
-+        nsinput->GetSelectionEnd(&selEnd);
-+        nsinput->GetSelectionStart(&selStart);
-+        if (selStart < selEnd || mCtxFormType == NS_FORM_INPUT_FILE) {
-+          nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLInputElement> input = do_QueryInterface(mEventNode, &rv);
-+          rv = input->GetValue(cString);
-+        }
-+      }
-+    } else if (mCtxFormType == NS_FORM_TEXTAREA) {
-+      nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNSHTMLTextAreaElement> nsinput = do_QueryInterface(mEventNode, &rv);
-+      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && nsinput)
-+        nsinput->GetTextLength(&TextLength);
-+      if (TextLength > 0) {
-+        nsinput->GetSelectionStart(&selStart);
-+        nsinput->GetSelectionEnd(&selEnd);
-+        if (selStart < selEnd) {
-+          nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement> input = do_QueryInterface(mEventNode, &rv);
-+          rv = input->GetValue(cString);
-+        }
-+      }
-+    }
-+    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !cString.IsEmpty()) {
-+      if (selStart < selEnd) {
-+        cString.Cut(0, selStart);
-+        cString.Cut(selEnd-selStart, TextLength);
-+      }
-+      rv = NS_OK;
-+    }
-+  } else if (mCtxDocument) {
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNSHTMLDocument> htmlDoc = do_QueryInterface(mCtxDocument, &rv);
-+    if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !htmlDoc)
-+      return nsnull;
-+    rv = htmlDoc->GetSelection(cString);
-+    if (NS_FAILED(rv) || cString.IsEmpty())
-+      return nsnull;
-+    rv = NS_OK;
-+  }
-+  if (rv == NS_OK) {
-+    return NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(cString).get();
-+  }
-+  return nsnull;
-+EmbedContextMenuInfo::CheckDomImageElement(nsIDOMNode *node, nsString& aHref,
-+                                           PRInt32 *aWidth, PRInt32 *aHeight)
-+  nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLImageElement> image =
-+    do_QueryInterface(node, &rv);
-+  if (image) {
-+    rv = image->GetSrc(aHref);
-+    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-+      return rv;
-+    }
-+    rv = image->GetWidth(aWidth);
-+    rv = image->GetHeight(aHeight);
-+    rv = NS_OK;
-+  }
-+  return rv;
-+EmbedContextMenuInfo::GetImageRequest(imgIRequest **aRequest, nsIDOMNode *aDOMNode)
-+  // Get content
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIImageLoadingContent> content(do_QueryInterface(aDOMNode));
-+  return content->GetRequest(nsIImageLoadingContent::CURRENT_REQUEST,
-+                             aRequest);
-+EmbedContextMenuInfo::CheckDomHtmlNode(nsIDOMNode *aNode)
-+  nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+  nsString uTag;
-+  PRUint16 dnode_type;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> node;
-+  if (!aNode && mEventNode)
-+    node = mEventNode;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLElement> element  = do_QueryInterface(node, &rv);
-+  if (!element) {
-+    element = do_QueryInterface(mOrigNode, &rv);
-+    if (element) {
-+      node = mOrigNode;
-+      element  = do_QueryInterface(node, &rv);
-+    }
-+  }
-+  rv = node->GetNodeType(&dnode_type);
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-+    return rv;
-+  }
-+  if (!((nsIDOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE == dnode_type) && element)) {
-+    return rv;
-+  }
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNSHTMLElement> nodeElement = do_QueryInterface(node, &rv);
-+  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && nodeElement) {
-+    mNSHHTMLElement = nodeElement;
-+  } else {
-+    mNSHHTMLElement = nsnull;
-+  }
-+  rv = element->GetLocalName(uTag);
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-+    return rv;
-+  }
-+  if (uTag.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("object")) {
-+  }
-+  else if (uTag.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("html")) {
-+  }
-+  else if (uTag.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("a")) {
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLAnchorElement> anchor = do_QueryInterface(node);
-+    anchor->GetHref(mCtxHref);
-+    mEmbedCtxType |= GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_LINK;
-+    if (anchor && !mCtxHref.IsEmpty()) {
-+      if (mCtxHref.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("text/smartbookmark")) {
-+        nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> childNode;
-+        node->GetFirstChild(getter_AddRefs(childNode));
-+        if (childNode) {
-+          PRInt32 width, height;
-+          rv = CheckDomImageElement(node, mCtxImgHref, &width, &height);
-+          if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
-+            mEmbedCtxType |= GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_IMAGE;
-+        }
-+      } else if (StringBeginsWith(mCtxHref, NS_LITERAL_STRING("mailto:"))) {
-+        mEmbedCtxType |= GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_EMAIL;
-+      }
-+    }
-+  }
-+  else if (uTag.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("area")) {
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLAreaElement> area = do_QueryInterface(node, &rv);
-+    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && area) {
-+      PRBool aNoHref = PR_FALSE;
-+      rv = area->GetNoHref(&aNoHref);
-+      if (!aNoHref)
-+        rv = area->GetHref(mCtxHref);
-+      else
-+        rv = area->GetTarget(mCtxHref);
-+      mEmbedCtxType |= GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_LINK;
-+      rv = NS_OK;
-+    }
-+  }
-+  else if (uTag.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("img")) {
-+    PRInt32 width, height;
-+    rv = CheckDomImageElement(node, mCtxImgHref, &width, &height);
-+    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
-+      mEmbedCtxType |= GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_IMAGE;
-+  } else {
-+    rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+  }
-+  return rv;
-+EmbedContextMenuInfo::UpdateContextData(void *aEvent)
-+  nsresult rv;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEvent> event = do_QueryInterface((nsISupports*)aEvent, &rv);
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !event)
-+    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+  return UpdateContextData(event);
-+EmbedContextMenuInfo::GetElementForScroll(nsIDOMEvent *aEvent)
-+  if (!aEvent) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNSEvent> nsevent(do_QueryInterface(aEvent));
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEventTarget> target;
-+  nsevent->GetOriginalTarget(getter_AddRefs(target));
-+  if (!target) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> targetDOMNode(do_QueryInterface(target));
-+  if (!targetDOMNode) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> targetDOMDocument;
-+  targetDOMNode->GetOwnerDocument(getter_AddRefs(targetDOMDocument));
-+  if (!targetDOMDocument) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
-+  return GetElementForScroll(targetDOMDocument);
-+EmbedContextMenuInfo::GetElementForScroll(nsIDOMDocument *targetDOMDocument)
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> targetDOMElement;
-+  targetDOMDocument->GetDocumentElement(getter_AddRefs(targetDOMElement));
-+  if (!targetDOMElement) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
-+  nsString bodyName(NS_LITERAL_STRING("body"));
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNodeList> bodyList;
-+  targetDOMElement->GetElementsByTagName(bodyName, getter_AddRefs(bodyList));
-+  PRUint32 i = 0;
-+  bodyList->GetLength(&i);
-+  if (i) {
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> domBodyNode;
-+    bodyList->Item(0, getter_AddRefs(domBodyNode));
-+    if (!domBodyNode) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
-+    mNSHHTMLElementSc = do_QueryInterface(domBodyNode);
-+    if (!mNSHHTMLElementSc) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedContextMenuInfo::UpdateContextData(nsIDOMEvent *aDOMEvent)
-+  if (mCtxEvent == aDOMEvent)
-+    return NS_OK;
-+  nsresult rv = nsnull;
-+  mCtxEvent = aDOMEvent;
-+  PRUint16 eventphase;
-+  mCtxEvent->GetEventPhase(&eventphase);
-+  if (!eventphase) {
-+    mCtxEvent = nsnull;
-+    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+  }
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEventTarget> originalTarget = nsnull;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> originalNode = nsnull;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNSEvent> aEvent = do_QueryInterface(mCtxEvent, &rv);
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !aEvent)
-+    return NS_OK;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMMouseEvent> mouseEvent(do_QueryInterface(mCtxEvent, &rv));
-+  if (mouseEvent) {
-+    ((nsIDOMMouseEvent*)mouseEvent)->GetClientX(&mX);
-+    ((nsIDOMMouseEvent*)mouseEvent)->GetClientY(&mY);
-+  }
-+  if (aEvent)
-+    rv = aEvent->GetOriginalTarget(getter_AddRefs(originalTarget));
-+  originalNode = do_QueryInterface(originalTarget);
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !originalNode)
-+  //    nsresult SelText = mOwner->ClipBoardAction(GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CAN_COPY);
-+  if (originalNode == mOrigNode)
-+    return NS_OK;
-+  mEmbedCtxType = GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_NONE;
-+  mOrigNode = originalNode;
-+  if (mOrigNode) {
-+    nsString SOrigNode;
-+    mOrigNode->GetNodeName(SOrigNode);
-+    if (SOrigNode.EqualsLiteral("#document"))
-+      return NS_OK;
-+    if (SOrigNode.EqualsLiteral("xul:thumb")
-+        || SOrigNode.EqualsLiteral("xul:slider")
-+        || SOrigNode.EqualsLiteral("xul:scrollbarbutton")
-+        || SOrigNode.EqualsLiteral("xul:vbox")
-+        || SOrigNode.EqualsLiteral("xul:spacer")) {
-+      mEmbedCtxType |= GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_XUL;
-+      return NS_OK;
-+    }
-+  }
-+  if (mCtxEvent)
-+    rv = mCtxEvent->GetTarget(getter_AddRefs(mEventTarget));
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !mEventTarget) {
-+    return NS_OK;
-+  }
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> eventNode = do_QueryInterface(mEventTarget, &rv);
-+  mEventNode = eventNode;
-+  //Frame Stuff
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> domDoc;
-+  if (mEventNode)
-+    rv = mEventNode->GetOwnerDocument(getter_AddRefs(domDoc));
-+  if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) || !domDoc) {
-+    //  return NS_OK;
-+  }
-+  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && domDoc && mCtxDocument != domDoc) {
-+    mCtxDocument = domDoc;
-+    mNSHHTMLElementSc = nsnull;
-+    mCtxDocument->GetDocumentURI(mCtxURI);
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowser> webBrowser;
-+    mOwner->mWindow->GetWebBrowser(getter_AddRefs(webBrowser));
-+    webBrowser->GetContentDOMWindow(getter_AddRefs(mCtxDomWindow));
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> mainDocument;
-+    mCtxDomWindow->GetDocument(getter_AddRefs(mainDocument));
-+    if (!mainDocument) {
-+      return NS_OK;
-+    }
-+    mCtxFrameNum = -1;
-+    if (mainDocument != domDoc) {
-+      mEmbedCtxType |= GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_IFRAME;
-+      SetFrameIndex();
-+    }
-+  }
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> targetDOMElement;
-+  mCtxDocument->GetDocumentElement(getter_AddRefs(targetDOMElement));
-+  if (!targetDOMElement) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNSHTMLDocument> htmlDoc = do_QueryInterface(mCtxDocument);
-+  if (htmlDoc) {
-+    nsString DMode;
-+    htmlDoc->GetDesignMode(DMode);
-+    if (DMode.EqualsLiteral("on")) {
-+      mEmbedCtxType |= GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_INPUT;
-+      mEmbedCtxType |= GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_RICHEDIT;
-+    }
-+  }
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc = do_QueryInterface(mCtxDocument);
-+  if (!doc)
-+    return NS_OK;
-+  nsIPresShell *presShell = doc->GetShell();
-+  if (!presShell)
-+    return NS_OK;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> tgContent = do_QueryInterface(mEventTarget);
-+  nsIFrame* frame = nsnull;
-+#if defined(FIXED_BUG347731) || !defined(MOZ_ENABLE_LIBXUL)
-+  if (mEmbedCtxType & GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CTX_RICHEDIT)
-+    frame = presShell->GetRootFrame();
-+  else if (tgContent->GetDocument() == presShell->GetDocument()) {
-+    frame = tgContent->GetPrimaryFrame();
-+  }
-+  if (frame) {
-+    mFormRect = frame->GetScreenRectExternal();
-+  }
-+  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(SetFormControlType(mEventTarget))) {
-+    return NS_OK;
-+  }
-+  CheckDomHtmlNode();
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> node = mEventNode;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> parentNode;
-+  node->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parentNode));
-+  node = parentNode;
-+  while (node) {
-+    if (NS_FAILED(CheckDomHtmlNode()))
-+      break;
-+    node->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parentNode));
-+    node = parentNode;
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedContextMenuInfo.h.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedContextMenuInfo.h
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedContextMenuInfo.h.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.251678680 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedContextMenuInfo.h	2012-03-09 15:19:22.251678680 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
-+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 tw=80 et cindent: */
-+ * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is the Mozilla browser.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Oleg Romashin.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Oleg Romashin <romaxa at gmail.com>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#ifndef EmbedContextMenuInfo_h__
-+#define EmbedContextMenuInfo_h__
-+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMNode.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMEvent.h"
-+#include "imgIContainer.h"
-+#include "imgIRequest.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMEventTarget.h"
-+#include "nsRect.h"
-+// for strings
-+#include "nsXPIDLString.h"
-+#include "nsReadableUtils.h"
-+#include "EmbedWindow.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMNSHTMLElement.h"
-+// class EmbedContextMenuInfo
-+class EmbedContextMenuInfo : public nsISupports
-+  EmbedContextMenuInfo(EmbedPrivate *aOwner);
-+  virtual ~EmbedContextMenuInfo(void);
-+  nsresult          GetFormControlType(nsIDOMEvent *aDOMEvent);
-+  nsresult          UpdateContextData(nsIDOMEvent *aDOMEvent);
-+  nsresult          UpdateContextData(void *aEvent);
-+  const char*       GetSelectedText();
-+  nsresult          GetElementForScroll(nsIDOMDocument *targetDOMDocument);
-+  nsresult          GetElementForScroll(nsIDOMEvent *aEvent);
-+  nsresult          CheckDomImageElement(nsIDOMNode *node, nsString& aHref,
-+                                       PRInt32 *aWidth, PRInt32 *aHeight);
-+  nsresult          GetImageRequest(imgIRequest **aRequest, nsIDOMNode *aDOMNode);
-+  nsString          GetCtxDocTitle(void) { return mCtxDocTitle; }
-+  PRInt32                 mX, mY, mObjWidth, mObjHeight, mCtxFrameNum;
-+  nsString                mCtxURI, mCtxHref, mCtxImgHref;
-+  PRUint32                mEmbedCtxType;
-+  PRInt32 mCtxFormType;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>    mEventNode;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEventTarget> mEventTarget;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument>mCtxDocument;
-+  nsIntRect               mFormRect;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow>  mCtxDomWindow;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEvent>   mCtxEvent;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNSHTMLElement> mNSHHTMLElement;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNSHTMLElement> mNSHHTMLElementSc;
-+  nsresult          SetFrameIndex();
-+  nsresult          SetFormControlType(nsIDOMEventTarget *originalTarget);
-+  nsresult          CheckDomHtmlNode(nsIDOMNode *aNode = nsnull);
-+  EmbedPrivate           *mOwner;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>    mOrigNode;
-+  nsString                mCtxDocTitle;
-+}; // class EmbedContextMenuInfo
-+#endif // EmbedContextMenuInfo_h__
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedEventListener.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedEventListener.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedEventListener.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.252678684 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedEventListener.cpp	2012-03-09 15:19:22.252678684 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMMouseEvent.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMKeyEvent.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMUIEvent.h"
-+#include "EmbedEventListener.h"
-+#include "EmbedPrivate.h"
-+  mOwner = nsnull;
-+NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(EmbedEventListener, nsIDOMEventListener)
-+EmbedEventListener::Init(EmbedPrivate *aOwner)
-+  mOwner = aOwner;
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedEventListener::KeyDown(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent)
-+  // Return FALSE to this function to mark the event as not
-+  // consumed...
-+  gint return_val = FALSE;
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[DOM_KEY_DOWN], 0,
-+                (void *)aDOMEvent, &return_val);
-+  if (return_val) {
-+    aDOMEvent->StopPropagation();
-+    aDOMEvent->PreventDefault();
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedEventListener::KeyUp(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent)
-+  // return FALSE to this function to mark this event as not
-+  // consumed...
-+  gint return_val = FALSE;
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[DOM_KEY_UP], 0,
-+                (void *)aDOMEvent, &return_val);
-+  if (return_val) {
-+    aDOMEvent->StopPropagation();
-+    aDOMEvent->PreventDefault();
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedEventListener::KeyPress(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent)
-+  // Return TRUE from your signal handler to mark the event as consumed.
-+  gint return_val = FALSE;
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[DOM_KEY_PRESS], 0,
-+                (void *)aDOMEvent, &return_val);
-+  if (return_val) {
-+    aDOMEvent->StopPropagation();
-+    aDOMEvent->PreventDefault();
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedEventListener::MouseDown(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent)
-+  // Return TRUE from your signal handler to mark the event as consumed.
-+  gint return_val = FALSE;
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[DOM_MOUSE_DOWN], 0,
-+                (void *)aDOMEvent, &return_val);
-+  if (return_val) {
-+    aDOMEvent->StopPropagation();
-+    aDOMEvent->PreventDefault();
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedEventListener::MouseUp(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent)
-+  // Return TRUE from your signal handler to mark the event as consumed.
-+  gint return_val = FALSE;
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[DOM_MOUSE_UP], 0,
-+                (void *)aDOMEvent, &return_val);
-+  if (return_val) {
-+    aDOMEvent->StopPropagation();
-+    aDOMEvent->PreventDefault();
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedEventListener::MouseClick(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent)
-+  // Return TRUE from your signal handler to mark the event as consumed.
-+  gint return_val = FALSE;
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[DOM_MOUSE_CLICK], 0,
-+                (void *)aDOMEvent, &return_val);
-+  if (return_val) {
-+    aDOMEvent->StopPropagation();
-+    aDOMEvent->PreventDefault();
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedEventListener::MouseDblClick(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent)
-+  // Return TRUE from your signal handler to mark the event as consumed.
-+  gint return_val = FALSE;
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[DOM_MOUSE_DBL_CLICK], 0,
-+                (void *)aDOMEvent, &return_val);
-+  if (return_val) {
-+    aDOMEvent->StopPropagation();
-+    aDOMEvent->PreventDefault();
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedEventListener::MouseOver(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent)
-+  // Return TRUE from your signal handler to mark the event as consumed.
-+  gint return_val = FALSE;
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[DOM_MOUSE_OVER], 0,
-+                (void *)aDOMEvent, &return_val);
-+  if (return_val) {
-+    aDOMEvent->StopPropagation();
-+    aDOMEvent->PreventDefault();
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedEventListener::MouseOut(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent)
-+  // Return TRUE from your signal handler to mark the event as consumed.
-+  gint return_val = FALSE;
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[DOM_MOUSE_OUT], 0,
-+                (void *)aDOMEvent, &return_val);
-+  if (return_val) {
-+    aDOMEvent->StopPropagation();
-+    aDOMEvent->PreventDefault();
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedEventListener::Activate(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent)
-+  // Return TRUE from your signal handler to mark the event as consumed.
-+  gint return_val = FALSE;
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[DOM_ACTIVATE], 0,
-+                (void *)aDOMEvent, &return_val);
-+  if (return_val) {
-+    aDOMEvent->StopPropagation();
-+    aDOMEvent->PreventDefault();
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedEventListener::FocusIn(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent)
-+  // Return TRUE from your signal handler to mark the event as consumed.
-+  gint return_val = FALSE;
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[DOM_FOCUS_IN], 0,
-+                (void *)aDOMEvent, &return_val);
-+  if (return_val) {
-+    aDOMEvent->StopPropagation();
-+    aDOMEvent->PreventDefault();
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedEventListener::FocusOut(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent)
-+  // Return TRUE from your signal handler to mark the event as consumed.
