[packages/ejabberd] - up to 2.1.12; vcard-access-get.patch needs update
arekm at pld-linux.org
Fri May 17 08:43:07 CEST 2013
commit 0d78319d3cfeeb336f0cb54423a02484d2f99357
Author: Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz <arekm at maven.pl>
Date: Fri May 17 08:43:04 2013 +0200
- up to 2.1.12; vcard-access-get.patch needs update
ejabberd-mod_logdb.patch | 1900 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
ejabberd-vcard-access-get.patch | 26 +-
ejabberd.spec | 9 +-
3 files changed, 926 insertions(+), 1009 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ejabberd.spec b/ejabberd.spec
index 3fa2447..04e2545 100644
--- a/ejabberd.spec
+++ b/ejabberd.spec
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
Summary: Fault-tolerant distributed Jabber/XMPP server
Summary(pl.UTF-8): Odporny na awarie rozproszony serwer Jabbera/XMPP
Name: %{realname}
-Version: 2.1.11
-Release: 2
+Version: 2.1.12
+Release: 0.1
License: GPL
Group: Applications/Communications
Source0: http://www.process-one.net/downloads/ejabberd/%{version}/%{realname}-%{version}.tgz
-# Source0-md5: a70b040c4e7602f47718c8afe8780d50
+# Source0-md5: 7d49242cf04282f3c4cebfafa2cc2f46
Source1: %{realname}.init
Source2: %{realname}.sysconfig
Source3: %{realname}.sh
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Source6: ejabberd-module-pgsql-%{pgsql_module_rev}.tar.bz2
Patch0: %{realname}-makefile.patch
Patch1: %{realname}-config.patch
Patch2: %{realname}-mod_muc.patch
-# http://www.dp.uz.gov.ua/o.palij/mod_logdb/patch-src-mod_logdb-2.1.0.diff
+# http://www.dp.uz.gov.ua/o.palij/mod_logdb/patch-mod_logdb-2.1.12.diff
Patch3: %{realname}-mod_logdb.patch
Patch4: %{realname}-vcard-access-get.patch
URL: http://www.ejabberd.im/
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ Server-side logging module.
%patch2 -p1
%patch4 -p1
%if %{with logdb}
-cd src
%patch3 -p0
diff --git a/ejabberd-mod_logdb.patch b/ejabberd-mod_logdb.patch
index 30ea02a..db65297 100644
--- a/ejabberd-mod_logdb.patch
+++ b/ejabberd-mod_logdb.patch
@@ -1,12 +1,185 @@
---- mod_logdb.erl.orig 2009-11-22 13:06:23.000000000 +0200
-+++ mod_logdb.erl 2009-11-22 13:06:16.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,2095 @@
+diff --git src/gen_logdb.erl src/gen_logdb.erl
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..06a894b
+--- /dev/null
++++ src/gen_logdb.erl
+@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
++%%% File : gen_logdb.erl
++%%% Author : Oleg Palij (mailto,xmpp:o.palij at gmail.com)
++%%% Purpose : Describes generic behaviour for mod_logdb backends.
++%%% Version : trunk
++%%% Id : $Id: gen_logdb.erl 1273 2009-02-05 18:12:57Z malik $
++%%% Url : http://www.dp.uz.gov.ua/o.palij/mod_logdb/
++-author('o.palij at gmail.com').
++behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
++ [
++ % called from handle_info(start, _)
++ % it should logon database and return reference to started instance
++ % start(VHost, Opts) -> {ok, SPid} | error
++ % Options - list of options to connect to db
++ % Types: Options = list() -> [] |
++ % [{user, "logdb"},
++ % {pass, "1234"},
++ % {db, "logdb"}] | ...
++ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
++ {start, 2},
++ % called from cleanup/1
++ % it should logoff database and do cleanup
++ % stop(VHost)
++ % Types: VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
++ {stop, 1},
++ % called from handle_call({addlog, _}, _, _)
++ % it should log messages to database
++ % log_message(VHost, Msg) -> ok | error
++ % Types:
++ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
++ % Msg = record() -> #msg
++ {log_message, 2},
++ % called from ejabberdctl rebuild_stats
++ % it should rebuild stats table (if used) for vhost
++ % rebuild_stats(VHost)
++ % Types:
++ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
++ {rebuild_stats, 1},
++ % it should rebuild stats table (if used) for vhost at Date
++ % rebuild_stats_at(VHost, Date)
++ % Types:
++ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
++ % Date = list() -> "2007-02-12"
++ {rebuild_stats_at, 2},
++ % called from user_messages_at_parse_query/5
++ % it should delete selected user messages at date
++ % delete_messages_by_user_at(VHost, Msgs, Date) -> ok | error
++ % Types:
++ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
++ % Msgs = list() -> [ #msg1, msg2, ... ]
++ % Date = list() -> "2007-02-12"
++ {delete_messages_by_user_at, 3},
++ % called from user_messages_parse_query/4 | vhost_messages_at_parse_query/4
++ % it should delete all user messages at date
++ % delete_all_messages_by_user_at(User, VHost, Date) -> ok | error
++ % Types:
++ % User = list() -> "admin"
++ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
++ % Date = list() -> "2007-02-12"
++ {delete_all_messages_by_user_at, 3},
++ % called from vhost_messages_parse_query/3
++ % it should delete messages for vhost at date and update stats
++ % delete_messages_at(VHost, Date) -> ok | error
++ % Types:
++ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
++ % Date = list() -> "2007-02-12"
++ {delete_messages_at, 2},
++ % called from ejabberd_web_admin:vhost_messages_stats/3
++ % it should return sorted list of count of messages by dates for vhost
++ % get_vhost_stats(VHost) -> {ok, [{Date1, Msgs_count1}, {Date2, Msgs_count2}, ... ]} |
++ % {error, Reason}
++ % Types:
++ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
++ % DateN = list() -> "2007-02-12"
++ % Msgs_countN = number() -> 241
++ {get_vhost_stats, 1},
++ % called from ejabberd_web_admin:vhost_messages_stats_at/4
++ % it should return sorted list of count of messages by users at date for vhost
++ % get_vhost_stats_at(VHost, Date) -> {ok, [{User1, Msgs_count1}, {User2, Msgs_count2}, ....]} |
++ % {error, Reason}
++ % Types:
++ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
++ % Date = list() -> "2007-02-12"
++ % UserN = list() -> "admin"
++ % Msgs_countN = number() -> 241
++ {get_vhost_stats_at, 2},
++ % called from ejabberd_web_admin:user_messages_stats/4
++ % it should return sorted list of count of messages by date for user at vhost
++ % get_user_stats(User, VHost) -> {ok, [{Date1, Msgs_count1}, {Date2, Msgs_count2}, ...]} |
++ % {error, Reason}
++ % Types:
++ % User = list() -> "admin"
++ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
++ % DateN = list() -> "2007-02-12"
++ % Msgs_countN = number() -> 241
++ {get_user_stats, 2},
++ % called from ejabberd_web_admin:user_messages_stats_at/5
++ % it should return all user messages at date
++ % get_user_messages_at(User, VHost, Date) -> {ok, Msgs} | {error, Reason}
++ % Types:
++ % User = list() -> "admin"
++ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
++ % Date = list() -> "2007-02-12"
++ % Msgs = list() -> [ #msg1, msg2, ... ]
++ {get_user_messages_at, 3},
++ % called from many places
++ % it should return list of dates for vhost
++ % get_dates(VHost) -> [Date1, Date2, ... ]
++ % Types:
++ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
++ % DateN = list() -> "2007-02-12"
++ {get_dates, 1},
++ % called from start
++ % it should return list with users settings for VHost in db
++ % get_users_settings(VHost) -> [#user_settings1, #user_settings2, ... ] | error
++ % Types:
++ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
++ {get_users_settings, 1},
++ % called from many places
++ % it should return User settings at VHost from db
++ % get_user_settings(User, VHost) -> error | {ok, #user_settings}
++ % Types:
++ % User = list() -> "admin"
++ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
++ {get_user_settings, 2},
++ % called from web admin
++ % it should set User settings at VHost
++ % set_user_settings(User, VHost, #user_settings) -> ok | error
++ % Types:
++ % User = list() -> "admin"
++ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
++ {set_user_settings, 3},
++ % called from remove_user (ejabberd hook)
++ % it should remove user messages and settings at VHost
++ % drop_user(User, VHost) -> ok | error
++ % Types:
++ % User = list() -> "admin"
++ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
++ {drop_user, 2}
++ ];
++behaviour_info(_) ->
++ undefined.
+diff --git src/mod_logdb.erl src/mod_logdb.erl
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7de346f
+--- /dev/null
++++ src/mod_logdb.erl
+@@ -0,0 +1,2087 @@
+%%% File : mod_logdb.erl
+%%% Author : Oleg Palij (mailto,xmpp:o.palij at gmail.com)
+%%% Purpose : Frontend for log user messages to db
+%%% Version : trunk
-+%%% Id : $Id$
++%%% Id : $Id: mod_logdb.erl 1360 2009-07-30 06:00:14Z malik $
+%%% Url : http://www.dp.uz.gov.ua/o.palij/mod_logdb/
@@ -23,9 +196,9 @@
+% gen_server
+% hooks
-+-export([send_packet/3, receive_packet/4, offline_packet/3, remove_user/2]).
++-export([send_packet/3, receive_packet/4, remove_user/2]).
-+ get_local_features/5,
++ get_local_features/5,
+ get_local_items/5,
+ adhoc_local_items/4,
+ adhoc_local_commands/4
@@ -138,7 +311,6 @@
+ ejabberd_hooks:delete(remove_user, VHost, ?MODULE, remove_user, 90),
+ ejabberd_hooks:delete(user_send_packet, VHost, ?MODULE, send_packet, 90),
+ ejabberd_hooks:delete(user_receive_packet, VHost, ?MODULE, receive_packet, 90),
-+ ejabberd_hooks:delete(offline_message_hook, VHost, ?MODULE, offline_packet, 10),
+ %ejabberd_hooks:delete(adhoc_sm_commands, VHost, ?MODULE, adhoc_sm_commands, 110),
+ %ejabberd_hooks:delete(adhoc_sm_items, VHost, ?MODULE, adhoc_sm_items, 110),
+ ejabberd_hooks:delete(adhoc_local_commands, VHost, ?MODULE, adhoc_local_commands, 110),
@@ -359,7 +531,7 @@
+ {stop, db_connection_failed, State};
+ {ok, SPid} ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("~p connection established", [DBMod]),
+ MonRef = erlang:monitor(process, SPid),
+ ets:new(ets_settings_table(VHost), [named_table,public,set,{keypos, #user_settings.owner_name}]),
@@ -372,7 +544,6 @@
+ ejabberd_hooks:add(remove_user, VHost, ?MODULE, remove_user, 90),
+ ejabberd_hooks:add(user_send_packet, VHost, ?MODULE, send_packet, 90),
+ ejabberd_hooks:add(user_receive_packet, VHost, ?MODULE, receive_packet, 90),
-+ ejabberd_hooks:add(offline_message_hook, VHost, ?MODULE, offline_packet, 10),
+ ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_local_items, VHost, ?MODULE, get_local_items, 110),
+ ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_local_features, VHost, ?MODULE, get_local_features, 110),
@@ -469,12 +640,7 @@
+ Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(VHost, ?PROCNAME),
+ gen_server:cast(Proc, {addlog, to, Owner, Peer, P}).
-+offline_packet(Peer, Owner, P) ->
-+ VHost = Owner#jid.lserver,
-+ Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(VHost, ?PROCNAME),
-+ gen_server:cast(Proc, {addlog, from, Owner, Peer, P}).
-+receive_packet(_JID, Peer, Owner, P) ->
++receive_packet(_JID, Peer, Owner, P) ->
+ VHost = Owner#jid.lserver,
+ Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(VHost, ?PROCNAME),
+ gen_server:cast(Proc, {addlog, from, Owner, Peer, P}).
@@ -536,7 +702,7 @@
+ Ni=lists:foldl(fun([{muc_online_room, {GName, GHost}, Pid}], Names) ->
+ case gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, {get_jid_nick,Owner}) of
+ [] -> Names;
-+ Nick ->
++ Nick ->
+ lists:append(Names, [jlib:jid_to_string({GName, GHost, Nick})])
+ end
+ end, [], Rooms),
@@ -601,7 +767,7 @@
+ _ -> State#state.dolog_default
+ end,
-+ lists:all(fun(O) -> O end,
++ lists:all(fun(O) -> O end,
+ [not lists:member(OwnerStr, State#state.ignore_jids),
+ not lists:member(PeerStr, State#state.ignore_jids),
+ not lists:member(OwnerServ, State#state.ignore_jids),
@@ -616,12 +782,12 @@
+ DateDiff = list_to_integer(Days)*24*60*60,
+ ?MYDEBUG("Purging tables older than ~s days", [Days]),
+ lists:foreach(fun(Date) ->
-+ {ok, [Year, Month, Day]} = regexp:split(Date, "[^0-9]+"),
++ [Year, Month, Day] = ejabberd_regexp:split(Date, "[^0-9]+"),
+ DateInSec = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({{list_to_integer(Year), list_to_integer(Month), list_to_integer(Day)}, {0,0,1}}),
+ if
+ (DateNow - DateInSec) > DateDiff ->
+ gen_server:call(Proc, {delete_messages_at, Date});
-+ true ->
++ true ->
+ ?MYDEBUG("Skipping messages at ~p", [Date])
+ end
+ end, Dates).
