[packages/chromium-browser/merge-24-v3] update stable to 24.0.1312.52
glen at pld-linux.org
Thu Jan 10 23:04:22 CET 2013
commit 2a415062a91e95f4be1ca03515a58f76a43f54a9
Merge: 2e4113f 6d877f0
Author: Elan Ruusamäe <glen at delfi.ee>
Date: Fri Jan 11 00:02:26 2013 +0200
update stable to 24.0.1312.52
release notes:
chromium-browser.spec | 147 ++++-----
clean-source.sh | 781 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
get-source.sh | 40 ++-
gyp-system-minizip.patch | 96 ------
make-diff-patch.sh | 5 +-
nacl-no-untar.patch | 315 +++++++++++--------
nacl-verbose.patch | 20 ++
no-pnacl.patch | 31 ++
options-support.patch | 40 ---
pulse_fix-157876.patch | 14 +
system-icu.patch | 12 -
system-jsoncpp.patch | 32 +-
system-libs.patch | 56 ----
system-libxnvctrl.patch | 68 +++++
system-nspr.patch | 33 ++
system-speex.patch | 31 --
system-srtp.patch | 43 ---
tcmalloc-glibc2.16.patch | 12 +
update-source.sh | 5 +-
19 files changed, 1022 insertions(+), 759 deletions(-)
diff --cc chromium-browser.spec
index 5c9613d,892a6f5..db72b46
--- a/chromium-browser.spec
+++ b/chromium-browser.spec
@@@ -62,22 -66,15 +66,22 @@@
# http://carme.pld-linux.org/~glen/chromium-browser/th/x86_64/chromium-nightly.conf
# http://carme.pld-linux.org/~glen/chromium-browser/th/i686/chromium-nightly.conf
- %define branch 23.0.1271
- %define basever 64
- %define patchver 97
++%define branch 24.0.1312
++%define basever 52
++#define patchver %{nil}
%define gyp_rev 1014
Summary: A WebKit powered web browser
Name: chromium-browser
- Version: %{branch}.%{patchver}
- Release: 2
-Version: 24.0.1312.52
++Version: %{branch}.%{!?patchver:%{basever}}%{?patchver}
+ Release: 0.24
License: BSD, LGPL v2+ (ffmpeg)
Group: X11/Applications/Networking
-Source0: http://carme.pld-linux.org/~glen/chromium-browser/src/beta/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
-# Source0-md5: 2995d5aa3f1ecb470e60e0984229fcce
+Source0: http://carme.pld-linux.org/~glen/chromium-browser/src/stable/%{name}-%{branch}.%{basever}.tar.xz
+# Source0-md5: 6c467affd292ee9a9020ac91147969c8
+%if "%{?patchver}" != ""
+Patch0: http://carme.pld-linux.org/~glen/chromium-browser/src/stable/%{name}-%{version}.patch.xz
+# Patch0-md5: 2f4e98e37053705fd86ffcb49f1f2247
Source1: %{name}.default
Source2: %{name}.sh
Source3: %{name}.desktop
---- gitweb:
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