-+  gint return_val = FALSE;
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[DOM_FOCUS_OUT], 0,
-+                (void *)aDOMEvent, &return_val);
-+  if (return_val) {
-+    aDOMEvent->StopPropagation();
-+    aDOMEvent->PreventDefault();
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedEventListener::HandleEvent(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent)
-+  nsAutoString eventType;
-+  aDOMEvent->GetType(eventType);
-+  if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("keydown"))
-+    return KeyDown(aDOMEvent);
-+  else if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("keyup"))
-+    return KeyUp(aDOMEvent);
-+  else if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("keypress"))
-+    return KeyPress(aDOMEvent);
-+  else if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("mousedown"))
-+    return MouseDown(aDOMEvent);
-+  else if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("mouseup"))
-+    return MouseUp(aDOMEvent);
-+  else if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("click"))
-+    return MouseClick(aDOMEvent);
-+  else if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("dblclick"))
-+    return MouseDblClick(aDOMEvent);
-+  else if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("mouseover"))
-+    return MouseOver(aDOMEvent);
-+  else if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("mouseout"))
-+    return MouseOut(aDOMEvent);
-+  else if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("DOMActivate"))
-+    return Activate(aDOMEvent);
-+  else if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("DOMFocusIn"))
-+    return FocusIn(aDOMEvent);
-+  else if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("DOMFocusOut"))
-+    return FocusOut(aDOMEvent);
-+  NS_ERROR("Unexpected event type");
-+  return NS_OK;
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedEventListener.h.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedEventListener.h
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedEventListener.h.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.252678684 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedEventListener.h	2012-03-09 15:19:22.252678684 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#ifndef __EmbedEventListener_h
-+#define __EmbedEventListener_h
-+//#include "nsIDOMKeyListener.h"
-+//#include "nsIDOMMouseListener.h"
-+//#include "nsIDOMUIListener.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMEventListener.h"
-+class EmbedPrivate;
-+class EmbedEventListener : public nsIDOMEventListener
-+ public:
-+  EmbedEventListener();
-+  virtual ~EmbedEventListener();
-+  nsresult Init(EmbedPrivate *aOwner);
-+  // nsIDOMEventListener
-+  NS_IMETHOD HandleEvent(nsIDOMEvent* aEvent);
-+  // nsIDOMKeyListener
-+  NS_IMETHOD KeyDown(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent);
-+  NS_IMETHOD KeyUp(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent);
-+  NS_IMETHOD KeyPress(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent);
-+  // nsIDOMMouseListener
-+  NS_IMETHOD MouseDown(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent);
-+  NS_IMETHOD MouseUp(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent);
-+  NS_IMETHOD MouseClick(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent);
-+  NS_IMETHOD MouseDblClick(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent);
-+  NS_IMETHOD MouseOver(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent);
-+  NS_IMETHOD MouseOut(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent);
-+  // nsIDOMUIListener
-+  NS_IMETHOD Activate(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent);
-+  NS_IMETHOD FocusIn(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent);
-+  NS_IMETHOD FocusOut(nsIDOMEvent* aDOMEvent);
-+ private:
-+  EmbedPrivate *mOwner;
-+#endif /* __EmbedEventListener_h */
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedGtkTools.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedGtkTools.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedGtkTools.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.252678684 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedGtkTools.cpp	2012-03-09 15:19:22.253678688 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
-+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=4 sts=2 tw=80 et cindent: */
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Oleg Romashin.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Oleg Romashin <romaxa at gmail.com>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#include "EmbedGtkTools.h"
-+#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
-+#include "EmbedPrivate.h"
-+GtkWidget * GetGtkWidgetForDOMWindow(nsIDOMWindow* aDOMWindow)
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowWatcher> wwatch = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1");
-+  if (!aDOMWindow)
-+    return NULL;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowserChrome> chrome;
-+  wwatch->GetChromeForWindow(aDOMWindow, getter_AddRefs(chrome));
-+  if (!chrome) {
-+    return GTK_WIDGET(EmbedCommon::GetAnyLiveWidget());
-+  }
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow> siteWindow = nsnull;
-+  siteWindow = do_QueryInterface(chrome);
-+  if (!siteWindow) {
-+    return GTK_WIDGET(EmbedCommon::GetAnyLiveWidget());
-+  }
-+  GtkWidget* parentWidget;
-+  siteWindow->GetSiteWindow((void**)&parentWidget);
-+  if (GTK_IS_WIDGET(parentWidget))
-+    return parentWidget;
-+  return NULL;
-+GtkWindow * GetGtkWindowForDOMWindow(nsIDOMWindow* aDOMWindow)
-+  GtkWidget* parentWidget = GetGtkWidgetForDOMWindow(aDOMWindow);
-+  if (!parentWidget)
-+    return NULL;
-+  GtkWidget* gtkWin = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(parentWidget);
-+  if (GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL(gtkWin))
-+    return GTK_WINDOW(gtkWin);
-+  return NULL;
-+nsresult GetContentViewer(nsIWebBrowser *webBrowser, nsIContentViewer **aViewer)
-+  g_return_val_if_fail(webBrowser, NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell(do_GetInterface((nsISupports*)webBrowser));
-+  return docShell->GetContentViewer(aViewer);
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedGtkTools.h.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedGtkTools.h
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedGtkTools.h.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.253678688 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedGtkTools.h	2012-03-09 15:19:22.253678688 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
-+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Oleg Romashin.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Oleg Romashin <romaxa at gmail.com>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#ifndef __EmbedTools_h
-+#define __EmbedTools_h
-+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
-+#include "nsString.h"
-+#include "nsStringAPI.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMWindow.h"
-+#include "nsIWindowWatcher.h"
-+#include "nsIWebBrowserChrome.h"
-+#include "nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow.h"
-+#include "nsIServiceManager.h"
-+#include "nsIContentViewer.h"
-+#include "nsIDocShell.h"
-+#include "nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h"
-+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-+GetGtkWidgetForDOMWindow(nsIDOMWindow* aDOMWindow);
-+GetGtkWindowForDOMWindow(nsIDOMWindow* aDOMWindow);
-+GetContentViewer(nsIWebBrowser *webBrowser, nsIContentViewer **aViewer);
-+#endif /* __EmbedTools_h */
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedPrivate.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedPrivate.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedPrivate.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.254678693 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedPrivate.cpp	2012-03-09 15:19:22.254678693 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,1016 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#include "nsIDocShell.h"
-+#include "nsIWebProgress.h"
-+#include "nsIWidget.h"
-+#include "nsCRT.h"
-+#include "nsNetUtil.h"
-+#include "nsIWebBrowserStream.h"
-+#include "nsIWebBrowserFocus.h"
-+#include "nsIDirectoryService.h"
-+#include "nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs.h"
-+// for do_GetInterface
-+#include "nsIInterfaceRequestor.h"
-+// for do_CreateInstance
-+#include "nsIComponentManager.h"
-+#include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h"
-+// for initializing our window watcher service
-+#include "nsIWindowWatcher.h"
-+#include "nsILocalFile.h"
-+#include "nsXULAppAPI.h"
-+// all of the crap that we need for event listeners
-+// and when chrome windows finish loading
-+#include "nsIDOMWindow.h"
-+#include "nsPIDOMWindow.h"
-+// For seting scrollbar visibilty
-+#include "nsIDOMBarProp.h"
-+// all of our local includes
-+#include "EmbedPrivate.h"
-+#include "EmbedWindow.h"
-+#include "EmbedProgress.h"
-+#include "EmbedContentListener.h"
-+#include "EmbedEventListener.h"
-+#include "EmbedWindowCreator.h"
-+#include "GtkPromptService.h"
-+#include "mozilla/ModuleUtils.h"
-+#include "nsIAccessibilityService.h"
-+#include "nsIAccessible.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMDocument.h"
-+PRUint32                 EmbedPrivate::sWidgetCount = 0;
-+char                    *EmbedPrivate::sPath        = nsnull;
-+char                    *EmbedPrivate::sCompPath    = nsnull;
-+nsTArray<EmbedPrivate*> *EmbedPrivate::sWindowList  = nsnull;
-+nsIFile                 *EmbedPrivate::sProfileDir  = nsnull;
-+nsISupports             *EmbedPrivate::sProfileLock = nsnull;
-+GtkWidget               *EmbedPrivate::sOffscreenWindow = 0;
-+GtkWidget               *EmbedPrivate::sOffscreenFixed  = 0;
-+nsIDirectoryServiceProvider *EmbedPrivate::sAppFileLocProvider = nsnull;
-+class GTKEmbedDirectoryProvider : public nsIDirectoryServiceProvider2
-+static const GTKEmbedDirectoryProvider kDirectoryProvider;
-+                         nsIDirectoryServiceProvider,
-+                         nsIDirectoryServiceProvider2)
-+  return 1;
-+  return 1;
-+GTKEmbedDirectoryProvider::GetFile(const char *aKey, bool *aPersist,
-+                                   nsIFile* *aResult)
-+  if (EmbedPrivate::sAppFileLocProvider) {
-+    nsresult rv = EmbedPrivate::sAppFileLocProvider->GetFile(aKey, aPersist,
-+                                                             aResult);
-+    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
-+      return rv;
-+  }
-+  if (EmbedPrivate::sProfileDir && (!strcmp(aKey, NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR)
-+                                 || !strcmp(aKey, NS_APP_PROFILE_DIR_STARTUP))) {
-+    *aPersist = PR_TRUE;
-+    return EmbedPrivate::sProfileDir->Clone(aResult);
-+  }
-+  return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+GTKEmbedDirectoryProvider::GetFiles(const char *aKey,
-+                                    nsISimpleEnumerator* *aResult)
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDirectoryServiceProvider2>
-+    dp2(do_QueryInterface(EmbedPrivate::sAppFileLocProvider));
-+  if (!dp2)
-+    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+  return dp2->GetFiles(aKey, aResult);
-+ {0x95611356, 0xf583, 0x46f5, {0x81, 0xff, 0x4b, 0x3e, 0x01, 0x62, 0xc6, 0x19}}
-+static const mozilla::Module::CIDEntry kDefaultPromptCIDs[] = {
-+  { &kNS_PROMPTSERVICE_CID, false, NULL, GtkPromptServiceConstructor },
-+  { NULL }
-+static const mozilla::Module::ContractIDEntry kDefaultPromptContracts[] = {
-+  { "@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1", &kNS_PROMPTSERVICE_CID },
-+  { NULL }
-+static const mozilla::Module kDefaultPromptModule = {
-+  mozilla::Module::kVersion,
-+  kDefaultPromptCIDs,
-+  kDefaultPromptContracts
-+  mOwningWidget     = nsnull;
-+  mWindow           = nsnull;
-+  mProgress         = nsnull;
-+  mContentListener  = nsnull;
-+  mEventListener    = nsnull;
-+  mChromeMask       = nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_ALL;
-+  mIsChrome         = PR_FALSE;
-+  mChromeLoaded     = PR_FALSE;
-+  mListenersAttached = PR_FALSE;
-+  mMozWindowWidget  = 0;
-+  mIsDestroyed      = PR_FALSE;
-+  PushStartup();
-+  if (!sWindowList) {
-+    sWindowList = new nsTArray<EmbedPrivate*>();
-+  }
-+  sWindowList->AppendElement(this);
-+  sWindowList->RemoveElement(this);
-+  PopStartup();
-+EmbedPrivate::Init(GtkMozEmbed *aOwningWidget)
-+  // are we being re-initialized?
-+  if (mOwningWidget)
-+    return NS_OK;
-+  // hang on with a reference to the owning widget
-+  mOwningWidget = aOwningWidget;
-+  // Create our embed window, and create an owning reference to it and
-+  // initialize it.  It is assumed that this window will be destroyed
-+  // when we go out of scope.
-+  mWindow = new EmbedWindow();
-+  mWindowGuard = static_cast<nsIWebBrowserChrome *>(mWindow);
-+  mWindow->Init(this);
-+  // Create our progress listener object, make an owning reference,
-+  // and initialize it.  It is assumed that this progress listener
-+  // will be destroyed when we go out of scope.
-+  mProgress = new EmbedProgress();
-+  mProgressGuard = static_cast<nsIWebProgressListener *>
-+                                (mProgress);
-+  mProgress->Init(this);
-+  // Create our content listener object, initialize it and attach it.
-+  // It is assumed that this will be destroyed when we go out of
-+  // scope.
-+  mContentListener = new EmbedContentListener();
-+  mContentListenerGuard = static_cast<nsISupports*>(static_cast<nsIURIContentListener*>(mContentListener));
-+  mContentListener->Init(this);
-+  // Create our key listener object and initialize it.  It is assumed
-+  // that this will be destroyed before we go out of scope.
-+  mEventListener = new EmbedEventListener();
-+  mEventListenerGuard =
-+    static_cast<nsISupports *>(static_cast<nsIDOMEventListener *>(mEventListener));
-+  mEventListener->Init(this);
-+  // has the window creator service been set up?
-+  static int initialized = PR_FALSE;
-+  // Set up our window creator ( only once )
-+  if (!initialized) {
-+    // We set this flag here instead of on success.  If it failed we
-+    // don't want to keep trying and leaking window creator objects.
-+    initialized = PR_TRUE;
-+    // create our local object
-+    EmbedWindowCreator *creator = new EmbedWindowCreator();
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowCreator> windowCreator;
-+    windowCreator = static_cast<nsIWindowCreator *>(creator);
-+    // Attach it via the watcher service
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowWatcher> watcher = do_GetService(NS_WINDOWWATCHER_CONTRACTID);
-+    if (watcher)
-+      watcher->SetWindowCreator(windowCreator);
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedPrivate::Realize(PRBool *aAlreadyRealized)
-+  *aAlreadyRealized = PR_FALSE;
-+  // create the offscreen window if we have to
-+  EnsureOffscreenWindow();
-+  // Have we ever been initialized before?  If so then just reparent
-+  // from the offscreen window.
-+  if (mMozWindowWidget) {
-+    gtk_widget_reparent(mMozWindowWidget, GTK_WIDGET(mOwningWidget));
-+    *aAlreadyRealized = PR_TRUE;
-+    return NS_OK;
-+  }
-+  // Get the nsIWebBrowser object for our embedded window.
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowser> webBrowser;
-+  mWindow->GetWebBrowser(getter_AddRefs(webBrowser));
-+  // get a handle on the navigation object
-+  mNavigation = do_QueryInterface(webBrowser);
-+  // Create our session history object and tell the navigation object
-+  // to use it.  We need to do this before we create the web browser
-+  // window.
-+  mSessionHistory = do_CreateInstance(NS_SHISTORY_CONTRACTID);
-+  mNavigation->SetSessionHistory(mSessionHistory);
-+  // create the window
-+  mWindow->CreateWindow();
-+  // bind the progress listener to the browser object
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsWeakReference> supportsWeak;
-+  supportsWeak = do_QueryInterface(mProgressGuard);
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWeakReference> weakRef;
-+  supportsWeak->GetWeakReference(getter_AddRefs(weakRef));
-+  webBrowser->AddWebBrowserListener(weakRef,
-+				    NS_GET_IID(nsIWebProgressListener));
-+  // set ourselves as the parent uri content listener
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIURIContentListener> uriListener;
-+  uriListener = do_QueryInterface(mContentListenerGuard);
-+  webBrowser->SetParentURIContentListener(uriListener);
-+  // save the window id of the newly created window
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> mozWidget;
-+  mWindow->mBaseWindow->GetMainWidget(getter_AddRefs(mozWidget));
-+  // get the native drawing area
-+  GdkWindow *tmp_window =
-+    static_cast<GdkWindow *>(
-+		   mozWidget->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WINDOW));
-+  // and, thanks to superwin we actually need the parent of that.
-+  tmp_window = gdk_window_get_parent(tmp_window);
-+  // save the widget ID - it should be the mozarea of the window.
-+  gpointer data = nsnull;
-+  gdk_window_get_user_data(tmp_window, &data);
-+  mMozWindowWidget = static_cast<GtkWidget *>(data);
-+  // Apply the current chrome mask
-+  ApplyChromeMask();
-+  return NS_OK;
-+  // reparent to our offscreen window
-+  gtk_widget_reparent(mMozWindowWidget, sOffscreenFixed);
-+  // Get the nsIWebBrowser object for our embedded window.
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowser> webBrowser;
-+  mWindow->GetWebBrowser(getter_AddRefs(webBrowser));
-+  // and set the visibility on the thing
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> baseWindow = do_QueryInterface(webBrowser);
-+  baseWindow->SetVisibility(PR_TRUE);
-+  // Get the nsIWebBrowser object for our embedded window.
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowser> webBrowser;
-+  mWindow->GetWebBrowser(getter_AddRefs(webBrowser));
-+  // and set the visibility on the thing
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> baseWindow = do_QueryInterface(webBrowser);
-+  baseWindow->SetVisibility(PR_FALSE);
-+EmbedPrivate::Resize(PRUint32 aWidth, PRUint32 aHeight)
-+  mWindow->SetDimensions(nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow::DIM_FLAGS_POSITION |
-+			 nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow::DIM_FLAGS_SIZE_INNER,
-+			 0, 0, aWidth, aHeight);
-+  // This flag might have been set from
-+  // EmbedWindow::DestroyBrowserWindow() as well if someone used a
-+  // window.close() or something or some other script action to close
-+  // the window.  No harm setting it again.
-+  mIsDestroyed = PR_TRUE;
-+  // Get the nsIWebBrowser object for our embedded window.
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowser> webBrowser;
-+  mWindow->GetWebBrowser(getter_AddRefs(webBrowser));
-+  // Release our progress listener
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsWeakReference> supportsWeak;
-+  supportsWeak = do_QueryInterface(mProgressGuard);
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWeakReference> weakRef;
-+  supportsWeak->GetWeakReference(getter_AddRefs(weakRef));
-+  webBrowser->RemoveWebBrowserListener(weakRef,
-+				       NS_GET_IID(nsIWebProgressListener));
-+  weakRef = nsnull;
-+  supportsWeak = nsnull;
-+  // Release our content listener
-+  webBrowser->SetParentURIContentListener(nsnull);
-+  mContentListenerGuard = nsnull;
-+  mContentListener = nsnull;
-+  // Now that we have removed the listener, release our progress
-+  // object
-+  mProgressGuard = nsnull;
-+  mProgress = nsnull;
-+  // detach our event listeners and release the event receiver
-+  DetachListeners();
-+  if (mEventTarget)
-+    mEventTarget = nsnull;
-+  // destroy our child window
-+  mWindow->ReleaseChildren();
-+  // release navigation
-+  mNavigation = nsnull;
-+  // release session history
-+  mSessionHistory = nsnull;
-+  mOwningWidget = nsnull;
-+  mMozWindowWidget = 0;
-+EmbedPrivate::SetURI(const char *aURI)
-+  mURI.Assign(aURI);
-+  if (mURI.Length()) {
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindow> piWin;
-+    GetPIDOMWindow(getter_AddRefs(piWin));
-+    nsAutoPopupStatePusher popupStatePusher(piWin, openAllowed);
-+    mNavigation->LoadURI(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(mURI).get(), // URI string
-+                         nsIWebNavigation::LOAD_FLAGS_NONE | // Load flags
-+                         nsIWebNavigation::LOAD_FLAGS_ALLOW_THIRD_PARTY_FIXUP,  // Allow keyword.URL.. functionality
-+                         nsnull,                            // Referring URI
-+                         nsnull,                            // Post data
-+                         nsnull);                           // extra headers
-+  }
-+EmbedPrivate::Reload(PRUint32 reloadFlags)
-+  /* Use the session history if it is available, this
-+   * allows framesets to reload correctly */
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebNavigation> wn;
-+  if (mSessionHistory) {
-+    wn = do_QueryInterface(mSessionHistory);
-+  }
-+  if (!wn)
-+    wn = mNavigation;
-+  if (wn)
-+    wn->Reload(reloadFlags);
-+   if (mWindow) {
-+      nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowser> webBrowser;
-+      mWindow->GetWebBrowser(getter_AddRefs(webBrowser));
-+      nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow> domWindow;
-+      webBrowser->GetContentDOMWindow(getter_AddRefs(domWindow));
-+      if (domWindow) {
-+         nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMBarProp> scrollbars;
-+         domWindow->GetScrollbars(getter_AddRefs(scrollbars));
-+         if (scrollbars) {
-+            scrollbars->SetVisible
-+               (mChromeMask & nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_SCROLLBARS ?
-+                PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE);
-+         }
-+      }
-+   }
-+EmbedPrivate::SetChromeMask(PRUint32 aChromeMask)
-+   mChromeMask = aChromeMask;
-+   ApplyChromeMask();
-+/* static */
-+  // increment the number of widgets
-+  sWidgetCount++;
-+  // if this is the first widget, fire up xpcom
-+  if (sWidgetCount == 1) {
-+    nsresult rv;
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> binDir;
-+    if (sCompPath) {
-+      rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(nsDependentCString(sCompPath), 1, getter_AddRefs(binDir));
-+      if (NS_FAILED(rv))
-+	return;
-+    }
-+    const char *grePath = sPath;
-+    if (!grePath)
-+      grePath = getenv("MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME");
-+    if (!grePath)
-+      return;
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> greDir;
-+    rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(nsDependentCString(grePath), PR_TRUE,
-+                               getter_AddRefs(greDir));
-+    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
-+      return;
-+    if (sProfileDir && !sProfileLock) {
-+      rv = XRE_LockProfileDirectory(sProfileDir,
-+                                    &sProfileLock);
-+      if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return;
-+    }
-+    rv = XRE_InitEmbedding2(greDir, binDir,
-+                            const_cast<GTKEmbedDirectoryProvider*>(&kDirectoryProvider));
-+    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
-+      return;
-+    if (sProfileDir)
-+      XRE_NotifyProfile();
-+    RegisterAppComponents();
-+  }
-+/* static */
-+  sWidgetCount--;
-+  if (sWidgetCount == 0) {
-+    // destroy the offscreen window
-+    DestroyOffscreenWindow();
-+    // we no longer need a reference to the DirectoryServiceProvider
-+    if (sAppFileLocProvider) {
-+      NS_RELEASE(sAppFileLocProvider);
-+      sAppFileLocProvider = nsnull;
-+    }
-+    // shut down XPCOM/Embedding
-+    XRE_TermEmbedding();
-+    NS_IF_RELEASE(sProfileLock);
-+    NS_IF_RELEASE(sProfileDir);
-+  }
-+/* static */
-+void EmbedPrivate::SetPath(const char *aPath)
-+  if (sPath)
-+    free(sPath);
-+  if (aPath)
-+    sPath = strdup(aPath);
-+  else
-+    sPath = nsnull;
-+/* static */
-+EmbedPrivate::SetCompPath(const char *aPath)
-+  if (sCompPath)
-+    free(sCompPath);
-+  if (aPath)
-+    sCompPath = strdup(aPath);
-+  else
-+    sCompPath = nsnull;
-+/* static */
-+EmbedPrivate::SetProfilePath(const char *aDir, const char *aName)
-+  if (sProfileDir) {
-+    if (sWidgetCount) {
-+      NS_ERROR("Cannot change profile directory during run.");
-+      return;
-+    }
-+    NS_RELEASE(sProfileDir);
-+    NS_RELEASE(sProfileLock);
-+  }
-+  nsresult rv =
-+    NS_NewNativeLocalFile(nsDependentCString(aDir), PR_TRUE, &sProfileDir);
-+  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && aName)
-+    rv = sProfileDir->AppendNative(nsDependentCString(aName));
-+  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
-+    bool exists = PR_FALSE;
-+    rv = sProfileDir->Exists(&exists);
-+    if (!exists)
-+      rv = sProfileDir->Create(nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0700);
-+    rv = XRE_LockProfileDirectory(sProfileDir, &sProfileLock);
-+  }
-+  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
-+    if (sWidgetCount)
-+      XRE_NotifyProfile();
-+    return;
-+  }
-+  NS_WARNING("Failed to lock profile.");
-+  // Failed
-+  NS_IF_RELEASE(sProfileDir);
-+  NS_IF_RELEASE(sProfileLock);
-+EmbedPrivate::SetDirectoryServiceProvider(nsIDirectoryServiceProvider * appFileLocProvider)
-+  if (sAppFileLocProvider)
-+    NS_RELEASE(sAppFileLocProvider);
-+  if (appFileLocProvider) {
-+    sAppFileLocProvider = appFileLocProvider;
-+    NS_ADDREF(sAppFileLocProvider);
-+  }
-+EmbedPrivate::OpenStream(const char *aBaseURI, const char *aContentType)
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowser> webBrowser;
-+  mWindow->GetWebBrowser(getter_AddRefs(webBrowser));
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowserStream> wbStream = do_QueryInterface(webBrowser);
-+  if (!wbStream) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
-+  nsresult rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), aBaseURI);
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
-+    return rv;
-+  rv = wbStream->OpenStream(uri, nsDependentCString(aContentType));
-+  return rv;
-+EmbedPrivate::AppendToStream(const PRUint8 *aData, PRUint32 aLen)
-+  // Attach listeners to this document since in some cases we don't
-+  // get updates for content added this way.
-+  ContentStateChange();
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowser> webBrowser;
-+  mWindow->GetWebBrowser(getter_AddRefs(webBrowser));
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowserStream> wbStream = do_QueryInterface(webBrowser);
-+  if (!wbStream) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+  return wbStream->AppendToStream(aData, aLen);
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowser> webBrowser;
-+  mWindow->GetWebBrowser(getter_AddRefs(webBrowser));
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowserStream> wbStream = do_QueryInterface(webBrowser);
-+  if (!wbStream) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+  return wbStream->CloseStream();
-+/* static */
-+EmbedPrivate *
-+EmbedPrivate::FindPrivateForBrowser(nsIWebBrowserChrome *aBrowser)
-+  if (!sWindowList)
-+    return nsnull;
-+  // Get the number of browser windows.
-+  PRInt32 count = sWindowList->Length();
-+  // This function doesn't get called very often at all ( only when
-+  // creating a new window ) so it's OK to walk the list of open
-+  // windows.
-+  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-+    EmbedPrivate *tmpPrivate = sWindowList->ElementAt(i);
-+    // get the browser object for that window
-+    nsIWebBrowserChrome *chrome = static_cast<nsIWebBrowserChrome *>(
-+						 tmpPrivate->mWindow);
-+    if (chrome == aBrowser)
-+      return tmpPrivate;
-+  }
-+  return nsnull;
-+  // we don't attach listeners to chrome
-+  if (mListenersAttached && !mIsChrome)
-+    return;
-+  GetListener();
-+  if (!mEventTarget)
-+    return;
-+  AttachListeners();
-+  if (mIsChrome) {
-+    // We're done loading.
-+    mChromeLoaded = PR_TRUE;
-+    // get the web browser
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowser> webBrowser;
-+    mWindow->GetWebBrowser(getter_AddRefs(webBrowser));
-+    // get the content DOM window for that web browser
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow> domWindow;
-+    webBrowser->GetContentDOMWindow(getter_AddRefs(domWindow));
-+    if (!domWindow) {
-+      NS_WARNING("no dom window in content finished loading\n");
-+      return;
-+    }
-+    // resize the content
-+    domWindow->SizeToContent();
-+    // and since we're done loading show the window, assuming that the
-+    // visibility flag has been set.
-+    bool visibility;
-+    mWindow->GetVisibility(&visibility);
-+    if (visibility)
-+      mWindow->SetVisibility(PR_TRUE);
-+  }
-+  if (mIsDestroyed)
-+    return;
-+  nsresult rv;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowser> webBrowser;
-+  rv = mWindow->GetWebBrowser(getter_AddRefs(webBrowser));
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
-+    return;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowserFocus> webBrowserFocus(do_QueryInterface(webBrowser));
-+  if (!webBrowserFocus)
-+    return;
-+  webBrowserFocus->Activate();
-+  if (mIsDestroyed)
-+    return;
-+  nsresult rv;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowser> webBrowser;
-+  rv = mWindow->GetWebBrowser(getter_AddRefs(webBrowser));
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
-+	  return;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowserFocus> webBrowserFocus(do_QueryInterface(webBrowser));
-+  if (!webBrowserFocus)
-+	  return;
-+  webBrowserFocus->Deactivate();
-+// Get the event listener for the chrome event handler.
-+  if (mEventTarget)
-+    return;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindow> piWin;
-+  GetPIDOMWindow(getter_AddRefs(piWin));
-+  if (!piWin)
-+    return;
-+  mEventTarget = do_QueryInterface(piWin->GetChromeEventHandler());
-+// attach key and mouse event listeners
-+  if (!mEventTarget || mListenersAttached)
-+    return;
-+  nsIDOMEventListener *eventListener =
-+    static_cast<nsIDOMEventListener *>(static_cast<nsIDOMEventListener *>(mEventListener));
-+  // add the key listener
-+  nsresult rv;
-+  rv = mEventTarget->AddEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("keydown"),
-+                                      eventListener, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->AddEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("keyup"),
-+                                      eventListener, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->AddEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("keypress"),
-+                                      eventListener, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->AddEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("mousedown"), eventListener,
-+                                      PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->AddEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("mouseup"), eventListener,
-+                                      PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->AddEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("click"), eventListener,
-+                                      PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->AddEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("dblclick"), eventListener,
-+                                      PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->AddEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("mouseover"), eventListener,
-+                                      PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->AddEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("mouseout"), eventListener,
-+                                      PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->AddEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("DOMActivate"), eventListener,
-+                                      PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->AddEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("DOMFocusIn"), eventListener,
-+                                      PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->AddEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("DOMFocusOut"), eventListener,
-+                                      PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-+  // ok, all set.