@@ -630,7 +796,7 @@
+sort_stats(Stats) ->
+ % Stats = [{"2003-4-15",1}, {"2006-8-18",1}, ... ]
+ CFun = fun({TableName, Count}) ->
-+ {ok, [Year, Month, Day]} = regexp:split(TableName, "[^0-9]+"),
++ [Year, Month, Day] = ejabberd_regexp:split(TableName, "[^0-9]+"),
+ { calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({{list_to_integer(Year), list_to_integer(Month), list_to_integer(Day)}, {0,0,1}}), Count }
+ end,
+ % convert to [{63364377601,1}, {63360662401,1}, ... ]
@@ -827,7 +993,7 @@
+ FromDBMod = list_to_atom(atom_to_list(?MODULE) ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(FromDBName)),
+ {ok, _FromPid} = FromDBMod:start(VHost, FromDBOpts),
+ Dates = FromDBMod:get_dates(VHost),
+ DatesLength = length(Dates),
@@ -868,7 +1034,7 @@
+copy_messages_int_tc([FromDBMod, ToDBMod, VHost, Date]) ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("Going to copy messages from ~p for ~p at ~p", [FromDBMod, VHost, Date]),
+ ok = FromDBMod:rebuild_stats_at(VHost, Date),
+ catch mod_logdb:rebuild_stats_at(VHost, Date),
+ {ok, FromStats} = FromDBMod:get_vhost_stats_at(VHost, Date),
@@ -1042,8 +1208,7 @@
+string_to_list([]) ->
+ [];
+string_to_list(String) ->
-+ {ok, List} = regexp:split(String, "\n"),
-+ List.
++ ejabberd_regexp:split(String, "\n").
@@ -1135,7 +1300,7 @@
+ Users ->
+ SUsers = lists:sort([{S, U} || {U, S} <- Users]),
+ case catch begin
-+ {ok, [S1, S2]} = regexp:split(Diap, "-"),
++ [S1, S2] = ejabberd_regexp:split(Diap, "-"),
+ N1 = list_to_integer(S1),
+ N2 = list_to_integer(S2),
+ Sub = lists:sublist(SUsers, N1, N2 - N1 + 1),
@@ -1544,7 +1709,7 @@
+parse_users_settings(XData) ->
+ DLD = case lists:keysearch("dolog_default", 1, XData) of
-+ {value, {_, [String]}} when String == "true"; String == "false" ->
++ {value, {_, [String]}} when String == "true"; String == "false" ->
+ list_to_bool(String);
+ _ ->
+ throw(bad_request)
@@ -2096,15 +2261,18 @@
+ ]
+ )]
+ end.
---- mod_logdb.hrl.orig 2009-11-22 13:06:23.000000000 +0200
-+++ mod_logdb.hrl 2009-02-05 20:12:58.000000000 +0200
+diff --git src/mod_logdb.hrl src/mod_logdb.hrl
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..50db897
+--- /dev/null
++++ src/mod_logdb.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+%%% File : mod_logdb.hrl
+%%% Author : Oleg Palij (mailto,xmpp:o.palij at gmail.com)
+%%% Purpose :
+%%% Version : trunk
-+%%% Id : $Id$
++%%% Id : $Id: mod_logdb.hrl 1273 2009-02-05 18:12:57Z malik $
+%%% Url : http://www.dp.uz.gov.ua/o.palij/mod_logdb/
@@ -2134,15 +2302,18 @@
+ {"name", Name},
+ {"value", Value},
+ {"checked", "true"}])).
---- mod_logdb_mnesia.erl.orig 2009-11-22 13:06:23.000000000 +0200
-+++ mod_logdb_mnesia.erl 2009-02-05 20:12:58.000000000 +0200
+diff --git src/mod_logdb_mnesia.erl src/mod_logdb_mnesia.erl
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..783aaeb
+--- /dev/null
++++ src/mod_logdb_mnesia.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+%%% File : mod_logdb_mnesia.erl
+%%% Author : Oleg Palij (mailto,xmpp:o.palij at gmail.com)
+%%% Purpose : mnesia backend for mod_logdb
+%%% Version : trunk
-+%%% Id : $Id$
++%%% Id : $Id: mod_logdb_mnesia.erl 1273 2009-02-05 18:12:57Z malik $
+%%% Url : http://www.dp.uz.gov.ua/o.palij/mod_logdb/
@@ -2155,7 +2326,7 @@
+% gen_server
+% gen_mod
@@ -2169,10 +2340,10 @@
+ get_dates/1,
+ get_users_settings/1, get_user_settings/2, set_user_settings/3,
+ drop_user/2]).
+-define(PROCNAME, mod_logdb_mnesia).
+-define(CALL_TIMEOUT, 10000).
+-record(state, {vhost}).
+-record(stats, {user, at, count}).
@@ -2235,7 +2406,7 @@
+ {reply, Reply, State};
+handle_call({rebuild_stats_at, Date}, _From, #state{vhost=VHost}=State) ->
+ Reply = rebuild_stats_at_int(VHost, Date),
-+ {reply, Reply, State};
++ {reply, Reply, State};
+handle_call({delete_messages_by_user_at, Msgs, Date}, _From, #state{vhost=VHost}=State) ->
+ Table = table_name(VHost, Date),
+ Fun = fun() ->
@@ -2497,10 +2668,10 @@
+ Tables = mnesia:system_info(tables),
+ lists:foldl(fun(ATable, Dates) ->
+ Table = atom_to_list(ATable),
-+ case regexp:match(Table, VHost++"$") of
-+ {match, _, _} ->
-+ case regexp:match(Table,"_[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+_") of
-+ {match, S, E} ->
++ case ejabberd_regexp:run(Table, VHost++"$") of
++ match ->
++ case re:run(Table, "_[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+_") of
++ {match, [{S, E}]} ->
+ lists:append(Dates, [lists:sublist(Table,S+1,E-2)]);
+ nomatch ->
+ Dates
@@ -2683,220 +2854,487 @@
+ {type, bag},
+ {attributes, record_info(fields, msg)},
+ {record_name, msg}]).
---- mod_logdb_mysql.erl.orig 2009-11-22 13:06:23.000000000 +0200
-+++ mod_logdb_mysql.erl 2009-07-30 09:00:14.000000000 +0300
-@@ -0,0 +1,1053 @@
+diff --git src/mod_logdb_mnesia_old.erl src/mod_logdb_mnesia_old.erl
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..aef9956
+--- /dev/null
++++ src/mod_logdb_mnesia_old.erl
+@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
-+%%% File : mod_logdb_mysql.erl
++%%% File : mod_logdb_mnesia_old.erl
+%%% Author : Oleg Palij (mailto,xmpp:o.palij at gmail.com)
-+%%% Purpose : MySQL backend for mod_logdb
++%%% Purpose : mod_logmnesia backend for mod_logdb (should be used only for copy_tables functionality)
+%%% Version : trunk
-+%%% Id : $Id$
++%%% Id : $Id: mod_logdb_mnesia_old.erl 1273 2009-02-05 18:12:57Z malik $
+%%% Url : http://www.dp.uz.gov.ua/o.palij/mod_logdb/
+-author('o.palij at gmail.com').
-+% gen_server
-+% gen_mod
-+-export([start/2, stop/1]).
-+% gen_logdb
++-export([start/2, stop/1,
++ log_message/2,
+ rebuild_stats/1,
+ rebuild_stats_at/2,
++ rebuild_stats_at1/2,
+ delete_messages_by_user_at/3, delete_all_messages_by_user_at/3, delete_messages_at/2,
+ get_vhost_stats/1, get_vhost_stats_at/2, get_user_stats/2, get_user_messages_at/3,
+ get_dates/1,
+ get_users_settings/1, get_user_settings/2, set_user_settings/3,
+ drop_user/2]).
-+% gen_server call timeout
-+-define(CALL_TIMEOUT, 30000).
-+-define(MYSQL_TIMEOUT, 60000).
-+-define(INDEX_SIZE, integer_to_list(170)).
-+-define(PROCNAME, mod_logdb_mysql).
-+-import(mod_logdb, [list_to_bool/1, bool_to_list/1,
-+ list_to_string/1, string_to_list/1,
-+ convert_timestamp_brief/1]).
-+-record(state, {dbref, vhost, server, port, db, user, password}).
-+% replace "." with "_"
-+escape_vhost(VHost) -> lists:map(fun(46) -> 95;
-+ (A) -> A
-+ end, VHost).
-+prefix() ->
-+ "`logdb_".
-+suffix(VHost) ->
-+ "_" ++ escape_vhost(VHost) ++ "`".
-+messages_table(VHost, Date) ->
-+ prefix() ++ "messages_" ++ Date ++ suffix(VHost).
-+stats_table(VHost) ->
-+ prefix() ++ "stats" ++ suffix(VHost).
-+temp_table(VHost) ->
-+ prefix() ++ "temp" ++ suffix(VHost).
-+settings_table(VHost) ->
-+ prefix() ++ "settings" ++ suffix(VHost).
-+users_table(VHost) ->
-+ prefix() ++ "users" ++ suffix(VHost).
-+servers_table(VHost) ->
-+ prefix() ++ "servers" ++ suffix(VHost).
-+resources_table(VHost) ->
-+ prefix() ++ "resources" ++ suffix(VHost).
++-record(stats, {user, server, table, count}).
++-record(msg, {to_user, to_server, to_resource, from_user, from_server, from_resource, id, type, subject, body, timestamp}).
-+ets_users_table(VHost) -> list_to_atom("logdb_users_" ++ VHost).
-+ets_servers_table(VHost) -> list_to_atom("logdb_servers_" ++ VHost).
-+ets_resources_table(VHost) -> list_to_atom("logdb_resources_" ++ VHost).
++tables_prefix() -> "messages_".
++% stats_table should not start with tables_prefix(VHost) !
++% i.e. lists:prefix(tables_prefix(VHost), atom_to_list(stats_table())) must be /= true
++stats_table() -> list_to_atom("messages-stats").
++% table name as atom from Date
++-define(ATABLE(Date), list_to_atom(tables_prefix() ++ Date)).
++-define(LTABLE(Date), tables_prefix() ++ Date).
-+% gen_mod callbacks
++% gen_logdb callbacks
-+start(VHost, Opts) ->
-+ Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(VHost, ?PROCNAME),
-+ gen_server:start({local, Proc}, ?MODULE, [VHost, Opts], []).
-+stop(VHost) ->
-+ Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(VHost, ?PROCNAME),
-+ gen_server:call(Proc, {stop}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT).
++start(_Opts, _VHost) ->
++ case mnesia:system_info(is_running) of
++ yes ->
++ ok = create_stats_table(),
++ {ok, ok};
++ no ->
++ ?ERROR_MSG("Mnesia not running", []),
++ error;
++ Status ->
++ ?ERROR_MSG("Mnesia status: ~p", [Status]),
++ error
++ end.
++stop(_VHost) ->
++ ok.
++log_message(_VHost, _Msg) ->
++ error.
-+% gen_server callbacks
++% gen_logdb callbacks (maintaince)
-+init([VHost, Opts]) ->
-+ crypto:start(),
++rebuild_stats(_VHost) ->
++ ok.
-+ Server = gen_mod:get_opt(server, Opts, "localhost"),
-+ Port = gen_mod:get_opt(port, Opts, 3306),
-+ DB = gen_mod:get_opt(db, Opts, "logdb"),
-+ User = gen_mod:get_opt(user, Opts, "root"),
-+ Password = gen_mod:get_opt(password, Opts, ""),
++rebuild_stats_at(VHost, Date) ->
++ Table = ?LTABLE(Date),
++ {Time, Value}=timer:tc(?MODULE, rebuild_stats_at1, [VHost, Table]),
++ ?INFO_MSG("rebuild_stats_at ~p elapsed ~p sec: ~p~n", [Date, Time/1000000, Value]),
++ Value.
