[packages/cleanfeed] - new URLs, updated to 20100602 - updated conf patch
qboosh at pld-linux.org
Wed Jun 19 21:50:22 CEST 2013
commit bb81b04ddcbb8cd12c7d58cb360fdd070b6f61c2
Author: Jakub Bogusz <qboosh at pld-linux.org>
Date: Wed Jun 19 21:50:38 2013 +0200
- new URLs, updated to 20100602
- updated conf patch
cleanfeed-20080809.diff | 663 ------------------------------------------------
cleanfeed-conf.patch | 44 ++--
cleanfeed.spec | 41 ++-
3 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 706 deletions(-)
diff --git a/cleanfeed.spec b/cleanfeed.spec
index 10fd1d9..f8b45e6 100644
--- a/cleanfeed.spec
+++ b/cleanfeed.spec
@@ -2,19 +2,18 @@
Summary: INN spam filter
Summary(pl.UTF-8): Filtr spamu dla INN-a
Name: cleanfeed
-%define src_ver 20020501
-Version: 20080809
-Release: 3
-License: Artistic License 2.0
+Version: 20100602
+Release: 1
+License: Artistic v2.0
Group: Networking/Daemons
-Source0: http://www.bofh.it/~md/cleanfeed/%{name}-%{src_ver}.tgz
-# Source0-md5: 8535cc55d63a1932a447d09829b6aa97
+#originally: http://www.bofh.it/~md/cleanfeed/%{name}-%{src_ver}.tgz
+# later maintained version:
+#Source0Download: http://www.mixmin.net/cleanfeed/install.html
+Source0: http://www.mixmin.net/cleanfeed/%{name}.tar.gz
+# Source0-md5: 8e14b5e306a9f875b8fcd6488584675a
Source1: %{name}.8
-# http://groups.google.pl/group/news.software.nntp/msg/e652742ab7ff0f0a
-# http://www.mixmin.net/cleanfeed.diff
-Patch0: %{name}-%{version}.diff
-Patch1: %{name}-conf.patch
-URL: http://www.bofh.it/~md/cleanfeed/
+Patch0: %{name}-conf.patch
+URL: http://www.mixmin.net/cleanfeed/
BuildRequires: rpm-perlprov
Requires: perl-Digest-MD5
Conflicts: inn < 2.3
@@ -32,22 +31,16 @@ Automatyczny filtr spamu dla serwera news INN. Usuwa spam z
przychodzących "feedów".
-%setup -q -n %{name}-%{src_ver}
-%patch0 -p7
-%patch1 -p1
-# INN 2.3.x hack
-sed -i -e "s|\$lines = \$hdr{'__BODY__'} =~ tr/\\\n/\\\n/;|\$lines = \$hdr{'__LINES__'};|g" cleanfeed
+%setup -q -n %{name}
+%patch0 -p1
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_sysconfdir},%{_mandir}/man8,%{_datadir}/news/filter}
-install bad_adult_paths bad_hosts bad_cancel_paths bad_paths $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}
-install cleanfeed.local.sample $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/cleanfeed.local
+install -p etc/bad_* etc/cleanfeed.local $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}
-install cleanfeed $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/news/filter/filter_innd.pl
+install -p cleanfeed $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/news/filter/filter_innd.pl
install %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8
@@ -55,11 +48,15 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
-%doc CHANGES HACKING README TODO cleanfeed.local.sample-it highwind.pl tools
%attr(640,root,news) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/bad_adult_paths
+%attr(640,root,news) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/bad_body
%attr(640,root,news) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/bad_cancel_paths
+%attr(640,root,news) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/bad_from
+%attr(640,root,news) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/bad_groups
%attr(640,root,news) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/bad_hosts
%attr(640,root,news) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/bad_paths
+%attr(640,root,news) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/bad_subject
+%attr(640,root,news) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/bad_url
%attr(640,root,news) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/cleanfeed.local
diff --git a/cleanfeed-20080809.diff b/cleanfeed-20080809.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 32235af..0000000
--- a/cleanfeed-20080809.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,663 +0,0 @@
---- /usr/local/news/dev/cleanfeed/branches/cleanfeed-20020501/cleanfeed 2002-05-01 16:51:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ /usr/local/news/dev/cleanfeed/trunk/cleanfeed 2008-08-09 18:16:09.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
--# vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 autoindent smartindent smarttab syntax=perl:
-+# vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab syntax=perl:
-+# autoindent smartindent smarttab
- #
- # Copyright 1999 Jeremy Nixon <jeremy at exit109.com>
- # Copyright 2001 Marco d'Itri <md at linux.it>
- #
-+# Modified by Steve Crook (09th Aug 2008) (svn:r114) and redistributed in
-+# accordance with the terms of the license.
- # This software is distributed under the terms of the Artistic License.
- # Please see the LICENSE file in the distribution.
- #
-@@ -11,7 +15,7 @@
- # Directory where cleanfeed.local and the other configuration files live.
- # Set this to undef to not use any external file.