-+  mListenersAttached = PR_TRUE;
-+  if (!mListenersAttached || !mEventTarget)
-+    return;
-+  nsIDOMEventListener *eventListener =
-+    static_cast<nsIDOMEventListener *>(static_cast<nsIDOMEventListener *>(mEventListener));
-+  nsresult rv;
-+  rv = mEventTarget->RemoveEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("keydown"),
-+                                         eventListener, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->RemoveEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("keyup"),
-+                                         eventListener, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->RemoveEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("keypress"),
-+                                         eventListener, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->RemoveEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("mousedown"),
-+                                         eventListener, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->RemoveEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("mouseup"),
-+                                         eventListener, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->RemoveEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("click"),
-+                                         eventListener, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->RemoveEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("dblclick"),
-+                                         eventListener, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->RemoveEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("mouseover"),
-+                                         eventListener, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->RemoveEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("mouseout"),
-+                                         eventListener, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->RemoveEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("DOMActivate"),
-+                                         eventListener, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->RemoveEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("DOMFocusIn"),
-+                                         eventListener, PR_FALSE);
-+  rv = mEventTarget->RemoveEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("DOMFocusOut"),
-+                                         eventListener, PR_FALSE);
-+  mListenersAttached = PR_FALSE;
-+EmbedPrivate::GetPIDOMWindow(nsPIDOMWindow **aPIWin)
-+  *aPIWin = nsnull;
-+  // get the web browser
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowser> webBrowser;
-+  mWindow->GetWebBrowser(getter_AddRefs(webBrowser));
-+  // get the content DOM window for that web browser
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow> domWindow;
-+  webBrowser->GetContentDOMWindow(getter_AddRefs(domWindow));
-+  if (!domWindow)
-+    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+  // get the private DOM window
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindow> domWindowPrivate = do_QueryInterface(domWindow);
-+  // and the root window for that DOM window
-+  *aPIWin = domWindowPrivate->GetPrivateRoot();
-+  if (*aPIWin) {
-+    NS_ADDREF(*aPIWin);
-+    return NS_OK;
-+  }
-+  return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+void *
-+  if (!mNavigation)
-+    return nsnull;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIAccessibilityService> accService =
-+    do_GetService("@mozilla.org/accessibilityService;1");
-+  if (accService) {
-+    //get current document
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> domDoc;
-+    mNavigation->GetDocument(getter_AddRefs(domDoc));
-+    NS_ENSURE_TRUE(domDoc, nsnull);
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> domNode(do_QueryInterface(domDoc));
-+    NS_ENSURE_TRUE(domNode, nsnull);
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIAccessible> acc;
-+    accService->GetAccessibleFor(domNode, getter_AddRefs(acc));
-+    NS_ENSURE_TRUE(acc, nsnull);
-+    void *atkObj = nsnull;
-+    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(acc->GetNativeInterface(&atkObj)))
-+      return atkObj;
-+  }
-+  return nsnull;
-+/* static */
-+  XRE_AddStaticComponent(&kDefaultPromptModule);
-+/* static */
-+  if (sOffscreenWindow)
-+    return;
-+  sOffscreenWindow = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
-+  gtk_widget_realize(sOffscreenWindow);
-+  sOffscreenFixed = gtk_fixed_new();
-+  gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(sOffscreenWindow), sOffscreenFixed);
-+  gtk_widget_realize(sOffscreenFixed);
-+/* static */
-+  if (!sOffscreenWindow)
-+    return;
-+  gtk_widget_destroy(sOffscreenWindow);
-+  sOffscreenWindow = 0;
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedPrivate.h.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedPrivate.h
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedPrivate.h.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.255678699 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedPrivate.h	2012-03-09 15:19:22.255678699 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#ifndef __EmbedPrivate_h
-+#define __EmbedPrivate_h
-+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
-+#include "nsStringGlue.h"
-+#include "nsIWebNavigation.h"
-+#include "nsISHistory.h"
-+// for our one function that gets the EmbedPrivate via the chrome
-+// object.
-+#include "nsIWebBrowserChrome.h"
-+#include "nsIAppShell.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMEventTarget.h"
-+#include "nsTArray.h"
-+#include "gtkmozembedprivate.h"
-+class EmbedProgress;
-+class EmbedWindow;
-+class EmbedContentListener;
-+class EmbedEventListener;
-+class nsPIDOMWindow;
-+class nsIDirectoryServiceProvider;
-+class EmbedPrivate {
-+ public:
-+  EmbedPrivate();
-+  ~EmbedPrivate();
-+  nsresult    Init            (GtkMozEmbed *aOwningWidget);
-+  nsresult    Realize         (PRBool *aAlreadRealized);
-+  void        Unrealize       (void);
-+  void        Show            (void);
-+  void        Hide            (void);
-+  void        Resize          (PRUint32 aWidth, PRUint32 aHeight);
-+  void        Destroy         (void);
-+  void        SetURI          (const char *aURI);
-+  void        LoadCurrentURI  (void);
-+  void        Reload          (PRUint32 reloadFlags);
-+  void        SetChromeMask   (PRUint32 chromeMask);
-+  void        ApplyChromeMask ();
-+  static void PushStartup     (void);
-+  static void PopStartup      (void);
-+  static void SetPath         (const char *aPath);
-+  static void SetCompPath     (const char *aPath);
-+  static void SetProfilePath  (const char *aDir, const char *aName);
-+  static void SetDirectoryServiceProvider (nsIDirectoryServiceProvider * appFileLocProvider);
-+  nsresult OpenStream         (const char *aBaseURI, const char *aContentType);
-+  nsresult AppendToStream     (const PRUint8 *aData, PRUint32 aLen);
-+  nsresult CloseStream        (void);
-+  // This function will find the specific EmbedPrivate object for a
-+  // given nsIWebBrowserChrome.
-+  static EmbedPrivate *FindPrivateForBrowser(nsIWebBrowserChrome *aBrowser);
-+  // This is an upcall that will come from the progress listener
-+  // whenever there is a content state change.  We need this so we can
-+  // attach event listeners.
-+  void        ContentStateChange    (void);
-+  // This is an upcall from the progress listener when content is
-+  // finished loading.  We have this so that if it's chrome content
-+  // that we can size to content properly and show ourselves if
-+  // visibility is set.
-+  void        ContentFinishedLoading(void);
-+  // these are when the widget itself gets focus in and focus out
-+  // events
-+  void        ChildFocusIn (void);
-+  void        ChildFocusOut(void);
-+  void *GetAtkObjectForCurrentDocument();
-+  GtkMozEmbed                   *mOwningWidget;
-+  // all of the objects that we own
-+  EmbedWindow                   *mWindow;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsISupports>          mWindowGuard;
-+  EmbedProgress                 *mProgress;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsISupports>          mProgressGuard;
-+  EmbedContentListener          *mContentListener;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsISupports>          mContentListenerGuard;
-+  EmbedEventListener            *mEventListener;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsISupports>          mEventListenerGuard;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebNavigation>     mNavigation;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsISHistory>          mSessionHistory;
-+  // our event receiver
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMEventTarget>   mEventTarget;
-+  // the currently loaded uri
-+  nsCString                      mURI;
-+  // the number of widgets that have been created
-+  static PRUint32                sWidgetCount;
-+  // the path to the GRE
-+  static char                   *sPath;
-+  // the path to components
-+  static char                   *sCompPath;
-+  // the appshell we have created
-+  static nsIAppShell            *sAppShell;
-+  // the list of all open windows
-+  static nsTArray<EmbedPrivate*> *sWindowList;
-+  // what is our profile path?
-+  static nsIFile                *sProfileDir;
-+  static nsISupports            *sProfileLock;
-+  static nsIDirectoryServiceProvider * sAppFileLocProvider;
-+  // chrome mask
-+  PRUint32                       mChromeMask;
-+  // is this a chrome window?
-+  PRBool                         mIsChrome;
-+  // has the chrome finished loading?
-+  PRBool                         mChromeLoaded;
-+  // saved window ID for reparenting later
-+  GtkWidget                     *mMozWindowWidget;
-+  // has someone called Destroy() on us?
-+  PRBool                         mIsDestroyed;
-+ private:
-+  // is the chrome listener attached yet?
-+  PRBool                         mListenersAttached;
-+  void GetListener    (void);
-+  void AttachListeners(void);
-+  void DetachListeners(void);
-+  // this will get the PIDOMWindow for this widget
-+  nsresult        GetPIDOMWindow   (nsPIDOMWindow **aPIWin);
-+  static void RegisterAppComponents();
-+  // offscreen window methods and the offscreen widget
-+  static void       EnsureOffscreenWindow(void);
-+  static void       DestroyOffscreenWindow(void);
-+  static GtkWidget *sOffscreenWindow;
-+  static GtkWidget *sOffscreenFixed;
-+#endif /* __EmbedPrivate_h */
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedProgress.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedProgress.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedProgress.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.255678699 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedProgress.cpp	2012-03-09 15:48:33.580516368 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#include "EmbedProgress.h"
-+#include "nsIChannel.h"
-+#include "nsIWebProgress.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMWindow.h"
-+#include "nsIURI.h"
-+  mOwner = nsnull;
-+		   nsIWebProgressListener,
-+		   nsISupportsWeakReference)
-+EmbedProgress::Init(EmbedPrivate *aOwner)
-+  mOwner = aOwner;
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedProgress::OnStateChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress,
-+			     nsIRequest     *aRequest,
-+			     PRUint32        aStateFlags,
-+			     nsresult        aStatus)
-+  // give the widget a chance to attach any listeners
-+  mOwner->ContentStateChange();
-+  // if we've got the start flag, emit the signal
-+  if ((aStateFlags & GTK_MOZ_EMBED_FLAG_IS_NETWORK) && 
-+      (aStateFlags & GTK_MOZ_EMBED_FLAG_START))
-+  {
-+    g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                  moz_embed_signals[NET_START], 0);
-+  }
-+  // get the uri for this request
-+  nsCAutoString uriString;
-+  RequestToURIString(aRequest, uriString);
-+  // is it the same as the current URI?
-+  if (mOwner->mURI.Equals(uriString))
-+  {
-+    // for people who know what they are doing
-+    g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                  moz_embed_signals[NET_STATE], 0,
-+                  aStateFlags, aStatus);
-+  }
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[NET_STATE_ALL], 0,
-+                uriString.get(),
-+                (gint)aStateFlags, (gint)aStatus);
-+  // and for stop, too
-+  if ((aStateFlags & GTK_MOZ_EMBED_FLAG_IS_NETWORK) &&
-+      (aStateFlags & GTK_MOZ_EMBED_FLAG_STOP))
-+  {
-+    g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                  moz_embed_signals[NET_STOP], 0);
-+    // let our owner know that the load finished
-+    mOwner->ContentFinishedLoading();
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedProgress::OnProgressChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress,
-+				nsIRequest     *aRequest,
-+				PRInt32         aCurSelfProgress,
-+				PRInt32         aMaxSelfProgress,
-+				PRInt32         aCurTotalProgress,
-+				PRInt32         aMaxTotalProgress)
-+  nsCAutoString uriString;
-+  RequestToURIString(aRequest, uriString);
-+  // is it the same as the current uri?
-+  if (mOwner->mURI.Equals(uriString)) {
-+    g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                  moz_embed_signals[PROGRESS], 0,
-+                  aCurTotalProgress, aMaxTotalProgress);
-+  }
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[PROGRESS_ALL], 0,
-+                uriString.get(),
-+                aCurTotalProgress, aMaxTotalProgress);
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedProgress::OnLocationChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress,
-+				nsIRequest     *aRequest,
-+				nsIURI         *aLocation,
-+                PRUint32       aFlags)
-+  nsCAutoString newURI;
-+  aLocation->GetSpec(newURI);
-+  // Make sure that this is the primary frame change and not
-+  // just a subframe.
-+  PRBool isSubFrameLoad = PR_FALSE;
-+  if (aWebProgress) {
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow> domWindow;
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow> topDomWindow;
-+    aWebProgress->GetDOMWindow(getter_AddRefs(domWindow));
-+    // get the root dom window
-+    if (domWindow)
-+      domWindow->GetTop(getter_AddRefs(topDomWindow));
-+    if (domWindow != topDomWindow)
-+      isSubFrameLoad = PR_TRUE;
-+  }
-+  if (!isSubFrameLoad) {
-+    mOwner->SetURI(newURI.get());
-+    g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                  moz_embed_signals[LOCATION], 0);
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedProgress::OnStatusChange(nsIWebProgress  *aWebProgress,
-+			      nsIRequest      *aRequest,
-+			      nsresult         aStatus,
-+			      const PRUnichar *aMessage)
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[STATUS_CHANGE], 0,
-+                static_cast<void *>(aRequest),
-+                static_cast<int>(aStatus),
-+                static_cast<const void *>(aMessage));
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedProgress::OnSecurityChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress,
-+				nsIRequest     *aRequest,
-+				PRUint32         aState)
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[SECURITY_CHANGE], 0,
-+                static_cast<void *>(aRequest),
-+                aState);
-+  return NS_OK;
-+/* static */
-+EmbedProgress::RequestToURIString(nsIRequest *aRequest, nsACString &aString)
-+  // is it a channel
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel;
-+  channel = do_QueryInterface(aRequest);
-+  if (!channel)
-+    return;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
-+  channel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(uri));
-+  if (!uri)
-+    return;
-+  uri->GetSpec(aString);
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedProgress.h.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedProgress.h
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedProgress.h.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.256678705 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedProgress.h	2012-03-09 15:19:22.256678705 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#ifndef __EmbedProgress_h
-+#define __EmbedProgress_h
-+#include "nsIWebProgressListener.h"
-+#include "nsWeakReference.h"
-+#include "EmbedPrivate.h"
-+class EmbedProgress : public nsIWebProgressListener,
-+                      public nsSupportsWeakReference
-+ public:
-+  EmbedProgress();
-+  virtual ~EmbedProgress();
-+  nsresult Init(EmbedPrivate *aOwner);
-+ private:
-+  static void RequestToURIString (nsIRequest *aRequest, nsACString &aString);
-+  EmbedPrivate *mOwner;
-+#endif /* __EmbedProgress_h */
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedPrompter.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedPrompter.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedPrompter.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.256678705 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedPrompter.cpp	2012-03-09 15:19:22.256678705 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
-+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-+/* vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4: */
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Netscape Communications Corporation.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2003
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *  Brian Ryner <bryner at brianryner.com>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#include "EmbedPrompter.h"
-+enum {
-+    INCLUDE_USERNAME = 1 << 0,
-+    INCLUDE_PASSWORD = 1 << 1,
-+    INCLUDE_CHECKBOX = 1 << 2,
-+    INCLUDE_CANCEL   = 1 << 3
-+struct DialogDescription {
-+    int          flags;
-+    const gchar* icon;
-+// This table contains the optional widgets and icons associated with
-+// each type of dialog.
-+static const DialogDescription DialogTable[] = {
-+    { 0,                      GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING  },  // ALERT
-+    : mCheckValue(PR_FALSE),
-+      mItemList(nsnull),
-+      mItemCount(0),
-+      mButtonPressed(0),
-+      mConfirmResult(PR_FALSE),
-+      mSelectedItem(0),
-+      mWindow(NULL),
-+      mUserField(NULL),
-+      mPassField(NULL),
-+      mTextField(NULL),
-+      mComboBox(NULL),
-+      mCheckBox(NULL)
-+    if (mItemList)
-+        delete[] mItemList;
-+EmbedPrompter::Create(PromptType aType, GtkWindow* aParentWindow)
-+    mWindow = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons(mTitle.get(), aParentWindow,
-+                                          (GtkDialogFlags)0,
-+                                          NULL);
-+    // only add the dialog to the window group if the parent already has a window group,
-+    // so as not to break app's expectations about modal dialogs.
-+    if (aParentWindow && aParentWindow->group) {
-+        gtk_window_group_add_window (aParentWindow->group, GTK_WINDOW (mWindow));
-+    }
-+    // gtk will resize this for us as necessary
-+    gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(mWindow), 100, 50);
-+    // this HBox will contain the icon, and a vbox which contains the
-+    // dialog text and other widgets.
-+    GtkWidget* dialogHBox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 12);
-+    // Set up dialog properties according to the GNOME HIG
-+    // (http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gup/hig/1.0/windows.html#alert-windows)
-+    gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(mWindow), 6);
-+    gtk_dialog_set_has_separator(GTK_DIALOG(mWindow), FALSE);
-+    gtk_box_set_spacing(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(mWindow)->vbox), 12);
-+    gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(dialogHBox), 6);
-+    // This is the VBox which will contain the label and other controls.
-+    GtkWidget* contentsVBox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 12);
-+    // get the stock icon for this dialog and put it in the box
-+    const gchar* iconDesc = DialogTable[aType].icon;
-+    GtkWidget* icon = gtk_image_new_from_stock(iconDesc, GTK_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG);
-+    gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(icon), 0.5, 0.0);
-+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(dialogHBox), icon, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
-+    // now pack the label into the vbox
-+    GtkWidget* label = gtk_label_new(mMessageText.get());
-+    gtk_label_set_line_wrap(GTK_LABEL(label), TRUE);
-+    gtk_label_set_selectable(GTK_LABEL(label), TRUE);
-+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(contentsVBox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
-+    int widgetFlags = DialogTable[aType].flags;
-+    if (widgetFlags & (INCLUDE_USERNAME | INCLUDE_PASSWORD)) {
-+        // If we're creating a username and/or password field, make an hbox
-+        // which will contain two vboxes, one for the labels and one for the
-+        // text fields.  This will let us line up the textfields.
-+        GtkWidget* userPassHBox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 12);
-+        GtkWidget* userPassLabels = gtk_vbox_new(TRUE, 6);
-+        GtkWidget* userPassFields = gtk_vbox_new(TRUE, 6);
-+        if (widgetFlags & INCLUDE_USERNAME) {
-+            GtkWidget* userLabel = gtk_label_new("User Name:");
-+            gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(userPassLabels), userLabel, FALSE,
-+                               FALSE, 0);
-+            mUserField = gtk_entry_new();
-+            if (!mUser.IsEmpty())
-+                gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(mUserField), mUser.get());
-+            gtk_entry_set_activates_default(GTK_ENTRY(mUserField), TRUE);
-+            gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(userPassFields), mUserField, FALSE,
-+                               FALSE, 0);
-+        }
-+        if (widgetFlags & INCLUDE_PASSWORD) {
-+            GtkWidget* passLabel = gtk_label_new("Password:");
-+            gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(userPassLabels), passLabel, FALSE,
-+                               FALSE, 0);
-+            mPassField = gtk_entry_new();
-+            if (!mPass.IsEmpty())
-+                gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(mPassField), mPass.get());
-+            gtk_entry_set_visibility(GTK_ENTRY(mPassField), FALSE);
-+            gtk_entry_set_activates_default(GTK_ENTRY(mPassField), TRUE);
-+            gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(userPassFields), mPassField, FALSE,
-+                               FALSE, 0);
-+        }
-+        gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(userPassHBox), userPassLabels, FALSE,
-+                           FALSE, 0);
-+        gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(userPassHBox), userPassFields, FALSE,
-+                           FALSE, 0);
-+        gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(contentsVBox), userPassHBox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
-+    }
-+    if (aType == TYPE_PROMPT) {
-+        mTextField = gtk_entry_new();
-+        if (!mTextValue.IsEmpty())
-+            gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(mTextField), mTextValue.get());
-+        gtk_entry_set_activates_default(GTK_ENTRY(mTextField), TRUE);
-+        gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(contentsVBox), mTextField, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
-+    }
-+    // Add a checkbox
-+    if ((widgetFlags & INCLUDE_CHECKBOX) && !mCheckMessage.IsEmpty()) {
-+        mCheckBox = gtk_check_button_new_with_label(mCheckMessage.get());
-+        gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(mCheckBox),
-+                                     mCheckValue);
-+        gtk_label_set_line_wrap(GTK_LABEL(gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(mCheckBox))),
-+				TRUE);
-+        gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(contentsVBox), mCheckBox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
-+    }
-+    // Add a dropdown menu
-+    if (aType == TYPE_SELECT) {
-+        // Build up a GtkComboBox containing the items
-+        GtkWidget* mComboBox = gtk_combo_box_new_text();
-+        for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < mItemCount; ++i) {
-+            gtk_combo_box_append_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX(mComboBox), mItemList[i].get());
-+        }
-+        gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(contentsVBox), mComboBox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
-+    }
-+    if (aType == TYPE_UNIVERSAL) {
-+        // Create buttons based on the flags passed in.
-+        for (PRUint32 i = EMBED_MAX_BUTTONS; i-- > 0; ) {
-+            if (!mButtonLabels[i].IsEmpty())
-+                gtk_dialog_add_button(GTK_DIALOG(mWindow),
-+                                      mButtonLabels[i].get(), i);
-+        }
-+        gtk_dialog_set_default_response(GTK_DIALOG(mWindow), 0);
-+    } else {
-+        // Create standard ok and cancel buttons
-+        if (widgetFlags & INCLUDE_CANCEL)
-+            gtk_dialog_add_button(GTK_DIALOG(mWindow), GTK_STOCK_CANCEL,
-+                                  GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL);
-+        GtkWidget* okButton = gtk_dialog_add_button(GTK_DIALOG(mWindow),
-+                                                    GTK_STOCK_OK,
-+                                                    GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT);
-+        gtk_widget_grab_default(okButton);
-+    }
-+    // Pack the contentsVBox into the dialogHBox and the dialog.
-+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(dialogHBox), contentsVBox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
-+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(mWindow)->vbox), dialogHBox, FALSE,
-+                       FALSE, 0);
-+    return NS_OK;
-+EmbedPrompter::SetTitle(const PRUnichar *aTitle)
-+    mTitle.Assign(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aTitle));
-+EmbedPrompter::SetTextValue(const PRUnichar *aTextValue)
-+    mTextValue.Assign(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aTextValue));
-+EmbedPrompter::SetCheckMessage(const PRUnichar *aMessage)
-+    mCheckMessage.Assign(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aMessage));
-+EmbedPrompter::SetMessageText(const PRUnichar *aMessageText)
-+    mMessageText.Assign(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aMessageText));
-+EmbedPrompter::SetUser(const PRUnichar *aUser)
-+    mUser.Assign(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aUser));
-+EmbedPrompter::SetPassword(const PRUnichar *aPass)
-+    mPass.Assign(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aPass));
-+EmbedPrompter::SetCheckValue(const PRBool aValue)
-+    mCheckValue = aValue;
-+EmbedPrompter::SetItems(const PRUnichar** aItemArray, PRUint32 aCount)
-+    if (mItemList)
-+        delete[] mItemList;
-+    mItemCount = aCount;
-+    mItemList = new nsCString[aCount];
-+    for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < aCount; ++i)
-+        mItemList[i].Assign(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aItemArray[i]));
-+EmbedPrompter::SetButtons(const PRUnichar* aButton0Label,
-+                          const PRUnichar* aButton1Label,
-+                          const PRUnichar* aButton2Label)
-+    mButtonLabels[0].Assign(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aButton0Label));
-+    mButtonLabels[1].Assign(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aButton1Label));
-+    mButtonLabels[2].Assign(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aButton2Label));
-+EmbedPrompter::GetCheckValue(bool *aValue)
-+    *aValue = (bool)mCheckValue;
-+EmbedPrompter::GetConfirmValue(bool *aConfirmValue)
-+    *aConfirmValue = (bool)mConfirmResult;
-+EmbedPrompter::GetTextValue(PRUnichar **aTextValue)
-+    *aTextValue = ToNewUnicode(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(mTextValue));
-+EmbedPrompter::GetUser(PRUnichar **aUser)
-+    *aUser = ToNewUnicode(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(mUser));
-+EmbedPrompter::GetPassword(PRUnichar **aPass)
-+    *aPass = ToNewUnicode(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(mPass));
-+EmbedPrompter::GetSelectedItem(PRInt32 *aIndex)
-+    *aIndex = mSelectedItem;
-+EmbedPrompter::GetButtonPressed(PRInt32 *aButton)
-+    *aButton = mButtonPressed;
-+    gtk_widget_show_all(mWindow);
-+    gint response = gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(mWindow));
-+    switch (response) {
-+        mConfirmResult = PR_FALSE;
-+        break;
-+        mConfirmResult = PR_TRUE;
-+        SaveDialogValues();
-+        break;
-+    default:
-+        mButtonPressed = response;
-+        SaveDialogValues();
-+    }
-+    gtk_widget_destroy(mWindow);
-+    if (mUserField)
-+        mUser.Assign(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(mUserField)));
-+    if (mPassField)
-+        mPass.Assign(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(mPassField)));
-+    if (mCheckBox)
-+        mCheckValue = gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(mCheckBox));
-+    if (mTextField)
-+        mTextValue.Assign(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(mTextField)));
-+    if (mComboBox)
-+    {
-+        gchar *str = gtk_combo_box_get_active_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX(mComboBox));
-+        for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < mItemCount; ++i) {
-+            if(mItemList[i].Equals(str))
-+            {
-+                mSelectedItem = i;
-+                break;
-+            }
-+        }
-+    }
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedPrompter.h.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedPrompter.h
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedPrompter.h.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.257678710 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedPrompter.h	2012-03-09 15:19:22.257678710 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
-+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-+/* vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4: */
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *   Brian Ryner <bryner at brianryner.com>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#include "nsStringGlue.h"
-+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-+class EmbedPrompter {
-+    EmbedPrompter();
-+    ~EmbedPrompter();
-+    enum PromptType {
-+        TYPE_ALERT,
-+        TYPE_CONFIRM,
-+        TYPE_PROMPT,
-+        TYPE_SELECT,
-+    };
-+    nsresult Create(PromptType aType, GtkWindow* aParentWindow);
-+    void     SetTitle(const PRUnichar *aTitle);
-+    void     SetTextValue (const PRUnichar *aTextValue);
-+    void     SetCheckMessage(const PRUnichar *aCheckMessage);
-+    void     SetCheckValue(const PRBool aValue);
-+    void     SetMessageText(const PRUnichar *aMessageText);
-+    void     SetUser(const PRUnichar *aUser);
-+    void     SetPassword(const PRUnichar *aPass);
-+    void     SetButtons(const PRUnichar* aButton0Label,
-+                        const PRUnichar* aButton1Label,
-+                        const PRUnichar* aButton2Label);
-+    void     SetItems(const PRUnichar **aItemArray, PRUint32 aCount);
-+    void     GetCheckValue(bool *aValue);
-+    void     GetConfirmValue(bool *aConfirmValue);
-+    void     GetTextValue(PRUnichar **aTextValue);
-+    void     GetUser(PRUnichar **aUser);
-+    void     GetPassword(PRUnichar **aPass);
-+    void     GetButtonPressed(PRInt32 *aButton);
-+    void     GetSelectedItem(PRInt32 *aIndex);
-+    void     Run(void);
-+    void     SaveDialogValues();
-+    nsCString    mTitle;
-+    nsCString    mMessageText;
-+    nsCString    mTextValue;
-+    nsCString    mCheckMessage;
-+    PRBool       mCheckValue;
-+    nsCString    mUser;
-+    nsCString    mPass;
-+    nsCString    mButtonLabels[EMBED_MAX_BUTTONS];
-+    nsCString   *mItemList;
-+    PRUint32     mItemCount;
-+    PRInt32      mButtonPressed;
-+    PRBool       mConfirmResult;
-+    PRInt32      mSelectedItem;
-+    GtkWidget   *mWindow;
-+    GtkWidget   *mUserField;
-+    GtkWidget   *mPassField;
-+    GtkWidget   *mTextField;
-+    GtkWidget   *mComboBox;
-+    GtkWidget   *mCheckBox;
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedWindow.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedWindow.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedWindow.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.258678715 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedWindow.cpp	2012-03-09 15:19:22.258678715 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
-+ * vim:ts=2:et:sw=2
-+ *
-+ * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#include "nsCWebBrowser.h"
-+#include "nsIComponentManager.h"
-+#include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h"
-+#include "nsIDocShellTreeItem.h"
-+#include "nsIWidget.h"
-+#include "EmbedWindow.h"
-+#include "EmbedPrivate.h"
-+#include "EmbedPrompter.h"
-+GtkWidget *EmbedWindow::sTipWindow = nsnull;
-+  mOwner       = nsnull;
-+  mVisibility  = PR_FALSE;
-+  mIsModal     = PR_FALSE;
-+  ExitModalEventLoop(PR_FALSE);
-+EmbedWindow::Init(EmbedPrivate *aOwner)
-+  // save our owner for later
-+  mOwner = aOwner;
-+  // create our nsIWebBrowser object and set up some basic defaults.