++rebuild_stats_at1(VHost, Table) ->
++ CFun = fun(Msg, Stats) ->
++ To = Msg#msg.to_user ++ "@" ++ Msg#msg.to_server,
++ Stats_to = if
++ Msg#msg.to_server == VHost ->
++ case lists:keysearch(To, 1, Stats) of
++ {value, {Who_to, Count_to}} ->
++ lists:keyreplace(To, 1, Stats, {Who_to, Count_to + 1});
++ false ->
++ lists:append(Stats, [{To, 1}])
++ end;
++ true ->
++ Stats
++ end,
++ From = Msg#msg.from_user ++ "@" ++ Msg#msg.from_server,
++ Stats_from = if
++ Msg#msg.from_server == VHost ->
++ case lists:keysearch(From, 1, Stats_to) of
++ {value, {Who_from, Count_from}} ->
++ lists:keyreplace(From, 1, Stats_to, {Who_from, Count_from + 1});
++ false ->
++ lists:append(Stats_to, [{From, 1}])
++ end;
++ true ->
++ Stats_to
++ end,
++ Stats_from
++ end,
++ DFun = fun(#stats{table=STable, server=Server} = Stat, _Acc)
++ when STable == Table, Server == VHost ->
++ mnesia:delete_object(stats_table(), Stat, write);
++ (_Stat, _Acc) -> ok
++ end,
++ case mnesia:transaction(fun() ->
++ mnesia:write_lock_table(list_to_atom(Table)),
++ mnesia:write_lock_table(stats_table()),
++ % Calc stats for VHost at Date
++ AStats = mnesia:foldl(CFun, [], list_to_atom(Table)),
++ % Delete all stats for VHost at Date
++ mnesia:foldl(DFun, [], stats_table()),
++ % Write new calc'ed stats
++ lists:foreach(fun({Who, Count}) ->
++ Jid = jlib:string_to_jid(Who),
++ JUser = Jid#jid.user,
++ WStat = #stats{user=JUser, server=VHost, table=Table, count=Count},
++ mnesia:write(stats_table(), WStat, write)
++ end, AStats)
++ end) of
++ {aborted, Reason} ->
++ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to rebuild_stats_at for ~p at ~p: ~p", [VHost, Table, Reason]),
++ error;
++ {atomic, _} ->
++ ok
++ end.
-+ St = #state{vhost=VHost,
-+ server=Server, port=Port, db=DB,
-+ user=User, password=Password},
++% gen_logdb callbacks (delete)
++delete_messages_by_user_at(_VHost, _Msgs, _Date) ->
++ error.
-+ case open_mysql_connection(St) of
-+ {ok, DBRef} ->
-+ State = St#state{dbref=DBRef},
-+ ok = create_stats_table(State),
-+ ok = create_settings_table(State),
-+ ok = create_users_table(State),
-+ % clear ets cache every ...
-+ timer:send_interval(timer:hours(12), clear_ets_tables),
-+ ok = create_servers_table(State),
-+ ok = create_resources_table(State),
-+ erlang:monitor(process, DBRef),
-+ {ok, State};
-+ {error, Reason} ->
-+ ?ERROR_MSG("MySQL connection failed: ~p~n", [Reason]),
-+ {stop, db_connection_failed}
-+ end.
++delete_all_messages_by_user_at(_User, _VHost, _Date) ->
++ error.
-+open_mysql_connection(#state{server=Server, port=Port, db=DB,
-+ user=DBUser, password=Password} = _State) ->
-+ LogFun = fun(debug, _Format, _Argument) ->
-+ %?MYDEBUG(Format, Argument);
-+ ok;
-+ (error, Format, Argument) ->
-+ ?ERROR_MSG(Format, Argument);
-+ (Level, Format, Argument) ->
-+ ?MYDEBUG("MySQL (~p)~n", [Level]),
-+ ?MYDEBUG(Format, Argument)
-+ end,
-+ ?INFO_MSG("Opening mysql connection ~s@~s:~p/~s", [DBUser, Server, Port, DB]),
-+ mysql_conn:start(Server, Port, DBUser, Password, DB, LogFun).
++delete_messages_at(VHost, Date) ->
++ Table = list_to_atom(tables_prefix() ++ Date),
-+close_mysql_connection(DBRef) ->
-+ ?MYDEBUG("Closing ~p mysql connection", [DBRef]),
-+ mysql_conn:stop(DBRef).
++ DFun = fun(#msg{to_server=To_server, from_server=From_server}=Msg, _Acc)
++ when To_server == VHost; From_server == VHost ->
++ mnesia:delete_object(Table, Msg, write);
++ (_Msg, _Acc) -> ok
++ end,
-+handle_call({log_message, Msg}, _From, #state{dbref=DBRef, vhost=VHost}=State) ->
-+ Date = convert_timestamp_brief(Msg#msg.timestamp),
++ case mnesia:transaction(fun() ->
++ mnesia:foldl(DFun, [], Table)
++ end) of
++ {aborted, Reason} ->
++ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to delete_messages_at for ~p at ~p: ~p", [VHost, Date, Reason]),
++ error;
++ {atomic, _} ->
++ ok
++ end.
-+ Table = messages_table(VHost, Date),
-+ Owner_id = get_user_id(DBRef, VHost, Msg#msg.owner_name),
-+ Peer_name_id = get_user_id(DBRef, VHost, Msg#msg.peer_name),
-+ Peer_server_id = get_server_id(DBRef, VHost, Msg#msg.peer_server),
-+ Peer_resource_id = get_resource_id(DBRef, VHost, Msg#msg.peer_resource),
++% gen_logdb callbacks (get)
++get_vhost_stats(_VHost) ->
++ {error, "does not emplemented"}.
-+ Query = ["INSERT INTO ",Table," ",
-+ "(owner_id,",
-+ "peer_name_id,",
-+ "peer_server_id,",
-+ "peer_resource_id,",
-+ "direction,",
-+ "type,",
-+ "subject,",
-+ "body,",
-+ "timestamp) ",
-+ "VALUES ",
-+ "('", Owner_id, "',",
-+ "'", Peer_name_id, "',",
-+ "'", Peer_server_id, "',",
-+ "'", Peer_resource_id, "',",
-+ "'", atom_to_list(Msg#msg.direction), "',",
-+ "'", Msg#msg.type, "',",
-+ "'", ejabberd_odbc:escape(Msg#msg.subject), "',",
-+ "'", ejabberd_odbc:escape(Msg#msg.body), "',",
-+ "'", Msg#msg.timestamp, "');"],
++get_vhost_stats_at(VHost, Date) ->
++ Fun = fun() ->
++ Pat = #stats{user='$1', server=VHost, table=tables_prefix()++Date, count = '$2'},
++ mnesia:select(stats_table(), [{Pat, [], [['$1', '$2']]}])
++ end,
++ case mnesia:transaction(Fun) of
++ {atomic, Result} ->
++ RFun = fun([User, Count]) ->
++ {User, Count}
++ end,
++ {ok, lists:reverse(lists:keysort(2, lists:map(RFun, Result)))};
++ {aborted, Reason} -> {error, Reason}
++ end.
-+ Reply =
-+ case sql_query_internal_silent(DBRef, Query) of
-+ {updated, _} ->
-+ ?MYDEBUG("Logged ok for ~p, peer: ~p", [Msg#msg.owner_name++"@"++VHost,
-+ Msg#msg.peer_name++"@"++Msg#msg.peer_server]),
-+ increment_user_stats(DBRef, Msg#msg.owner_name, Owner_id, VHost, Peer_name_id, Peer_server_id, Date);
-+ {error, Reason} ->
-+ case regexp:match(Reason, "#42S02") of
-+ % Table doesn't exist
-+ {match, _, _} ->
-+ case create_msg_table(DBRef, VHost, Date) of
-+ error ->
-+ error;
-+ ok ->
-+ {updated, _} = sql_query_internal(DBRef, Query),
-+ increment_user_stats(DBRef, Msg#msg.owner_name, Owner_id, VHost, Peer_name_id, Peer_server_id, Date)
-+ end;
-+ _ ->
-+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to log message: ~p", [Reason]),
-+ error
-+ end
-+ end,
-+ {reply, Reply, State};
-+handle_call({rebuild_stats_at, Date}, _From, #state{dbref=DBRef, vhost=VHost}=State) ->
-+ Reply = rebuild_stats_at_int(DBRef, VHost, Date),
-+ {reply, Reply, State};
-+handle_call({delete_messages_by_user_at, [], _Date}, _From, State) ->
-+ {reply, error, State};
-+handle_call({delete_messages_by_user_at, Msgs, Date}, _From, #state{dbref=DBRef, vhost=VHost}=State) ->
-+ Temp = lists:flatmap(fun(#msg{timestamp=Timestamp} = _Msg) ->
-+ ["\"",Timestamp,"\"",","]
-+ end, Msgs),
++get_user_stats(_User, _VHost) ->
++ {error, "does not emplemented"}.
-+ Temp1 = lists:append([lists:sublist(Temp, length(Temp)-1), ");"]),
++get_user_messages_at(User, VHost, Date) ->
++ Table_name = tables_prefix() ++ Date,
++ case mnesia:transaction(fun() ->
++ Pat_to = #msg{to_user=User, to_server=VHost, _='_'},
++ Pat_from = #msg{from_user=User, from_server=VHost, _='_'},
++ mnesia:select(list_to_atom(Table_name),
++ [{Pat_to, [], ['$_']},
++ {Pat_from, [], ['$_']}])
++ end) of
++ {atomic, Result} ->
++ Msgs = lists:map(fun(#msg{to_user=To_user, to_server=To_server, to_resource=To_res,
++ from_user=From_user, from_server=From_server, from_resource=From_res,
++ type=Type,
++ subject=Subj,
++ body=Body, timestamp=Timestamp} = _Msg) ->
++ Subject = case Subj of
++ "None" -> "";
++ _ -> Subj
++ end,
++ {msg, To_user, To_server, To_res, From_user, From_server, From_res, Type, Subject, Body, Timestamp}
++ end, Result),
++ {ok, Msgs};
++ {aborted, Reason} ->
++ {error, Reason}
++ end.
-+ Query = ["DELETE FROM ",messages_table(VHost, Date)," ",
-+ "WHERE timestamp IN (", Temp1],
++get_dates(_VHost) ->
++ Tables = mnesia:system_info(tables),
++ MessagesTables =
++ lists:filter(fun(Table) ->
++ lists:prefix(tables_prefix(), atom_to_list(Table))
++ end,
++ Tables),
++ lists:map(fun(Table) ->
++ lists:sublist(atom_to_list(Table),
++ length(tables_prefix())+1,
++ length(atom_to_list(Table)))
++ end,
++ MessagesTables).
++get_users_settings(_VHost) ->
++ {ok, []}.
++get_user_settings(_User, _VHost) ->
++ {ok, []}.
++set_user_settings(_User, _VHost, _Set) ->
++ ok.
++drop_user(_User, _VHost) ->
++ ok.
++% internal
++% called from db_logon/2
++create_stats_table() ->
++ SName = stats_table(),
++ case mnesia:create_table(SName,
++ [{disc_only_copies, [node()]},
++ {type, bag},
++ {attributes, record_info(fields, stats)},
++ {record_name, stats}
++ ]) of
++ {atomic, ok} ->
++ ?INFO_MSG("Created stats table", []),
++ ok;
++ {aborted, {already_exists, _}} ->
++ ok;
++ {aborted, Reason} ->
++ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to create stats table: ~p", [Reason]),
++ error
++ end.
+diff --git src/mod_logdb_mysql.erl src/mod_logdb_mysql.erl
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7c473ce
+--- /dev/null
++++ src/mod_logdb_mysql.erl
+@@ -0,0 +1,1052 @@
++%%% File : mod_logdb_mysql.erl
++%%% Author : Oleg Palij (mailto,xmpp:o.palij at gmail.com)
++%%% Purpose : MySQL backend for mod_logdb
++%%% Version : trunk
++%%% Id : $Id: mod_logdb_mysql.erl 1360 2009-07-30 06:00:14Z malik $
++%%% Url : http://www.dp.uz.gov.ua/o.palij/mod_logdb/
++-author('o.palij at gmail.com').
++% gen_server
++% gen_mod
++-export([start/2, stop/1]).
++% gen_logdb
++ rebuild_stats/1,
++ rebuild_stats_at/2,
++ delete_messages_by_user_at/3, delete_all_messages_by_user_at/3, delete_messages_at/2,
++ get_vhost_stats/1, get_vhost_stats_at/2, get_user_stats/2, get_user_messages_at/3,
++ get_dates/1,
++ get_users_settings/1, get_user_settings/2, set_user_settings/3,
++ drop_user/2]).
++% gen_server call timeout
++-define(CALL_TIMEOUT, 30000).
++-define(MYSQL_TIMEOUT, 60000).
++-define(INDEX_SIZE, integer_to_list(170)).
++-define(PROCNAME, mod_logdb_mysql).
++-import(mod_logdb, [list_to_bool/1, bool_to_list/1,
++ list_to_string/1, string_to_list/1,
++ convert_timestamp_brief/1]).
++-record(state, {dbref, vhost, server, port, db, user, password}).