--$config_dir = '/news/bin/filter';
-+$config_dir = '/usr/local/news/cleanfeed/etc';
- ##############################################################################
- # Server configuration
-@@ -42,6 +46,8 @@
- do_md5 => 1, # do the md5 checks?
- do_phl => 1, # do the posting-host/lines EMP check?
-+ do_phn => 1, # do the posting-host/newsgroups EMP check?
-+ do_phr => 1, # do posting-host (high risk groups) check?
- do_fsl => 1, # do the from/subject/lines EMP check?
- do_scoring_filter => 1, # use the scoring filter?
-@@ -54,6 +60,12 @@
- PHLRateCutoff => 20,
- PHLRateCeiling => 80,
- PHLRateBaseInterval => 3600,
-+ PHNRateCutoff => 150,
-+ PHNRateCeiling => 200,
-+ PHNRateBaseInterval => 3600,
-+ PHRRateCutoff => 10,
-+ PHRRateCeiling => 80,
-+ PHRRateBaseInterval => 3600,
- FSLRateCutoff => 20,
- FSLRateCeiling => 40,
- FSLRateBaseInterval => 1000,
-@@ -65,10 +77,13 @@
- stats_interval => 3600, # write status file every N seconds
- MIDmaxlife => 4, # time to keep rejected message-ids, in hours
- md5_skips_followups => 1, # avoid MD5 check on articles with References?
-+ phn_aggressive => 1, # use path for phn filter when no posting host
-+ phr_aggressive => 1, # use path for phr filter when no posting host
- do_mid_filter => 1, # use the message-id CHECK filter? (INN only)
- do_supersedes_filter => 1, # do the excessive supersedes filter?
- drop_useless_controls => 1, # drop sendsys, senduuname, version control msg
- drop_ihave_sendme => 1, # drop ihave, sendme control messages
-+ bad_rate_reload => 10000, # Reload bad_* files after this many articles
- low_xpost_maxgroups => 6, # max xposts in low_xpost_groups
- meow_ext_maxgroups => 2, # max xposts from meow_groups to other groups
-@@ -104,16 +119,24 @@
- debug_batch_size => 0, # max size of batch files before rotation
- ### binaries allowed if groups match
-- bin_allowed => '^\w+\.binae?r|^alt\.sex\.pictures|^fur\.artwork'.
-+ bin_allowed => '^[a-z]+\.binae?r|^fur\.artwork'.
- '|^alt\.anonymous\.messages$|^de\.alt\.dateien|^rec\.games\.bolo$'.
- '|^comp\.security\.pgp\.test$|^sfnet\.tiedostot'.
-- '|^fido\.|^linux\.|^unidata\.',
-+ '|^fido\.|^linux\.|^unidata\.|alt\.security\.keydist',
-+ # Groups matching this regex will accept binary UUenc and yEnc files
-+ # where filename extensions match 'image_extensions'.
-+ image_allowed => '\.pictures',
-+ # Extensions on image files that are allowed in 'image_allowed' groups.
-+ # These are not case sensitive
-+ image_extensions => 'jpe?g|png|gif',
- ### no binaries allowed even if bin_allowed matches
- bad_bin => '\.d$|^alt\.chello',
- ### md5 EMP check not done if groups match
-- md5exclude => '\.test(?:$|\.)|^es\.pruebas$',
-+ md5exclude => '^perl\.cpan\.testers|^es\.pruebas$',
- ### reject all articles crossposted to groups matching this
- poison_groups => '^alt\.(?:binaires|bainaries)|sexzilla|^newsmon$'.
-@@ -122,11 +145,17 @@
- : '|^alt\.hipcrime|^us\.hipcrime|^hipcrime|h\dpcr\dme'),
- ### no checks done if groups match
-- allexclude => '^clari\.|^biz\.clarinet\.',
-+ allexclude => '^mailing\.',
- ### HTML allowed here (if block_html or block_multi_alt is turned on)
- html_allowed => '^microsoft\.',
-+ ### MIME HTML allowed here (if block_mime_html is turned on)
-+ mime_html_allowed => '',
-+ test_groups => '\.test(ing)?(?:$|\.)|^es\.pruebas|^borland\.public\.test2'.
-+ '|^cern\.testnews',
- ### groups where we restrict crossposts even more than normal
- low_xpost_groups => 'test|jobs|forsale',
-@@ -143,9 +172,31 @@
- # FIXME currently disabled
- # baddomainpat => '[\w\-]+xxx|xxx[\w\-]+',
-+ ### exclude these newsgroups from the fsl filter
-+ fsl_exclude => 'comp\.lang\.ruby',
-+ ### exclude these newsgroups from the phl filter
-+ phl_exclude => 'comp\.lang\.ruby|^microsoft\.|^alt\.bestjobsusa'.
-+ '|\.bbs\.',
- ### exempt these hosts from the NNTP-Posting-Host filter
- phl_exempt => '^localhost$|webtv\.net$|^newscene\.newscene\.com$'.
