[packages/znc] Update to 1.2

aredridel aredridel at pld-linux.org
Thu Jan 2 23:14:07 CET 2014

commit aed364b3d66eec3a334ef965c9f31fd4f514c83f
Author: Aria Stewart <aredridel at nbtsc.org>
Date:   Wed Jan 1 21:29:55 2014 -0700

    Update to 1.2

 znc-crox-svn-fish.cpp => fish.c | 1225 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 znc-crox-svn-admin.cpp          |  228 --------
 znc-crox-svn-antiidle.cpp       |   93 ---
 znc-crox-svn-statupdate.cpp     |  103 ----
 znc.spec                        |  100 +---
 5 files changed, 672 insertions(+), 1077 deletions(-)
diff --git a/znc.spec b/znc.spec
index e616c4e..180f6cd 100644
--- a/znc.spec
+++ b/znc.spec
@@ -7,19 +7,14 @@
 %bcond_with	debug	# Build debugging binaries.
 Summary:	An advanced IRC bouncer
 Name:		znc
-Version:	0.052
+Version:	1.2
 Release:	0.1
 License:	GPL v2
 Group:		Daemons
 URL:		http://znc.sf.net/
-Source0:	http://dl.sourceforge.net/znc/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
-# Source0-md5:	726046e3b44d811ededf4e850b5e0f06
-Source1:	%{name}-crox-svn-admin.cpp
-Source2:	%{name}-crox-svn-antiidle.cpp
-Source3:	%{name}-crox-svn-fish.cpp
-Source4:	%{name}-crox-svn-statupdate.cpp
-Source5:	%{name}-cnu-log.cpp
-Patch0:		%{name}-0.052-add_denysetvhost2.diff
+Source0:	http://znc.in/releases/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
+# Source0-md5:	ef18e5402a82cc3fcab5c2ac5c2e6f3b
+Source3:	fish.c
 %{?with_sasl:BuildRequires: cyrus-sasl-devel}
 BuildRequires:	libstdc++-devel
 %{?with_ssl:BuildRequires:	openssl-devel >= 0.9.8}
@@ -68,12 +63,12 @@ Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
 A global module for the znc IRC bouncer. Allows ZNC users to join
 internal channels and query other ZNC users on the same ZNC.
-%package module-saslauth
-Summary:	znc saslauth global module
+%package module-sasl
+Summary:	znc saslglobal module
 Group:		Daemons
 Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%description module-saslauth
+%description module-sasl
 A global module for the znc IRC bouncer. Allow users to authenticate
 via SASL.
@@ -86,14 +81,6 @@ Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
 A global module for the znc IRC bouncer. Allows you to add/remove/edit
 users and settings on the fly via a web browser.
-%package module-antiidle
-Summary:	znc antiidle user module
-Group:		Daemons
-Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%description module-antiidle
-A user module for the znc IRC bouncer. Hides your idle time.
 %package module-autoattach
 Summary:	znc autoattach user module
 Group:		Daemons
@@ -111,15 +98,6 @@ Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
 %description module-autoop
 A user module for the znc IRC bouncer. Auto op the good guys.
-%package module-away
-Summary:	znc away user module
-Group:		Daemons
-Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%description module-away
-A user module for the znc IRC bouncer. Stores messages while away,
-also auto away.
 %package module-awaynick
 Summary:	znc awaynick user module
 Group:		Daemons
@@ -147,15 +125,6 @@ Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
 A user module for the znc IRC bouncer. Encryption for channel/private
-%package module-email
-Summary:	znc email user module
-Group:		Daemons
-Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%description module-email
-A user module for the znc IRC bouncer. Monitors email activity on
-local disk /var/mail/user.
 %package module-fish
 Summary:	znc fish user module
 Group:		Daemons
@@ -234,15 +203,6 @@ Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
 A user module for the znc IRC bouncer. Have your unix shell in a query
 window right inside of your IRC client.
-%package module-statupdate
-Summary:	znc statupdate user module
-Group:		Daemons
-Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%description module-statupdate
-A user module for the znc IRC bouncer. StatUpdate writes users online
-status into a text file.
 %package module-stickychan
 Summary:	znc stickychan user module
 Group:		Daemons
@@ -273,12 +233,7 @@ modules.