-+  mWebBrowser = do_CreateInstance(NS_WEBBROWSER_CONTRACTID);
-+  if (!mWebBrowser)
-+    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+  mWebBrowser->SetContainerWindow(static_cast<nsIWebBrowserChrome *>(this));
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> item = do_QueryInterface(mWebBrowser);
-+  item->SetItemType(nsIDocShellTreeItem::typeContentWrapper);
-+  return NS_OK;
-+  nsresult rv;
-+  GtkWidget *ownerAsWidget = GTK_WIDGET(mOwner->mOwningWidget);
-+  // Get the base window interface for the web browser object and
-+  // create the window.
-+  mBaseWindow = do_QueryInterface(mWebBrowser);
-+  rv = mBaseWindow->InitWindow(GTK_WIDGET(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+			       nsnull,
-+			       0, 0, 
-+			       ownerAsWidget->allocation.width,
-+			       ownerAsWidget->allocation.height);
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
-+    return rv;
-+  rv = mBaseWindow->Create();
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
-+    return rv;
-+  return NS_OK;
-+  ExitModalEventLoop(PR_FALSE);
-+  mBaseWindow->Destroy();
-+  mBaseWindow = 0;
-+  mWebBrowser = 0;
-+// nsISupports
-+  NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS(nsISupports, nsIWebBrowserChrome)
-+  NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIWebBrowserChrome)
-+  NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIWebBrowserChromeFocus)
-+  NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow)
-+  NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsITooltipListener)
-+  NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIInterfaceRequestor)
-+// nsIWebBrowserChrome
-+EmbedWindow::SetStatus(PRUint32 aStatusType, const PRUnichar *aStatus)
-+  switch (aStatusType) {
-+  case STATUS_SCRIPT: 
-+    {
-+      mJSStatus = aStatus;
-+      g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                    moz_embed_signals[JS_STATUS], 0);
-+    }
-+    break;
-+    // Gee, that's nice.
-+    break;
-+  case STATUS_LINK:
-+    {
-+      mLinkMessage = aStatus;
-+      g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                    moz_embed_signals[LINK_MESSAGE], 0);
-+    }
-+    break;
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedWindow::GetWebBrowser(nsIWebBrowser **aWebBrowser)
-+  *aWebBrowser = mWebBrowser;
-+  NS_IF_ADDREF(*aWebBrowser);
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedWindow::SetWebBrowser(nsIWebBrowser *aWebBrowser)
-+  mWebBrowser = aWebBrowser;
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedWindow::GetChromeFlags(PRUint32 *aChromeFlags)
-+  *aChromeFlags = mOwner->mChromeMask;
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedWindow::SetChromeFlags(PRUint32 aChromeFlags)
-+  mOwner->SetChromeMask(aChromeFlags);
-+  return NS_OK;
-+  // mark the owner as destroyed so it won't emit events anymore.
-+  mOwner->mIsDestroyed = PR_TRUE;
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[DESTROY_BROWSER], 0);
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedWindow::SizeBrowserTo(PRInt32 aCX, PRInt32 aCY)
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[SIZE_TO], 0, aCX, aCY);
-+  return NS_OK;
-+  mIsModal = PR_TRUE;
-+  GtkWidget *toplevel;
-+  toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(GTK_WIDGET(mOwner->mOwningWidget));
-+  gtk_grab_add(toplevel);
-+  gtk_main();
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedWindow::IsWindowModal(bool *_retval)
-+  *_retval = mIsModal;
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedWindow::ExitModalEventLoop(nsresult aStatus)
-+  if (mIsModal) {
-+    GtkWidget *toplevel;
-+    toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(GTK_WIDGET(mOwner->mOwningWidget));
-+    gtk_grab_remove(toplevel);
-+    mIsModal = PR_FALSE;
-+    gtk_main_quit();
-+  }
-+  return NS_OK;
-+// nsIWebBrowserChromeFocus
-+  GtkWidget *toplevel;
-+  toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(GTK_WIDGET(mOwner->mOwningWidget));
-+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL(toplevel))
-+    return NS_OK;
-+  g_signal_emit_by_name(G_OBJECT(toplevel), "move_focus",
-+  return NS_OK;
-+  GtkWidget *toplevel;
-+  toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(GTK_WIDGET(mOwner->mOwningWidget));
-+  if (!GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL(toplevel))
-+    return NS_OK;
-+  g_signal_emit_by_name(G_OBJECT(toplevel), "move_focus",
-+  return NS_OK;
-+// nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow
-+EmbedWindow::SetDimensions(PRUint32 aFlags, PRInt32 aX, PRInt32 aY,
-+			   PRInt32 aCX, PRInt32 aCY)
-+  if (aFlags & nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow::DIM_FLAGS_POSITION &&
-+      (aFlags & (nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow::DIM_FLAGS_SIZE_INNER |
-+		 nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow::DIM_FLAGS_SIZE_OUTER))) {
-+    return mBaseWindow->SetPositionAndSize(aX, aY, aCX, aCY, PR_TRUE);
-+  }
-+  else if (aFlags & nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow::DIM_FLAGS_POSITION) {
-+    return mBaseWindow->SetPosition(aX, aY);
-+  }
-+  else if (aFlags & (nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow::DIM_FLAGS_SIZE_INNER |
-+		     nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow::DIM_FLAGS_SIZE_OUTER)) {
-+    return mBaseWindow->SetSize(aCX, aCY, PR_TRUE);
-+  }
-+EmbedWindow::GetDimensions(PRUint32 aFlags, PRInt32 *aX,
-+			   PRInt32 *aY, PRInt32 *aCX, PRInt32 *aCY)
-+  if (aFlags & nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow::DIM_FLAGS_POSITION &&
-+      (aFlags & (nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow::DIM_FLAGS_SIZE_INNER |
-+		 nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow::DIM_FLAGS_SIZE_OUTER))) {
-+    return mBaseWindow->GetPositionAndSize(aX, aY, aCX, aCY);
-+  }
-+  else if (aFlags & nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow::DIM_FLAGS_POSITION) {
-+    return mBaseWindow->GetPosition(aX, aY);
-+  }
-+  else if (aFlags & (nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow::DIM_FLAGS_SIZE_INNER |
-+		     nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow::DIM_FLAGS_SIZE_OUTER)) {
-+    return mBaseWindow->GetSize(aCX, aCY);
-+  }
-+  // XXX might have to do more here.
-+  return mBaseWindow->SetFocus();
-+EmbedWindow::GetTitle(PRUnichar **aTitle)
-+  *aTitle = ToNewUnicode(mTitle);
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedWindow::SetTitle(const PRUnichar *aTitle)
-+  mTitle = aTitle;
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[TITLE], 0);
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedWindow::GetSiteWindow(void **aSiteWindow)
-+  GtkWidget *ownerAsWidget (GTK_WIDGET(mOwner->mOwningWidget));
-+  *aSiteWindow = static_cast<void *>(ownerAsWidget);
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedWindow::GetVisibility(bool *aVisibility)
-+  // XXX See bug 312998
-+  // Work around the problem that sometimes the window
-+  // is already visible even though mVisibility isn't true
-+  // yet.
-+  *aVisibility = mVisibility ||
-+                 (!mOwner->mIsChrome &&
-+                  mOwner->mOwningWidget &&
-+                  GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED(mOwner->mOwningWidget));
-+  return NS_OK;
-+EmbedWindow::SetVisibility(bool aVisibility)
-+  // We always set the visibility so that if it's chrome and we finish
-+  // the load we know that we have to show the window.
-+  mVisibility = aVisibility;
-+  // if this is a chrome window and the chrome hasn't finished loading
-+  // yet then don't show the window yet.
-+  if (mOwner->mIsChrome && !mOwner->mChromeLoaded)
-+    return NS_OK;
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mOwner->mOwningWidget),
-+                moz_embed_signals[VISIBILITY], 0,
-+                aVisibility);
-+  return NS_OK;
-+// nsITooltipListener
-+static gint
-+tooltips_paint_window(GtkWidget *window)
-+  // draw tooltip style border around the text
-+  gtk_paint_flat_box(window->style, window->window,
-+                     GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_OUT,
-+                     NULL, window, "tooltip",
-+                     0, 0,
-+                     window->allocation.width, window->allocation.height);
-+  return FALSE;
-+EmbedWindow::OnShowTooltip(PRInt32 aXCoords, PRInt32 aYCoords,
-+			   const PRUnichar *aTipText)
-+  nsAutoString tipText ( aTipText );
-+  const char* tipString = ToNewUTF8String(tipText);
-+  if (sTipWindow)
-+    gtk_widget_destroy(sTipWindow);
-+  // get the root origin for this content window
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> mainWidget;
-+  mBaseWindow->GetMainWidget(getter_AddRefs(mainWidget));
-+  GdkWindow *window;
-+  window = static_cast<GdkWindow *>(mainWidget->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WINDOW));
-+  gint root_x, root_y;
-+  gdk_window_get_origin(window, &root_x, &root_y);
-+  // XXX work around until I can get pink to figure out why
-+  // tooltips vanish if they show up right at the origin of the
-+  // cursor.
-+  root_y += 10;
-+  sTipWindow = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_POPUP);
-+  gtk_widget_set_app_paintable(sTipWindow, TRUE);
-+  gtk_window_set_resizable(GTK_WINDOW(sTipWindow), TRUE);
-+  // needed to get colors + fonts etc correctly
-+  gtk_widget_set_name(sTipWindow, "gtk-tooltips");
-+  gtk_window_set_type_hint(GTK_WINDOW(sTipWindow), GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_TOOLTIP);
-+  // set up the popup window as a transient of the widget.
-+  GtkWidget *toplevel_window;
-+  toplevel_window = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(GTK_WIDGET(mOwner->mOwningWidget));
-+  if (!GTK_WINDOW(toplevel_window)) {
-+    NS_ERROR("no gtk window in hierarchy!");
-+    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+  }
-+  gtk_window_set_transient_for(GTK_WINDOW(sTipWindow),
-+			       GTK_WINDOW(toplevel_window));
-+  // realize the widget
-+  gtk_widget_realize(sTipWindow);
-+  g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(sTipWindow), "expose_event",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(tooltips_paint_window), NULL);
-+  // set up the label for the tooltip
-+  GtkWidget *label = gtk_label_new(tipString);
-+  // wrap automatically
-+  gtk_label_set_line_wrap(GTK_LABEL(label), TRUE);
-+  gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(sTipWindow), label);
-+  gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(sTipWindow), 4);
-+  // set the coords for the widget
-+  gtk_widget_set_uposition(sTipWindow, aXCoords + root_x,
-+			   aYCoords + root_y);
-+  // and show it.
-+  gtk_widget_show_all(sTipWindow);
-+  NS_Free( (void*)tipString );
-+  return NS_OK;
-+  if (sTipWindow)
-+    gtk_widget_destroy(sTipWindow);
-+  sTipWindow = NULL;
-+  return NS_OK;
-+// nsIInterfaceRequestor
-+EmbedWindow::GetInterface(const nsIID &aIID, void** aInstancePtr)
-+  nsresult rv;
-+  rv = QueryInterface(aIID, aInstancePtr);
-+  // pass it up to the web browser object
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !*aInstancePtr) {
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> ir = do_QueryInterface(mWebBrowser);
-+    return ir->GetInterface(aIID, aInstancePtr);
-+  }
-+  return rv;
-+  NS_NOTREACHED("EmbedWindow::Blur not supported in EmbedWindow");
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedWindowCreator.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedWindowCreator.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedWindowCreator.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.258678715 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedWindowCreator.cpp	2012-03-09 15:19:22.258678715 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard. Portions created by Christopher Blizzard are Copyright (C) Christopher Blizzard.  All Rights Reserved.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#include "EmbedWindowCreator.h"
-+#include "EmbedPrivate.h"
-+#include "EmbedWindow.h"
-+// in order to create orphaned windows
-+#include "gtkmozembedprivate.h"
-+NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(EmbedWindowCreator, nsIWindowCreator)
-+EmbedWindowCreator::CreateChromeWindow(nsIWebBrowserChrome *aParent,
-+				       PRUint32 aChromeFlags,
-+				       nsIWebBrowserChrome **_retval)
-+  GtkMozEmbed *newEmbed = nsnull;
-+  // No parent?  Ask via the singleton object instead.
-+  if (!aParent) {
-+    gtk_moz_embed_single_create_window(&newEmbed,
-+				       (guint)aChromeFlags);
-+  }
-+  else {
-+    // Find the EmbedPrivate object for this web browser chrome object.
-+    EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate = EmbedPrivate::FindPrivateForBrowser(aParent);
-+    if (!embedPrivate)
-+      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+    g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(embedPrivate->mOwningWidget),
-+                  moz_embed_signals[NEW_WINDOW], 0,
-+                  &newEmbed, (guint)aChromeFlags);
-+  }
-+  // check to make sure that we made a new window
-+  if (!newEmbed)
-+    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-+  // The window _must_ be realized before we pass it back to the
-+  // function that created it. Functions that create new windows
-+  // will do things like GetDocShell() and the widget has to be
-+  // realized before that can happen.
-+  gtk_widget_realize(GTK_WIDGET(newEmbed));
-+  EmbedPrivate *newEmbedPrivate = static_cast<EmbedPrivate *>(newEmbed->data);
-+  // set the chrome flag on the new window if it's a chrome open
-+  if (aChromeFlags & nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_OPENAS_CHROME)
-+    newEmbedPrivate->mIsChrome = PR_TRUE;
-+  *_retval = static_cast<nsIWebBrowserChrome *>(newEmbedPrivate->mWindow);
-+  if (*_retval) {
-+    NS_ADDREF(*_retval);
-+    return NS_OK;
-+  }
-+  return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedWindowCreator.h.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedWindowCreator.h
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedWindowCreator.h.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.258678715 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedWindowCreator.h	2012-03-09 15:19:22.258678715 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#ifndef __EmbedWindowCreator_h
-+#define __EmbedWindowCreator_h
-+#include <nsIWindowCreator.h>
-+class EmbedWindowCreator : public nsIWindowCreator
-+ public:
-+  EmbedWindowCreator();
-+  virtual ~EmbedWindowCreator();
-+#endif /* __EmbedWindowCreator_h */
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedWindow.h.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedWindow.h
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedWindow.h.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.259678720 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedWindow.h	2012-03-09 15:19:22.259678720 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#ifndef __EmbedWindow_h
-+#define __EmbedWindow_h
-+#include "nsIWebBrowserChrome.h"
-+#include "nsIWebBrowserChromeFocus.h"
-+#include "nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow.h"
-+#include "nsITooltipListener.h"
-+#include "nsISupports.h"
-+#include "nsIWebBrowser.h"
-+#include "nsIBaseWindow.h"
-+#include "nsIInterfaceRequestor.h"
-+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
-+#include "nsStringGlue.h"
-+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-+class EmbedPrivate;
-+class EmbedWindow : public nsIWebBrowserChrome,
-+		    public nsIWebBrowserChromeFocus,
-+                    public nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow,
-+                    public nsITooltipListener,
-+		    public nsIInterfaceRequestor
-+ public:
-+  EmbedWindow();
-+  virtual ~EmbedWindow();
-+  nsresult Init            (EmbedPrivate *aOwner);
-+  nsresult CreateWindow    (void);
-+  void     ReleaseChildren (void);
-+  nsString                 mTitle;
-+  nsString                 mJSStatus;
-+  nsString                 mLinkMessage;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow>  mBaseWindow; // [OWNER]
-+  EmbedPrivate            *mOwner;
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowser>  mWebBrowser; // [OWNER]
-+  static GtkWidget        *sTipWindow;
-+  PRBool                   mVisibility;
-+  PRBool                   mIsModal;
-+#endif /* __EmbedWindow_h */
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembed2.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembed2.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembed2.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.260678725 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembed2.cpp	2012-03-09 15:19:22.260678725 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,1132 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard. Portions created by Christopher Blizzard are Copyright (C) Christopher Blizzard.  All Rights Reserved.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *   Ramiro Estrugo <ramiro at eazel.com>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include "gtkmozembed.h"
-+#include "gtkmozembedprivate.h"
-+#include "gtkmozembed_internal.h"
-+#include "EmbedPrivate.h"
-+#include "EmbedWindow.h"
-+// so we can do our get_nsIWebBrowser later...
-+#include "nsIWebBrowser.h"
-+#include "gtkmozembedmarshal.h"
-+#define NEW_TOOLKIT_STRING(x) g_strdup(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(x).get())
-+class nsIDirectoryServiceProvider;
-+// class and instance initialization
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_class_init(GtkMozEmbedClass *klass);
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_init(GtkMozEmbed *embed);
-+// GtkObject methods
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_destroy(GtkObject *object);
-+// GtkWidget methods
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_realize(GtkWidget *widget);
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_unrealize(GtkWidget *widget);
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_size_allocate(GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *allocation);
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_map(GtkWidget *widget);
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_unmap(GtkWidget *widget);
-+static AtkObject* gtk_moz_embed_get_accessible (GtkWidget *widget);
-+static gint
-+handle_child_focus_in(GtkWidget     *aWidget,
-+		      GdkEventFocus *aGdkFocusEvent,
-+		      GtkMozEmbed   *aEmbed);
-+static gint
-+handle_child_focus_out(GtkWidget     *aWidget,
-+		       GdkEventFocus *aGdkFocusEvent,
-+		       GtkMozEmbed   *aEmbed);
-+// globals for this type of widget
-+static GtkBinClass *embed_parent_class;
-+guint moz_embed_signals[EMBED_LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
-+// GtkObject + class-related functions
-+  static GType moz_embed_type = 0;
-+  if (moz_embed_type == 0)
-+  {
-+    const GTypeInfo our_info =
-+    {
-+      sizeof(GtkMozEmbedClass),
-+      NULL, /* base_init */
-+      NULL, /* base_finalize */
-+      (GClassInitFunc)gtk_moz_embed_class_init,
-+      NULL,
-+      NULL, /* class_data */
-+      sizeof(GtkMozEmbed),
-+      0, /* n_preallocs */
-+      (GInstanceInitFunc)gtk_moz_embed_init,
-+    };
-+    moz_embed_type = g_type_register_static(GTK_TYPE_BIN,
-+                                            "GtkMozEmbed",
-+                                            &our_info,
-+                                            (GTypeFlags)0);
-+  }
-+  return moz_embed_type;
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_class_init(GtkMozEmbedClass *klass)
-+  GtkContainerClass  *container_class;
-+  GtkWidgetClass     *widget_class;
-+  GtkObjectClass     *object_class;
-+  container_class = GTK_CONTAINER_CLASS(klass);
-+  widget_class    = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS(klass);
-+  object_class    = GTK_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);
-+  embed_parent_class = (GtkBinClass *)g_type_class_peek(gtk_bin_get_type());
-+  widget_class->realize = gtk_moz_embed_realize;
-+  widget_class->unrealize = gtk_moz_embed_unrealize;
-+  widget_class->size_allocate = gtk_moz_embed_size_allocate;
-+  widget_class->map = gtk_moz_embed_map;
-+  widget_class->unmap = gtk_moz_embed_unmap;
-+  widget_class->get_accessible = gtk_moz_embed_get_accessible;
-+  object_class->destroy = gtk_moz_embed_destroy;
-+  // set up our signals
-+  moz_embed_signals[LINK_MESSAGE] =
-+    g_signal_new("link_message",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, link_message),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
-+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
-+  moz_embed_signals[JS_STATUS] =
-+    g_signal_new("js_status",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, js_status),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
-+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
-+  moz_embed_signals[LOCATION] =
-+    g_signal_new("location",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, location),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
-+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
-+  moz_embed_signals[TITLE] =
-+    g_signal_new("title",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, title),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
-+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
-+  moz_embed_signals[PROGRESS] =
-+    g_signal_new("progress",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, progress),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_VOID__INT_INT,
-+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INT);
-+  moz_embed_signals[PROGRESS_ALL] =
-+    g_signal_new("progress_all",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, progress_all),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_VOID__STRING_INT_INT,
-+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 3,
-+                 G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INT);
-+  moz_embed_signals[NET_STATE] =
-+    g_signal_new("net_state",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, net_state),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_VOID__INT_UINT,
-+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_UINT);
-+  moz_embed_signals[NET_STATE_ALL] =
-+    g_signal_new("net_state_all",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, net_state_all),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_VOID__STRING_INT_UINT,
-+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 3,
-+                 G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_UINT);
-+  moz_embed_signals[NET_START] =
-+    g_signal_new("net_start",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, net_start),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
-+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
-+  moz_embed_signals[NET_STOP] =
-+    g_signal_new("net_stop",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, net_stop),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
-+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
-+  moz_embed_signals[NEW_WINDOW] =
-+    g_signal_new("new_window",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, new_window),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_VOID__POINTER_UINT,
-+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_UINT);
-+  moz_embed_signals[VISIBILITY] =
-+    g_signal_new("visibility",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, visibility),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOOLEAN,
-+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
-+  moz_embed_signals[DESTROY_BROWSER] =
-+    g_signal_new("destroy_browser",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, destroy_brsr),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
-+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
-+  moz_embed_signals[OPEN_URI] =
-+    g_signal_new("open_uri",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, open_uri),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_BOOL__STRING,
-+                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, G_TYPE_STRING |
-+                 G_SIGNAL_TYPE_STATIC_SCOPE);
-+  moz_embed_signals[SIZE_TO] =
-+    g_signal_new("size_to",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, size_to),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_VOID__INT_INT,
-+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INT);
-+  moz_embed_signals[DOM_KEY_DOWN] =
-+    g_signal_new("dom_key_down",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, dom_key_down),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_BOOL__POINTER,
-+                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER);
-+  moz_embed_signals[DOM_KEY_PRESS] =
-+    g_signal_new("dom_key_press",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, dom_key_press),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_BOOL__POINTER,
-+                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER);
-+  moz_embed_signals[DOM_KEY_UP] =
-+    g_signal_new("dom_key_up",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, dom_key_up),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_BOOL__POINTER,
-+                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER);
-+  moz_embed_signals[DOM_MOUSE_DOWN] =
-+    g_signal_new("dom_mouse_down",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, dom_mouse_down),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_BOOL__POINTER,
-+                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER);
-+  moz_embed_signals[DOM_MOUSE_UP] =
-+    g_signal_new("dom_mouse_up",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, dom_mouse_up),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_BOOL__POINTER,
-+                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER);
-+  moz_embed_signals[DOM_MOUSE_CLICK] =
-+    g_signal_new("dom_mouse_click",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, dom_mouse_click),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_BOOL__POINTER,
-+                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER);
-+  moz_embed_signals[DOM_MOUSE_DBL_CLICK] =
-+    g_signal_new("dom_mouse_dbl_click",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, dom_mouse_dbl_click),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_BOOL__POINTER,
-+                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER);
-+  moz_embed_signals[DOM_MOUSE_OVER] =
-+    g_signal_new("dom_mouse_over",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, dom_mouse_over),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_BOOL__POINTER,
-+                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER);
-+  moz_embed_signals[DOM_MOUSE_OUT] =
-+    g_signal_new("dom_mouse_out",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, dom_mouse_out),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_BOOL__POINTER,
-+                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER);
-+  moz_embed_signals[SECURITY_CHANGE] =
-+    g_signal_new("security_change",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, security_change),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_VOID__POINTER_UINT,
-+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_UINT);
-+  moz_embed_signals[STATUS_CHANGE] =
-+    g_signal_new("status_change",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, status_change),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_VOID__POINTER_INT_POINTER,
-+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 3,
-+  moz_embed_signals[DOM_ACTIVATE] =
-+    g_signal_new("dom_activate",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, dom_activate),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_BOOL__POINTER,
-+                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER);
-+  moz_embed_signals[DOM_FOCUS_IN] =
-+    g_signal_new("dom_focus_in",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, dom_focus_in),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_BOOL__POINTER,
-+                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER);
-+  moz_embed_signals[DOM_FOCUS_OUT] =
-+    g_signal_new("dom_focus_out",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedClass, dom_focus_out),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_BOOL__POINTER,
-+                 G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER);
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_init(GtkMozEmbed *embed)
-+  EmbedPrivate *priv = new EmbedPrivate();
-+  embed->data = priv;
-+  gtk_widget_set_name(GTK_WIDGET(embed), "gtkmozembed");
-+GtkWidget *
-+  return GTK_WIDGET(g_object_new(GTK_TYPE_MOZ_EMBED, NULL));
-+// GtkObject methods
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_destroy(GtkObject *object)
-+  GtkMozEmbed  *embed;
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_if_fail(object != NULL);
-+  g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(object));
-+  embed = GTK_MOZ_EMBED(object);
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  if (embedPrivate) {
-+    // Destroy the widget only if it's been Init()ed.