-- '|^freebsd\.csie\.nctu\.edu\.tw$|^ddt\.demos\.su$|^onlyNews customer$',
-+ '|^freebsd\.csie\.nctu\.edu\.tw$|^ddt\.demos\.su$|^onlyNews customer$'.
-+ '|localhost\.pld-linux\.org',
-+ ### exclude these newsgroups from the phn filter
-+ phn_exclude => '^local\.|^alt\.anonymous\.messages|^alt\.sex\.'.
-+ '|^\w+\.bin|^microsoft\.|\.bbs\.|^alt\.bestjobsusa|^mozilla\.'.
-+ '|^gnus?\.|^alt\.pictures\.|^gmane\.|^fa\.|^stu\.|^corel\.|\.cvs\.'.
-+ '|\.talk|^lists\.|^microsoft\.|^news\.lists\.filters',
-+ ### exempt these hosts from the phn filter
-+ phn_exempt => '^localhost$|^127\.0\.0\.1$|localhost\.pld-linux\.org',
-+ phr_exempt => '^localhost$|^127\.0\.0\.1$',
-+ ### newsgroups that get frequently flooded
-+ flood_groups => '',
- ### posting hosts exempt from excessive supersedes filter
- supersedes_exempt => '^localhost$|^penguin-lust\.mit\.edu$',
-@@ -221,10 +272,13 @@
- # config_append adds to the config regexps
- if (%config_append) {
- foreach (qw(bin_allowed bad_bin md5exclude poison_groups
-- allexclude html_allowed low_xpost_groups no_cancel_groups
-- baddomainpat phl_exempt supersedes_exempt
-+ allexclude html_allowed mime_html_allowed low_xpost_groups
-+ test_groups no_cancel_groups baddomainpat fsl_exclude
-+ phl_exempt phl_exclude supersedes_exempt
-+ phn_exempt phr_exempt phn_exclude flood_groups
- refuse_messageids net_abuse_groups spam_report_groups
-- adult_groups not_adult_groups faq_groups badguys)) {
-+ adult_groups not_adult_groups faq_groups badguys
-+ image_allowed image_extensions)) {
- if (defined $config_append{$_}) {
- $config{$_} .= "|$config_append{$_}";
- $config{$_} =~ s/\|\|/\|/g;
-@@ -301,8 +355,8 @@
- $servPre = "(?:$free|cheap|unlimited|nationwide|$site_desc)";
- $servPost = '(?:$free|minute|samples|800|900|no.?charge)';
- $servStr = "(?:phone.{0,15}(?:$sex|fun)|(?:adult|r.?a.?p.?e|$sex).{0,10}(?:chat|site)".
-- "|(?:$sex).{0,15}(?:show|call|connection|vid(?:eo|s))".
-- '|hard.?core.(?:vid(?:eo|s)|amateur)|900.dateline|(?:mass|bulk).e?-?mail)';
-+ "|(?:$sex).{0,15}(?:show|call|connection|vid(?:eo|s)|dvd)".
-+ '|hard.?core.(?:vid(?:eo|s)|dvd|amateur)|900.dateline|(?:mass|bulk).e?-?mail)';
- $services = "(?:$servPre.{0,30}?$servStr)|(?:$servStr.{0,30}?$servPost)";
- $free_stuff = "$free.{0,20}(?:password|membership|$pics|chat)".
-@@ -311,12 +365,12 @@
- $sex_adjs = "$desc1|$sex|erotic|gay|amateur|lesbian|blow.?job|fetish".
- '|pre.?teen|nude|celeb|school.?girl|bondage|rape|torture';
--$porn = "(?:$sex_adjs).{0,25}(?:$pics|video|image|porn|photo|mpeg)";
-+$porn = "(?:$sex_adjs).{0,25}(?:$pics|video|dvd|image|porn|photo|mpeg)";
- $one_point_words = "teen|hot|sex|$free|credit|amateur|lolita|horne?y".
-- '|dildo|anal(?!yst)|oral|school.?girl|bondage|breast|vid(?:eo|s)|orgy|erotic|porn'.
-- '|fetish|whore|nympho|sucking|password|membership|make.money|fast.cash'.
-- '|barely.?(?:18|legal)|orgasm';
-+ '|dildo|anal(?!yst)|oral|school.?girl|bondage|breast|vid(?:eo|s)|dvd'.
-+ '|orgy|erotic|porn|fetish|whore|nympho|sucking|password|membership'.
-+ '|make.money|fast.cash|barely.?(?:18|legal)|orgasm';
- $two_point_words = 'fuck|sluts|puss(?:y|ies)|\bcum|(?:hidden|live|free|dorm|spy).?cam'.
- '|le[sz]b(?:ian|o)|tit(?!an|ch)|dick(?!.?berg)|blow.?job|cock|clit'.
- '|pam(?:ela)?.anderson|twat|cunt|hard-?core|[^x]xxx|facial|gangbang'.