 %setup -q
-%patch0 -p1
-cp %{SOURCE1} modules/admin.cpp
-cp %{SOURCE2} modules/antiidle.cpp
 cp %{SOURCE3} modules/fish.cpp
-cp %{SOURCE4} modules/statupdate.cpp
-cp %{SOURCE5} modules/log.cpp
 mv modules/sample.cpp .
@@ -286,7 +241,7 @@ mv modules/sample.cpp .
 	--with-module-prefix=%{_libdir}/znc \
 	%{!?with_ssl:--disable-openssl} \
 	%{?with_sasl:--enable-sasl} \
-	%{!?with_perl:--disable-perl} \
+	%{?with_perl:--enable-perl} \
 	%{?with_ipv6:--enable-ipv6} \
@@ -301,12 +256,9 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/znc
-%files module-admin
 %files module-imapauth
@@ -315,8 +267,11 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
 %if %{with perl}
 %files module-modperl
 %files module-partyline
@@ -324,19 +279,16 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
 %if %{with sasl}
-%files module-saslauth
+%files module-sasl
 %files module-webadmin
-%files module-antiidle
 %files module-autoattach
@@ -346,12 +298,6 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
-%if %{with ssl}
-%files module-away
 %files module-awaynick
@@ -366,10 +312,6 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
-%files module-email
 %if %{with ssl}
 %files module-fish
@@ -412,10 +354,6 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
-%files module-statupdate
 %files module-stickychan
@@ -428,5 +366,5 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
 %doc sample.cpp
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/znc-buildmod
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/znc-config
diff --git a/znc-crox-svn-fish.cpp b/fish.c
similarity index 69%
rename from znc-crox-svn-fish.cpp
rename to fish.c
index 7e9c071..1c16bc9 100644
--- a/znc-crox-svn-fish.cpp
+++ b/fish.c
@@ -1,572 +1,653 @@
-#include "main.h"
-#include "User.h"
-#include "Nick.h"
-#include "Modules.h"
-#include "Chan.h"
-#include "String.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <openssl/opensslv.h>
-#include <openssl/blowfish.h>
-#define REQUIRESSL	1
-#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x0090800f)
-#error "We require openssl >= 0.9.8"
-    Public Base64 conversion tables
-unsigned char B64ABC[]="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
-unsigned char b64buf[256];
-    void initb64();
-    Initializes the base64->base16 conversion tab.
-    Call this function once when your program starts.
-    and always after your B64 table has been changed.
-void initb64(){
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i=0; i<256; i++) b64buf[i]=0x00;
-    for (i=0; i<64; i++) b64buf[(B64ABC[i])]=i;
-   int b64toh(lpBase64String, lpDestinationBuffer);
-   Converts base64 string b to hexnumber d.
-   Returns size of hexnumber in bytes.
-int b64toh(char *b, char *d){
-    unsigned int i,k,l;
-    l=strlen(b);
-    if (l<2) return 0;
-    for (i=l-1;i>-1;i--){
-        if (b64buf[(b[i])]==0) l--;
-        else break;
-    }
-    if (l<2) return 0;
-    i=0, k=0;
-    while (1) {
-        i++;
-        if (k+1<l) d[i-1]=((b64buf[(b[k])])<<2);
-        else break;
-        k++;
-        if (k<l) d[i-1]|=((b64buf[(b[k])])>>4);
-        else break;
-        i++;
-        if (k+1<l) d[i-1]=((b64buf[(b[k])])<<4);
-        else break;
-        k++;
-        if (k<l) d[i-1]|=((b64buf[(b[k])])>>2);
-        else break;
-        i++;
-        if (k+1<l) d[i-1]=((b64buf[(b[k])])<<6);
-        else break;
-        k++;
-        if (k<l) d[i-1]|=(b64buf[(b[k])]);
-        else break;
-        k++;
-    }
-    return i-1;
-   int htob64(lpHexNumber, lpDestinationBuffer);
-   Converts hexnumber h (with length l bytes) to base64 string d.
-   Returns length of base64 string.
