[packages/python-meld3] up to 0.6.10

glen glen at pld-linux.org
Mon Mar 11 12:15:51 CET 2013

commit 81bff272b22c21979306dd9706e91717cc072ef0
Author: Elan Ruusamäe <glen at delfi.ee>
Date:   Mon Mar 11 13:15:39 2013 +0200

    up to 0.6.10

 python-meld3-0.6.7-missing-src-file.patch | 399 ------------------------------
 python-meld3.spec                         |   6 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 403 deletions(-)
diff --git a/python-meld3.spec b/python-meld3.spec
index d5d1458..da9693f 100644
--- a/python-meld3.spec
+++ b/python-meld3.spec
@@ -5,17 +5,16 @@
 %define 	module	meld3
 Summary:	HTML/XML templating system for Python
 Name:		python-%{module}
-Version:	0.6.7
+Version:	0.6.10
 Release:	1
 License:	ZPL v2.1
 Group:		Development/Languages
 URL:		http://www.plope.com/software/meld3/
 Source0:	http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/m/meld3/meld3-%{version}.tar.gz
-# Source0-md5:	53e589482029ee84ffac9362db71eabe
+# Source0-md5:	42e58624e9d427be7659d7a28e2b0b6f
 # The current meld3 tarball leaves this out by mistake
 # https://github.com/Supervisor/meld3/raw/0.6.7/meld3/cmeld3.c -- AKA:
 # https://github.com/Supervisor/meld3/raw/bafd959fc2e389f46786a6b3174d50f9963fe967/meld3/cmeld3.c
-Patch0:		%{name}-0.6.7-missing-src-file.patch
 BuildRequires:	python-devel
 BuildRequires:	python-elementtree
 BuildRequires:	rpm-pythonprov
@@ -31,7 +30,6 @@ this pattern.
 %setup -q -n meld3-%{version}
-%patch0 -p1
diff --git a/python-meld3-0.6.7-missing-src-file.patch b/python-meld3-0.6.7-missing-src-file.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8aa907f..0000000
--- a/python-meld3-0.6.7-missing-src-file.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-diff -up meld3-0.6.7/meld3/cmeld3.c.missing-src-file meld3-0.6.7/meld3/cmeld3.c
---- meld3-0.6.7/meld3/cmeld3.c.missing-src-file	2011-04-05 14:31:26.229563043 +0200
-+++ meld3-0.6.7/meld3/cmeld3.c	2011-04-05 14:30:52.631796235 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
-+#include <Python.h>
-+/* fprintf(stderr, "%s:%s:%d\n", __FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
-+   fflush(stderr); */
-+static PyObject *PySTR__class__, *PySTR__dict__, *PySTR_children;
-+static PyObject *PySTRattrib, *PySTRparent, *PySTR_MELD_ID;
-+static PyObject *PySTRtag, *PySTRtext, *PySTRtail, *PySTRstructure;
-+static PyObject *PySTRReplace;
-+static PyObject *emptyattrs, *emptychildren = NULL;
-+static PyObject*
-+bfclone(PyObject *nodes, PyObject *parent)
-+    int len, i;
-+    if (!(PyList_Check(nodes))) {
-+	return NULL;
-+    }
-+    len = PyList_Size(nodes);
-+    if (len < 0) {
-+	return NULL;
-+    }
-+    PyObject *L;
-+    if (!(L = PyList_New(0))) return NULL;
-+    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-+	PyObject *node;
-+	if (!(node = PyList_GetItem(nodes, i))) {
-+	    return NULL;
-+	}
-+	PyObject *klass;
-+	PyObject *children;
-+	PyObject *text;
-+	PyObject *tail;
-+	PyObject *tag;
-+	PyObject *attrib;
-+	PyObject *structure;
-+	PyObject *dict;
-+	PyObject *newdict;
-+	PyObject *newchildren;
-+	PyObject *attrib_copy;
-+	PyObject *element;
-+	int childsize;
-+	if (!(klass = PyObject_GetAttr(node, PySTR__class__))) return NULL;
-+	if (!(dict = PyObject_GetAttr(node, PySTR__dict__))) return NULL;
-+	if (!(children = PyDict_GetItem(dict, PySTR_children))) return NULL;
-+	if (!(tag = PyDict_GetItem(dict, PySTRtag))) return NULL;
-+	if (!(attrib = PyDict_GetItem(dict, PySTRattrib))) return NULL;
-+	if (!(text = PyDict_GetItem(dict, PySTRtext))) {
-+	    text = Py_None;
-+	}
-+	if (!(tail = PyDict_GetItem(dict, PySTRtail))) {
-+	    tail = Py_None;
-+	}
-+	if (!(structure = PyDict_GetItem(dict, PySTRstructure))) {
-+	    structure = Py_None;
-+	}
-+	Py_DECREF(dict);
-+	if (!(newdict = PyDict_New())) return NULL;
-+	if (!(newchildren = PyList_New(0))) return NULL;
-+	attrib_copy = PyDict_Copy(attrib);
-+	PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTR_children, newchildren);
-+        Py_DECREF(newchildren);
-+	PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTRattrib, attrib_copy);
-+        Py_DECREF(attrib_copy);
-+	PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTRtext, text);
-+	PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTRtail, tail);
-+	PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTRtag, tag);
-+	PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTRstructure, structure);