++% replace "." with "_"
++escape_vhost(VHost) -> lists:map(fun(46) -> 95;
++ (A) -> A
++ end, VHost).
++prefix() ->
++ "`logdb_".
++suffix(VHost) ->
++ "_" ++ escape_vhost(VHost) ++ "`".
++messages_table(VHost, Date) ->
++ prefix() ++ "messages_" ++ Date ++ suffix(VHost).
++stats_table(VHost) ->
++ prefix() ++ "stats" ++ suffix(VHost).
++temp_table(VHost) ->
++ prefix() ++ "temp" ++ suffix(VHost).
++settings_table(VHost) ->
++ prefix() ++ "settings" ++ suffix(VHost).
++users_table(VHost) ->
++ prefix() ++ "users" ++ suffix(VHost).
++servers_table(VHost) ->
++ prefix() ++ "servers" ++ suffix(VHost).
++resources_table(VHost) ->
++ prefix() ++ "resources" ++ suffix(VHost).
++ets_users_table(VHost) -> list_to_atom("logdb_users_" ++ VHost).
++ets_servers_table(VHost) -> list_to_atom("logdb_servers_" ++ VHost).
++ets_resources_table(VHost) -> list_to_atom("logdb_resources_" ++ VHost).
++% gen_mod callbacks
++start(VHost, Opts) ->
++ Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(VHost, ?PROCNAME),
++ gen_server:start({local, Proc}, ?MODULE, [VHost, Opts], []).
++stop(VHost) ->
++ Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(VHost, ?PROCNAME),
++ gen_server:call(Proc, {stop}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT).
++% gen_server callbacks
++init([VHost, Opts]) ->
++ crypto:start(),
++ Server = gen_mod:get_opt(server, Opts, "localhost"),
++ Port = gen_mod:get_opt(port, Opts, 3306),
++ DB = gen_mod:get_opt(db, Opts, "logdb"),
++ User = gen_mod:get_opt(user, Opts, "root"),
++ Password = gen_mod:get_opt(password, Opts, ""),
++ St = #state{vhost=VHost,
++ server=Server, port=Port, db=DB,
++ user=User, password=Password},
++ case open_mysql_connection(St) of
++ {ok, DBRef} ->
++ State = St#state{dbref=DBRef},
++ ok = create_stats_table(State),
++ ok = create_settings_table(State),
++ ok = create_users_table(State),
++ % clear ets cache every ...
++ timer:send_interval(timer:hours(12), clear_ets_tables),
++ ok = create_servers_table(State),
++ ok = create_resources_table(State),
++ erlang:monitor(process, DBRef),
++ {ok, State};
++ {error, Reason} ->
++ ?ERROR_MSG("MySQL connection failed: ~p~n", [Reason]),
++ {stop, db_connection_failed}
++ end.
++open_mysql_connection(#state{server=Server, port=Port, db=DB,
++ user=DBUser, password=Password} = _State) ->
++ LogFun = fun(debug, _Format, _Argument) ->
++ %?MYDEBUG(Format, Argument);
++ ok;
++ (error, Format, Argument) ->
++ ?ERROR_MSG(Format, Argument);
++ (Level, Format, Argument) ->
++ ?MYDEBUG("MySQL (~p)~n", [Level]),
++ ?MYDEBUG(Format, Argument)
++ end,
++ ?INFO_MSG("Opening mysql connection ~s@~s:~p/~s", [DBUser, Server, Port, DB]),
++ mysql_conn:start(Server, Port, DBUser, Password, DB, LogFun).
++close_mysql_connection(DBRef) ->
++ ?MYDEBUG("Closing ~p mysql connection", [DBRef]),
++ mysql_conn:stop(DBRef).
++handle_call({log_message, Msg}, _From, #state{dbref=DBRef, vhost=VHost}=State) ->
++ Date = convert_timestamp_brief(Msg#msg.timestamp),
++ Table = messages_table(VHost, Date),
++ Owner_id = get_user_id(DBRef, VHost, Msg#msg.owner_name),
++ Peer_name_id = get_user_id(DBRef, VHost, Msg#msg.peer_name),
++ Peer_server_id = get_server_id(DBRef, VHost, Msg#msg.peer_server),
++ Peer_resource_id = get_resource_id(DBRef, VHost, Msg#msg.peer_resource),
++ Query = ["INSERT INTO ",Table," ",
++ "(owner_id,",
++ "peer_name_id,",
++ "peer_server_id,",
++ "peer_resource_id,",
++ "direction,",
++ "type,",
++ "subject,",
++ "body,",
++ "timestamp) ",
++ "VALUES ",
++ "('", Owner_id, "',",
++ "'", Peer_name_id, "',",
++ "'", Peer_server_id, "',",
++ "'", Peer_resource_id, "',",
++ "'", atom_to_list(Msg#msg.direction), "',",
++ "'", Msg#msg.type, "',",
++ "'", ejabberd_odbc:escape(Msg#msg.subject), "',",
++ "'", ejabberd_odbc:escape(Msg#msg.body), "',",
++ "'", Msg#msg.timestamp, "');"],
++ Reply =
++ case sql_query_internal_silent(DBRef, Query) of
++ {updated, _} ->
++ ?MYDEBUG("Logged ok for ~p, peer: ~p", [Msg#msg.owner_name++"@"++VHost,
++ Msg#msg.peer_name++"@"++Msg#msg.peer_server]),
++ increment_user_stats(DBRef, Msg#msg.owner_name, Owner_id, VHost, Peer_name_id, Peer_server_id, Date);
++ {error, Reason} ->
++ case ejabberd_regexp:run(Reason, "#42S02") of
++ % Table doesn't exist
++ match ->
++ case create_msg_table(DBRef, VHost, Date) of
++ error ->
++ error;
++ ok ->
++ {updated, _} = sql_query_internal(DBRef, Query),
++ increment_user_stats(DBRef, Msg#msg.owner_name, Owner_id, VHost, Peer_name_id, Peer_server_id, Date)
++ end;
++ _ ->
++ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to log message: ~p", [Reason]),
++ error
++ end
++ end,
++ {reply, Reply, State};
++handle_call({rebuild_stats_at, Date}, _From, #state{dbref=DBRef, vhost=VHost}=State) ->
++ Reply = rebuild_stats_at_int(DBRef, VHost, Date),
++ {reply, Reply, State};
++handle_call({delete_messages_by_user_at, [], _Date}, _From, State) ->
++ {reply, error, State};
++handle_call({delete_messages_by_user_at, Msgs, Date}, _From, #state{dbref=DBRef, vhost=VHost}=State) ->
++ Temp = lists:flatmap(fun(#msg{timestamp=Timestamp} = _Msg) ->
++ ["\"",Timestamp,"\"",","]
++ end, Msgs),
++ Temp1 = lists:append([lists:sublist(Temp, length(Temp)-1), ");"]),
++ Query = ["DELETE FROM ",messages_table(VHost, Date)," ",
++ "WHERE timestamp IN (", Temp1],
+ Reply =
+ case sql_query_internal(DBRef, Query) of
@@ -3022,7 +3460,7 @@
+ Query = ["SELECT username,dolog_default,dolog_list,donotlog_list ",
+ "FROM ",settings_table(VHost)," ",
+ "JOIN ",users_table(VHost)," ON user_id=owner_id;"],
-+ Reply =
++ Reply =
+ case sql_query_internal(DBRef, Query) of
+ {data, Result} ->
+ {ok, lists:map(fun([Owner, DoLogDef, DoLogL, DoNotLogL]) ->
@@ -3076,9 +3514,9 @@
+ ?MYDEBUG("New settings for ~s@~s", [User, VHost]),
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
-+ case regexp:match(Reason, "#23000") of
++ case ejabberd_regexp:run(Reason, "#23000") of
+ % Already exists
-+ {match, _, _} ->
++ match ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed setup user ~p@~p: ~p", [User, VHost, Reason]),
@@ -3235,16 +3673,15 @@
+ {data, Tables} ->
+ lists:foldl(fun([Table], Dates) ->
+ Reg = lists:sublist(prefix(),2,length(prefix())) ++ ".*" ++ escape_vhost(VHost),
-+ case regexp:match(Table, Reg) of
-+ {match, 1, _} ->
++ case re:run(Table, Reg) of
++ {match, [{1, _}]} ->
+ ?MYDEBUG("matched ~p against ~p", [Table, Reg]),
-+ case regexp:match(Table,"[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+") of
-+ {match, S, E} ->
++ case re:run(Table,"[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+") of
++ {match, [{S, E}]} ->
+ lists:append(Dates, [lists:sublist(Table,S,E)]);
+ nomatch ->
+ Dates
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ Dates
+ end
@@ -3451,8 +3888,8 @@
+ rebuild_all_stats_int(State),
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
-+ case regexp:match(Reason, "#42S01") of
-+ {match, _, _} ->
++ case ejabberd_regexp:run(Reason, "#42S01") of
++ match ->
+ ?MYDEBUG("Stats table for ~p already exists", [VHost]),
+ CheckQuery = ["SHOW COLUMNS FROM ",SName," LIKE 'peer_%_id';"],
+ case sql_query_internal(DBRef, CheckQuery) of
@@ -3640,7 +4077,7 @@
+ NewId;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ % this can be in clustered environment
-+ {match, _, _} = regexp:match(Reason, "#23000"),
++ match = ejabberd_regexp:run(Reason, "#23000"),
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Duplicate key name for ~p", [User]),
+ {ok, ClID} = get_user_id_from_db(DBRef, VHost, User),
+ ClID
@@ -3665,7 +4102,7 @@
+ Id;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ % this can be in clustered environment
-+ {match, _, _} = regexp:match(Reason, "#23000"),
++ match = ejabberd_regexp:run(Reason, "#23000"),
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Duplicate key name for ~p", [Server]),
+ update_servers_from_db(DBRef, VHost),
+ [[Id1]] = ets:match(ets_servers_table(VHost), {Server, '$1'}),
@@ -3702,7 +4139,7 @@
+ NewId;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ % this can be in clustered environment
-+ {match, _, _} = regexp:match(Reason, "#23000"),
++ match = ejabberd_regexp:run(Reason, "#23000"),
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Duplicate key name for ~p", [Resource]),
+ {ok, ClID} = get_resource_id_from_db(DBRef, VHost, Resource),
+ ClID
@@ -3715,7 +4152,7 @@
-+% SQL internals
++% SQL internals
+sql_query_internal(DBRef, Query) ->
@@ -3739,15 +4176,18 @@
+get_result({error, MySQLRes}) ->
+ Reason = mysql:get_result_reason(MySQLRes),
+ {error, Reason}.
---- mod_logdb_mysql5.erl.orig 2009-11-22 13:06:23.000000000 +0200
-+++ mod_logdb_mysql5.erl 2009-07-30 09:00:14.000000000 +0300
+diff --git src/mod_logdb_mysql5.erl src/mod_logdb_mysql5.erl
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..59efc77
+--- /dev/null
++++ src/mod_logdb_mysql5.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,979 @@
+%%% File : mod_logdb_mysql5.erl
+%%% Author : Oleg Palij (mailto,xmpp:o.palij at gmail.com)
+%%% Purpose : MySQL 5 backend for mod_logdb
+%%% Version : trunk
-+%%% Id : $Id$
++%%% Id : $Id: mod_logdb_mysql5.erl 1360 2009-07-30 06:00:14Z malik $
+%%% Url : http://www.dp.uz.gov.ua/o.palij/mod_logdb/
@@ -4020,7 +4460,7 @@
+ Query = ["SELECT username,dolog_default,dolog_list,donotlog_list ",
+ "FROM ",settings_table(VHost)," ",
+ "JOIN ",users_table(VHost)," ON user_id=owner_id;"],
-+ Reply =
++ Reply =
+ case sql_query_internal(DBRef, Query) of
+ {data, Result} ->
+ {ok, lists:map(fun([Owner, DoLogDef, DoLogL, DoNotLogL]) ->
@@ -4073,9 +4513,9 @@
+ ?MYDEBUG("New settings for ~s@~s", [User, VHost]),
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
-+ case regexp:match(Reason, "#23000") of
++ case ejabberd_regexp:run(Reason, "#23000") of
+ % Already exists
-+ {match, _, _} ->
++ match ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed setup user ~p@~p: ~p", [User, VHost, Reason]),
@@ -4229,10 +4669,10 @@
+ {data, Tables} ->
+ lists:foldl(fun([Table], Dates) ->
+ Reg = lists:sublist(prefix(),2,length(prefix())) ++ ".*" ++ escape_vhost(VHost),
-+ case regexp:match(Table, Reg) of
-+ {match, 1, _} ->
-+ case regexp:match(Table,"[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+") of
-+ {match, S, E} ->
++ case re:run(Table, Reg) of
++ {match, [{1, _}]} ->
++ case re:run(Table,"[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+") of
++ {match, [{S, E}]} ->
+ lists:append(Dates, [lists:sublist(Table,S,E)]);
+ nomatch ->
+ Dates
@@ -4446,8 +4886,8 @@
+ rebuild_all_stats_int(State),
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
-+ case regexp:match(Reason, "#42S01") of
-+ {match, _, _} ->
++ case ejabberd_regexp:run(Reason, "#42S01") of
++ match ->
+ ?MYDEBUG("Stats table for ~p already exists", [VHost]),
+ CheckQuery = ["SHOW COLUMNS FROM ",SName," LIKE 'peer_%_id';"],
+ case sql_query_internal(DBRef, CheckQuery) of
@@ -4547,7 +4987,7 @@
-+% SQL internals
++% SQL internals
+sql_query_internal(DBRef, Query) ->
@@ -4585,7 +5025,7 @@
+ DBIdNew;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ % this can be in clustered environment
-+ {match, _, _} = regexp:match(Reason, "#23000"),
++ match = ejabberd_regexp:run(Reason, "#23000"),
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Duplicate key name for ~p", [User]),
+ {data, [[ClID]]} = sql_query_internal(DBRef, SQuery),
+ ClID
@@ -4602,7 +5042,7 @@
+ io_lib:format("
+CREATE PROCEDURE ~s(tablename TEXT, atdate TEXT, owner TEXT, peer_name TEXT, peer_server TEXT, peer_resource TEXT, mdirection VARCHAR(4), mtype VARCHAR(10), msubject TEXT, mbody TEXT, mtimestamp DOUBLE)
@@ -4632,7 +5072,7 @@
+ SELECT user_id INTO @ownerID FROM ~s WHERE username=owner;
+ INSERT INTO ~s SET username=owner;
-+ SET @ownerID = LAST_INSERT_ID();
++ SET @ownerID = LAST_INSERT_ID();
+ SELECT user_id INTO @peer_nameID FROM ~s WHERE username=peer_name;
@@ -4721,15 +5161,18 @@
+END;", [logmessage_name(VHost),UName,UName,UName,UName,SName,SName,RName,RName,UName,UName,SName,RName,StName,StName]).