-+    if(embedPrivate->mMozWindowWidget != 0) {
-+      embedPrivate->Destroy();
-+    }
-+    delete embedPrivate;
-+    embed->data = NULL;
-+  }
-+// GtkWidget methods
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_realize(GtkWidget *widget)
-+  GtkMozEmbed    *embed;
-+  EmbedPrivate   *embedPrivate;
-+  GdkWindowAttr   attributes;
-+  gint            attributes_mask;
-+  g_return_if_fail(widget != NULL);
-+  g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(widget));
-+  embed = GTK_MOZ_EMBED(widget);
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  attributes.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
-+  attributes.x = widget->allocation.x;
-+  attributes.y = widget->allocation.y;
-+  attributes.width = widget->allocation.width;
-+  attributes.height = widget->allocation.height;
-+  attributes.wclass = GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT;
-+  attributes.visual = gtk_widget_get_visual (widget);
-+  attributes.colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (widget);
-+  attributes.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events (widget) | GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK;
-+  attributes_mask = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_VISUAL | GDK_WA_COLORMAP;
-+  widget->window = gdk_window_new (gtk_widget_get_parent_window (widget),
-+				   &attributes, attributes_mask);
-+  gdk_window_set_user_data (widget->window, embed);
-+  widget->style = gtk_style_attach (widget->style, widget->window);
-+  gtk_style_set_background (widget->style, widget->window, GTK_STATE_NORMAL);
-+  // initialize the window
-+  nsresult rv;
-+  rv = embedPrivate->Init(embed);
-+  g_return_if_fail(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv));
-+  PRBool alreadyRealized = PR_FALSE;
-+  rv = embedPrivate->Realize(&alreadyRealized);
-+  g_return_if_fail(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv));
-+  // if we're already realized we don't need to hook up to anything below
-+  if (alreadyRealized)
-+    return;
-+  if (embedPrivate->mURI.Length())
-+    embedPrivate->LoadCurrentURI();
-+  // connect to the focus out event for the child
-+  GtkWidget *child_widget = GTK_BIN(widget)->child;
-+  g_signal_connect_object(G_OBJECT(child_widget),
-+                          "focus_out_event",
-+                          G_CALLBACK(handle_child_focus_out),
-+                          embed,
-+                          G_CONNECT_AFTER);
-+  g_signal_connect_object(G_OBJECT(child_widget),
-+                          "focus_in_event",
-+                          G_CALLBACK(handle_child_focus_in),
-+                          embed,
-+                          G_CONNECT_AFTER);
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_unrealize(GtkWidget *widget)
-+  GtkMozEmbed  *embed;
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_if_fail(widget != NULL);
-+  g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(widget));
-+  embed = GTK_MOZ_EMBED(widget);
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  if (embedPrivate) {
-+    embedPrivate->Unrealize();
-+  }
-+  if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS(embed_parent_class)->unrealize)
-+    (* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS(embed_parent_class)->unrealize)(widget);
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_size_allocate(GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *allocation)
-+  GtkMozEmbed  *embed;
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_if_fail(widget != NULL);
-+  g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(widget));
-+  embed = GTK_MOZ_EMBED(widget);
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  widget->allocation = *allocation;
-+  if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED(widget))
-+  {
-+    gdk_window_move_resize(widget->window,
-+			   allocation->x, allocation->y,
-+			   allocation->width, allocation->height);
-+    embedPrivate->Resize(allocation->width, allocation->height);
-+  }
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_map(GtkWidget *widget)
-+  GtkMozEmbed  *embed;
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_if_fail(widget != NULL);
-+  g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(widget));
-+  embed = GTK_MOZ_EMBED(widget);
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  embedPrivate->Show();
-+  gdk_window_show(widget->window);
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_unmap(GtkWidget *widget)
-+  GtkMozEmbed  *embed;
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_if_fail(widget != NULL);
-+  g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(widget));
-+  embed = GTK_MOZ_EMBED(widget);
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  gdk_window_hide(widget->window);
-+  embedPrivate->Hide();
-+static AtkObject*
-+gtk_moz_embed_get_accessible (GtkWidget *widget)
-+  g_return_val_if_fail(widget != NULL, NULL);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail(GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(widget), NULL);
-+  GtkMozEmbed  *embed = GTK_MOZ_EMBED(widget);;
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  return static_cast<AtkObject *>(
-+                        embedPrivate->GetAtkObjectForCurrentDocument());
-+static gint
-+handle_child_focus_in(GtkWidget     *aWidget,
-+		      GdkEventFocus *aGdkFocusEvent,
-+		      GtkMozEmbed   *aEmbed)
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)aEmbed->data;
-+  embedPrivate->ChildFocusIn();
-+  return FALSE;
-+static gint
-+handle_child_focus_out(GtkWidget     *aWidget,
-+		       GdkEventFocus *aGdkFocusEvent,
-+		       GtkMozEmbed   *aEmbed)
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)aEmbed->data;
-+  embedPrivate->ChildFocusOut();
-+  return FALSE;
-+// Widget methods
-+  EmbedPrivate::PushStartup();
-+  EmbedPrivate::PopStartup();
-+gtk_moz_embed_set_path(const char *aPath)
-+  EmbedPrivate::SetPath(aPath);
-+gtk_moz_embed_set_comp_path(const char *aPath)
-+  EmbedPrivate::SetCompPath(aPath);
-+gtk_moz_embed_set_profile_path(const char *aDir, const char *aName)
-+  EmbedPrivate::SetProfilePath(aDir, aName);
-+gtk_moz_embed_set_directory_service_provider(nsIDirectoryServiceProvider *appFileLocProvider) {
-+  EmbedPrivate::SetDirectoryServiceProvider(appFileLocProvider);
-+gtk_moz_embed_load_url(GtkMozEmbed *embed, const char *url)
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_if_fail(embed != NULL);
-+  g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed));
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  embedPrivate->SetURI(url);
-+  // If the widget is realized, load the URI.  If it isn't then we
-+  // will load it later.
-+  if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED(embed))
-+    embedPrivate->LoadCurrentURI();
-+gtk_moz_embed_stop_load(GtkMozEmbed *embed)
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_if_fail(embed != NULL);
-+  g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed));
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  if (embedPrivate->mNavigation)
-+    embedPrivate->mNavigation->Stop(nsIWebNavigation::STOP_ALL);
-+gtk_moz_embed_can_go_back(GtkMozEmbed *embed)
-+  bool retval = PR_FALSE;
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_val_if_fail ((embed != NULL), FALSE);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed), FALSE);
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  if (embedPrivate->mNavigation)
-+    embedPrivate->mNavigation->GetCanGoBack(&retval);
-+  return retval;
-+gtk_moz_embed_can_go_forward(GtkMozEmbed *embed)
-+  bool retval = PR_FALSE;
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_val_if_fail ((embed != NULL), FALSE);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed), FALSE);
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  if (embedPrivate->mNavigation)
-+    embedPrivate->mNavigation->GetCanGoForward(&retval);
-+  return retval;
-+gtk_moz_embed_go_back(GtkMozEmbed *embed)
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_if_fail (embed != NULL);
-+  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed));
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  if (embedPrivate->mNavigation)
-+    embedPrivate->mNavigation->GoBack();
-+gtk_moz_embed_go_forward(GtkMozEmbed *embed)
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_if_fail (embed != NULL);
-+  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed));
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  if (embedPrivate->mNavigation)
-+    embedPrivate->mNavigation->GoForward();
-+gtk_moz_embed_render_data(GtkMozEmbed *embed, const char *data,
-+			  guint32 len, const char *base_uri,
-+			  const char *mime_type)
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_if_fail (embed != NULL);
-+  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed));
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  embedPrivate->OpenStream(base_uri, mime_type);
-+  embedPrivate->AppendToStream((const PRUint8*)data, len);
-+  embedPrivate->CloseStream();
-+gtk_moz_embed_open_stream(GtkMozEmbed *embed, const char *base_uri,
-+			  const char *mime_type)
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_if_fail (embed != NULL);
-+  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed));
-+  g_return_if_fail (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED(GTK_WIDGET(embed)));
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  embedPrivate->OpenStream(base_uri, mime_type);
-+void gtk_moz_embed_append_data(GtkMozEmbed *embed, const char *data,
-+			       guint32 len)
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_if_fail (embed != NULL);
-+  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed));
-+  g_return_if_fail (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED(GTK_WIDGET(embed)));
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  embedPrivate->AppendToStream((const PRUint8*)data, len);
-+gtk_moz_embed_close_stream(GtkMozEmbed *embed)
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_if_fail (embed != NULL);
-+  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed));
-+  g_return_if_fail (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED(GTK_WIDGET(embed)));
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  embedPrivate->CloseStream();
-+char *
-+gtk_moz_embed_get_link_message(GtkMozEmbed *embed)
-+  char *retval = nsnull;
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_val_if_fail ((embed != NULL), (char *)NULL);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed), (char *)NULL);
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  if (embedPrivate->mWindow)
-+    retval = NEW_TOOLKIT_STRING(embedPrivate->mWindow->mLinkMessage);
-+  return retval;
-+char *
-+gtk_moz_embed_get_js_status(GtkMozEmbed *embed)
-+  char *retval = nsnull;
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_val_if_fail ((embed != NULL), (char *)NULL);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed), (char *)NULL);
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  if (embedPrivate->mWindow)
-+    retval = NEW_TOOLKIT_STRING(embedPrivate->mWindow->mJSStatus);
-+  return retval;
-+char *
-+gtk_moz_embed_get_title(GtkMozEmbed *embed)
-+  char *retval = nsnull;
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_val_if_fail ((embed != NULL), (char *)NULL);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed), (char *)NULL);
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  if (embedPrivate->mWindow)
-+    retval = NEW_TOOLKIT_STRING(embedPrivate->mWindow->mTitle);
-+  return retval;
-+char *
-+gtk_moz_embed_get_location(GtkMozEmbed *embed)
-+  char *retval = nsnull;
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_val_if_fail ((embed != NULL), (char *)NULL);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed), (char *)NULL);
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  if (!embedPrivate->mURI.IsEmpty())
-+    retval = g_strdup(embedPrivate->mURI.get());
-+  return retval;
-+gtk_moz_embed_reload(GtkMozEmbed *embed, gint32 flags)
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_if_fail (embed != NULL);
-+  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed));
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  PRUint32 reloadFlags = 0;
-+  // map the external API to the internal web navigation API.
-+  switch (flags) {
-+    reloadFlags = 0;
-+    break;
-+    reloadFlags = nsIWebNavigation::LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE;
-+    break;
-+    reloadFlags = nsIWebNavigation::LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_PROXY;
-+    break;
-+    reloadFlags = (nsIWebNavigation::LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_PROXY |
-+		   nsIWebNavigation::LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE);
-+    break;
-+    reloadFlags = nsIWebNavigation::LOAD_FLAGS_CHARSET_CHANGE;
-+    break;
-+  default:
-+    reloadFlags = 0;
-+    break;
-+  }
-+  embedPrivate->Reload(reloadFlags);
-+gtk_moz_embed_set_chrome_mask(GtkMozEmbed *embed, guint32 flags)
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_if_fail (embed != NULL);
-+  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed));
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  embedPrivate->SetChromeMask(flags);
-+gtk_moz_embed_get_chrome_mask(GtkMozEmbed *embed)
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_val_if_fail ((embed != NULL), 0);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed), 0);
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  return embedPrivate->mChromeMask;
-+gtk_moz_embed_get_nsIWebBrowser  (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIWebBrowser **retval)
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_if_fail (embed != NULL);
-+  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed));
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  if (embedPrivate->mWindow)
-+    embedPrivate->mWindow->GetWebBrowser(retval);
-+PRUnichar *
-+gtk_moz_embed_get_title_unichar (GtkMozEmbed *embed)
-+  PRUnichar *retval = nsnull;
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_val_if_fail ((embed != NULL), (PRUnichar *)NULL);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed), (PRUnichar *)NULL);
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  if (embedPrivate->mWindow)
-+    retval = ToNewUnicode(embedPrivate->mWindow->mTitle);
-+  return retval;
-+PRUnichar *
-+gtk_moz_embed_get_js_status_unichar (GtkMozEmbed *embed)
-+  PRUnichar *retval = nsnull;
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_val_if_fail ((embed != NULL), (PRUnichar *)NULL);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed), (PRUnichar *)NULL);
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  if (embedPrivate->mWindow)
-+    retval = ToNewUnicode(embedPrivate->mWindow->mJSStatus);
-+  return retval;
-+PRUnichar *
-+gtk_moz_embed_get_link_message_unichar (GtkMozEmbed *embed)
-+  PRUnichar *retval = nsnull;
-+  EmbedPrivate *embedPrivate;
-+  g_return_val_if_fail ((embed != NULL), (PRUnichar *)NULL);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_MOZ_EMBED(embed), (PRUnichar *)NULL);
-+  embedPrivate = (EmbedPrivate *)embed->data;
-+  if (embedPrivate->mWindow)
-+    retval = ToNewUnicode(embedPrivate->mWindow->mLinkMessage);
-+  return retval;
-+// class and instance initialization
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_single_class_init(GtkMozEmbedSingleClass *klass);
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_single_init(GtkMozEmbedSingle *embed);
-+GtkMozEmbedSingle *
-+enum {
-+guint moz_embed_single_signals[SINGLE_LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
-+// GtkObject + class-related functions
-+  static GType moz_embed_single_type = 0;
-+  if (moz_embed_single_type == 0)
-+  {
-+    const GTypeInfo our_info =
-+    {
-+      sizeof(GtkMozEmbedClass),
-+      NULL, /* base_init */
-+      NULL, /* base_finalize */
-+      (GClassInitFunc)gtk_moz_embed_single_class_init,
-+      NULL,
-+      NULL, /* class_data */
-+      sizeof(GtkMozEmbed),
-+      0, /* n_preallocs */
-+      (GInstanceInitFunc)gtk_moz_embed_single_init,
-+    };
-+    moz_embed_single_type = g_type_register_static(GTK_TYPE_OBJECT,
-+                                                   "GtkMozEmbedSingle",
-+                                                   &our_info,
-+                                                   (GTypeFlags)0);
-+  }
-+  return moz_embed_single_type;
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_single_class_init(GtkMozEmbedSingleClass *klass)
-+  GtkObjectClass     *object_class;
-+  object_class    = GTK_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);
-+  // set up our signals
-+  moz_embed_single_signals[NEW_WINDOW_ORPHAN] =
-+    g_signal_new("new_window_orphan",
-+                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass),
-+                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
-+                 G_STRUCT_OFFSET(GtkMozEmbedSingleClass, new_window_orphan),
-+                 NULL, NULL,
-+                 gtkmozembed_VOID__POINTER_UINT,
-+                 G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_POINTER, G_TYPE_UINT);
-+static void
-+gtk_moz_embed_single_init(GtkMozEmbedSingle *embed)
-+  // this is a placeholder for later in case we need to stash data at
-+  // a later data and maintain backwards compatibility.
-+  embed->data = nsnull;
-+GtkMozEmbedSingle *
-+  return (GtkMozEmbedSingle *)g_object_new(GTK_TYPE_MOZ_EMBED_SINGLE, NULL);
-+GtkMozEmbedSingle *
-+  static GtkMozEmbedSingle *singleton_object = nsnull;
-+  if (!singleton_object)
-+  {
-+    singleton_object = gtk_moz_embed_single_new();
-+  }
-+  return singleton_object;
-+// our callback from the window creator service
-+gtk_moz_embed_single_create_window(GtkMozEmbed **aNewEmbed,
-+				   guint         aChromeFlags)
-+  GtkMozEmbedSingle *single = gtk_moz_embed_single_get();
-+  *aNewEmbed = nsnull;
-+  if (!single)
-+    return;
-+  g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(single),
-+                moz_embed_single_signals[NEW_WINDOW_ORPHAN], 0,
-+                aNewEmbed, aChromeFlags);
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembed_glue.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembed_glue.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembed_glue.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.261678730 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembed_glue.cpp	2012-03-09 15:19:22.261678730 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is Mozilla embedding.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Benjamin Smedberg <benjamin at smedbergs.us>.
-+ *
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005
-+ * the Mozilla Foundation <http://www.mozilla.org/>. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+// This file is an implementation file, meant to be #included in a
-+// single C++ file of an embedding application. It is called after
-+// XPCOMGlueStartup to glue the gtkmozembed functions.
-+#include "gtkmozembed.h"
-+#include "gtkmozembed_internal.h"
-+#include "nsXPCOMGlue.h"
-+#ifndef XPCOM_GLUE
-+#error This file only makes sense when XPCOM_GLUE is defined.
