[packages/webalizer: 8/8] - merge from DEVEL (2.23-05 with gettext from debian)

arekm arekm at pld-linux.org
Fri Aug 9 11:48:38 CEST 2013

commit efcfbe463e3dc78c85d4402604ab56f069d099eb
Merge: 0719d12 82ee075
Author: Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz <arekm at maven.pl>
Date:   Fri Aug 9 11:48:30 2013 +0200

    - merge from DEVEL (2.23-05 with gettext from debian)

 01_symlink_vulnerability.diff      |    33 +
 02_fix_a_spelling_error.diff       |    28 +
 05_apache_logio.diff               |  3109 ++
 06_apache_logio_optional.diff      |  1407 +
 07_apache_logio_color_config.diff  |   219 +
 15_ignore_localhost.diff           |    23 +
 18_ttf_support_throught_libgd.diff |   174 +
 23_gettext_first_part.diff         |  1503 +
 24_gettext_generated.diff          |  2126 +
 25_gettext_po_files.diff           | 78569 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 webalizer-conf.patch               |   116 +-
 webalizer-gcc44.patch              |    11 -
 webalizer-nolibnsl.patch           |    14 +-
 webalizer.spec                     |    57 +-
 14 files changed, 87319 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
diff --cc webalizer.spec
index 13e34a6,832b515..5412a02
--- a/webalizer.spec
+++ b/webalizer.spec
@@@ -2,7 -2,11 +2,8 @@@
  # - subpackage for cgi?
  # - move icons out of /home/services
  # - think and fix the trigger.
+ # - create workaround for language selection
 -# NOTE: since webalizer has compiled-in language support move this
 -#       spec to DEVEL unless it's changed
  # Conditional build:
  %bcond_with	db3	# build with db3 instead of db 4.x

---- gitweb:


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