---- mod_logdb_pgsql.erl.orig 2009-11-22 13:06:23.000000000 +0200
-+++ mod_logdb_pgsql.erl 2009-07-30 09:49:10.000000000 +0300
+diff --git src/mod_logdb_pgsql.erl src/mod_logdb_pgsql.erl
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..1227519
+--- /dev/null
++++ src/mod_logdb_pgsql.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1104 @@
+%%% File : mod_logdb_pgsql.erl
+%%% Author : Oleg Palij (mailto,xmpp:o.palij at gmail.com)
+%%% Purpose : Posgresql backend for mod_logdb
+%%% Version : trunk
-+%%% Id : $Id$
++%%% Id : $Id: mod_logdb_pgsql.erl 1360 2009-07-30 06:00:14Z malik $
+%%% Url : http://www.dp.uz.gov.ua/o.palij/mod_logdb/
@@ -5219,8 +5662,8 @@
+ case sql_query_internal(DBRef, Query) of
+ {data, Recs} ->
+ lists:foldl(fun({_Schema, Table, _Type, _Owner}, Dates) ->
-+ case regexp:match(Table,"[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+") of
-+ {match, S, E} ->
++ case re:run(Table,"[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+") of
++ {match, [{S, E}]} ->
+ lists:append(Dates, [lists:sublist(Table,S,E)]);
+ nomatch ->
+ Dates
@@ -5448,7 +5891,7 @@
+ ok;
+ {atomic, exists} ->
+ ?MYDEBUG("Stats table for ~p already exists", [VHost]),
-+ {match, F, L} = regexp:match(SName, "\".*\""),
++ {match, [{F, L}]} = re:run(SName, "\".*\""),
+ QTable = lists:sublist(SName, F+1, L-2),
+ OIDQuery = ["SELECT c.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relname='",QTable,"' AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid);"],
+ {data,[{OID}]} = sql_query_internal(DBRef, OIDQuery),
@@ -5522,7 +5965,7 @@
+ {atomic, created} ->
+ ?MYDEBUG("Created users table for ~p", [VHost]),
+ ok;
-+ {atomic, exists} ->
++ {atomic, exists} ->
+ ?MYDEBUG("Users table for ~p already exists", [VHost]),
+ ok;
+ {aborted, _} -> error
@@ -5722,7 +6165,7 @@
-+% SQL internals
++% SQL internals
+% like do_transaction/2 in mysql_conn.erl (changeset by Yariv Sadan <yarivvv at gmail.com>)
@@ -5763,751 +6206,102 @@
+ {error, Error} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed: ~p while ~p", [Error, lists:append(Query)]),
+ {error, Error};
-+ Rez -> Rez
-+ end.
-+sql_query_internal_silent(DBRef, Query) ->
-+ ?MYDEBUG("DOING: \"~s\"", [lists:append(Query)]),
-+ % TODO: use pquery?
-+ get_result(pgsql:squery(DBRef, Query)).
-+get_result({ok, ["CREATE TABLE"]}) ->
-+ {updated, 1};
-+get_result({ok, ["DROP TABLE"]}) ->
-+ {updated, 1};
-+get_result({ok, ["ALTER TABLE"]}) ->
-+ {updated, 1};
-+get_result({ok,["DROP VIEW"]}) ->
-+ {updated, 1};
-+get_result({ok,["DROP FUNCTION"]}) ->
-+ {updated, 1};
-+get_result({ok, ["CREATE INDEX"]}) ->
-+ {updated, 1};
-+get_result({ok, ["CREATE FUNCTION"]}) ->
-+ {updated, 1};
-+get_result({ok, [{"SELECT", _Rows, Recs}]}) ->
-+ Fun = fun(Rec) ->
-+ list_to_tuple(
-+ lists:map(fun(Elem) when is_binary(Elem) ->
-+ binary_to_list(Elem);
-+ (Elem) when is_list(Elem) ->
-+ Elem;
-+ (Elem) when is_integer(Elem) ->
-+ integer_to_list(Elem);
-+ (Elem) when is_float(Elem) ->
-+ float_to_list(Elem);
-+ (Elem) when is_boolean(Elem) ->
-+ atom_to_list(Elem);
-+ (Elem) ->
-+ ?ERROR_MSG("Unknown element type ~p", [Elem]),
-+ Elem
-+ end, Rec))
-+ end,
-+ Res = lists:map(Fun, Recs),
-+ %{data, [list_to_tuple(Rec) || Rec <- Recs]};
-+ {data, Res};
-+get_result({ok, ["INSERT " ++ OIDN]}) ->
-+ [_OID, N] = string:tokens(OIDN, " "),
-+ {updated, list_to_integer(N)};
-+get_result({ok, ["DELETE " ++ N]}) ->
-+ {updated, list_to_integer(N)};
-+get_result({ok, ["UPDATE " ++ N]}) ->
-+ {updated, list_to_integer(N)};
-+get_result({ok, ["BEGIN"]}) ->
-+ {updated, 1};
-+get_result({ok, ["LOCK TABLE"]}) ->
-+ {updated, 1};
-+get_result({ok, ["ROLLBACK"]}) ->
-+ {updated, 1};
-+get_result({ok, ["COMMIT"]}) ->
-+ {updated, 1};
-+get_result({ok, ["SET"]}) ->
-+ {updated, 1};
-+get_result({ok, [{error, Error}]}) ->
-+ {error, Error};
-+get_result(Rez) ->
-+ {error, undefined, Rez}.
---- mod_logdb_mnesia_old.erl.orig 2009-11-22 13:06:23.000000000 +0200
-+++ mod_logdb_mnesia_old.erl 2009-02-05 20:12:58.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
-+%%% File : mod_logdb_mnesia_old.erl
-+%%% Author : Oleg Palij (mailto,xmpp:o.palij at gmail.com)
-+%%% Purpose : mod_logmnesia backend for mod_logdb (should be used only for copy_tables functionality)
-+%%% Version : trunk
-+%%% Id : $Id$
-+%%% Url : http://www.dp.uz.gov.ua/o.palij/mod_logdb/
-+-author('o.palij at gmail.com').
-+-export([start/2, stop/1,
-+ log_message/2,
-+ rebuild_stats/1,
-+ rebuild_stats_at/2,
-+ rebuild_stats_at1/2,
-+ delete_messages_by_user_at/3, delete_all_messages_by_user_at/3, delete_messages_at/2,
-+ get_vhost_stats/1, get_vhost_stats_at/2, get_user_stats/2, get_user_messages_at/3,
-+ get_dates/1,
-+ get_users_settings/1, get_user_settings/2, set_user_settings/3,
-+ drop_user/2]).
-+-record(stats, {user, server, table, count}).
-+-record(msg, {to_user, to_server, to_resource, from_user, from_server, from_resource, id, type, subject, body, timestamp}).
-+tables_prefix() -> "messages_".
-+% stats_table should not start with tables_prefix(VHost) !
-+% i.e. lists:prefix(tables_prefix(VHost), atom_to_list(stats_table())) must be /= true
-+stats_table() -> list_to_atom("messages-stats").
-+% table name as atom from Date
-+-define(ATABLE(Date), list_to_atom(tables_prefix() ++ Date)).
-+-define(LTABLE(Date), tables_prefix() ++ Date).
-+% gen_logdb callbacks
-+start(_Opts, _VHost) ->
-+ case mnesia:system_info(is_running) of
-+ yes ->
-+ ok = create_stats_table(),
-+ {ok, ok};
-+ no ->
-+ ?ERROR_MSG("Mnesia not running", []),
-+ error;
-+ Status ->
-+ ?ERROR_MSG("Mnesia status: ~p", [Status]),
-+ error
-+ end.
-+stop(_VHost) ->
-+ ok.
-+log_message(_VHost, _Msg) ->
-+ error.
-+% gen_logdb callbacks (maintaince)
-+rebuild_stats(_VHost) ->
-+ ok.
-+rebuild_stats_at(VHost, Date) ->
-+ Table = ?LTABLE(Date),
-+ {Time, Value}=timer:tc(?MODULE, rebuild_stats_at1, [VHost, Table]),
-+ ?INFO_MSG("rebuild_stats_at ~p elapsed ~p sec: ~p~n", [Date, Time/1000000, Value]),
-+ Value.
-+rebuild_stats_at1(VHost, Table) ->
-+ CFun = fun(Msg, Stats) ->
-+ To = Msg#msg.to_user ++ "@" ++ Msg#msg.to_server,
-+ Stats_to = if
-+ Msg#msg.to_server == VHost ->
-+ case lists:keysearch(To, 1, Stats) of
-+ {value, {Who_to, Count_to}} ->
-+ lists:keyreplace(To, 1, Stats, {Who_to, Count_to + 1});
-+ false ->
-+ lists:append(Stats, [{To, 1}])
-+ end;
-+ true ->
-+ Stats
-+ end,
-+ From = Msg#msg.from_user ++ "@" ++ Msg#msg.from_server,
-+ Stats_from = if
-+ Msg#msg.from_server == VHost ->
-+ case lists:keysearch(From, 1, Stats_to) of
-+ {value, {Who_from, Count_from}} ->
-+ lists:keyreplace(From, 1, Stats_to, {Who_from, Count_from + 1});
-+ false ->
-+ lists:append(Stats_to, [{From, 1}])
-+ end;
-+ true ->
-+ Stats_to
-+ end,
-+ Stats_from
-+ end,
-+ DFun = fun(#stats{table=STable, server=Server} = Stat, _Acc)
-+ when STable == Table, Server == VHost ->
-+ mnesia:delete_object(stats_table(), Stat, write);
-+ (_Stat, _Acc) -> ok
-+ end,
-+ case mnesia:transaction(fun() ->
-+ mnesia:write_lock_table(list_to_atom(Table)),
-+ mnesia:write_lock_table(stats_table()),
-+ % Calc stats for VHost at Date
-+ AStats = mnesia:foldl(CFun, [], list_to_atom(Table)),
-+ % Delete all stats for VHost at Date
-+ mnesia:foldl(DFun, [], stats_table()),
-+ % Write new calc'ed stats
-+ lists:foreach(fun({Who, Count}) ->
-+ Jid = jlib:string_to_jid(Who),
-+ JUser = Jid#jid.user,
-+ WStat = #stats{user=JUser, server=VHost, table=Table, count=Count},
-+ mnesia:write(stats_table(), WStat, write)
-+ end, AStats)
-+ end) of
-+ {aborted, Reason} ->
-+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to rebuild_stats_at for ~p at ~p: ~p", [VHost, Table, Reason]),
-+ error;
-+ {atomic, _} ->
-+ ok
-+ end.
-+% gen_logdb callbacks (delete)
-+delete_messages_by_user_at(_VHost, _Msgs, _Date) ->
-+ error.