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_get_type) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_new) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_push_startup) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_pop_startup) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_set_path) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_set_comp_path) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_set_profile_path) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_load_url) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_stop_load) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_can_go_back) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_can_go_forward) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_go_back) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_go_forward) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_render_data) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_open_stream) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_append_data) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_close_stream) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_get_link_message) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_get_js_status) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_get_title) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_get_location) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_reload) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_set_chrome_mask) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_get_chrome_mask) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_single_get_type) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_single_get)
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_get_nsIWebBrowser) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_get_title_unichar) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_get_js_status_unichar) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_get_link_message_unichar) \
-+  GTKF(gtk_moz_embed_set_directory_service_provider)
-+#define GTKF(fname) fname##Type fname;
-+#undef GTKF
-+#define GTKF(fname) { #fname, (NSFuncPtr*) &fname },
-+static const nsDynamicFunctionLoad GtkSymbols[] = {
-+  { nsnull, nsnull }
-+static const nsDynamicFunctionLoad GtkSymbolsInternal[] = {
-+  { nsnull, nsnull }
-+#undef GTKF
-+static nsresult
-+  return XPCOMGlueLoadXULFunctions(GtkSymbols);
-+static nsresult
-+  return XPCOMGlueLoadXULFunctions(GtkSymbolsInternal);
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembed.h.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembed.h
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembed.h.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.261678730 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembed.h	2012-03-09 15:19:22.261678730 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *   Ramiro Estrugo <ramiro at eazel.com>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#ifndef gtkmozembed_h
-+#define gtkmozembed_h
-+#include <stddef.h>
-+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-+#include "nscore.h"
-+#else /* MOZILLA_CLIENT */
-+#ifndef nscore_h__
-+/* Because this header may be included from files which not part of the mozilla
-+   build system, define macros from nscore.h */
-+#if (__GNUC__ >= 4) || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)
-+#define NS_HIDDEN __attribute__((visibility("hidden")))
-+#define NS_HIDDEN
-+#define NS_EXPORT_(type) type
-+#define NS_IMPORT_(type) type
-+#endif /* nscore_h__ */
-+#endif /* MOZILLA_CLIENT */
-+#ifdef XPCOM_GLUE
-+#define GTKMOZEMBED_API(type, name, params) \
-+  typedef type (NS_FROZENCALL * name##Type) params; \
-+  extern name##Type name NS_HIDDEN;
-+#else /* XPCOM_GLUE */
-+#define GTKMOZEMBED_API(type, name, params) NS_EXPORT_(type) name params;
-+#define GTKMOZEMBED_API(type,name, params) NS_IMPORT_(type) name params;
-+#endif /* XPCOM_GLUE */
-+#ifdef __cplusplus
-+extern "C" {
-+#endif /* __cplusplus */
-+#define GTK_TYPE_MOZ_EMBED             (gtk_moz_embed_get_type())
-+#define GTK_MOZ_EMBED(obj)             G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), GTK_TYPE_MOZ_EMBED, GtkMozEmbed)
-+#define GTK_MOZ_EMBED_CLASS(klass)     G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), GTK_TYPE_MOZ_EMBED, GtkMozEmbedClass)
-+typedef struct _GtkMozEmbed      GtkMozEmbed;
-+typedef struct _GtkMozEmbedClass GtkMozEmbedClass;
-+struct _GtkMozEmbed
-+  GtkBin    bin;
-+  void     *data;
-+struct _GtkMozEmbedClass
-+  GtkBinClass parent_class;
-+  void (* link_message)        (GtkMozEmbed *embed);
-+  void (* js_status)           (GtkMozEmbed *embed);
-+  void (* location)            (GtkMozEmbed *embed);
-+  void (* title)               (GtkMozEmbed *embed);
-+  void (* progress)            (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gint curprogress,
-+                                gint maxprogress);
-+  void (* progress_all)        (GtkMozEmbed *embed, const char *aURI,
-+                                gint curprogress, gint maxprogress);
-+  void (* net_state)           (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gint state, guint status);
-+  void (* net_state_all)       (GtkMozEmbed *embed, const char *aURI,
-+                                gint state, guint status);
-+  void (* net_start)           (GtkMozEmbed *embed);
-+  void (* net_stop)            (GtkMozEmbed *embed);
-+  void (* new_window)          (GtkMozEmbed *embed, GtkMozEmbed **newEmbed,
-+                                guint chromemask);
-+  void (* visibility)          (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gboolean visibility);
-+  void (* destroy_brsr)        (GtkMozEmbed *embed);
-+  gint (* open_uri)            (GtkMozEmbed *embed, const char *aURI);
-+  void (* size_to)             (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gint width, gint height);
-+  gint (* dom_key_down)        (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gpointer dom_event);
-+  gint (* dom_key_press)       (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gpointer dom_event);
-+  gint (* dom_key_up)          (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gpointer dom_event);
-+  gint (* dom_mouse_down)      (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gpointer dom_event);
-+  gint (* dom_mouse_up)        (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gpointer dom_event);
-+  gint (* dom_mouse_click)     (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gpointer dom_event);
-+  gint (* dom_mouse_dbl_click) (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gpointer dom_event);
-+  gint (* dom_mouse_over)      (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gpointer dom_event);
-+  gint (* dom_mouse_out)       (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gpointer dom_event);
-+  void (* security_change)     (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gpointer request,
-+                                guint state);
-+  void (* status_change)       (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gpointer request,
-+                                gint status, gpointer message);
-+  gint (* dom_activate)        (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gpointer dom_event);
-+  gint (* dom_focus_in)        (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gpointer dom_event);
-+  gint (* dom_focus_out)       (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gpointer dom_event);
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(GType,      gtk_moz_embed_get_type,        (void))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(GtkWidget*, gtk_moz_embed_new,             (void))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(void,       gtk_moz_embed_push_startup,    (void))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(void,       gtk_moz_embed_pop_startup,     (void))
-+/* Tell gtkmozembed where the gtkmozembed libs live. If this is not specified,
-+   The MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME environment variable is checked. */
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(void,       gtk_moz_embed_set_path,        (const char *aPath))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(void,       gtk_moz_embed_set_comp_path,   (const char *aPath))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(void,      gtk_moz_embed_set_profile_path, (const char *aDir,
-+                                                            const char *aName))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(void,      gtk_moz_embed_load_url,        (GtkMozEmbed *embed,
-+                                                           const char *url))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(void,      gtk_moz_embed_stop_load,       (GtkMozEmbed *embed))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(gboolean,  gtk_moz_embed_can_go_back,     (GtkMozEmbed *embed))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(gboolean,  gtk_moz_embed_can_go_forward,  (GtkMozEmbed *embed))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(void,      gtk_moz_embed_go_back,         (GtkMozEmbed *embed))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(void,      gtk_moz_embed_go_forward,      (GtkMozEmbed *embed))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(void,   gtk_moz_embed_render_data,     (GtkMozEmbed *embed, 
-+                                                        const char *data,
-+                                                        guint32 len,
-+                                                        const char *base_uri, 
-+                                                        const char *mime_type))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(void,   gtk_moz_embed_open_stream,     (GtkMozEmbed *embed,
-+                                                        const char *base_uri,
-+                                                        const char *mime_type))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(void,   gtk_moz_embed_append_data,      (GtkMozEmbed *embed,
-+                                                         const char *data,
-+                                                         guint32 len))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(void,   gtk_moz_embed_close_stream,     (GtkMozEmbed *embed))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(char*,  gtk_moz_embed_get_link_message, (GtkMozEmbed *embed))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(char*,  gtk_moz_embed_get_js_status,    (GtkMozEmbed *embed))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(char*,  gtk_moz_embed_get_title,        (GtkMozEmbed *embed))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(char*,  gtk_moz_embed_get_location,     (GtkMozEmbed *embed))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(void,   gtk_moz_embed_reload,           (GtkMozEmbed *embed,
-+                                                         gint32 flags))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(void,   gtk_moz_embed_set_chrome_mask,  (GtkMozEmbed *embed, 
-+                                                         guint32 flags))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(guint32, gtk_moz_embed_get_chrome_mask, (GtkMozEmbed *embed))
-+/* These are straight out of nsIWebProgressListener.h */
-+typedef enum
-+} GtkMozEmbedProgressFlags;
-+/* These are from various networking headers */
-+typedef enum
-+  GTK_MOZ_EMBED_STATUS_FAILED_DNS     = 2152398878U,
-+} GtkMozEmbedStatusFlags;
-+/* These used to be straight out of nsIWebNavigation.h until the API
-+   changed.  Now there's a mapping table that maps these values to the
-+   internal values. */
-+typedef enum 
-+} GtkMozEmbedReloadFlags;
-+/* These are straight out of nsIWebBrowserChrome.h */
-+typedef enum
-+  GTK_MOZ_EMBED_FLAG_MODAL = 536870912U,
-+} GtkMozEmbedChromeFlags;
-+/* this is a singleton object that you can hook up to to get signals
-+   that are not handed out on a per widget basis. */
-+#define GTK_TYPE_MOZ_EMBED_SINGLE            (gtk_moz_embed_single_get_type())
-+#define GTK_MOZ_EMBED_SINGLE(obj)            GTK_CHECK_CAST((obj), GTK_TYPE_MOZ_EMBED_SINGLE, GtkMozEmbedSingle)
-+typedef struct _GtkMozEmbedSingle      GtkMozEmbedSingle;
-+typedef struct _GtkMozEmbedSingleClass GtkMozEmbedSingleClass;
-+struct _GtkMozEmbedSingle
-+  GtkObject  object;
-+  void      *data;
-+struct _GtkMozEmbedSingleClass
-+  GtkObjectClass parent_class;
-+  void (* new_window_orphan)   (GtkMozEmbedSingle *embed,
-+                                GtkMozEmbed **newEmbed,
-+                                guint chromemask);
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(GType,               gtk_moz_embed_single_get_type, (void))
-+GTKMOZEMBED_API(GtkMozEmbedSingle *, gtk_moz_embed_single_get,      (void))
-+#ifdef __cplusplus
-+#endif /* __cplusplus */
-+#endif /* gtkmozembed_h */
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembed_internal.h.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembed_internal.h
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembed_internal.h.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.262678735 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembed_internal.h	2012-03-09 15:19:22.262678735 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#ifndef gtkmozembed_internal_h
-+#define gtkmozembed_internal_h
-+#include "nsIWebBrowser.h"
-+#include "nsXPCOM.h"
-+struct nsModuleComponentInfo;
-+#ifdef __cplusplus
-+extern "C" {
-+#endif /* __cplusplus */
-+  gtk_moz_embed_get_nsIWebBrowser, (GtkMozEmbed *embed,
-+                                    nsIWebBrowser **retval))
-+  gtk_moz_embed_get_title_unichar, (GtkMozEmbed *embed))
-+  gtk_moz_embed_get_js_status_unichar, (GtkMozEmbed *embed))
-+  gtk_moz_embed_get_link_message_unichar, (GtkMozEmbed *embed))
-+  gtk_moz_embed_set_directory_service_provider, (nsIDirectoryServiceProvider *appFileLocProvider))
-+#ifdef __cplusplus
-+#endif /* __cplusplus */
-+#endif /* gtkmozembed_internal_h */
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembedmarshal.list.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembedmarshal.list
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembedmarshal.list.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.262678735 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembedmarshal.list	2012-03-09 15:19:22.262678735 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembedprivate.h.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembedprivate.h
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembedprivate.h.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.263678740 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/gtkmozembedprivate.h	2012-03-09 15:19:22.263678740 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#ifndef gtkmozembedprivate_h
-+#define gtkmozembedprivate_h
-+#ifdef __cplusplus
-+extern "C" {
-+#endif /* __cplusplus */
-+#include "gtkmozembed.h"
-+/* signals */
-+enum {
-+  TITLE,
-+  SIZE_TO,
-+extern guint moz_embed_signals[EMBED_LAST_SIGNAL];
-+extern void gtk_moz_embed_single_create_window(GtkMozEmbed **aNewEmbed,
-+					       guint aChromeFlags);
-+#ifdef __cplusplus
-+#endif /* __cplusplus */
-+#endif /* gtkmozembedprivate_h */
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/GtkPromptService.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/GtkPromptService.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/GtkPromptService.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.263678740 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/GtkPromptService.cpp	2012-03-09 15:19:22.263678740 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
-+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-+/* vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4: */
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Netscape Communications Corporation.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2003
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *  Brian Ryner <bryner at brianryner.com>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#include "GtkPromptService.h"
-+#include "EmbedPrompter.h"
-+#include "nsStringGlue.h"
-+#include "nsIWindowWatcher.h"
-+#include "nsIWebBrowserChrome.h"
-+#include "nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow.h"
-+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
-+#include "nsIServiceManager.h"
-+#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
-+NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(GtkPromptService, nsIPromptService)
-+GtkPromptService::Alert(nsIDOMWindow* aParent, const PRUnichar* aDialogTitle, 
-+                        const PRUnichar* aDialogText)
-+    EmbedPrompter prompter;
-+    prompter.SetTitle(aDialogTitle ? aDialogTitle : NS_LITERAL_STRING("Alert").get());
-+    prompter.SetMessageText(aDialogText);
-+    prompter.Create(EmbedPrompter::TYPE_ALERT, 
-+                    GetGtkWindowForDOMWindow(aParent));
-+    prompter.Run();
-+    return NS_OK;
-+GtkPromptService::AlertCheck(nsIDOMWindow* aParent,
-+                             const PRUnichar* aDialogTitle,
-+                             const PRUnichar* aDialogText,
-+                             const PRUnichar* aCheckMsg, bool* aCheckValue)
-+    NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aCheckValue);
-+    EmbedPrompter prompter;
-+    prompter.SetTitle(aDialogTitle ? aDialogTitle : NS_LITERAL_STRING("Alert").get());
-+    prompter.SetMessageText(aDialogText);
-+    prompter.SetCheckMessage(aCheckMsg);
-+    prompter.SetCheckValue(*aCheckValue);
-+    prompter.Create(EmbedPrompter::TYPE_ALERT_CHECK,
-+                    GetGtkWindowForDOMWindow(aParent));
-+    prompter.Run();
-+    prompter.GetCheckValue(aCheckValue);
-+    return NS_OK;
-+GtkPromptService::Confirm(nsIDOMWindow* aParent,
-+                          const PRUnichar* aDialogTitle,
-+                          const PRUnichar* aDialogText, bool* aConfirm)
-+    EmbedPrompter prompter;
-+    prompter.SetTitle(aDialogTitle ? aDialogTitle : NS_LITERAL_STRING("Confirm").get());
-+    prompter.SetMessageText(aDialogText);
-+    prompter.Create(EmbedPrompter::TYPE_CONFIRM,
-+                    GetGtkWindowForDOMWindow(aParent));
-+    prompter.Run();
-+    prompter.GetConfirmValue(aConfirm);
-+    return NS_OK;
-+GtkPromptService::ConfirmCheck(nsIDOMWindow* aParent,
-+                               const PRUnichar* aDialogTitle,
-+                               const PRUnichar* aDialogText,
-+                               const PRUnichar* aCheckMsg,
-+                               bool* aCheckValue, bool* aConfirm)
-+    NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aCheckValue);
-+    EmbedPrompter prompter;
-+    prompter.SetTitle(aDialogTitle ? aDialogTitle : NS_LITERAL_STRING("Confirm").get());
-+    prompter.SetMessageText(aDialogText);
-+    prompter.SetCheckMessage(aCheckMsg);
-+    prompter.SetCheckValue(*aCheckValue);
-+    prompter.Create(EmbedPrompter::TYPE_CONFIRM_CHECK,
-+                    GetGtkWindowForDOMWindow(aParent));
-+    prompter.Run();
-+    prompter.GetCheckValue(aCheckValue);
-+    prompter.GetConfirmValue(aConfirm);
-+    return NS_OK;
-+GtkPromptService::ConfirmEx(nsIDOMWindow* aParent,
-+                            const PRUnichar* aDialogTitle,
-+                            const PRUnichar* aDialogText,
-+                            PRUint32 aButtonFlags,
-+                            const PRUnichar* aButton0Title,
-+                            const PRUnichar* aButton1Title,
-+                            const PRUnichar* aButton2Title,
-+                            const PRUnichar* aCheckMsg, bool* aCheckValue,
-+                            PRInt32* aRetVal)
-+    EmbedPrompter prompter;
-+    prompter.SetTitle(aDialogTitle ? aDialogTitle : NS_LITERAL_STRING("Confirm").get());
-+    prompter.SetMessageText(aDialogText);
-+    nsAutoString button0Label, button1Label, button2Label;
-+    GetButtonLabel(aButtonFlags, BUTTON_POS_0, aButton0Title, button0Label);
-+    GetButtonLabel(aButtonFlags, BUTTON_POS_1, aButton1Title, button1Label);
-+    GetButtonLabel(aButtonFlags, BUTTON_POS_2, aButton2Title, button2Label);
-+    prompter.SetButtons(button0Label.get(), button1Label.get(),
-+                        button2Label.get());
-+    if (aCheckMsg)
-+        prompter.SetCheckMessage(aCheckMsg);
-+    if (aCheckValue)
-+        prompter.SetCheckValue(*aCheckValue);
-+    prompter.Create(EmbedPrompter::TYPE_UNIVERSAL,
-+                    GetGtkWindowForDOMWindow(aParent));
-+    prompter.Run();
-+    if (aCheckValue)
-+        prompter.GetCheckValue(aCheckValue);
-+    prompter.GetButtonPressed(aRetVal);
-+    return NS_OK;
-+GtkPromptService::Prompt(nsIDOMWindow* aParent, const PRUnichar* aDialogTitle,
-+                         const PRUnichar* aDialogText, PRUnichar** aValue,
-+                         const PRUnichar* aCheckMsg, bool* aCheckValue,
-+                         bool* aConfirm)
-+    EmbedPrompter prompter;
-+    prompter.SetTitle(aDialogTitle ? aDialogTitle : NS_LITERAL_STRING("Prompt").get());
-+    prompter.SetMessageText(aDialogText);
-+    prompter.SetTextValue(*aValue);
-+    if (aCheckMsg)
-+        prompter.SetCheckMessage(aCheckMsg);
-+    if (aCheckValue)
-+        prompter.SetCheckValue(*aCheckValue);
-+    prompter.Create(EmbedPrompter::TYPE_PROMPT,
-+                    GetGtkWindowForDOMWindow(aParent));
-+    prompter.Run();
-+    if (aCheckValue)
-+        prompter.GetCheckValue(aCheckValue);
-+    prompter.GetConfirmValue(aConfirm);
-+    if (*aConfirm) {
-+        if (*aValue)
-+            NS_Free(*aValue);
-+        prompter.GetTextValue(aValue);
-+    }
-+    return NS_OK;
-+GtkPromptService::PromptUsernameAndPassword(nsIDOMWindow* aParent,
-+                                            const PRUnichar* aDialogTitle,
-+                                            const PRUnichar* aDialogText,
-+                                            PRUnichar** aUsername,
-+                                            PRUnichar** aPassword,
-+                                            const PRUnichar* aCheckMsg,
-+                                            bool* aCheckValue,
-+                                            bool* aConfirm)
-+    EmbedPrompter prompter;
-+    prompter.SetTitle(aDialogTitle ? aDialogTitle : NS_LITERAL_STRING("Prompt").get());
-+    prompter.SetMessageText(aDialogText);
-+    prompter.SetUser(*aUsername);
-+    prompter.SetPassword(*aPassword);
-+    if (aCheckMsg)
-+        prompter.SetCheckMessage(aCheckMsg);
-+    if (aCheckValue)
-+        prompter.SetCheckValue(*aCheckValue);
-+    prompter.Create(EmbedPrompter::TYPE_PROMPT_USER_PASS,
-+                    GetGtkWindowForDOMWindow(aParent));
-+    prompter.Run();
-+    if (aCheckValue)
-+        prompter.GetCheckValue(aCheckValue);
-+    prompter.GetConfirmValue(aConfirm);
-+    if (*aConfirm) {
-+        if (*aUsername)
-+            NS_Free(*aUsername);
-+        prompter.GetUser(aUsername);
-+        if (*aPassword)
-+            NS_Free(*aPassword);
-+        prompter.GetPassword(aPassword);
-+    }
-+    return NS_OK;
-+GtkPromptService::PromptPassword(nsIDOMWindow* aParent,
-+                                 const PRUnichar* aDialogTitle,
-+                                 const PRUnichar* aDialogText,
-+                                 PRUnichar** aPassword,
-+                                 const PRUnichar* aCheckMsg,
-+                                 bool* aCheckValue, bool* aConfirm)
-+    EmbedPrompter prompter;
-+    prompter.SetTitle(aDialogTitle ? aDialogTitle : NS_LITERAL_STRING("Prompt").get());
-+    prompter.SetMessageText(aDialogText);
-+    prompter.SetPassword(*aPassword);
-+    if (aCheckMsg)
-+        prompter.SetCheckMessage(aCheckMsg);
-+    if (aCheckValue)
-+        prompter.SetCheckValue(*aCheckValue);
-+    prompter.Create(EmbedPrompter::TYPE_PROMPT_PASS,
-+                    GetGtkWindowForDOMWindow(aParent));
-+    prompter.Run();
-+    if (aCheckValue)
-+        prompter.GetCheckValue(aCheckValue);
-+    prompter.GetConfirmValue(aConfirm);
-+    if (*aConfirm) {
-+        if (*aPassword)
-+            NS_Free(*aPassword);
-+        prompter.GetPassword(aPassword);
-+    }
-+    return NS_OK;
-+GtkPromptService::Select(nsIDOMWindow* aParent, const PRUnichar* aDialogTitle,
-+                         const PRUnichar* aDialogText, PRUint32 aCount,
-+                         const PRUnichar** aSelectList, PRInt32* outSelection,
-+                         bool* aConfirm)
-+    EmbedPrompter prompter;
-+    prompter.SetTitle(aDialogTitle ? aDialogTitle : NS_LITERAL_STRING("Select").get());
-+    prompter.SetMessageText(aDialogText);
-+    prompter.SetItems(aSelectList, aCount);
-+    prompter.Create(EmbedPrompter::TYPE_SELECT,
-+                    GetGtkWindowForDOMWindow(aParent));
-+    prompter.Run();
-+    prompter.GetSelectedItem(outSelection);
-+    prompter.GetConfirmValue(aConfirm);
-+    return NS_OK;
-+GtkPromptService::GetGtkWindowForDOMWindow(nsIDOMWindow* aDOMWindow)
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowWatcher> wwatch = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1");
-+    if (!aDOMWindow)
-+        return NULL;
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowserChrome> chrome;
-+    wwatch->GetChromeForWindow(aDOMWindow, getter_AddRefs(chrome));
-+    nsCOMPtr<nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow> siteWindow = do_QueryInterface(chrome);
-+    if (!siteWindow)
-+        return NULL;
-+    GtkWidget* parentWidget;
-+    siteWindow->GetSiteWindow((void**)&parentWidget);
-+    if (!parentWidget)
-+        return NULL;
-+    GtkWidget* gtkWin = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(parentWidget);
-+    if (GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL(gtkWin))
-+        return GTK_WINDOW(gtkWin);
-+    return NULL;
-+GtkPromptService::GetButtonLabel(PRUint32 aFlags, PRUint32 aPos,
-+                                 const PRUnichar* aStringValue,
-+                                 nsAString& aLabel)
-+    PRUint32 posFlag = (aFlags & (255 * aPos)) / aPos;
-+    switch (posFlag) {
-+    case 0:
-+        break;
-+    case BUTTON_TITLE_OK:
-+        aLabel.AssignLiteral(GTK_STOCK_OK);
-+        break;
-+        aLabel.AssignLiteral(GTK_STOCK_CANCEL);
-+        break;
-+    case BUTTON_TITLE_YES:
-+        aLabel.AssignLiteral(GTK_STOCK_YES);
-+        break;
-+    case BUTTON_TITLE_NO:
-+        aLabel.AssignLiteral(GTK_STOCK_NO);
-+        break;
-+        aLabel.AssignLiteral(GTK_STOCK_SAVE);
-+        break;
-+        aLabel.AssignLiteral("Don't Save");
-+        break;
-+        aLabel.AssignLiteral("Revert");
-+        break;
-+        aLabel = aStringValue;
-+        break;
-+    default:
-+        NS_WARNING("Unexpected button flags");
-+    }
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/GtkPromptService.h.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/GtkPromptService.h
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/GtkPromptService.h.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.264678745 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/GtkPromptService.h	2012-03-09 15:19:22.264678745 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
-+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-+/* vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4: */
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Netscape Communications Corporation.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2003
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *  Brian Ryner <bryner at brianryner.com>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#include "nsIPromptService.h"
-+#include "nsStringGlue.h"
-+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-+class nsIDOMWindow;
-+class GtkPromptService : public nsIPromptService
-+    GtkPromptService();
-+    virtual ~GtkPromptService();
-+    GtkWindow* GetGtkWindowForDOMWindow(nsIDOMWindow* aDOMWindow);
-+    void GetButtonLabel(PRUint32 aFlags, PRUint32 aPos,
-+                        const PRUnichar* aStringValue, nsAString &aLabel);
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/Makefile.in.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/Makefile.in
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/Makefile.in.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.264678745 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/src/Makefile.in	2012-03-09 15:19:22.264678745 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
-+# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+# License.
-+# The Original Code is the Mozilla browser.
-+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+# Christopher Blizzard.
-+# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999
-+# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+# Contributor(s):
-+#   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+DEPTH		= ../../../..
-+topsrcdir	= @top_srcdir@
-+srcdir		= @srcdir@
-+VPATH		= @srcdir@
-+include $(DEPTH)/config/autoconf.mk
-+MODULE		= gtkembedmoz
-+LIBRARY_NAME	= gtkembedmoz
-+CPPSRCS		= \
-+		gtkmozembed2.cpp \
-+		EmbedPrivate.cpp \
-+		EmbedWindow.cpp \
-+		EmbedProgress.cpp \
-+		EmbedContentListener.cpp \
-+		EmbedEventListener.cpp \
-+		EmbedWindowCreator.cpp \
-+		$(NULL)
-+CSRCS           = \
-+		gtkmozembedmarshal.c
-+CPPSRCS         += \
-+		EmbedPrompter.cpp \
-+		GtkPromptService.cpp
-+		  -I. \
-+		  $(NULL)
-+include $(topsrcdir)/config/config.mk
-+EXPORTS		= \
-+		gtkmozembed.h \
-+		gtkmozembed_glue.cpp \
-+		gtkmozembed_internal.h
-+include $(topsrcdir)/config/rules.mk
-+ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), SunOS)
-+ifndef GNU_CC
-+# When using Sun's WorkShop compiler, including
-+# /wherever/workshop-5.0/SC5.0/include/CC/std/time.h
-+# causes most of these compiles to fail with:
-+# line 29: Error: Multiple declaration for std::tm.
-+# So, this gets around the problem.
-+DEFINES         += -D_TIME_H=1
-+MARSHAL_FILE = gtkmozembedmarshal
-+MARSHAL_PREFIX = gtkmozembed
-+	glib-genmarshal --prefix=$(MARSHAL_PREFIX) $(srcdir)/$(MARSHAL_FILE).list --skip-source --header > $@
-+	glib-genmarshal --prefix=$(MARSHAL_PREFIX) $(srcdir)/$(MARSHAL_FILE).list --skip-source --body > $@
-+gtkmozembed2.$(OBJ_SUFFIX): $(MARSHAL_FILE).h
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/Makefile.in.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/Makefile.in
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/Makefile.in.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.265678750 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/Makefile.in	2012-03-09 15:19:22.265678750 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
-+# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+# License.
-+# The Original Code is the Mozilla browser.
-+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+# Christopher Blizzard.
-+# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999
-+# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+# Contributor(s):
-+#   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+DEPTH		= ../../../..
-+topsrcdir	= @top_srcdir@
-+srcdir		= @srcdir@
-+VPATH		= @srcdir@
-+include $(DEPTH)/config/autoconf.mk
-+MODULE		= gtkembedmoz
-+CPPSRCS         = \
-+		TestGtkEmbed.cpp \
-+		TestGtkEmbedNotebook.cpp
-+ifdef MOZ_X11
-+CPPSRCS +=	TestGtkEmbedSocket.cpp \
-+		TestGtkEmbedChild.cpp
-+CPPSRCS	       += TestGtkEmbedMDI.cpp
-+LIBS		+= \
-+		$(XLDFLAGS) \
-+		$(XLIBS) \
-+		$(NULL)
-+include $(topsrcdir)/config/config.mk
-+include $(topsrcdir)/config/rules.mk
-+CXXFLAGS	+= `gnome-config --cflags gnomeui`
-+EXTRA_LIBS	+= `gnome-config --libs gnomeui`
-+		$(TK_LIBS) \
-+		$(NULL)
-+ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), SunOS)
-+ifndef GNU_CC
-+# When using Sun's WorkShop compiler, including
-+# /wherever/workshop-5.0/SC5.0/include/CC/std/time.h
-+# causes most of these compiles to fail with:
-+# line 29: Error: Multiple declaration for std::tm.
-+# So, this gets around the problem.