-int htob64(char *h, char *d, unsigned int l){
-    unsigned int i,j,k;
-    unsigned char m,t;
-    if (!l) return 0;
-    l<<=3;                              // no. bits
-    m=0x80;
-    for (i=0,j=0,k=0,t=0; i<l; i++){
-        if (h[(i>>3)]&m) t|=1;
-        j++;
-        if (!(m>>=1)) m=0x80;
-        if (!(j%6)) {
-            d[k]=B64ABC[t];
-            t&=0;
-            k++;
-        }
-        t<<=1;
-    }
-    m=5-(j%6);
-    t<<=m;
-    if (m) {
-        d[k]=B64ABC[t];
-        k++;
-    }
-    d[k]&=0;
-    return strlen(d);
-unsigned char B64[]="./0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
-int base64dec(char c)
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
-        if (B64[i] == c) return i;
-    return 0;
-char *encrypts(char *key,char *str) {
-  char *result;
-  unsigned int length;
-  unsigned int left,right;
-  char *s,*d;
-  unsigned char *p;
-  BF_KEY bfkey;
-  int i;
-  if(key==NULL||str==NULL) return NULL;
-  length=strlen(str);
-  BF_set_key(&bfkey, strlen(key), (const unsigned char *)key);
-  s=(char *)malloc(length+9);
-  strncpy(s,str,length);
-  memset(s+length,0,9);
-  result=(char *)malloc(((length%8==0) ? length/8*12 : 12+length/8*12)+1);
-  p=(unsigned char *)s;
-  d=result;
-  while(*p) {
-    BF_ecb_encrypt((const unsigned char *)p, (unsigned char *)p, &bfkey, BF_ENCRYPT);
-    left = ((*p++) << 24);
-    left += ((*p++) << 16);
-    left += ((*p++) << 8);
-    left += (*p++);
-    right = ((*p++) << 24);
-    right += ((*p++) << 16);
-    right += ((*p++) << 8);
-    right += (*p++);
-    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-        *d++=B64[right & 0x3f];
-        right = (right >> 6);
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-        *d++=B64[left & 0x3f];
-        left = (left >> 6);
-    }
-  }
-  *d = '\0';
-  memset(s,0,length+9);
-  free(s);
-  return result;
-char *decrypts(char *key, char *str) {
-  char *result;
-  unsigned int length;
-  unsigned int left,right;
-  int i;
-  char *d;
-  unsigned char *c;
-  BF_KEY bfkey;
-  if(key==NULL||str==NULL) return NULL;
-  length=strlen(str);
-  BF_set_key(&bfkey,strlen(key),(const unsigned char *)key);
-  result=(char *)malloc(length/12*8);
-  c=(unsigned char *)result;
-  d=str;
-  while(*d) {
-    right=0;
-    left=0;
-    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) right |= (base64dec(*d++)) << (i * 6);
-	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) left |= (base64dec(*d++)) << (i * 6);
-    right=htonl(right);
-    left=htonl(left);
-    memcpy(c,&left,4);
-    memcpy(c+4,&right,4);
-    BF_ecb_encrypt(c,c,&bfkey,BF_DECRYPT);
-    c+=8;
-  }
-  *c='\0';
-  return result;
-class CKeyExchangeTimer : public CTimer {
-	CKeyExchangeTimer(CModule* pModule)
-		    : CTimer(pModule, 5, 0, "KeyExchangeTimer", "Key exchange timer removes stale exchanges") {}
-	virtual void RunJob();
-class CFishMod : public CModule {
-	virtual ~CFishMod() {
-	}
-        virtual EModRet OnPrivNotice(CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage) {
-		CString command = sMessage.Token(0);
-		if (command.CaseCmp("DH1080_INIT") == 0) {
-		    CString sPriv_Key;
-		    CString sPub_Key;
-		    CString sOtherPub_Key;
-		    CString sSecretKey;
-		    PutModule("Received DH1080 public key from " + Nick.GetNick() + ", sending mine...");
-		    DH1080_gen(sPriv_Key, sPub_Key);
-		    sOtherPub_Key = sMessage.Token(1);
-		    PutIRC("NOTICE " + Nick.GetNick() + " :DH1080_FINISH " + sPub_Key);
-		    DH1080_comp(sPriv_Key, sOtherPub_Key, sSecretKey);
-		    SetNV(Nick.GetNick().AsLower(), sSecretKey);