-+delete_all_messages_by_user_at(_User, _VHost, _Date) ->
-+ error.
-+delete_messages_at(VHost, Date) ->
-+ Table = list_to_atom(tables_prefix() ++ Date),
-+ DFun = fun(#msg{to_server=To_server, from_server=From_server}=Msg, _Acc)
-+ when To_server == VHost; From_server == VHost ->
-+ mnesia:delete_object(Table, Msg, write);
-+ (_Msg, _Acc) -> ok
-+ end,
-+ case mnesia:transaction(fun() ->
-+ mnesia:foldl(DFun, [], Table)
-+ end) of
-+ {aborted, Reason} ->
-+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to delete_messages_at for ~p at ~p: ~p", [VHost, Date, Reason]),
-+ error;
-+ {atomic, _} ->
-+ ok
-+ end.
-+% gen_logdb callbacks (get)
-+get_vhost_stats(_VHost) ->
-+ {error, "does not emplemented"}.
-+get_vhost_stats_at(VHost, Date) ->
-+ Fun = fun() ->
-+ Pat = #stats{user='$1', server=VHost, table=tables_prefix()++Date, count = '$2'},
-+ mnesia:select(stats_table(), [{Pat, [], [['$1', '$2']]}])
-+ end,
-+ case mnesia:transaction(Fun) of
-+ {atomic, Result} ->
-+ RFun = fun([User, Count]) ->
-+ {User, Count}
-+ end,
-+ {ok, lists:reverse(lists:keysort(2, lists:map(RFun, Result)))};
-+ {aborted, Reason} -> {error, Reason}
-+ end.
-+get_user_stats(_User, _VHost) ->
-+ {error, "does not emplemented"}.
-+get_user_messages_at(User, VHost, Date) ->
-+ Table_name = tables_prefix() ++ Date,
-+ case mnesia:transaction(fun() ->
-+ Pat_to = #msg{to_user=User, to_server=VHost, _='_'},
-+ Pat_from = #msg{from_user=User, from_server=VHost, _='_'},
-+ mnesia:select(list_to_atom(Table_name),
-+ [{Pat_to, [], ['$_']},
-+ {Pat_from, [], ['$_']}])
-+ end) of
-+ {atomic, Result} ->
-+ Msgs = lists:map(fun(#msg{to_user=To_user, to_server=To_server, to_resource=To_res,
-+ from_user=From_user, from_server=From_server, from_resource=From_res,
-+ type=Type,
-+ subject=Subj,
-+ body=Body, timestamp=Timestamp} = _Msg) ->
-+ Subject = case Subj of
-+ "None" -> "";
-+ _ -> Subj
-+ end,
-+ {msg, To_user, To_server, To_res, From_user, From_server, From_res, Type, Subject, Body, Timestamp}
-+ end, Result),
-+ {ok, Msgs};
-+ {aborted, Reason} ->
-+ {error, Reason}
-+ end.
-+get_dates(_VHost) ->
-+ Tables = mnesia:system_info(tables),
-+ MessagesTables =
-+ lists:filter(fun(Table) ->
-+ lists:prefix(tables_prefix(), atom_to_list(Table))
-+ end,
-+ Tables),
-+ lists:map(fun(Table) ->
-+ lists:sublist(atom_to_list(Table),
-+ length(tables_prefix())+1,
-+ length(atom_to_list(Table)))
-+ end,
-+ MessagesTables).
-+get_users_settings(_VHost) ->
-+ {ok, []}.
-+get_user_settings(_User, _VHost) ->
-+ {ok, []}.
-+set_user_settings(_User, _VHost, _Set) ->
-+ ok.
-+drop_user(_User, _VHost) ->
-+ ok.
-+% internal
-+% called from db_logon/2
-+create_stats_table() ->
-+ SName = stats_table(),
-+ case mnesia:create_table(SName,
-+ [{disc_only_copies, [node()]},
-+ {type, bag},
-+ {attributes, record_info(fields, stats)},
-+ {record_name, stats}
-+ ]) of
-+ {atomic, ok} ->
-+ ?INFO_MSG("Created stats table", []),
-+ ok;
-+ {aborted, {already_exists, _}} ->
-+ ok;
-+ {aborted, Reason} ->
-+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to create stats table: ~p", [Reason]),
-+ error
-+ end.
---- gen_logdb.erl.orig 2009-11-22 13:06:23.000000000 +0200
-+++ gen_logdb.erl 2009-07-22 16:43:26.000000000 +0300
-@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
-+%%% File : gen_logdb.erl
-+%%% Author : Oleg Palij (mailto,xmpp:o.palij at gmail.com)
-+%%% Purpose : Describes generic behaviour for mod_logdb backends.
-+%%% Version : trunk
-+%%% Id : $Id$
-+%%% Url : http://www.dp.uz.gov.ua/o.palij/mod_logdb/
-+-author('o.palij at gmail.com').
-+behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
-+ [
-+ % called from handle_info(start, _)
-+ % it should logon database and return reference to started instance
-+ % start(VHost, Opts) -> {ok, SPid} | error
-+ % Options - list of options to connect to db
-+ % Types: Options = list() -> [] |
-+ % [{user, "logdb"},
-+ % {pass, "1234"},
-+ % {db, "logdb"}] | ...
-+ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
-+ {start, 2},
-+ % called from cleanup/1
-+ % it should logoff database and do cleanup
-+ % stop(VHost)
-+ % Types: VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
-+ {stop, 1},
-+ % called from handle_call({addlog, _}, _, _)
-+ % it should log messages to database
-+ % log_message(VHost, Msg) -> ok | error
-+ % Types:
-+ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
-+ % Msg = record() -> #msg
-+ {log_message, 2},
-+ % called from ejabberdctl rebuild_stats
-+ % it should rebuild stats table (if used) for vhost
-+ % rebuild_stats(VHost)
-+ % Types:
-+ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
-+ {rebuild_stats, 1},
-+ % it should rebuild stats table (if used) for vhost at Date
-+ % rebuild_stats_at(VHost, Date)
-+ % Types:
-+ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
-+ % Date = list() -> "2007-02-12"
-+ {rebuild_stats_at, 2},
-+ % called from user_messages_at_parse_query/5
-+ % it should delete selected user messages at date
-+ % delete_messages_by_user_at(VHost, Msgs, Date) -> ok | error
-+ % Types:
-+ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
-+ % Msgs = list() -> [ #msg1, msg2, ... ]
-+ % Date = list() -> "2007-02-12"
-+ {delete_messages_by_user_at, 3},
-+ % called from user_messages_parse_query/4 | vhost_messages_at_parse_query/4
-+ % it should delete all user messages at date
-+ % delete_all_messages_by_user_at(User, VHost, Date) -> ok | error
-+ % Types:
-+ % User = list() -> "admin"
-+ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
-+ % Date = list() -> "2007-02-12"
-+ {delete_all_messages_by_user_at, 3},
-+ % called from vhost_messages_parse_query/3
-+ % it should delete messages for vhost at date and update stats
-+ % delete_messages_at(VHost, Date) -> ok | error
-+ % Types:
-+ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
-+ % Date = list() -> "2007-02-12"
-+ {delete_messages_at, 2},
-+ % called from ejabberd_web_admin:vhost_messages_stats/3
-+ % it should return sorted list of count of messages by dates for vhost
-+ % get_vhost_stats(VHost) -> {ok, [{Date1, Msgs_count1}, {Date2, Msgs_count2}, ... ]} |
-+ % {error, Reason}
-+ % Types:
-+ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
-+ % DateN = list() -> "2007-02-12"
-+ % Msgs_countN = number() -> 241
-+ {get_vhost_stats, 1},
-+ % called from ejabberd_web_admin:vhost_messages_stats_at/4
-+ % it should return sorted list of count of messages by users at date for vhost
-+ % get_vhost_stats_at(VHost, Date) -> {ok, [{User1, Msgs_count1}, {User2, Msgs_count2}, ....]} |
-+ % {error, Reason}
-+ % Types:
-+ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
-+ % Date = list() -> "2007-02-12"
-+ % UserN = list() -> "admin"
-+ % Msgs_countN = number() -> 241
-+ {get_vhost_stats_at, 2},
-+ % called from ejabberd_web_admin:user_messages_stats/4
-+ % it should return sorted list of count of messages by date for user at vhost
-+ % get_user_stats(User, VHost) -> {ok, [{Date1, Msgs_count1}, {Date2, Msgs_count2}, ...]} |
-+ % {error, Reason}
-+ % Types:
-+ % User = list() -> "admin"
-+ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
-+ % DateN = list() -> "2007-02-12"
-+ % Msgs_countN = number() -> 241
-+ {get_user_stats, 2},
-+ % called from ejabberd_web_admin:user_messages_stats_at/5
-+ % it should return all user messages at date
-+ % get_user_messages_at(User, VHost, Date) -> {ok, Msgs} | {error, Reason}
-+ % Types:
-+ % User = list() -> "admin"
-+ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
-+ % Date = list() -> "2007-02-12"
-+ % Msgs = list() -> [ #msg1, msg2, ... ]
-+ {get_user_messages_at, 3},
-+ % called from many places
-+ % it should return list of dates for vhost
-+ % get_dates(VHost) -> [Date1, Date2, ... ]
-+ % Types:
-+ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
-+ % DateN = list() -> "2007-02-12"
-+ {get_dates, 1},
-+ % called from start
-+ % it should return list with users settings for VHost in db
-+ % get_users_settings(VHost) -> [#user_settings1, #user_settings2, ... ] | error
-+ % Types:
-+ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
-+ {get_users_settings, 1},
-+ % called from many places
-+ % it should return User settings at VHost from db
-+ % get_user_settings(User, VHost) -> error | {ok, #user_settings}
-+ % Types:
-+ % User = list() -> "admin"
-+ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
-+ {get_user_settings, 2},
-+ % called from web admin
-+ % it should set User settings at VHost
-+ % set_user_settings(User, VHost, #user_settings) -> ok | error
-+ % Types:
-+ % User = list() -> "admin"
-+ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
-+ {set_user_settings, 3},
-+ % called from remove_user (ejabberd hook)
-+ % it should remove user messages and settings at VHost
-+ % drop_user(User, VHost) -> ok | error
-+ % Types:
-+ % User = list() -> "admin"
-+ % VHost = list() -> "jabber.example.org"
-+ {drop_user, 2}
-+ ];
-+behaviour_info(_) ->
-+ undefined.
---- mod_muc/mod_muc_room-2.1.0.erl 2009-11-22 12:30:40.000000000 +0200
-+++ mod_muc/mod_muc_room.erl 2009-11-22 12:33:43.000000000 +0200
-@@ -625,6 +625,12 @@
- {reply, {ok, NSD#state.config}, StateName, NSD};
- handle_sync_event({change_state, NewStateData}, _From, StateName, _StateData) ->
- {reply, {ok, NewStateData}, StateName, NewStateData};
-+handle_sync_event({get_jid_nick, Jid}, _From, StateName, StateData) ->
-+ R = case ?DICT:find(jlib:jid_tolower(Jid), StateData#state.users) of
-+ error -> [];
-+ {ok, {user, _, Nick, _, _}} -> Nick
-+ end,
-+ {reply, R, StateName, StateData};
- handle_sync_event(_Event, _From, StateName, StateData) ->
- Reply = ok,
- {reply, Reply, StateName, StateData}.
---- msgs/uk-2.1.0.msg 2009-11-22 12:30:40.000000000 +0200
-+++ msgs/uk.msg 2009-11-22 12:36:12.000000000 +0200
-@@ -369,3 +369,31 @@
- {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Для пошуку необхідний x:data-придатний клієнт"}.
- {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Черга повідомлень, що не були доставлені, переповнена. Повідомлення не було збережено."}.
- {"Your messages to ~s are being blocked. To unblock them, visit ~s","Ваші повідомлення до ~s блокуються. Для розблокування відвідайте ~s"}.
-+% mod_logdb
-+{"Users Messages", "Повідомлення користувачів"}.
-+{"Date", "Дата"}.
-+{"Count", "Кількість"}.
-+{"Logged messages for ", "Збережені повідомлення для "}.
-+{" at ", " за "}.
-+{"No logged messages for ", "Відсутні повідомлення для "}.
-+{"Date, Time", "Дата, Час"}.
-+{"Direction: Jid", "Напрямок: Jid"}.
-+{"Subject", "Тема"}.
-+{"Body", "Текст"}.
-+{"Messages", "Повідомлення"}.
-+{"Filter Selected", "Відфільтрувати виділені"}.
-+{"Do Not Log Messages", "Не зберігати повідомлення"}.
-+{"Log Messages", "Зберігати повідомлення"}.
-+{"Messages logging engine", "Система збереження повідомлень"}.
-+{"Default", "За замовчуванням"}.
-+{"Set logging preferences", "Вкажіть налагоджування збереження повідомлень"}.