-@@ -380,10 +434,8 @@
- }
- }
-- read_hash('bad_paths', \%Bad_Path);
-- read_hash('bad_cancel_paths', \%Bad_Cancel_Path);
-- read_hash('bad_adult_paths', \%Bad_Adult_Path);
-- read_hash('bad_hosts', \%Bad_Hosts);
-+ # Read all the bad_* files
-+ read_hashes();
- # initialise the rate filters
- if ($config{do_md5}) {
-@@ -400,6 +452,20 @@
- } else {
- undef $PHLhistory;
- }
-+ if ($config{do_phn}) {
-+ $PHNhistory = new Cleanfeed::RateLimit;
-+ $PHNhistory->init($config{PHNRateCutoff}, $config{PHNRateCeiling},
-+ $config{PHNRateBaseInterval});
-+ } else {
-+ undef $PHNhistory;
-+ }
-+ if ($config{do_phr}) {
-+ $PHRhistory = new Cleanfeed::RateLimit;
-+ $PHRhistory->init($config{PHRRateCutoff}, $config{PHRRateCeiling},
-+ $config{PHRRateBaseInterval});
-+ } else {
-+ undef $PHRhistory;
-+ }
- if ($config{do_fsl}) {
- $FSLhistory = new Cleanfeed::RateLimit;
- $FSLhistory->init($config{FSLRateCutoff}, $config{FSLRateCeiling},
-@@ -427,6 +493,15 @@
- $status{articles}++;
- $timer{articles}++ if $config{timer_info};
-+ # Reload the bad_* files every $bad_rate_reload articles accepted
-+ if ($status{accepted} % $config{bad_rate_reload} == 0
-+ and $status{accepted} > $status{bad_reloaded}) {
-+ slog('N', "Reloading bad files after $status{accepted} articles");
-+ read_hashes();
-+ # Prevent looping whilst waiting for another accepted article
-+ $status{bad_reloaded} = $status{accepted};
-+ }
- # break out newsgroups into an array
- @groups = split(/[,\s]+/, $hdr{Newsgroups});
- if ($hdr{'Followup-To'}) {
-@@ -445,10 +520,16 @@
- $gr{'rg_'.$item}++ if /$Restricted_Groups{$item}/;
- }
- $gr{skip}++ if $config{allexclude} and /$config{allexclude}/o;
-+ $gr{fslskip}++ if $config{fslexclude} and /$config{fslexclude}/o;
- $gr{md5skip}++ if $config{md5exclude} and /$config{md5exclude}/o;
-+ $gr{phnskip}++ if $config{phn_exclude} and /$config{phn_exclude}/o;
-+ $gr{phlskip}++ if $config{phl_exclude} and /$config{phl_exclude}/o;
-+ $gr{phrinc}++ if $config{flood_groups} and /$config{flood_groups}/o;
- $gr{binary}++ if $config{bin_allowed} and /$config{bin_allowed}/o;
-+ $gr{image}++ if $config{image_allowed} and /$config{image_allowed}/o;
- $gr{bad_bin}++ if $config{bad_bin} and /$config{bad_bin}/o;
- $gr{html}++ if $config{html_allowed} and /$config{html_allowed}/o;
-+ $gr{mime_html}++ if $config{mime_html_allowed} and /$config{mime_html_allowed}/o;
- $gr{poison}++ if $config{poison_groups}
- and /$config{poison_groups}/o;
- $gr{reports}++ if $config{spam_report_groups}
-@@ -459,7 +540,7 @@
- and /$config{meow_groups}/o;
- $gr{no_cancel}++ if $config{no_cancel_groups}
- and /$config{no_cancel_groups}/o;
-- $gr{test}++ if /\.test\b/;
-+ $gr{test}++ if /$config{test_groups}/o;
- $gr{adult}++ if /$config{adult_groups}/o
- and not /$config{not_adult_groups}/o;
- $gr{faq}++ if /$config{faq_groups}/o;
-@@ -468,15 +549,24 @@
- } elsif (defined &INN::newsgroup) {
- $gr{mod}++ if INN::newsgroup($_) eq 'm';
- }
-+ # Reject bad groups
-+ return reject("Bad group ($_)", 'Bad group') if exists $Bad_Groups{$_};
- }
- # these only count if all groups match
- $gr{skip} = ($gr{skip} == scalar @groups);
- $gr{md5skip} = ($gr{md5skip} == scalar @groups);
-+ $gr{phnskip} = ($gr{phnskip} == scalar @groups);
-+ $gr{phlskip} = ($gr{phlskip} == scalar @groups);
-+ $gr{image} = (($gr{image} + $gr{binary}) >= scalar @groups);
- $gr{binary} = ($gr{binary} == scalar @groups);
-+ $gr{reports} = ($gr{reports} == scalar @groups);
- $gr{binary} = 0 if $gr{bad_bin};
- $gr{html} = ($gr{html} == scalar @groups);
-+ $gr{mime_html} = ($gr{mime_html} == scalar @groups);
- $gr{allmod} = ($gr{mod} == scalar @groups);
-+ $gr{alltest} = ($gr{test} == scalar @groups);
- # If all newsgroups are excluded from filtering, bail now
- return '' if $gr{skip};
-@@ -488,7 +578,7 @@
- # checks common to all article types #####################################
- foreach (split(/\s+/, $hdr{'NNTP-Posting-Host'})) {
- return reject("Bad host ($hdr{'NNTP-Posting-Host'})", 'Bad site')
-- if exists $Bad_Hosts{$_};
-+ if exists $Bad_Hosts{$_} or exists $Bad_Hosts_Central{$_};
- }
- @Path_Entries = split(/!/, $hdr{Path});
-@@ -629,17 +719,29 @@
- /mx;
- # binaries in non-binary newsgroups
-- if ($config{block_binaries}) {
-+ if ($config{block_binaries}
-+ and $lines > $config{max_encoded_lines}) {
- unless ($config{binaries_in_mod_groups} and $gr{allmod}) {
-- return reject('Binary in non-binary group')
-- if $lines > $config{max_encoded_lines}
-- and not $gr{binary} and is_binary();
-- }
-- }
-+ # We're only interested in binaries
-+ if (is_binary()) {
-+ # Is the binary an image?