-+	PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTRparent, parent);
-+	if (!(element = PyInstance_NewRaw(klass, newdict))) {
-+	    return NULL;
-+	}
-+        Py_DECREF(newdict);
-+	Py_DECREF(klass);
-+	if (PyList_Append(L, element)) {
-+	    return NULL;
-+	}
-+        Py_DECREF(element);
-+	if (!PyList_Check(children)) return NULL;
-+	if ((childsize = PyList_Size(children)) < 0) {
-+	    return NULL;
-+	}
-+	else {
-+	    if (childsize > 0) {
-+		bfclone(children, element);
-+	    }
-+	}
-+    }
-+    if (PyObject_SetAttr(parent, PySTR_children, L)) return NULL;
-+    Py_DECREF(L);
-+    return parent;
-+static PyObject*
-+bfclonehandler(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-+    PyObject *node, *parent;
-+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO:clone", &node, &parent)) {
-+	return NULL;
-+    }
-+    PyObject *klass;
-+    PyObject *children;
-+    PyObject *text;
-+    PyObject *tail;
-+    PyObject *tag;
-+    PyObject *attrib;
-+    PyObject *structure;
-+    PyObject *dict;
-+    PyObject *newdict;
-+    PyObject *newchildren;
-+    PyObject *attrib_copy;
-+    PyObject *element;
-+    if (!(klass = PyObject_GetAttr(node, PySTR__class__))) return NULL;
-+    if (!(dict = PyObject_GetAttr(node, PySTR__dict__))) return NULL;
-+    if (!(children = PyDict_GetItem(dict, PySTR_children))) return NULL;
-+    if (!(tag = PyDict_GetItem(dict, PySTRtag))) return NULL;
-+    if (!(attrib = PyDict_GetItem(dict, PySTRattrib))) return NULL;
-+    if (!(text = PyDict_GetItem(dict, PySTRtext))) {
-+	text = Py_None;
-+    }
-+    if (!(tail = PyDict_GetItem(dict, PySTRtail))) {
-+	tail = Py_None;
-+    }
-+    if (!(structure = PyDict_GetItem(dict, PySTRstructure))) {
-+	structure = Py_None;
-+    }
-+    Py_DECREF(dict);
-+    if (!(newdict = PyDict_New())) return NULL;
-+    if (!(newchildren = PyList_New(0))) return NULL;
-+    attrib_copy = PyDict_Copy(attrib);
-+    PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTR_children, newchildren);
-+    Py_DECREF(newchildren);
-+    PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTRattrib, attrib_copy);
-+    Py_DECREF(attrib_copy);
-+    PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTRtext, text);
-+    PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTRtail, tail);
-+    PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTRtag, tag);
-+    PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTRstructure, structure);
-+    PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTRparent, parent);
-+    if (!(element = PyInstance_NewRaw(klass, newdict))) return NULL;
-+    Py_DECREF(newdict);
-+    Py_DECREF(klass);
-+    PyObject *pchildren;
-+    if (parent != Py_None) {
-+        if (!(pchildren=PyObject_GetAttr(parent, PySTR_children))) return NULL;
-+	if (PyList_Append(pchildren, element)) return NULL;
-+        Py_DECREF(pchildren);
-+    }
-+    if (!(PyList_Check(children))) return NULL;
-+    if (PyList_Size(children) > 0) {
-+	if (bfclone(children, element) == NULL) {
-+	    return NULL;
-+	}
-+    }
-+    return element;
-+"bfclone(node, parent=None)\n			\
-+Return a clone of the meld3 node named by node (breadth-first).  If parent\n\
-+is not None, append the clone to the parent.\n");
-+static PyObject*
-+getiterator(PyObject *node, PyObject *list) {
-+    if (PyList_Append(list, node) == -1) {
-+	return NULL;
-+    }
-+    PyObject *children;
-+    PyObject *child;
-+    if (!(children = PyObject_GetAttr(node, PySTR_children))) {
-+	return NULL;
-+    }
-+    int len, i;
-+    len = PyList_Size(children);
-+    if (len < 0) {
-+	return NULL;
-+    }
-+    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-+	if (!(child = PyList_GetItem(children, i))) {
-+	    return NULL;
-+	}
-+        getiterator(child, list);
-+	}
-+    Py_DECREF(children);
-+    return list;
-+static PyObject*
-+getiteratorhandler(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-+    PyObject *node;
-+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:getiterator", &node)) {
-+	return NULL;
-+    }
-+    PyObject *list;
-+    PyObject *result;
-+    if (!(list = PyList_New(0))) {
-+	return NULL;
-+    }
-+    result = getiterator(node, list);
-+    if (result == NULL) {
-+	PyList_SetSlice(list, 0, PyList_GET_SIZE(list), (PyObject *)NULL);
-+        Py_DECREF(list);
-+    }
-+    return result;
-+Returns an iterator for the node.");
-+static char* _MELD_ID = "{http://www.plope.com/software/meld3}id";