-+DEFINES           += -D_TIME_H=1
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbedChild.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbedChild.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbedChild.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.265678750 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbedChild.cpp	2012-03-09 15:19:22.265678750 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#include "gtkmozembed.h"
-+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-+#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include "nsStringAPI.h"
-+#include "gtkmozembed_glue.cpp"
-+int (*old_handler) (Display *, XErrorEvent *);
-+int error_handler (Display *d, XErrorEvent *e)
-+  if ((e->error_code == BadWindow) || (e->error_code == BadDrawable))
-+    {
-+      XID resourceid = e->resourceid;
-+      GdkWindow *window = gdk_window_lookup (resourceid);
-+      if (window)
-+        {
-+          if (!g_dataset_get_data (window, "bonobo-error"))
-+            {
-+              g_dataset_set_data_full (window, "bonobo-error",
-+                                       g_new (gint, 1),
-+                                       (GDestroyNotify)g_free);
-+              g_warning ("Error accessing window %ld", resourceid);
-+            }
-+        }
-+      return 0;
-+    }
-+  else
-+    {
-+      return (*old_handler)(d, e);
-+    }
-+load_page(gpointer data);
-+GtkWidget *embed = 0;
-+GtkWidget *entry = 0;
-+main(int argc, char **argv)
-+  guint32 xid;
-+  GtkWidget *window;
-+  GtkWidget *hbox;
-+  GtkWidget *vbox;
-+  GtkWidget *button;
-+  gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
-+  static const GREVersionRange greVersion = {
-+    "1.9a", PR_TRUE,
-+    "2", PR_TRUE
-+  };
-+  char xpcomPath[PATH_MAX];
-+  nsresult rv = GRE_GetGREPathWithProperties(&greVersion, 1, nsnull, 0,
-+                                             xpcomPath, sizeof(xpcomPath));
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-+    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find a compatible GRE.\n");
-+    return 1;
-+  }
-+  rv = XPCOMGlueStartup(xpcomPath);
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-+    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't start XPCOM.");
-+    return 1;
-+  }
-+  rv = GTKEmbedGlueStartup();
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-+    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find GTKMozEmbed symbols.");
-+    return 1;
-+  }
-+  char *lastSlash = strrchr(xpcomPath, '/');
-+  if (lastSlash)
-+    *lastSlash = '\0';
-+  gtk_moz_embed_set_path(xpcomPath);
-+  old_handler = XSetErrorHandler (error_handler);
-+  if (argc < 2) {
-+    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: TestGtkEmbedChild WINDOW_ID\n");
-+    exit(1);
-+  }
-+  xid = strtol (argv[1], (char **)NULL, 0);
-+  if (xid == 0) {
-+    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid window id '%s'\n", argv[1]);
-+    exit(1);
-+  }
-+  window = gtk_plug_new(xid);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(window), "destroy",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(gtk_main_quit), NULL);
-+  gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(window), 0);
-+  vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
-+  gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), vbox);
-+  gtk_widget_show(vbox);
-+  hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0);
-+  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
-+  gtk_widget_show (hbox);
-+  entry = gtk_entry_new ();
-+  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), entry, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
-+  gtk_widget_show (entry);
-+  button = gtk_button_new_with_label("Load");
-+  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), button, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
-+  gtk_widget_show(button);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(button), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(load_page), NULL);
-+  embed = gtk_moz_embed_new();
-+  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), embed, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
-+  gtk_widget_set_size_request(embed, 200, 200);
-+  gtk_widget_show(embed);
-+  gtk_widget_show(window);
-+  gtk_main();
-+  fprintf(stderr, "exiting.\n");
-+  return 0;
-+load_page(gpointer data)
-+  gchar *text = gtk_editable_get_chars(GTK_EDITABLE(entry), 0, -1);
-+  g_print("load url %s\n", text);
-+  gtk_moz_embed_load_url(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(embed), text);
-+  g_free(text);
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbed.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbed.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbed.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.266678755 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbed.cpp	2012-03-09 15:19:22.266678755 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,1145 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#include "gtkmozembed.h"
-+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+// mozilla specific headers
-+#include "nsIDOMKeyEvent.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMMouseEvent.h"
-+#include "nsIDOMUIEvent.h"
-+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
-+#include "nsISupportsUtils.h"
-+#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
-+#include "nsIObserverService.h"
-+#include "nsStringAPI.h"
-+#include "gtkmozembed_glue.cpp"
-+typedef struct _TestGtkBrowser {
-+  GtkWidget  *topLevelWindow;
-+  GtkWidget  *topLevelVBox;
-+  GtkWidget  *menuBar;
-+  GtkWidget  *fileMenuItem;
-+  GtkWidget  *fileMenu;
-+  GtkWidget  *fileOpenNewBrowser;
-+  GtkWidget  *fileStream;
-+  GtkWidget  *fileMemory;
-+  GtkWidget  *fileClose;
-+  GtkWidget  *fileQuit;
-+  GtkWidget  *toolbarHBox;
-+  GtkWidget  *toolbar;
-+  GtkWidget  *backButton;
-+  GtkWidget  *stopButton;
-+  GtkWidget  *forwardButton;
-+  GtkWidget  *reloadButton;
-+  GtkWidget  *urlEntry;
-+  GtkWidget  *mozEmbed;
-+  GtkWidget  *progressAreaHBox;
-+  GtkWidget  *progressBar;
-+  GtkWidget  *statusAlign;
-+  GtkWidget  *statusBar;
-+  const char *statusMessage;
-+  int         loadPercent;
-+  int         bytesLoaded;
-+  int         maxBytesLoaded;
-+  char       *tempMessage;
-+  gboolean menuBarOn;
-+  gboolean toolBarOn;
-+  gboolean locationBarOn;
-+  gboolean statusBarOn;
-+} TestGtkBrowser;
-+// the list of browser windows currently open
-+GList *browser_list = g_list_alloc();
-+static TestGtkBrowser *new_gtk_browser    (guint32 chromeMask);
-+static void            set_browser_visibility (TestGtkBrowser *browser,
-+					       gboolean visibility);
-+static int num_browsers = 0;
-+// callbacks from the UI
-+static void     back_clicked_cb    (GtkButton   *button, 
-+				    TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void     stop_clicked_cb    (GtkButton   *button,
-+				    TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void     forward_clicked_cb (GtkButton   *button,
-+				    TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void     reload_clicked_cb  (GtkButton   *button,
-+				    TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void     url_activate_cb    (GtkEditable *widget, 
-+				    TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void     menu_open_new_cb   (GtkMenuItem *menuitem,
-+				    TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void     menu_stream_cb     (GtkMenuItem *menuitem,
-+				    TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void     menu_memory_cb     (GtkMenuItem *menuitem,
-+				    TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void     menu_close_cb      (GtkMenuItem *menuitem,
-+				    TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void     menu_quit_cb       (GtkMenuItem *menuitem,
-+				    TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static gboolean delete_cb          (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventAny *event,
-+				    TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void     destroy_cb         (GtkWidget *widget,
-+				    TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+// callbacks from the widget
-+static void location_changed_cb  (GtkMozEmbed *embed, TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void title_changed_cb     (GtkMozEmbed *embed, TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void load_started_cb      (GtkMozEmbed *embed, TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void load_finished_cb     (GtkMozEmbed *embed, TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void net_state_change_cb  (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gint flags,
-+				  guint status, TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void net_state_change_all_cb (GtkMozEmbed *embed, const char *uri,
-+				     gint flags, guint status,
-+				     TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void progress_change_cb   (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gint cur, gint max,
-+				  TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void progress_change_all_cb (GtkMozEmbed *embed, const char *uri,
-+				    gint cur, gint max,
-+				    TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void link_message_cb      (GtkMozEmbed *embed, TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void js_status_cb         (GtkMozEmbed *embed, TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void new_window_cb        (GtkMozEmbed *embed,
-+				  GtkMozEmbed **retval, guint chromemask,
-+				  TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void visibility_cb        (GtkMozEmbed *embed, 
-+				  gboolean visibility,
-+				  TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void destroy_brsr_cb      (GtkMozEmbed *embed, TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static gint open_uri_cb          (GtkMozEmbed *embed, const char *uri,
-+				  TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void size_to_cb           (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gint width,
-+				  gint height, TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static gint dom_key_down_cb      (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMKeyEvent *event,
-+				  TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static gint dom_key_press_cb     (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMKeyEvent *event,
-+				  TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static gint dom_key_up_cb        (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMKeyEvent *event,
-+				  TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static gint dom_mouse_down_cb    (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMMouseEvent *event,
-+				  TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static gint dom_mouse_up_cb      (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMMouseEvent *event,
-+				  TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static gint dom_mouse_click_cb   (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMMouseEvent *event,
-+				  TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static gint dom_mouse_dbl_click_cb (GtkMozEmbed *embed, 
-+				  nsIDOMMouseEvent *event,
-+				  TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static gint dom_mouse_over_cb    (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMMouseEvent *event,
-+				  TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static gint dom_mouse_out_cb     (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMMouseEvent *event,
-+				  TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static gint dom_activate_cb      (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMUIEvent *event,
-+				  TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static gint dom_focus_in_cb      (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMUIEvent *event,
-+				  TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static gint dom_focus_out_cb     (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMUIEvent *event,
-+				  TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+// callbacks from the singleton object
-+static void new_window_orphan_cb (GtkMozEmbedSingle *embed,
-+				  GtkMozEmbed **retval, guint chromemask,
-+				  gpointer data);
-+// some utility functions
-+static void update_status_bar_text  (TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+static void update_temp_message     (TestGtkBrowser *browser,
-+				     const char *message);
-+static void update_nav_buttons      (TestGtkBrowser *browser);
-+main(int argc, char **argv)
-+  gtk_set_locale();
-+  gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
-+  static const GREVersionRange greVersion = {
-+    "1.9a", PR_TRUE,
-+    "2", PR_TRUE
-+  };
-+  char xpcomPath[PATH_MAX];
-+  nsresult rv = GRE_GetGREPathWithProperties(&greVersion, 1, nsnull, 0,
-+                                             xpcomPath, sizeof(xpcomPath));
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-+    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find a compatible GRE.\n");
-+    return 1;
-+  }
-+  rv = XPCOMGlueStartup(xpcomPath);
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-+    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't start XPCOM.");
-+    return 1;
-+  }
-+  rv = GTKEmbedGlueStartup();
-+  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-+    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find GTKMozEmbed symbols.");
-+    return 1;
-+  }
-+  char *lastSlash = strrchr(xpcomPath, '/');
-+  if (lastSlash)
-+    *lastSlash = '\0';
-+  gtk_moz_embed_set_path(xpcomPath);
-+  char *home_path;
-+  char *full_path;
-+  home_path = getenv("HOME");
-+  if (!home_path) {
-+    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get HOME\n");
-+    exit(1);
-+  }
-+  full_path = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", home_path, ".TestGtkEmbed");
-+  gtk_moz_embed_set_profile_path(full_path, "TestGtkEmbed");
-+  TestGtkBrowser *browser = new_gtk_browser(GTK_MOZ_EMBED_FLAG_DEFAULTCHROME);
-+  // set our minimum size
-+  gtk_widget_set_size_request(browser->mozEmbed, 400, 400);
-+  set_browser_visibility(browser, TRUE);
-+  if (argc > 1)
-+    gtk_moz_embed_load_url(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser->mozEmbed), argv[1]);
-+  // get the singleton object and hook up to its new window callback
-+  // so we can create orphaned windows.
-+  GtkMozEmbedSingle *single;
-+  single = gtk_moz_embed_single_get();
-+  if (!single) {
-+    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get singleton embed object!\n");
-+    exit(1);
-+  }
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(single), "new_window_orphan",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(new_window_orphan_cb), NULL);
-+  gtk_moz_embed_push_startup();
-+  gtk_main();
-+  gtk_moz_embed_pop_startup();
-+static TestGtkBrowser *
-+new_gtk_browser(guint32 chromeMask)
-+  guint32         actualChromeMask = chromeMask;
-+  TestGtkBrowser *browser = 0;
-+  num_browsers++;
-+  browser = g_new0(TestGtkBrowser, 1);
-+  browser_list = g_list_prepend(browser_list, browser);
-+  browser->menuBarOn = FALSE;
-+  browser->toolBarOn = FALSE;
-+  browser->locationBarOn = FALSE;
-+  browser->statusBarOn = FALSE;
-+  g_print("new_gtk_browser\n");
-+    actualChromeMask = GTK_MOZ_EMBED_FLAG_ALLCHROME;
-+  if (actualChromeMask & GTK_MOZ_EMBED_FLAG_MENUBARON)
-+  {
-+    browser->menuBarOn = TRUE;
-+    g_print("\tmenu bar\n");
-+  }
-+  if (actualChromeMask & GTK_MOZ_EMBED_FLAG_TOOLBARON)
-+  {
-+    browser->toolBarOn = TRUE;
-+    g_print("\ttool bar\n");
-+  }
-+  if (actualChromeMask & GTK_MOZ_EMBED_FLAG_LOCATIONBARON)
-+  {
-+    browser->locationBarOn = TRUE;
-+    g_print("\tlocation bar\n");
-+  }
-+  if (actualChromeMask & GTK_MOZ_EMBED_FLAG_STATUSBARON)
-+  {
-+    browser->statusBarOn = TRUE;
-+    g_print("\tstatus bar\n");
-+  }
-+  // create our new toplevel window
-+  browser->topLevelWindow = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
-+  // new vbox
-+  browser->topLevelVBox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0);
-+  // add it to the toplevel window
-+  gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(browser->topLevelWindow),
-+		    browser->topLevelVBox);
-+  // create our menu bar
-+  browser->menuBar = gtk_menu_bar_new();
-+  // create the file menu
-+  browser->fileMenuItem = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label("File");
-+  browser->fileMenu = gtk_menu_new();
-+  gtk_menu_item_set_submenu (GTK_MENU_ITEM(browser->fileMenuItem),
-+			     browser->fileMenu);
-+  browser->fileOpenNewBrowser = 
-+    gtk_menu_item_new_with_label("Open New Browser");
-+  gtk_menu_shell_append((GtkMenuShell *)GTK_MENU(browser->fileMenu),
-+                        browser->fileOpenNewBrowser);
-+  browser->fileStream =
-+    gtk_menu_item_new_with_label("Test Stream");
-+  gtk_menu_shell_append((GtkMenuShell *)GTK_MENU(browser->fileMenu),
-+                        browser->fileStream);
-+  browser->fileMemory =
-+    gtk_menu_item_new_with_label("Release Memory");
-+  gtk_menu_shell_append((GtkMenuShell *)GTK_MENU(browser->fileMenu),
-+                        browser->fileMemory);
-+  browser->fileClose =
-+    gtk_menu_item_new_with_label("Close");
-+  gtk_menu_shell_append((GtkMenuShell *)GTK_MENU(browser->fileMenu),
-+                        browser->fileClose);
-+  browser->fileQuit =
-+    gtk_menu_item_new_with_label("Quit");
-+  gtk_menu_shell_append((GtkMenuShell *)GTK_MENU(browser->fileMenu),
-+                        browser->fileQuit);
-+  // append it
-+  gtk_menu_shell_append((GtkMenuShell *)GTK_MENU_BAR(browser->menuBar),
-+                        browser->fileMenuItem);
-+  // add it to the vbox
-+  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(browser->topLevelVBox),
-+		     browser->menuBar,
-+		     FALSE, // expand
-+		     FALSE, // fill
-+		     0);    // padding
-+  // create the hbox that will contain the toolbar and the url text entry bar
-+  browser->toolbarHBox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0);
-+  // add that hbox to the vbox
-+  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(browser->topLevelVBox), 
-+		     browser->toolbarHBox,
-+		     FALSE, // expand
-+		     FALSE, // fill
-+		     0);    // padding
-+  // new horiz toolbar with buttons + icons
-+  browser->toolbar = gtk_toolbar_new();
-+  gtk_toolbar_set_orientation(GTK_TOOLBAR(browser->toolbar),
-+  gtk_toolbar_set_style(GTK_TOOLBAR(browser->toolbar),
-+  // add it to the hbox
-+  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(browser->toolbarHBox), browser->toolbar,
-+		   FALSE, // expand
-+		   FALSE, // fill
-+		   0);    // padding
-+  // new back button
-+  browser->backButton =
-+    gtk_toolbar_append_item(GTK_TOOLBAR(browser->toolbar),
-+			    "Back",
-+			    "Go Back",
-+			    "Go Back",
-+			    0, // XXX replace with icon
-+			    G_CALLBACK(back_clicked_cb),
-+			    browser);
-+  // new stop button
-+  browser->stopButton = 
-+    gtk_toolbar_append_item(GTK_TOOLBAR(browser->toolbar),
-+			    "Stop",
-+			    "Stop",
-+			    "Stop",
-+			    0, // XXX replace with icon
-+			    G_CALLBACK(stop_clicked_cb),
-+			    browser);
-+  // new forward button
-+  browser->forwardButton =
-+    gtk_toolbar_append_item(GTK_TOOLBAR(browser->toolbar),
-+			    "Forward",
-+			    "Forward",
-+			    "Forward",
-+			    0, // XXX replace with icon
-+			    G_CALLBACK(forward_clicked_cb),
-+			    browser);
-+  // new reload button
-+  browser->reloadButton = 
-+    gtk_toolbar_append_item(GTK_TOOLBAR(browser->toolbar),
-+			    "Reload",
-+			    "Reload",
-+			    "Reload",
-+			    0, // XXX replace with icon
-+			    G_CALLBACK(reload_clicked_cb),
-+			    browser);
-+  // create the url text entry
-+  browser->urlEntry = gtk_entry_new();
-+  // add it to the hbox
-+  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(browser->toolbarHBox), browser->urlEntry,
-+		     TRUE, // expand
-+		     TRUE, // fill
-+		     0);    // padding
-+  // create our new gtk moz embed widget
-+  browser->mozEmbed = gtk_moz_embed_new();
-+  gtk_moz_embed_push_startup();
-+  // add it to the toplevel vbox
-+  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(browser->topLevelVBox), browser->mozEmbed,
-+		     TRUE, // expand
-+		     TRUE, // fill
-+		     0);   // padding
-+  // create the new hbox for the progress area
-+  browser->progressAreaHBox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0);
-+  // add it to the vbox
-+  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(browser->topLevelVBox), browser->progressAreaHBox,
-+		     FALSE, // expand
-+		     FALSE, // fill
-+		     0);   // padding
-+  // create our new progress bar
-+  browser->progressBar = gtk_progress_bar_new();
-+  // add it to the hbox
-+  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(browser->progressAreaHBox), browser->progressBar,
-+		     FALSE, // expand
-+		     FALSE, // fill
-+		     0); // padding
-+  // create our status area and the alignment object that will keep it
-+  // from expanding
-+  browser->statusAlign = gtk_alignment_new(0, 0, 1, 1);
-+  gtk_widget_set_size_request(browser->statusAlign, 1, -1);
-+  // create the status bar
-+  browser->statusBar = gtk_statusbar_new();
-+  gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(browser->statusAlign), browser->statusBar);
-+  // add it to the hbox
-+  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(browser->progressAreaHBox), browser->statusAlign,
-+		     TRUE, // expand
-+		     TRUE, // fill
-+		     0);   // padding
-+  // by default none of the buttons are marked as sensitive.
-+  gtk_widget_set_sensitive(browser->backButton, FALSE);
-+  gtk_widget_set_sensitive(browser->stopButton, FALSE);
-+  gtk_widget_set_sensitive(browser->forwardButton, FALSE);
-+  gtk_widget_set_sensitive(browser->reloadButton, FALSE);
-+  // catch the destruction of the toplevel window
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->topLevelWindow), "delete_event",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(delete_cb), browser);
-+  // hook up the activate signal to the right callback
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->urlEntry), "activate",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(url_activate_cb), browser);
-+  // hook up to the open new browser activation
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->fileOpenNewBrowser), "activate",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(menu_open_new_cb), browser);
-+  // hook up to the stream test
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->fileStream), "activate",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(menu_stream_cb), browser);
-+  // hook up the memory pressure release function
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->fileMemory), "activate",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(menu_memory_cb), browser);
-+  // close this window
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->fileClose), "activate",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(menu_close_cb), browser);
-+  // quit the application
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->fileQuit), "activate",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(menu_quit_cb), browser);
-+  // hook up the location change to update the urlEntry
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "location",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(location_changed_cb), browser);
-+  // hook up the title change to update the window title
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "title",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(title_changed_cb), browser);
-+  // hook up the start and stop signals
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "net_start",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(load_started_cb), browser);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "net_stop",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(load_finished_cb), browser);
-+  // hook up to the change in network status
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "net_state",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(net_state_change_cb), browser);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "net_state_all",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(net_state_change_all_cb), browser);
-+  // hookup to changes in progress
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "progress",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(progress_change_cb), browser);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "progress_all",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(progress_change_all_cb), browser);
-+  // hookup to changes in over-link message
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "link_message",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(link_message_cb), browser);
-+  // hookup to changes in js status message
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "js_status",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(js_status_cb), browser);
-+  // hookup to see whenever a new window is requested
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "new_window",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(new_window_cb), browser);
-+  // hookup to any requested visibility changes
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "visibility",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(visibility_cb), browser);
-+  // hookup to the signal that says that the browser requested to be
-+  // destroyed
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "destroy_browser",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(destroy_brsr_cb), browser);
-+  // hookup to the signal that is called when someone clicks on a link
-+  // to load a new uri
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "open_uri",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(open_uri_cb), browser);
-+  // this signal is emitted when there's a request to change the
-+  // containing browser window to a certain height, like with width
-+  // and height args for a window.open in javascript
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "size_to",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(size_to_cb), browser);
-+  // key event signals
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "dom_key_down",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(dom_key_down_cb), browser);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "dom_key_press",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(dom_key_press_cb), browser);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "dom_key_up",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(dom_key_up_cb), browser);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "dom_mouse_down",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(dom_mouse_down_cb), browser);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "dom_mouse_up",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(dom_mouse_up_cb), browser);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "dom_mouse_click",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(dom_mouse_click_cb), browser);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "dom_mouse_dbl_click",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(dom_mouse_dbl_click_cb), browser);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "dom_mouse_over",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(dom_mouse_over_cb), browser);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "dom_mouse_out",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(dom_mouse_out_cb), browser);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "dom_activate",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(dom_activate_cb), browser);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "dom_focus_in",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(dom_focus_in_cb), browser);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "dom_focus_out",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(dom_focus_out_cb), browser);
-+  // hookup to when the window is destroyed
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(browser->mozEmbed), "destroy",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(destroy_cb), browser);
-+  // set the chrome type so it's stored in the object
-+  gtk_moz_embed_set_chrome_mask(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser->mozEmbed),
-+				actualChromeMask);
-+  return browser;
-+set_browser_visibility (TestGtkBrowser *browser, gboolean visibility)
-+  if (!visibility)
-+  {
-+    gtk_widget_hide(browser->topLevelWindow);
-+    return;
-+  }
-+  if (browser->menuBarOn)
-+    gtk_widget_show_all(browser->menuBar);
-+  else
-+    gtk_widget_hide_all(browser->menuBar);
-+  // since they are on the same line here...
-+  if (browser->toolBarOn || browser->locationBarOn)
-+    gtk_widget_show_all(browser->toolbarHBox);
-+  else 
-+    gtk_widget_hide_all(browser->toolbarHBox);
-+  if (browser->statusBarOn)
-+    gtk_widget_show_all(browser->progressAreaHBox);
-+  else
-+    gtk_widget_hide_all(browser->progressAreaHBox);
-+  gtk_widget_show(browser->mozEmbed);
-+  gtk_widget_show(browser->topLevelVBox);
-+  gtk_widget_show(browser->topLevelWindow);
-+back_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  gtk_moz_embed_go_back(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser->mozEmbed));
-+stop_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  g_print("stop_clicked_cb\n");
-+  gtk_moz_embed_stop_load(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser->mozEmbed));
-+forward_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  g_print("forward_clicked_cb\n");
-+  gtk_moz_embed_go_forward(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser->mozEmbed));
-+reload_clicked_cb  (GtkButton *button, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  g_print("reload_clicked_cb\n");
-+  GdkModifierType state = (GdkModifierType)0;
-+  gint x, y;
-+  gdk_window_get_pointer(NULL, &x, &y, &state);
-+  gtk_moz_embed_reload(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser->mozEmbed),
-+		       (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) ?
-+stream_clicked_cb  (GtkButton   *button, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  const char *data;
-+  const char *data2;
-+  data = "<html>Hi";
-+  data2 = " there</html>\n";
-+  g_print("stream_clicked_cb\n");
-+  gtk_moz_embed_open_stream(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser->mozEmbed),
-+			    "file://", "text/html");
-+  gtk_moz_embed_append_data(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser->mozEmbed),
-+			    data, strlen(data));
-+  gtk_moz_embed_append_data(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser->mozEmbed),
-+			    data2, strlen(data2));
-+  gtk_moz_embed_close_stream(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser->mozEmbed));
-+url_activate_cb    (GtkEditable *widget, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  gchar *text = gtk_editable_get_chars(widget, 0, -1);
-+  g_print("loading url %s\n", text);
-+  gtk_moz_embed_load_url(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser->mozEmbed), text);
-+  g_free(text);
-+menu_open_new_cb   (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  g_print("opening new browser.\n");
-+  TestGtkBrowser *newBrowser = 
-+    new_gtk_browser(GTK_MOZ_EMBED_FLAG_DEFAULTCHROME);
-+  gtk_widget_set_size_request(newBrowser->mozEmbed, 400, 400);
-+  set_browser_visibility(newBrowser, TRUE);
-+menu_stream_cb     (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  g_print("menu_stream_cb\n");
-+  const char *data;
-+  const char *data2;
-+  data = "<html>Hi";
-+  data2 = " <a href='foo.html'>there</a></html>\n";
-+  g_print("stream_clicked_cb\n");
-+  gtk_moz_embed_open_stream(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser->mozEmbed),
-+			    "file://", "text/html");
-+  gtk_moz_embed_append_data(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser->mozEmbed),
-+			    data, strlen(data));
-+  gtk_moz_embed_append_data(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser->mozEmbed),
-+			    data2, strlen(data2));
-+  gtk_moz_embed_close_stream(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser->mozEmbed));
-+menu_memory_cb (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  g_print("menu_memory_cb\n");
-+  nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> os = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/observer-service;1");
-+  if (!os)
-+    return;
-+  // Compact like you mean it.  We do this three times to give the
-+  // cycle collector a chance to try and reclaim as much as we can.
-+  os->NotifyObservers(nsnull, "memory-pressure", NS_LITERAL_STRING("heap-minimize").get());
-+  os->NotifyObservers(nsnull, "memory-pressure", NS_LITERAL_STRING("heap-minimize").get());
-+  os->NotifyObservers(nsnull, "memory-pressure", NS_LITERAL_STRING("heap-minimize").get());
-+menu_close_cb (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  gtk_widget_destroy(browser->topLevelWindow);
-+menu_quit_cb (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  TestGtkBrowser *tmpBrowser;
-+  GList *tmp_list = browser_list;
-+  tmpBrowser = (TestGtkBrowser *)tmp_list->data;
-+  while (tmpBrowser) {
-+    tmp_list = tmp_list->next;
-+    gtk_widget_destroy(tmpBrowser->topLevelWindow);
-+    tmpBrowser = (TestGtkBrowser *)tmp_list->data;
-+  }
-+delete_cb(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventAny *event, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  g_print("delete_cb\n");
-+  gtk_widget_destroy(widget);
-+  return TRUE;
-+static gboolean
-+  gtk_main_quit();
-+  return FALSE;
-+static gboolean
-+  gtk_moz_embed_pop_startup();
-+  return FALSE;
-+destroy_cb         (GtkWidget *widget, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  GList *tmp_list;
-+  g_print("destroy_cb\n");
-+  num_browsers--;
-+  tmp_list = g_list_find(browser_list, browser);
-+  browser_list = g_list_remove_link(browser_list, tmp_list);
-+  if (browser->tempMessage)
-+    g_free(browser->tempMessage);
-+  g_idle_add(idle_pop, NULL);
-+  if (num_browsers == 0)
-+    g_idle_add (idle_quit, NULL);
-+location_changed_cb (GtkMozEmbed *embed, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  char *newLocation;
-+  int   newPosition = 0;
-+  g_print("location_changed_cb\n");
-+  newLocation = gtk_moz_embed_get_location(embed);
-+  if (newLocation)
-+  {
-+    gtk_editable_delete_text(GTK_EDITABLE(browser->urlEntry), 0, -1);
-+    gtk_editable_insert_text(GTK_EDITABLE(browser->urlEntry),
-+			     newLocation, strlen(newLocation), &newPosition);
-+    g_free(newLocation);
-+  }
-+  else
-+    g_print("failed to get location!\n");
-+  // always make sure to clear the tempMessage.  it might have been
-+  // set from the link before a click and we wouldn't have gotten the
-+  // callback to unset it.