-+ if (is_image()) {
-+ return reject("Binary image in non-image group")
-+ if not $gr{image};
-+ # gr{image} is true when distro matches bin_allowed
-+ # or image_allowed
-+ } else {
-+ return reject("Binary in non-binary group")
-+ if not $gr{binary};
-+ # gr{binary} is true when distro matches bin_allowed
-+ }; # End of is_image
-+ }; # End of is_binary
-+ }; # End of moderated groups
-+ }; # End of max encoded lines
- # mime-encapsulated HTML (attached *.html file)
- return reject('Attached HTML file')
-- if $config{block_mime_html}
-+ if $config{block_mime_html} and not $gr{mime_html}
- and $hdr{'Content-Disposition'} =~ /filename.*\.html?/
- or $hdr{'Content-Base'} =~ /file:.*\.html?/
- or ($lch{'content-type'} =~ m#multipart/(?:mixed|related)#
-@@ -722,7 +824,7 @@
- # EMP checks #########################################################
- # create MD5 body checksum hash.
-- if ($config{do_md5} and not $gr{md5skip}
-+ if ($config{do_md5} and not $gr{md5skip} and not $gr{alltest}
- and not ($hdr{References} and $config{md5_skips_followups})
- and (($config{md5_max_length}
- and $lines < $config{md5_max_length})
-@@ -749,8 +851,8 @@
- if (not $gr{reports}) {
- # create posting-host/lines hash
- if ($config{do_phl} and not $gr{allmod}
-- and $hdr{'NNTP-Posting-Host'}
-- and not $hdr{Newsgroups} =~ /^(?:tw\.bbs\.|fido7\.)/ #XXX FIXME
-+ and $hdr{'NNTP-Posting-Host'} and not $gr{phlskip}
-+ and not is_binary() and not $gr{alltest}
- and not $hdr{'NNTP-Posting-Host'} =~ /(?:$config{phl_exempt})/o
- and not ($gr{binary} and $lines > 100
- and $hdr{Subject} =~ /[\(\[]\d+\/\d+[\)\]]/)) {
-@@ -758,8 +860,31 @@
- if $PHLhistory->add("$hdr{'NNTP-Posting-Host'} $lines");
- }
-+ # create posting-host/newsgroups hash
-+ if ($config{do_phn} and not $gr{allmod}
-+ and not $gr{phrinc} and not $gr{phnskip} and not $gr{alltest}
-+ and not ($gr{binary} and $lines > 100)) {
-+ if ($hdr{'NNTP-Posting-Host'}) {
-+ if (not $hdr{'NNTP-Posting-Host'} =~ /(?:$config{phn_exempt})/o) {
-+ return reject('EMP (phn nph)', 'EMP')
-+ if $PHNhistory->add("$hdr{'NNTP-Posting-Host'} $hdr{Newsgroups}");
-+ }
-+ }
-+ elsif ($config{phn_aggressive}) {
-+ my $server;
-+ $server = lc "$hdr{Path}";
-+ $server =~ s/(![^\.]+)+$//;
-+ my $exc_count = ($server =~ tr/!//);
-+ if ($exc_count > 1) {
-+ $server =~ s/.*!//;
-+ return reject('EMP (phn path)', 'EMP')
-+ if $PHNhistory->add("$server $hdr{Newsgroups}");
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
- # create from/subject/lines hash
-- if ($config{do_fsl}) {
-+ if ($config{do_fsl} and not $gr{fslskip} and not $gr{alltest}) {
- my $hash1;
- if (defined $hdr{Sender}) {
- $hash1 = lc "$hdr{Sender} $hdr{Subject}";