-+/*static PyObject *PySTR_MELD_ID = PyString_FromString(_MELD_ID);*/
-+static PyObject*
-+findmeld(PyObject *node, PyObject *name) {
-+    PyObject *attrib, *meldid, *result;
-+    if (!(attrib = PyObject_GetAttr(node, PySTRattrib))) return NULL;
-+    meldid = PyDict_GetItem(attrib, PySTR_MELD_ID);
-+    Py_DECREF(attrib);
-+    if (meldid != NULL) {
-+	int compareresult = PyUnicode_Compare(meldid, name);
-+	if (compareresult == 0) {
-+            Py_INCREF(node);
-+            return node;
-+	}
-+    }
-+    int len, i;
-+    result = Py_None;
-+    PyObject *children = PyObject_GetAttr(node, PySTR_children);
-+    len = PyList_Size(children);
-+    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-+        PyObject *child = PyList_GetItem(children, i);
-+        result = findmeld(child, name);
-+        if (result != Py_None) {
-+            break;
-+        }
-+    }
-+    Py_DECREF(children);
-+    return result;
-+static PyObject*
-+findmeldhandler(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-+    PyObject *node, *name, *result;
-+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO:findmeld", &node, &name)) {
-+	return NULL;
-+    }
-+    if (!(result = findmeld(node, name))) return NULL;
-+    if (result == Py_None) {
-+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
-+    }
-+    return result;
-+"findmeld(node, meldid)\n\
-+Return a meld node or None.\n");
-+static PyObject*
-+contenthandler(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
-+    PyObject *node, *text, *structure;
-+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOO:content", &node, &text, &structure)) {
-+	return NULL;
-+    }
-+    PyObject *replacel = NULL;
-+    PyObject *replace = NULL;
-+    PyObject *replacenode  = NULL;
-+    PyObject *newchildren  = NULL;
-+    PyObject *newdict  = NULL;
-+    PyObject *klass  = NULL;
-+    if (!(klass = PyObject_GetAttr(node, PySTR__class__))) return NULL;
-+    if (!(replacel = PyObject_GetAttr(node, PySTRReplace))) return NULL;
-+    if (!(replace = PyList_GetItem(replacel, 0))) return NULL;
-+    Py_DECREF(replacel);
-+    PyObject_SetAttr(node, PySTRtext, Py_None);
-+    if (!(newdict = PyDict_New())) return NULL;
-+    if (PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTRparent, node) == -1) return NULL;
-+    if (PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTRattrib, emptyattrs) == -1) return NULL;
-+    if (PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTRtext, text) == -1) return NULL;
-+    if (PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTRstructure, structure) == -1) return NULL;
-+    if (PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTRtag, replace) == -1) return NULL;
-+    if (PyDict_SetItem(newdict, PySTR_children, emptychildren) == -1) {
-+	return NULL;
-+    }
-+    if (!(replacenode = PyInstance_NewRaw(klass, newdict))) return NULL;
-+    Py_DECREF(klass);
-+    Py_DECREF(newdict);
-+    if (!(newchildren = PyList_New(1))) return NULL;
-+    PyList_SET_ITEM(newchildren, 0, replacenode);  // steals a reference to rn
-+    PyObject_SetAttr(node, PySTR_children, newchildren);
-+    Py_DECREF(newchildren);
-+    Py_INCREF(Py_None);
-+    return Py_None;
-+"content(node, text, structure)\n\
-+Add a content node to node.");
-+static PyMethodDef methods[] = {
-+    {"bfclone", bfclonehandler, METH_VARARGS, bfclonehandler_doc},
-+    {"getiterator", getiteratorhandler, METH_VARARGS, getiteratorhandler_doc},
-+    {"findmeld", findmeldhandler, METH_VARARGS, findmeldhandler_doc},
-+    {"content", contenthandler, METH_VARARGS, contenthandler_doc},
-+    {NULL, NULL}
-+#define DEFINE_STRING(s) \
-+    if (!(PySTR##s = PyString_FromString(#s))) return 
-+    DEFINE_STRING(__class__); 
-+    DEFINE_STRING(__dict__); 
-+    DEFINE_STRING(_children);
-+    DEFINE_STRING(parent);
-+    DEFINE_STRING(tag);
-+    DEFINE_STRING(attrib);
-+    DEFINE_STRING(text);
-+    DEFINE_STRING(tail);
-+    DEFINE_STRING(structure);
-+    DEFINE_STRING(Replace);
-+    PySTR_MELD_ID = PyString_FromString(_MELD_ID);
-+    if (!PySTR_MELD_ID) {
-+	return;
-+    }
-+    emptyattrs = PyDict_New();
-+/*     emptyattrs = PyDictProxy_New(emptyattrs); can't copy a proxy, so... */
-+    emptychildren = PyList_New(0);
-+    Py_InitModule3("cmeld3", methods,
-+		   "C helpers for meld3");

---- gitweb:


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