-+{"Messages logging engine users", "Користувачі системи збереження повідомлень"}.
-+{"Messages logging engine settings", "Налагоджування системи збереження повідомлень"}.
-+{"Set run-time settings", "Вкажіть поточні налагоджування"}.
-+{"Groupchat messages logging", "Збереження повідомлень типу groupchat"}.
-+{"Jids/Domains to ignore", "Ігнорувати наступні jids/домени"}.
-+{"Purge messages older than (days)", "Видаляти повідомлення старіші ніж (дні)"}.
-+{"Poll users settings (seconds)", "Оновлювати налагоджування користувачів кожні (секунд)"}.
-+{"Drop", "Видаляти"}.
-+{"Do not drop", "Не видаляти"}.
-+{"Drop messages on user removal", "Видаляти повідомлення під час видалення користувача"}.
---- msgs/ru-2.1.0.msg 2009-11-22 12:30:40.000000000 +0200
-+++ msgs/ru.msg 2009-11-22 12:35:52.000000000 +0200
-@@ -369,3 +369,31 @@
- {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Чтобы воспользоваться поиском, требуется x:data-совместимый клиент"}.
- {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Очередь недоставленных сообщений Вашего адресата переполнена. Сообщение не было сохранено."}.
- {"Your messages to ~s are being blocked. To unblock them, visit ~s","Ваши сообщения к ~s блокируются. Для снятия блокировки перейдите по ссылке ~s"}.
-+% mod_logdb.erl
-+{"Users Messages", "Сообщения пользователей"}.
-+{"Date", "Дата"}.
-+{"Count", "Количество"}.
-+{"Logged messages for ", "Сохранённые cообщения для "}.
-+{" at ", " за "}.
-+{"No logged messages for ", "Отсутствуют сообщения для "}.
-+{"Date, Time", "Дата, Время"}.
-+{"Direction: Jid", "Направление: Jid"}.
-+{"Subject", "Тема"}.
-+{"Body", "Текст"}.
-+{"Messages", "Сообщения"}.
-+{"Filter Selected", "Отфильтровать выделенные"}.
-+{"Do Not Log Messages", "Не сохранять сообщения"}.
-+{"Log Messages", "Сохранять сообщения"}.
-+{"Messages logging engine", "Система логирования сообщений"}.
-+{"Default", "По умолчанию"}.
-+{"Set logging preferences", "Задайте настройки логирования"}.
-+{"Messages logging engine users", "Пользователи системы логирования сообщений"}.
-+{"Messages logging engine settings", "Настройки системы логирования сообщений"}.
-+{"Set run-time settings", "Задайте текущие настройки"}.
-+{"Groupchat messages logging", "Логирование сообщений типа groupchat"}.
-+{"Jids/Domains to ignore", "Игнорировать следующие jids/домены"}.
-+{"Purge messages older than (days)", "Удалять сообщения старее чем (дни)"}.
-+{"Poll users settings (seconds)", "Обновлять настройки пользователей через (секунд)"}.
-+{"Drop", "Удалять"}.
-+{"Do not drop", "Не удалять"}.
-+{"Drop messages on user removal", "Удалять сообщения при удалении пользователя"}.
---- msgs/pl-2.1.0.msg 2009-11-22 12:30:40.000000000 +0200
-+++ msgs/pl.msg 2009-11-22 12:35:07.000000000 +0200
-@@ -369,3 +369,27 @@
- {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Potrzebujesz klienta obsługującego x:data aby wyszukiwać"}.
- {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Kolejka wiadomości offline adresata jest pełna. Wiadomość została odrzucona."}.
- {"Your messages to ~s are being blocked. To unblock them, visit ~s","Twoje wiadomości do ~s są blokowane. Aby je odblokować, odwiedź ~s"}.
-+% mod_logdb
-+{"Users Messages", "Wiadomości użytkownika"}.
-+{"Date", "Data"}.
-+{"Count", "Liczba"}.
-+{"Logged messages for ", "Zapisane wiadomości dla "}.
-+{" at ", " o "}.
-+{"No logged messages for ", "Brak zapisanych wiadomości dla "}.
-+{"Date, Time", "Data, Godzina"}.
-+{"Direction: Jid", "Kierunek: Jid"}.
-+{"Subject", "Temat"}.
-+{"Body", "Treść"}.
-+{"Filter Selected", "Odfiltruj zaznaczone"}.
-+{"Do Not Log Messages", "Nie zapisuj wiadomości"}.
-+{"Log Messages", "Zapisuj wiadomości"}.
-+{"Messages logging engine", "System zapisywania historii rozmów"}.
-+{"Default", "Domyślne"}.
-+{"Set logging preferences", "Ustaw preferencje zapisywania"}.
-+{"Messages logging engine settings", "Ustawienia systemu logowania"}.
-+{"Set run-time settings", "Zapisz ustawienia systemu logowania"}.
-+{"Groupchat messages logging", "Zapisywanie rozmów z konferencji"}.
-+{"Jids/Domains to ignore", "JID/Domena która ma być ignorowana"}.
-+{"Purge messages older than (days)", "Usuń wiadomości starsze niż (w dniach)"}.
-+{"Poll users settings (seconds)", "Czas aktualizacji preferencji użytkowników (sekundy)"}.
---- msgs/nl-2.1.0.msg 2009-11-22 12:30:40.000000000 +0200
-+++ msgs/nl.msg 2009-11-22 12:34:41.000000000 +0200
-@@ -369,3 +369,15 @@
- {"You need an x:data capable client to search","U hebt een client nodig die x:data ondersteunt om te zoeken"}.
- {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Te veel offline berichten voor dit contactpersoon. Het bericht is niet opgeslagen."}.
- {"Your messages to ~s are being blocked. To unblock them, visit ~s","Uw berichten aan ~s worden geblokkeerd. Om ze te deblokkeren, ga naar ~s"}.
-+% mod_logdb
-+{"Users Messages", "Gebruikersberichten"}.
-+{"Date", "Datum"}.
-+{"Count", "Aantal"}.
-+{"Logged messages for ", "Gelogde berichten van "}.
-+{" at ", " op "}.
-+{"No logged messages for ", "Geen gelogde berichten van "}.
-+{"Date, Time", "Datum en tijd"}.
-+{"Direction: Jid", "Richting: Jabber ID"}.
-+{"Subject", "Onderwerp"}.
-+{"Body", "Berichtveld"}.
-+{"Messages", "Berichten"}.
---- ./mod_roster-2.1.0.erl 2009-11-22 12:30:40.000000000 +0200
-+++ mod_roster.erl 2009-11-22 12:40:40.000000000 +0200
-@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
- -include("mod_roster.hrl").
- -include("web/ejabberd_http.hrl").
- -include("web/ejabberd_web_admin.hrl").
- start(Host, Opts) ->
- IQDisc = gen_mod:get_opt(iqdisc, Opts, one_queue),
-@@ -937,6 +937,14 @@
- Res = user_roster_parse_query(User, Server, Items1, Query),
- Items = mnesia:dirty_index_read(roster, US, #roster.us),
- SItems = lists:sort(Items),
-+ Settings = case gen_mod:is_loaded(Server, mod_logdb) of
-+ true ->
-+ mod_logdb:get_user_settings(User, Server);
-+ false ->
-+ []
-+ end,
++ Rez -> Rez
++ end.
- FItems =
- case SItems of
- [] ->
-@@ -984,7 +992,33 @@
- [?INPUTT("submit",
- "remove" ++
- ejabberd_web_admin:term_to_id(R#roster.jid),
-- "Remove")])])
-+ "Remove")]),
-+ case gen_mod:is_loaded(Server, mod_logdb) of
-+ true ->
-+ Peer = jlib:jid_to_string(R#roster.jid),
-+ A = lists:member(Peer, Settings#user_settings.dolog_list),
-+ B = lists:member(Peer, Settings#user_settings.donotlog_list),
-+ {Name, Value} =
-+ if
-+ A ->
-+ {"donotlog", "Do Not Log Messages"};
-+ B ->
-+ {"dolog", "Log Messages"};
-+ Settings#user_settings.dolog_default == true ->
-+ {"donotlog", "Do Not Log Messages"};
-+ Settings#user_settings.dolog_default == false ->
-+ {"dolog", "Log Messages"}
-+ end,
++sql_query_internal_silent(DBRef, Query) ->
++ ?MYDEBUG("DOING: \"~s\"", [lists:append(Query)]),
++ % TODO: use pquery?
++ get_result(pgsql:squery(DBRef, Query)).
-+ ?XAE("td", [{"class", "valign"}],
-+ [?INPUTT("submit",
-+ Name ++
-+ ejabberd_web_admin:term_to_id(R#roster.jid),
-+ Value)]);
-+ false ->
-+ ?X([])
-+ end
-+ ])
- end, SItems))])]
- end,
- [?XC("h1", ?T("Roster of ") ++ us_to_list(US))] ++
-@@ -1084,11 +1118,42 @@
- {"subscription", "remove"}],
- []}]}}),
- throw(submitted);
-- false ->
-- ok
-- end
-- end
-+ false ->
-+ case lists:keysearch(
-+ "donotlog" ++ ejabberd_web_admin:term_to_id(JID), 1, Query) of
-+ {value, _} ->
-+ Peer = jlib:jid_to_string(JID),
-+ Settings = mod_logdb:get_user_settings(User, Server),
-+ DNLL = case lists:member(Peer, Settings#user_settings.donotlog_list) of
-+ false -> lists:append(Settings#user_settings.donotlog_list, [Peer]);
-+ true -> Settings#user_settings.donotlog_list
-+ end,
-+ DLL = lists:delete(jlib:jid_to_string(JID), Settings#user_settings.dolog_list),
-+ Sett = Settings#user_settings{donotlog_list=DNLL, dolog_list=DLL},
-+ % TODO: check returned value
-+ ok = mod_logdb:set_user_settings(User, Server, Sett),
-+ throw(nothing);
-+ false ->
-+ case lists:keysearch(
-+ "dolog" ++ ejabberd_web_admin:term_to_id(JID), 1, Query) of
-+ {value, _} ->
-+ Peer = jlib:jid_to_string(JID),
-+ Settings = mod_logdb:get_user_settings(User, Server),
-+ DLL = case lists:member(Peer, Settings#user_settings.dolog_list) of
-+ false -> lists:append(Settings#user_settings.dolog_list, [Peer]);
-+ true -> Settings#user_settings.dolog_list
-+ end,
-+ DNLL = lists:delete(jlib:jid_to_string(JID), Settings#user_settings.donotlog_list),
-+ Sett = Settings#user_settings{donotlog_list=DNLL, dolog_list=DLL},
-+ % TODO: check returned value
-+ ok = mod_logdb:set_user_settings(User, Server, Sett),
-+ throw(nothing);
-+ false ->
-+ ok
-+ end % dolog
-+ end % donotlog
-+ end % remove
-+ end % validate
- end, Items),
- nothing.
---- ./mod_roster_odbc-2.1.0.erl 2009-11-22 12:30:40.000000000 +0200
-+++ mod_roster_odbc.erl 2009-11-22 12:42:38.000000000 +0200
-@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
- -include("mod_roster.hrl").
++get_result({ok, ["CREATE TABLE"]}) ->
++ {updated, 1};
++get_result({ok, ["DROP TABLE"]}) ->
++ {updated, 1};
++get_result({ok, ["ALTER TABLE"]}) ->
++ {updated, 1};
++get_result({ok,["DROP VIEW"]}) ->
++ {updated, 1};
++get_result({ok,["DROP FUNCTION"]}) ->
++ {updated, 1};
++get_result({ok, ["CREATE INDEX"]}) ->
++ {updated, 1};
++get_result({ok, ["CREATE FUNCTION"]}) ->
++ {updated, 1};
++get_result({ok, [{"SELECT", _Rows, Recs}]}) ->
++ Fun = fun(Rec) ->
++ list_to_tuple(
++ lists:map(fun(Elem) when is_binary(Elem) ->
++ binary_to_list(Elem);
++ (Elem) when is_list(Elem) ->
++ Elem;
++ (Elem) when is_integer(Elem) ->
++ integer_to_list(Elem);
++ (Elem) when is_float(Elem) ->
++ float_to_list(Elem);
++ (Elem) when is_boolean(Elem) ->
++ atom_to_list(Elem);
++ (Elem) ->
++ ?ERROR_MSG("Unknown element type ~p", [Elem]),
++ Elem
++ end, Rec))
++ end,
++ Res = lists:map(Fun, Recs),
++ %{data, [list_to_tuple(Rec) || Rec <- Recs]};
++ {data, Res};
++get_result({ok, ["INSERT " ++ OIDN]}) ->
++ [_OID, N] = string:tokens(OIDN, " "),
++ {updated, list_to_integer(N)};
++get_result({ok, ["DELETE " ++ N]}) ->
++ {updated, list_to_integer(N)};
++get_result({ok, ["UPDATE " ++ N]}) ->
++ {updated, list_to_integer(N)};
++get_result({ok, ["BEGIN"]}) ->
++ {updated, 1};
++get_result({ok, ["LOCK TABLE"]}) ->
++ {updated, 1};
++get_result({ok, ["ROLLBACK"]}) ->
++ {updated, 1};
++get_result({ok, ["COMMIT"]}) ->
++ {updated, 1};
++get_result({ok, ["SET"]}) ->
++ {updated, 1};
++get_result({ok, [{error, Error}]}) ->
++ {error, Error};
++get_result(Rez) ->
++ {error, undefined, Rez}.