-@@ -773,6 +898,28 @@
- }
- } # not reports groups
-+ # create high-risk newsgroups hash
-+ if ($config{do_phr} and $gr{phrinc}
-+ and not ($gr{binary} and $lines > 100)) {
-+ if ($hdr{'NNTP-Posting-Host'}) {
-+ if (not $hdr{'NNTP-Posting-Host'} =~ /(?:$config{phr_exempt})/o) {
-+ return reject('EMP (phr nph)', 'EMP')
-+ if $PHRhistory->add("$hdr{'NNTP-Posting-Host'}");
-+ }
-+ }
-+ elsif ($config{phr_aggressive}) {
-+ my $server;
-+ $server = lc "$hdr{Path}";
-+ $server =~ s/(![^\.]+)+$//;
-+ my $exc_count = ($server =~ tr/!//);
-+ if ($exc_count > 1) {
-+ $server =~ s/.*!//;
-+ return reject('EMP (phr path)', 'EMP')
-+ if $PHRhistory->add("$server");
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
- # Supersedes checks ##################################################
- if ($hdr{Supersedes}) {
- foreach (@Path_Entries) {
-@@ -847,8 +994,15 @@
- and $hdr{'NNTP-Posting-Host'} !~ /webtv\.net$/
- and $lch{'message-id'} !~ /webtv\.net>$/;
-- $score += 1 if scalar @followups > 4;
-- $score += 2 if scalar @followups > 8;
-+ $score += 1 if scalar @followups > 2;
-+ $score += 2 if scalar @followups > 4;
-+ $score += 1 if scalar @followups ge scalar @groups;
-+ # Add 1 to score for each followup not in groups
-+ my %grps;
-+ @grps{@groups} = (); # Convert array to hash (for exists)
-+ for (@followups) { $score++ unless exists $grps{$_} };
-+ undef %grps;
- $score += 4 if $lch{from} =~ /$url2/o;
-@@ -943,12 +1097,12 @@
- if exists $Bad_Cancel_Path{$_};
- }
-- reject('User-issued spam cancel')
-+ return reject('User-issued spam cancel')
- if $config{block_user_spamcancels}
- and $hdr{'X-Trace'} and $hdr{'NNTP-Posting-Host'}
- and $hdr{Path} =~ /!cyberspam!/;
-- reject('User-issued cancel')
-+ return reject('User-issued cancel')
- if $config{block_user_cancels}
- and not $hdr{Path} =~ /!cyberspam!/;
-@@ -1047,8 +1201,12 @@
- )
- \s*\r?\n # trailing spaces and end of line
- ){$config{max_encoded_lines}} # at least this many lines
-- /mox or
-- $hdr{__BODY__} =~ /
-+ /mox) {
-+ $Cache_Is_Binary = 'uuencoded';
-+ return $Cache_Is_Binary;
-+ }
-+ if ($hdr{__BODY__} =~ /
- (?:
- ^[ \t|>]*
- (?>
-@@ -1057,23 +1215,44 @@
- \s*\r?\n
- ){$config{max_encoded_lines}}
- /mox) {
-- $Cache_Is_Binary = 1;
-- return 1;
-+ $Cache_Is_Binary = 'Base64';
-+ return $Cache_Is_Binary;
- }
-- if ($hdr{__BODY__} =~ /^=ybegin (.+)$/m) {
-+ if ($hdr{__BODY__} =~ /(?:^|\n)=ybegin (.+)$/m) {
- local $_ = $1;
- if (/line=/ and /size=/ and /name=/) {
-- $Cache_Is_Binary = 1;
-- return 1;
-+ $Cache_Is_Binary = 'yEnc Encoded';
-+ return $Cache_Is_Binary;
- }
- }
- $Cache_Is_Binary = 0;
- return 0;
- }
-+# Useful for groups where pictures are accepted, but not other binary formats.