-+  update_temp_message(browser, 0);
-+  // update the nav buttons on a location change
-+  update_nav_buttons(browser);
-+title_changed_cb    (GtkMozEmbed *embed, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  char *newTitle;
-+  g_print("title_changed_cb\n");
-+  newTitle = gtk_moz_embed_get_title(embed);
-+  if (newTitle)
-+  {
-+    gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(browser->topLevelWindow), newTitle);
-+    g_free(newTitle);
-+  }
-+load_started_cb     (GtkMozEmbed *embed, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  g_print("load_started_cb\n");
-+  gtk_widget_set_sensitive(browser->stopButton, TRUE);
-+  gtk_widget_set_sensitive(browser->reloadButton, FALSE);
-+  browser->loadPercent = 0;
-+  browser->bytesLoaded = 0;
-+  browser->maxBytesLoaded = 0;
-+  update_status_bar_text(browser);
-+load_finished_cb    (GtkMozEmbed *embed, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  g_print("load_finished_cb\n");
-+  gtk_widget_set_sensitive(browser->stopButton, FALSE);
-+  gtk_widget_set_sensitive(browser->reloadButton, TRUE);
-+  browser->loadPercent = 0;
-+  browser->bytesLoaded = 0;
-+  browser->maxBytesLoaded = 0;
-+  update_status_bar_text(browser);
-+  gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(browser->progressBar), 0);
-+net_state_change_cb (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gint flags, guint status,
-+		     TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  g_print("net_state_change_cb %d\n", flags);
-+  if (flags & GTK_MOZ_EMBED_FLAG_IS_REQUEST) {
-+    browser->statusMessage = "Redirecting to site...";
-+    else if (flags & GTK_MOZ_EMBED_FLAG_TRANSFERRING)
-+    browser->statusMessage = "Transferring data from site...";
-+    else if (flags & GTK_MOZ_EMBED_FLAG_NEGOTIATING)
-+    browser->statusMessage = "Waiting for authorization...";
-+  }
-+    browser->statusMessage = "Site not found.";
-+    browser->statusMessage = "Failed to connect to site.";
-+    browser->statusMessage = "Failed due to connection timeout.";
-+    browser->statusMessage = "User canceled connecting to site.";
-+    if (flags & GTK_MOZ_EMBED_FLAG_START)
-+      browser->statusMessage = "Loading site...";
-+    else if (flags & GTK_MOZ_EMBED_FLAG_STOP)
-+      browser->statusMessage = "Done.";
-+  }
-+  update_status_bar_text(browser);
-+void net_state_change_all_cb (GtkMozEmbed *embed, const char *uri,
-+				     gint flags, guint status,
-+				     TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  //  g_print("net_state_change_all_cb %s %d %d\n", uri, flags, status);
-+void progress_change_cb   (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gint cur, gint max,
-+			   TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  g_print("progress_change_cb cur %d max %d\n", cur, max);
-+  // avoid those pesky divide by zero errors
-+  if (max < 1)
-+  {
-+    browser->loadPercent = 0;
-+    browser->bytesLoaded = cur;
-+    browser->maxBytesLoaded = 0;
-+    update_status_bar_text(browser);
-+  }
-+  else
-+  {
-+    browser->bytesLoaded = cur;
-+    browser->maxBytesLoaded = max;
-+    if (cur > max)
-+      browser->loadPercent = 100;
-+    else
-+      browser->loadPercent = (cur * 100) / max;
-+    update_status_bar_text(browser);
-+    gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(browser->progressBar),
-+                                  browser->loadPercent / 100.0);
-+  }
-+void progress_change_all_cb (GtkMozEmbed *embed, const char *uri,
-+			     gint cur, gint max,
-+			     TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  //g_print("progress_change_all_cb %s cur %d max %d\n", uri, cur, max);
-+link_message_cb      (GtkMozEmbed *embed, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  char *message;
-+  g_print("link_message_cb\n");
-+  message = gtk_moz_embed_get_link_message(embed);
-+  if (!message || !*message)
-+    update_temp_message(browser, 0);
-+  else
-+    update_temp_message(browser, message);
-+  if (message)
-+    g_free(message);
-+js_status_cb (GtkMozEmbed *embed, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+ char *message;
-+  g_print("js_status_cb\n");
-+  message = gtk_moz_embed_get_js_status(embed);
-+  if (!message || !*message)
-+    update_temp_message(browser, 0);
-+  else
-+    update_temp_message(browser, message);
-+  if (message)
-+    g_free(message);
-+new_window_cb (GtkMozEmbed *embed, GtkMozEmbed **newEmbed, guint chromemask, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  g_print("new_window_cb\n");
-+  g_print("embed is %p chromemask is %d\n", (void *)embed, chromemask);
-+  TestGtkBrowser *newBrowser = new_gtk_browser(chromemask);
-+  gtk_widget_set_size_request(newBrowser->mozEmbed, 400, 400);
-+  *newEmbed = GTK_MOZ_EMBED(newBrowser->mozEmbed);
-+  g_print("new browser is %p\n", (void *)*newEmbed);
-+visibility_cb (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gboolean visibility, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  g_print("visibility_cb %d\n", visibility);
-+  set_browser_visibility(browser, visibility);
-+destroy_brsr_cb      (GtkMozEmbed *embed, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  g_print("destroy_brsr_cb\n");
-+  gtk_widget_destroy(browser->topLevelWindow);
-+open_uri_cb          (GtkMozEmbed *embed, const char *uri, TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  g_print("open_uri_cb %s\n", uri);
-+  // interrupt this test load
-+  if (!strcmp(uri, "http://people.redhat.com/blizzard/monkeys.txt"))
-+    return TRUE;
-+  // don't interrupt anything
-+  return FALSE;
-+size_to_cb (GtkMozEmbed *embed, gint width, gint height,
-+	    TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  g_print("*** size_to_cb %d %d\n", width, height);
-+  gtk_widget_set_size_request(browser->mozEmbed, width, height);
-+gint dom_key_down_cb      (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMKeyEvent *event,
-+			   TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  PRUint32 keyCode = 0;
-+  //  g_print("dom_key_down_cb\n");
-+  event->GetKeyCode(&keyCode);
-+  // g_print("key code is %d\n", keyCode);
-+  return NS_OK;
-+gint dom_key_press_cb     (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMKeyEvent *event,
-+			   TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  PRUint32 keyCode = 0;
-+  // g_print("dom_key_press_cb\n");
-+  event->GetCharCode(&keyCode);
-+  // g_print("char code is %d\n", keyCode);
-+  return NS_OK;
-+gint dom_key_up_cb        (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMKeyEvent *event,
-+			   TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  PRUint32 keyCode = 0;
-+  // g_print("dom_key_up_cb\n");
-+  event->GetKeyCode(&keyCode);
-+  // g_print("key code is %d\n", keyCode);
-+  return NS_OK;
-+gint dom_mouse_down_cb    (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMMouseEvent *event,
-+			   TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  //  g_print("dom_mouse_down_cb\n");
-+  return NS_OK;
-+ }
-+gint dom_mouse_up_cb      (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMMouseEvent *event,
-+			   TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  //  g_print("dom_mouse_up_cb\n");
-+  return NS_OK;
-+gint dom_mouse_click_cb   (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMMouseEvent *event,
-+			   TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  //  g_print("dom_mouse_click_cb\n");
-+  PRUint16 button;
-+  event->GetButton(&button);
-+  printf("button was %d\n", button);
-+  return NS_OK;
-+gint dom_mouse_dbl_click_cb (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMMouseEvent *event,
-+			     TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  //  g_print("dom_mouse_dbl_click_cb\n");
-+  return NS_OK;
-+gint dom_mouse_over_cb    (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMMouseEvent *event,
-+			   TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  //g_print("dom_mouse_over_cb\n");
-+  return NS_OK;
-+gint dom_mouse_out_cb     (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMMouseEvent *event,
-+			   TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  //g_print("dom_mouse_out_cb\n");
-+  return NS_OK;
-+gint dom_activate_cb      (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMUIEvent *event,
-+			   TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  //g_print("dom_activate_cb\n");
-+  return NS_OK;
-+gint dom_focus_in_cb      (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMUIEvent *event,
-+			   TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  //g_print("dom_focus_in_cb\n");
-+  return NS_OK;
-+gint dom_focus_out_cb     (GtkMozEmbed *embed, nsIDOMUIEvent *event,
-+			   TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  //g_print("dom_focus_out_cb\n");
-+  return NS_OK;
-+void new_window_orphan_cb (GtkMozEmbedSingle *embed,
-+			   GtkMozEmbed **retval, guint chromemask,
-+			   gpointer data)
-+  g_print("new_window_orphan_cb\n");
-+  g_print("chromemask is %d\n", chromemask);
-+  TestGtkBrowser *newBrowser = new_gtk_browser(chromemask);
-+  *retval = GTK_MOZ_EMBED(newBrowser->mozEmbed);
-+  g_print("new browser is %p\n", (void *)*retval);
-+// utility functions
-+update_status_bar_text(TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  gchar message[256];
-+  gtk_statusbar_pop(GTK_STATUSBAR(browser->statusBar), 1);
-+  if (browser->tempMessage)
-+    gtk_statusbar_push(GTK_STATUSBAR(browser->statusBar), 1, browser->tempMessage);
-+  else
-+  {
-+    if (browser->loadPercent)
-+    {
-+      g_snprintf(message, 255, "%s (%d%% complete, %d bytes of %d loaded)", browser->statusMessage, browser->loadPercent, browser->bytesLoaded, browser->maxBytesLoaded);
-+    }
-+    else if (browser->bytesLoaded)
-+    {
-+      g_snprintf(message, 255, "%s (%d bytes loaded)", browser->statusMessage, browser->bytesLoaded);
-+    }
-+    else if (browser->statusMessage == NULL)
-+    {
-+      g_snprintf(message, 255, " ");
-+    }
-+    else
-+    {
-+      g_snprintf(message, 255, "%s", browser->statusMessage);
-+    }
-+    gtk_statusbar_push(GTK_STATUSBAR(browser->statusBar), 1, message);
-+  }
-+update_temp_message(TestGtkBrowser *browser, const char *message)
-+  if (browser->tempMessage)
-+    g_free(browser->tempMessage);
-+  if (message)
-+    browser->tempMessage = g_strdup(message);
-+  else
-+    browser->tempMessage = 0;
-+  // now that we've updated the temp message, redraw the status bar
-+  update_status_bar_text(browser);
-+update_nav_buttons      (TestGtkBrowser *browser)
-+  gboolean can_go_back;
-+  gboolean can_go_forward;
-+  can_go_back = gtk_moz_embed_can_go_back(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser->mozEmbed));
-+  can_go_forward = gtk_moz_embed_can_go_forward(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser->mozEmbed));
-+  if (can_go_back)
-+    gtk_widget_set_sensitive(browser->backButton, TRUE);
-+  else
-+    gtk_widget_set_sensitive(browser->backButton, FALSE);
-+  if (can_go_forward)
-+    gtk_widget_set_sensitive(browser->forwardButton, TRUE);
-+  else
-+    gtk_widget_set_sensitive(browser->forwardButton, FALSE);
-+ }
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbedMDI.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbedMDI.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbedMDI.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.267678760 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbedMDI.cpp	2012-03-09 15:19:22.267678760 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
-+/** simplemdi.c **/
-+ * Sample code from "GNOME/GTK+ Programming Bible" by Arthur Griffith
-+ * Modified by Kevin Gibbs (kgibbs at stanford.edu) to provide sample of
-+ * GtkMozEmbed realization/unrealization crashes.
-+ *
-+ * To get a fatal crash, simply run the program, click on the "Mozilla"
-+ * tab to display the MozEmbed widget, and then try to drag that MDI tab
-+ * off to a new window.
-+ * 
-+ * Although this test might seem elaborate, it is really only a convenient
-+ * to create a situation where the widget is realized, unrealized, and
-+ * realized again at some point. (Dragging the MDI tab off to a new window
-+ * causes all widgets to be unrealized in the old window, and then realized
-+ * again in the new window.) 
-+ */
-+#include <gnome.h>
-+#include "gtkmozembed.h"
-+// Testing flags
-+// Define this flag to have the test program use the gtkmozembed widget.
-+// Without this flag, mozilla is never loaded in the program, and a simple
-+// widget is used in place of the mozembed widget.
-+// Define this flag to have a simpler test than the usual one. The normal
-+// test builds a notebook inside of each MDI view, with one page being a label
-+// and the other page being a browser widget. The simpler test does not
-+// build a notebook and simply puts the browser widget in the MDI view itself.
-+// Currently, this test is not very interesting, since for some reason all
-+// the webshells just create and destroy themselves. (???)
-+//#define SIMPLER_TEST
-+// Define this flag to use a GnomePixmap instead of a GtkLabel as the
-+// replacement for the gtkmozembed widget when USE_MOZILLA_TEST is
-+// undefined. This is to stress test the program a bit more by providing a
-+// replacement widget slightly more complex than GtkLabel.
-+// (Has no effect when USE_MOZILLA_TEST is defined.)
-+gint eventDelete(GtkWidget *widget,
-+        GdkEvent *event,gpointer data);
-+gint eventDestroy(GtkWidget *widget,
-+        GdkEvent *event,gpointer data);
-+static void addChild(GtkObject *mdi,gchar *name);
-+static GtkWidget *setLabel(GnomeMDIChild *child,
-+        GtkWidget *currentLabel,gpointer data);
-+static GtkWidget *createView(GnomeMDIChild *child,
-+        gpointer data);
-+int main(int argc,char *argv[])
-+    GtkObject *mdi;
-+    gnome_init("simplemdi","1.0",argc,argv);
-+    mdi = gnome_mdi_new("simplemdi","Simple MDI");
-+    gtk_signal_connect(mdi,"destroy",
-+            GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(eventDestroy),NULL);
-+    addChild(mdi,"First");
-+    addChild(mdi,"Second");
-+    addChild(mdi,"Third");
-+    addChild(mdi,"Last");
-+    gnome_mdi_set_mode(GNOME_MDI(mdi),GNOME_MDI_NOTEBOOK);
-+    //gnome_mdi_open_toplevel(GNOME_MDI(mdi));
-+    gtk_main();
-+    exit(0);
-+static void addChild(GtkObject *mdi,gchar *name)
-+    GnomeMDIGenericChild *child;
-+    child = gnome_mdi_generic_child_new(name);
-+    gnome_mdi_add_child(GNOME_MDI(mdi),
-+            GNOME_MDI_CHILD(child));
-+    gnome_mdi_generic_child_set_view_creator(child,
-+            createView,name);
-+    gnome_mdi_generic_child_set_label_func(child,setLabel,
-+            NULL);
-+    gnome_mdi_add_view(GNOME_MDI(mdi),
-+            GNOME_MDI_CHILD(child));
-+static GtkWidget *createView(GnomeMDIChild *child,
-+        gpointer data)
-+    GtkWidget *browser = gtk_moz_embed_new();
-+    GtkWidget *browser = gtk_label_new("lynx 0.01a");
-+    /* Another example -- */
-+    GtkWidget *browser =
-+      gnome_pixmap_new_from_file("/usr/share/pixmaps/emacs.png");
-+#endif /* SAMPLE_PIXMAP */
-+#endif /* USE_MOZILLA_TEST */
-+    GtkWidget *notebook = gtk_notebook_new();
-+    char str[80];
-+    sprintf(str,"View of the\n%s widget",(gchar *)data);
-+    gtk_moz_embed_load_url(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(browser), "http://www.mozilla.org");
-+#endif /* USE_MOZILLA_TEST */
-+#ifndef SIMPLER_TEST
-+    gtk_notebook_append_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(notebook), gtk_label_new(str),
-+			     gtk_label_new("Label"));
-+    gtk_notebook_append_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(notebook), browser,
-+			     gtk_label_new("Mozilla"));
-+    gtk_widget_show_all(notebook);
-+    return (notebook);
-+    gtk_widget_show(browser);
-+    return (browser);
-+#endif /* SIMPLER_TEST */
-+static GtkWidget *setLabel(GnomeMDIChild *child,
-+        GtkWidget *currentLabel,gpointer data)
-+    if(currentLabel == NULL)
-+        return(gtk_label_new(child->name));
-+    gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(currentLabel),
-+            child->name);
-+    return(currentLabel);
-+gint eventDestroy(GtkWidget *widget,
-+        GdkEvent *event,gpointer data) {
-+    gtk_main_quit();
-+    return(0);
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbedNotebook.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbedNotebook.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbedNotebook.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.267678760 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbedNotebook.cpp	2012-03-09 15:19:22.267678760 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
-+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-+#include <gtkmozembed.h>
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include "nsStringAPI.h"
-+#include "gtkmozembed_glue.cpp"
-+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-+	GtkWidget *window;
-+	GtkWidget *label;
-+	GtkWidget *mozembed;
-+	GtkWidget *container;
-+	char *url;
-+	gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
-+        static const GREVersionRange greVersion = {
-+                "1.9a", PR_TRUE,
-+                "2", PR_TRUE
-+        };
-+        char xpcomPath[PATH_MAX];
-+        nsresult rv =
-+                GRE_GetGREPathWithProperties(&greVersion, 1, nsnull, 0,
-+                                             xpcomPath, sizeof(xpcomPath));
-+        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-+                fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find a compatible GRE.\n");
-+                return 1;
-+        }
-+        rv = XPCOMGlueStartup(xpcomPath);
-+        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-+                fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't start XPCOM.");
-+                return 1;
-+        }
-+        rv = GTKEmbedGlueStartup();
-+        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-+                fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find GTKMozEmbed symbols.");
-+                return 1;
-+        }
-+        char *lastSlash = strrchr(xpcomPath, '/');
-+        if (lastSlash)
-+                *lastSlash = '\0';
-+        gtk_moz_embed_set_path(xpcomPath);
-+	window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
-+	container = gtk_notebook_new();
-+	mozembed = gtk_moz_embed_new();
-+	label = gtk_label_new("Can you see this message?\n"
-+			      "Once you switch to mozembed page " 
-+			      "you never see this message.");
-+	g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(mozembed), "destroy",
-+	                 G_CALLBACK(gtk_main_quit),
-+	gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), container);
-+	gtk_notebook_append_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(container),
-+			label,
-+			gtk_label_new("gtk label"));
-+	gtk_notebook_append_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(container),
-+			mozembed,
-+			gtk_label_new("mozembed"));
-+	gtk_widget_set_size_request(window, 400, 300);
-+	gtk_widget_show(mozembed);
-+	gtk_widget_show(label);
-+	gtk_widget_show_all(window);
-+	url = (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : (char *)"localhost";
-+	gtk_moz_embed_load_url(GTK_MOZ_EMBED(mozembed), url);
-+	gtk_main();
-+	return 0;
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbedSocket.cpp.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbedSocket.cpp
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbedSocket.cpp.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.267678760 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/embedding/browser/gtk/tests/TestGtkEmbedSocket.cpp	2012-03-09 15:19:22.267678760 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
-+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-+ *
-+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
-+ *
-+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
-+ *
-+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-+ * Christopher Blizzard.
-+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
-+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Contributor(s):
-+ *   Christopher Blizzard <blizzard at mozilla.org>
-+ *
-+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-+ *
-+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-+#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <sys/types.h>
-+#include <unistd.h>
-+GtkWidget *toplevel_window = 0;
-+GtkWidget *button = 0;
-+GtkWidget *vbox = 0;
-+GtkWidget *gtk_socket = 0;
-+insert_mozilla(gpointer data);
-+main(int argc, char **argv)
-+  gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
-+  toplevel_window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(toplevel_window), "destroy",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(exit), NULL);
-+  vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0);
-+  gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(toplevel_window), vbox);
-+  gtk_widget_show(vbox);
-+  button = gtk_button_new_with_label("Insert Mozilla");
-+  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
-+  gtk_widget_show(button);
-+  g_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(button), "clicked",
-+                   G_CALLBACK(insert_mozilla), NULL);
-+  gtk_widget_show(toplevel_window);
-+  gtk_main();
-+  return 0;
-+insert_mozilla(gpointer data)
-+  char buffer[20];
-+  int pid;
-+  if (gtk_socket)
-+    return;
-+  gtk_socket = gtk_socket_new();
-+  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), gtk_socket, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
-+  gtk_widget_show(gtk_socket);
-+  sprintf(buffer, "%#lx", GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW(gtk_socket->window));
-+  gdk_flush();
-+  if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { /* child */
-+    execl("./TestGtkEmbedChild", "./TestGtkEmbedChild", buffer, NULL);
-+    fprintf(stderr, "can't exec child\n");
-+    _exit(1);
-+  }
-+  else if (pid > 0) { /* parent */
-+  }
-+  else {
-+    fprintf(stderr, "Can't fork.\n");
-+  }
---- xulrunner-16.0.1/mozilla/toolkit/library/Makefile.in~	2012-10-11 00:43:51.000000000 +0300
-+++ xulrunner-16.0.1/mozilla/toolkit/library/Makefile.in	2012-10-19 01:36:08.665153714 +0300
-@@ -177,6 +177,8 @@
- ifdef MOZ_XUL
-+  $(DEPTH)/embedding/browser/gtk/src/$(LIB_PREFIX)gtkembedmoz.$(LIB_SUFFIX)
-   unixproxy \
-   $(NULL)
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/toolkit/toolkit-makefiles.sh.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/toolkit/toolkit-makefiles.sh
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/toolkit/toolkit-makefiles.sh.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 01:40:06.000000000 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/toolkit/toolkit-makefiles.sh	2012-03-09 15:19:22.268678765 +0100
-@@ -438,6 +438,9 @@ MAKEFILES_embedding="
-   embedding/browser/Makefile
-   embedding/browser/build/Makefile
-   embedding/browser/webBrowser/Makefile
-+  embedding/browser/gtk/Makefile
-+  embedding/browser/gtk/src/Makefile
-+  embedding/browser/gtk/tests/Makefile
-   embedding/components/Makefile
-   embedding/components/appstartup/src/Makefile
-   embedding/components/build/Makefile
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/toolkit/toolkit-tiers.mk.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/toolkit/toolkit-tiers.mk
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/toolkit/toolkit-tiers.mk.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 01:40:06.000000000 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/toolkit/toolkit-tiers.mk	2012-03-09 15:19:22.269678770 +0100
-@@ -220,6 +220,12 @@ endif
- tier_platform_dirs += services/crypto/component
-+ifneq (,$(MOZ_ENABLE_GTK2))
-+tier_platform_dirs += embedding/browser/gtk
- tier_platform_dirs += startupcache
- tier_platform_dirs += js/ductwork/debugger
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/xulrunner/installer/Makefile.in.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/xulrunner/installer/Makefile.in
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/xulrunner/installer/Makefile.in.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.240678626 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/xulrunner/installer/Makefile.in	2012-03-09 15:19:22.275678799 +0100
-@@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ pkg_config_files = \
- 	libxul-embedding.pc \
- 	mozilla-js.pc \
- 	mozilla-plugin.pc \
-+	mozilla-gtkmozembed.pc \
-+	mozilla-gtkmozembed-embedding.pc \
- 	$(NULL)
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/xulrunner/installer/mozilla-gtkmozembed-embedding.pc.in.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/xulrunner/installer/mozilla-gtkmozembed-embedding.pc.in
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/xulrunner/installer/mozilla-gtkmozembed-embedding.pc.in.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.270678775 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/xulrunner/installer/mozilla-gtkmozembed-embedding.pc.in	2012-03-09 15:19:22.270678775 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
-+Name: mozilla-gtkembedmoz
-+Description: Static version-independent Mozilla Embedding Widget for Gtk+
-+Requires: libxul-embedding = %MOZILLA_VERSION%
-diff -up xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/xulrunner/installer/mozilla-gtkmozembed.pc.in.gtkmozembed xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/xulrunner/installer/mozilla-gtkmozembed.pc.in
---- xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/xulrunner/installer/mozilla-gtkmozembed.pc.in.gtkmozembed	2012-03-09 15:19:22.270678775 +0100
-+++ xulrunner-11.0/mozilla-beta/xulrunner/installer/mozilla-gtkmozembed.pc.in	2012-03-09 15:19:22.270678775 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
-+Name: mozilla-gtkembedmoz
-+Description: Mozilla Embedding Widget for Gtk+
-+Requires: libxul = %MOZILLA_VERSION%

---- gitweb:


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