+diff --git src/mod_muc/mod_muc_room.erl src/mod_muc/mod_muc_room.erl
+index 02c83ed..7693b66 100644
+--- src/mod_muc/mod_muc_room.erl
++++ src/mod_muc/mod_muc_room.erl
+@@ -726,6 +726,12 @@ handle_sync_event({change_config, Config}, _From, StateName, StateData) ->
+ {reply, {ok, NSD#state.config}, StateName, NSD};
+ handle_sync_event({change_state, NewStateData}, _From, StateName, _StateData) ->
+ {reply, {ok, NewStateData}, StateName, NewStateData};
++handle_sync_event({get_jid_nick, Jid}, _From, StateName, StateData) ->
++ R = case ?DICT:find(jlib:jid_tolower(Jid), StateData#state.users) of
++ error -> [];
++ {ok, {user, _, Nick, _, _}} -> Nick
++ end,
++ {reply, R, StateName, StateData};
+ handle_sync_event(_Event, _From, StateName, StateData) ->
+ Reply = ok,
+ {reply, Reply, StateName, StateData}.
+diff --git src/mod_roster.erl src/mod_roster.erl
+index b15497f..ace8ba7 100644
+--- src/mod_roster.erl
++++ src/mod_roster.erl
+@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@
start(Host, Opts) ->
IQDisc = gen_mod:get_opt(iqdisc, Opts, one_queue),
-@@ -1038,6 +1038,14 @@
+@@ -1334,6 +1336,14 @@ user_roster(User, Server, Query, Lang) ->
Res = user_roster_parse_query(User, Server, Items1, Query),
Items = get_roster(LUser, LServer),
SItems = lists:sort(Items),
@@ -6522,12 +6316,12 @@
FItems =
case SItems of
[] ->
-@@ -1085,7 +1093,33 @@
+@@ -1381,7 +1391,33 @@ user_roster(User, Server, Query, Lang) ->
"remove" ++
- "Remove")])])
-+ "Remove")]),
++ "Remove")]),
+ case gen_mod:is_loaded(Server, mod_logdb) of
+ true ->
+ Peer = jlib:jid_to_string(R#roster.jid),
@@ -6557,7 +6351,7 @@
end, SItems))])]
[?XC("h1", ?T("Roster of ") ++ us_to_list(US))] ++
-@@ -1185,11 +1219,42 @@
+@@ -1481,11 +1517,42 @@ user_roster_item_parse_query(User, Server, Items, Query) ->
{"subscription", "remove"}],
@@ -6605,3 +6399,127 @@
end, Items),
+diff --git src/msgs/nl.msg src/msgs/nl.msg
+index 70e739f..019b7b4 100644
+--- src/msgs/nl.msg
++++ src/msgs/nl.msg
+@@ -419,3 +419,15 @@
+ {"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Uw Jabber-account is succesvol gecreeerd."}.
+ {"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Uw Jabber-account is succesvol verwijderd."}.
+ {"Your messages to ~s are being blocked. To unblock them, visit ~s","Uw berichten aan ~s worden geblokkeerd. Om ze te deblokkeren, ga naar ~s"}.
++% mod_logdb
++{"Users Messages", "Gebruikersberichten"}.
++{"Date", "Datum"}.
++{"Count", "Aantal"}.
++{"Logged messages for ", "Gelogde berichten van "}.
++{" at ", " op "}.
++{"No logged messages for ", "Geen gelogde berichten van "}.
++{"Date, Time", "Datum en tijd"}.
++{"Direction: Jid", "Richting: Jabber ID"}.
++{"Subject", "Onderwerp"}.
++{"Body", "Berichtveld"}.
++{"Messages", "Berichten"}.
+diff --git src/msgs/pl.msg src/msgs/pl.msg
+index 4bc2063..4395f3c 100644
+--- src/msgs/pl.msg
++++ src/msgs/pl.msg
+@@ -419,3 +419,27 @@
+ {"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Twoje konto zostało stworzone."}.
+ {"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Twoje konto zostało usunięte."}.
+ {"Your messages to ~s are being blocked. To unblock them, visit ~s","Twoje wiadomości do ~s są blokowane. Aby je odblokować, odwiedź ~s"}.
++% mod_logdb
++{"Users Messages", "Wiadomości użytkownika"}.
++{"Date", "Data"}.
++{"Count", "Liczba"}.
++{"Logged messages for ", "Zapisane wiadomości dla "}.
++{" at ", " o "}.
++{"No logged messages for ", "Brak zapisanych wiadomości dla "}.
++{"Date, Time", "Data, Godzina"}.
++{"Direction: Jid", "Kierunek: Jid"}.
++{"Subject", "Temat"}.
++{"Body", "Treść"}.
++{"Filter Selected", "Odfiltruj zaznaczone"}.
++{"Do Not Log Messages", "Nie zapisuj wiadomości"}.
++{"Log Messages", "Zapisuj wiadomości"}.
++{"Messages logging engine", "System zapisywania historii rozmów"}.
++{"Default", "Domyślne"}.
++{"Set logging preferences", "Ustaw preferencje zapisywania"}.
++{"Messages logging engine settings", "Ustawienia systemu logowania"}.
++{"Set run-time settings", "Zapisz ustawienia systemu logowania"}.
++{"Groupchat messages logging", "Zapisywanie rozmów z konferencji"}.
++{"Jids/Domains to ignore", "JID/Domena która ma być ignorowana"}.
++{"Purge messages older than (days)", "Usuń wiadomości starsze niż (w dniach)"}.
++{"Poll users settings (seconds)", "Czas aktualizacji preferencji użytkowników (sekundy)"}.
+diff --git src/msgs/ru.msg src/msgs/ru.msg
+index ece7348..99879ec 100644
+--- src/msgs/ru.msg
++++ src/msgs/ru.msg
+@@ -419,3 +419,31 @@
+ {"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Ваш Jabber-аккаунт был успешно создан."}.
+ {"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Ваш Jabber-аккаунт был успешно удален."}.
+ {"Your messages to ~s are being blocked. To unblock them, visit ~s","Ваши сообщения к ~s блокируются. Для снятия блокировки перейдите по ссылке ~s"}.
++% mod_logdb.erl
++{"Users Messages", "Сообщения пользователей"}.
++{"Date", "Дата"}.
++{"Count", "Количество"}.
++{"Logged messages for ", "Сохранённые cообщения для "}.
++{" at ", " за "}.
++{"No logged messages for ", "Отсутствуют сообщения для "}.
++{"Date, Time", "Дата, Время"}.
++{"Direction: Jid", "Направление: Jid"}.
++{"Subject", "Тема"}.
++{"Body", "Текст"}.
++{"Messages", "Сообщения"}.
++{"Filter Selected", "Отфильтровать выделенные"}.
++{"Do Not Log Messages", "Не сохранять сообщения"}.
++{"Log Messages", "Сохранять сообщения"}.
++{"Messages logging engine", "Система логирования сообщений"}.
++{"Default", "По умолчанию"}.
++{"Set logging preferences", "Задайте настройки логирования"}.
++{"Messages logging engine users", "Пользователи системы логирования сообщений"}.
++{"Messages logging engine settings", "Настройки системы логирования сообщений"}.
++{"Set run-time settings", "Задайте текущие настройки"}.
++{"Groupchat messages logging", "Логирование сообщений типа groupchat"}.
++{"Jids/Domains to ignore", "Игнорировать следующие jids/домены"}.
++{"Purge messages older than (days)", "Удалять сообщения старее чем (дни)"}.
++{"Poll users settings (seconds)", "Обновлять настройки пользователей через (секунд)"}.
++{"Drop", "Удалять"}.
++{"Do not drop", "Не удалять"}.
++{"Drop messages on user removal", "Удалять сообщения при удалении пользователя"}.
+diff --git src/msgs/uk.msg src/msgs/uk.msg
+index 6e21c90..1cdd1ea 100644
+--- src/msgs/uk.msg
++++ src/msgs/uk.msg
+@@ -407,3 +407,31 @@
+ {"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Ваш Jabber-акаунт було успішно створено."}.
+ {"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Ваш Jabber-акаунт було успішно видалено."}.
+ {"Your messages to ~s are being blocked. To unblock them, visit ~s","Ваші повідомлення до ~s блокуються. Для розблокування відвідайте ~s"}.
++% mod_logdb
++{"Users Messages", "Повідомлення користувачів"}.
++{"Date", "Дата"}.
++{"Count", "Кількість"}.
++{"Logged messages for ", "Збережені повідомлення для "}.
++{" at ", " за "}.
++{"No logged messages for ", "Відсутні повідомлення для "}.
++{"Date, Time", "Дата, Час"}.
++{"Direction: Jid", "Напрямок: Jid"}.
++{"Subject", "Тема"}.
++{"Body", "Текст"}.
++{"Messages", "Повідомлення"}.
++{"Filter Selected", "Відфільтрувати виділені"}.
++{"Do Not Log Messages", "Не зберігати повідомлення"}.
++{"Log Messages", "Зберігати повідомлення"}.
++{"Messages logging engine", "Система збереження повідомлень"}.
++{"Default", "За замовчуванням"}.
++{"Set logging preferences", "Вкажіть налагоджування збереження повідомлень"}.
++{"Messages logging engine users", "Користувачі системи збереження повідомлень"}.
++{"Messages logging engine settings", "Налагоджування системи збереження повідомлень"}.
++{"Set run-time settings", "Вкажіть поточні налагоджування"}.
++{"Groupchat messages logging", "Збереження повідомлень типу groupchat"}.
++{"Jids/Domains to ignore", "Ігнорувати наступні jids/домени"}.
++{"Purge messages older than (days)", "Видаляти повідомлення старіші ніж (дні)"}.
++{"Poll users settings (seconds)", "Оновлювати налагоджування користувачів кожні (секунд)"}.
++{"Drop", "Видаляти"}.
++{"Do not drop", "Не видаляти"}.
++{"Drop messages on user removal", "Видаляти повідомлення під час видалення користувача"}.
diff --git a/ejabberd-vcard-access-get.patch b/ejabberd-vcard-access-get.patch
index 02c510c..c141178 100644
--- a/ejabberd-vcard-access-get.patch
+++ b/ejabberd-vcard-access-get.patch
@@ -20,7 +20,19 @@ index 5de409d..ac3dba8 100644
\titem{\{search, true|false\}}\ind{options!search}This option specifies whether the search
functionality is enabled or not
If disabled, the option \term{host} will be ignored and the
-@@ -4087,14 +4098,17 @@ Examples:
+@@ -4128,6 +4142,11 @@ consists of the following \modvcardldap{}-specific options:
+ \begin{description}
+ \hostitem{vjud}
+ \iqdiscitem{\ns{vcard-temp}}
++\titem{access\_get}\ind{options!accessget} Access rule that defines
++ who is allowed to see vCard of local users.
++ If a rule returns `deny' on the requester
++ user name, that user cannot see vCards of local users.
++ By default anybody can see the vCards of local users.
+ \titem{\{search, true|false\}}\ind{options!search}This option specifies whether the search
+ functionality is enabled (value: \term{true}) or disabled (value:
+ \term{false}). If disabled, the option \term{host} will be ignored and the
+@@ -4651,14 +4651,17 @@ Examples:
\item The second situation differs in a way that search results are not limited,
@@ -40,18 +52,6 @@ index 5de409d..ac3dba8 100644
-@@ -4128,6 +4142,11 @@ consists of the following \modvcardldap{}-specific options:
- \begin{description}
- \hostitem{vjud}
- \iqdiscitem{\ns{vcard-temp}}
-+\titem{access\_get}\ind{options!accessget} Access rule that defines
-+ who is allowed to see vCard of local users.
-+ If a rule returns `deny' on the requester
-+ user name, that user cannot see vCards of local users.
-+ By default anybody can see the vCards of local users.
- \titem{\{search, true|false\}}\ind{options!search}This option specifies whether the search
- functionality is enabled (value: \term{true}) or disabled (value:
- \term{false}). If disabled, the option \term{host} will be ignored and the
diff --git a/src/mod_vcard.erl b/src/mod_vcard.erl
index 4384087..c54e8ea 100644
--- a/src/mod_vcard.erl
---- gitweb:
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