-+sub is_image {
-+ return 0 unless is_binary();
-+ if ($hdr{__BODY__} =~ /
-+ ( # Start of uuEnc section
-+ begin[ \t]+ # begin
-+ [0-7]{3,4}[ \t]+ # 666
-+ | # Start of yEnc section
-+ \=ybegin # ybegin
-+ .+name\= # yEnc headers
-+ )
-+ .+ # filename (greedy is good)
-+ \.($config{image_extensions}) # image extension
-+ \s*$ # end of line
-+ /imox) {
-+ $Cache_Is_Binary .= ' image';
-+ return 1;
-+ };
-+ return 0;
- # Attempt to determine the client software
- sub x_reader {
- return lc $hdr{'X-Newsreader'} ||
-@@ -1150,13 +1329,16 @@
- sub filter_stats {
- my $md5hashentries = $MD5history ? $MD5history->count : 0;
- my $phlhashentries = $PHLhistory ? $PHLhistory->count : 0;
-+ my $phnhashentries = $PHNhistory ? $PHNhistory->count : 0;
-+ my $phrhashentries = $PHRhistory ? $PHRhistory->count : 0;
- my $fslhashentries = $FSLhistory ? $FSLhistory->count : 0;
- my $superentries = $Suphistory ? $Suphistory->count : 0;
- my $midhistentries = $MIDhistory->count;
- my $string = "Pass: $status{accepted} Reject: $status{rejected}";
- $string .= " Refuse: $status{refused}" if $config{do_mid_filter};
-- $string .= " MD5: $md5hashentries PHL: $phlhashentries FSL: $fslhashentries";
-+ $string .= " MD5: $md5hashentries PHL: $phlhashentries PHN: $phnhashentries";
-+ $string .= " PHR: $phrhashentries FSL: $fslhashentries";
- $string .= " Arts/sec: $timer{rate} Accept/sec: $timer{accept_rate}"
- if $config{timer_info} and $timer{rate};
- $string .= " cleanfeed.conf NOT loaded!" if $Local_Conf_Err;
-@@ -1199,16 +1381,22 @@
- my $md5hashentries = $MD5history ? $MD5history->count : 0;
- my $phlhashentries = $PHLhistory ? $PHLhistory->count : 0;
-+ my $phnhashentries = $PHNhistory ? $PHNhistory->count : 0;
-+ my $phrhashentries = $PHRhistory ? $PHRhistory->count : 0;
- my $fslhashentries = $FSLhistory ? $FSLhistory->count : 0;
- my $superentries = $Suphistory ? $Suphistory->count : 0;
- my $midhistentries = $MIDhistory->count;
- my $md5count = $MD5history ? $MD5history->overflowed : 0;
- my $phlcount = $PHLhistory ? $PHLhistory->overflowed : 0;
-+ my $phncount = $PHNhistory ? $PHNhistory->overflowed : 0;
-+ my $phrcount = $PHRhistory ? $PHRhistory->overflowed : 0;
- my $fslcount = $FSLhistory ? $FSLhistory->overflowed : 0;
- print HTML "\n<p>\n"
- . "<b>MD5 entries:</b> $md5hashentries <b>Rejecting:</b> $md5count<br>\n"
- . "<b>PHL entries:</b> $phlhashentries <b>Rejecting:</b> $phlcount<br>\n"
-+ . "<b>PHN entries:</b> $phnhashentries <b>Rejecting:</b> $phncount<br>\n"
-+ . "<b>PHR entries:</b> $phrhashentries <b>Rejecting:</b> $phrcount<br>\n"
- . "<b>FSL entries:</b> $fslhashentries <b>Rejecting:</b> $fslcount<br>\n"
- . "<b>MID history:</b> $midhistentries\n";
-@@ -1243,6 +1431,8 @@
- my $md5hashentries = $MD5history ? $MD5history->count : 0;
- my $phlhashentries = $PHLhistory ? $PHLhistory->count : 0;
-+ my $phnhashentries = $PHNhistory ? $PHNhistory->count : 0;
-+ my $phrhashentries = $PHRhistory ? $PHRhistory->count : 0;
- my $fslhashentries = $FSLhistory ? $FSLhistory->count : 0;
- my $superentries = $Suphistory ? $Suphistory->count : 0;
- my $midhistentries = $MIDhistory->count;
-@@ -1274,6 +1464,8 @@
- print FILE "Refused: $status{refused}\n" if $config{do_mid_filter};
- print FILE "MD5 entries: $md5hashentries\n"
- . "PHL entries: $phlhashentries\n"
-+ . "PHN entries: $phnhashentries\n"
-+ . "PHR entries: $phrhashentries\n"
- . "FSL entries: $fslhashentries\n"
- . "MID history: $midhistentries\n\n";
- if ($config{timer_info} and $timer{rate}) {
-@@ -1327,6 +1519,8 @@
- sub trimhashes {
- $MD5history->trim if $MD5history;
- $PHLhistory->trim if $PHLhistory;
-+ $PHNhistory->trim if $PHNhistory;
-+ $PHRhistory->trim if $PHRhistory;
- $FSLhistory->trim if $FSLhistory;
- $Suphistory->trim if $Suphistory;
- $MIDhistory->trim;
-@@ -1348,6 +1542,13 @@
- ##############################################################################
- sub saveart {
-+#TODO: Messy! I need to tidy up the mess I've made of this sub.
-+ # We currently recognise various formatting options:
-+ # 0: Header and body truncated if over 50 lines (Default)
-+ # 1: Header and full body regardless of length
-+ # 2: Header only
-+ # 3: Just NNTP-Posting-Host (If it exists in the message)
- my ($file, $info, $format) = @_;
- $format ||= 0;
-@@ -1358,17 +1559,29 @@
- slog('E', "Cannot open $file: $!");
- return;
- }
-+ if ($format == 3 and $hdr{'NNTP-Posting-Host'}) {
-+ print LOCAL "$hdr{'NNTP-Posting-Host'}\n"
-+ }
-+ if ($format != 3) {
- print LOCAL "From foo\@bar Thu Jan 1 00:00:01 1970\n";
- print LOCAL "INFO: $info\n" if $info;
-+ print LOCAL "Binary: $Cache_Is_Binary\n"
-+ if is_binary();
- foreach (sort keys %hdr) {
- next if $_ eq '__BODY__' or $_ eq '__LINES__';
- print LOCAL "$_: $hdr{$_}\n"
- }
-+ }
- if ($format == 2) {
- print LOCAL "\n";
-- } elsif ($format != 1 and $lines > 250) {
-- print LOCAL "\n" . substr($hdr{__BODY__}, 0, 15000) . "\n\n";
-- } else {
-+ }
-+ if ($lines > 50 and $format == 0) {
-+ print LOCAL "\n" . substr($hdr{__BODY__}, 0, 3000) . "\n\n";
-+ }
-+ if ($lines > 50 and $format == 1) {
-+ print LOCAL "\n$hdr{__BODY__}\n";
-+ }
-+ if ($lines <= 50 and ($format == 0 or $format == 1)) {
- print LOCAL "\n$hdr{__BODY__}\n";
- }
- close LOCAL;
-@@ -1399,6 +1612,8 @@
- $MD5history->dump('MD5history', \*DUMP) if $MD5history;
- $PHLhistory->dump('PHLhistory', \*DUMP) if $PHLhistory;
-+ $PHNhistory->dump('PHNhistory', \*DUMP) if $PHNhistory;
-+ $PHRhistory->dump('PHRhistory', \*DUMP) if $PHRhistory;
- $FSLhistory->dump('FSLhistory', \*DUMP) if $FSLhistory;
- close DUMP;
-@@ -1414,6 +1629,8 @@
- # delete the data of checks which have been disabled since the last dump
- undef $MD5history if not $config{do_md5};
- undef $PHLhistory if not $config{do_phl};
-+ undef $PHNhistory if not $config{do_phn};
-+ undef $PHRhistory if not $config{do_phr};
- undef $FSLhistory if not $config{do_fsl};
- # We can't syslog at startup because INN doesn't provide the callbacks
-@@ -1429,6 +1646,15 @@
- ##############################################################################
- # parse the data files
- ##############################################################################
-+sub read_hashes {
-+ read_hash('bad_paths', \%Bad_Path);
-+ read_hash('bad_cancel_paths', \%Bad_Cancel_Path);
-+ read_hash('bad_adult_paths', \%Bad_Adult_Path);
-+ read_hash('bad_hosts', \%Bad_Hosts);
-+ read_hash('bad_hosts_central', \%Bad_Hosts_Central);
-+ read_hash('bad_groups', \%Bad_Groups);
- sub read_hash {
- my ($file, $hash) = @_;
diff --git a/cleanfeed-conf.patch b/cleanfeed-conf.patch
index 8743eea..0931f2a 100644
--- a/cleanfeed-conf.patch
+++ b/cleanfeed-conf.patch
@@ -9,24 +9,26 @@
# Server configuration
---- cleanfeed-20020501/cleanfeed.local.sample.orig 2002-05-02 11:23:20.000000000 +0200
-+++ cleanfeed-20020501/cleanfeed.local.sample 2013-06-15 18:07:08.720139109 +0200
-@@ -208,13 +208,13 @@
- sub local_config {
- %config_local = (
- block_late_cancels => 1,
-- active_file => '/news/db/active',
-- statfile => '/news/log/cleanfeed.stats',
--# html_statfile => '/news/log/cleanfeed.stats.html',
-+ active_file => '/var/lib/news/active',
-+ statfile => '/var/log/news/cleanfeed.stats',
-+# html_statfile => '/var/log/news/cleanfeed.stats.html',
- stats_interval => 300,
- do_emp_dump => 1,
-- emp_dump_file => '/news/tmp/empdump',
-- debug_batch_directory => '/news/spam',
-+ emp_dump_file => '/var/lib/news/tmp/empdump',
-+ debug_batch_directory => '/var/lib/news/spam',
- );
- %config_append = (
+--- cleanfeed/etc/cleanfeed.local.orig 2013-06-19 21:39:58.076002907 +0200
++++ cleanfeed/etc/cleanfeed.local 2013-06-19 21:41:49.602667248 +0200
+@@ -156,15 +156,15 @@
+ %config_local = (
+ block_late_cancels => 1,
+ block_user_cancels => 1,
+- active_file => '/usr/local/news/db/active',
+- statfile => '/usr/local/news/cleanfeed/cleanfeed.stats',
+-# html_statfile => '/news/log/cleanfeed.stats.html',
++ active_file => '/var/lib/news/active',
++ statfile => '/var/log/news/cleanfeed.stats',
++# html_statfile => '/var/log/news/cleanfeed.stats.html',
+ stats_interval => 300,
+ do_scoring_filter => 0,
+ do_emp_dump => 1,
+- emp_dump_file => '/usr/local/news/tmp/empdump',
++ emp_dump_file => '/var/lib/news/tmp/empdump',
+ md5_skips_followups => 0,
+- debug_batch_directory => '/usr/local/news/cleanfeed/log',
++ debug_batch_directory => '/var/lib/news/cleanfeed/log',
+ flood_groups => '^sci\.crypt$|^news\.software\.nntp$|^alt\.free\.newsservers',
+ MD5RateCutoff => 3,
+ PHNRateBaseInterval => 1800,
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