-		    PutModule("Key for " + Nick.GetNick() + " successfully set.");
-		    return HALT;
-		} else if (command.CaseCmp("DH1080_FINISH") == 0) {
-		    CString sPriv_Key;
-		    CString sOtherPub_Key;
-		    CString sSecretKey;
-		    sOtherPub_Key = sMessage.Token(1);
-		    map<CString, pair<time_t, CString> >::iterator it = m_msKeyExchange.find(Nick.GetNick().AsLower());
-		    if (it == m_msKeyExchange.end()) {
-			PutModule("Received unexpected DH1080_FINISH from " + Nick.GetNick() + ".");
-		    } else {
-			sPriv_Key = it->second.second;
-			DH1080_comp(sPriv_Key, sOtherPub_Key, sSecretKey);
-			SetNV(Nick.GetNick().AsLower(), sSecretKey);
-			PutModule("Key for " + Nick.GetNick() + " successfully set.");
-			m_msKeyExchange.erase(Nick.GetNick().AsLower());
-		    }
-		    return HALT;
-		} else {
-			FilterIncoming(Nick.GetNick(), Nick, sMessage);
-		}
-                return CONTINUE;
-        }
-	virtual EModRet OnUserMsg(CString& sTarget, CString& sMessage) {
-		MCString::iterator it = FindNV(sTarget.AsLower());
-		if (it != EndNV()) {
-			CChan* pChan = m_pUser->FindChan(sTarget);
-			if ((pChan) && (pChan->KeepBuffer())) {
-				pChan->AddBuffer(":" + m_pUser->GetIRCNick().GetNickMask() + " PRIVMSG " + sTarget + " :" + sMessage);
-			}
-			char * cMsg = encrypts((char *)it->second.c_str(), (char *)sMessage.c_str());
-			CString sMsg = "+OK " + CString(cMsg);
-			PutIRC("PRIVMSG " + sTarget + " :" + sMsg);
-			free(cMsg);
-			return HALTCORE;
-		}
-		return CONTINUE;
-	}
-	virtual EModRet OnUserNotice(CString& sTarget, CString& sMessage) {
-		MCString::iterator it = FindNV(sTarget.AsLower());
-		if (it != EndNV()) {
-			CChan* pChan = m_pUser->FindChan(sTarget);
-			if ((pChan) && (pChan->KeepBuffer())) {
-				pChan->AddBuffer(":" + m_pUser->GetIRCNick().GetNickMask() + " NOTICE " + sTarget + " :" + sMessage);
-			}
-			char * cMsg = encrypts((char *)it->second.c_str(), (char *)sMessage.c_str());
-			CString sMsg = "+OK " + CString(cMsg);
-			PutIRC("NOTICE " + sTarget + " :" + sMsg);
-			free(cMsg);
-			return HALTCORE;
-		}
-		return CONTINUE;
-	}
-	virtual EModRet OnPrivMsg(CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage) {
-		FilterIncoming(Nick.GetNick(), Nick, sMessage);
-		return CONTINUE;
-	}
-	virtual EModRet OnChanMsg(CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel, CString& sMessage) {
-		FilterIncoming(Channel.GetName(), Nick, sMessage);
-		return CONTINUE;
-	}
-	void FilterIncoming(const CString& sTarget, CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage) {
-		if (sMessage.Left(4) == "+OK " || sMessage.Left(5) == "mcps ") {
-			MCString::iterator it = FindNV(sTarget.AsLower());
-			if (it != EndNV()) {
-				if (sMessage.Left(4) == "+OK ") {
-				    sMessage.LeftChomp(4);
-				} else if (sMessage.Left(5) == "mcps ") {
-				    sMessage.LeftChomp(5);
-				}
-				unsigned int msg_len = strlen(sMessage.c_str());
-				if ((strspn(sMessage.c_str(), (char *)B64) != msg_len) || msg_len < 12) {
-					return;
-				}
-				unsigned int mark_broken_block = 0;
-				if (msg_len != (msg_len/12)*12) {
-					msg_len = msg_len - (msg_len/12)*12;
-					sMessage.RightChomp(msg_len);
-					mark_broken_block = 1;
-				}
-				char *cMsg = decrypts((char *)it->second.c_str(), (char *)sMessage.c_str());
-				sMessage = CString(cMsg);
-				if (mark_broken_block) {
-					sMessage += "  \002&\002";
-				}
-				free(cMsg);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	virtual void OnModCommand(const CString& sCommand) {
-		CString sCmd = sCommand.Token(0);
-		if (sCmd.CaseCmp("DELKEY") == 0) {
-			CString sTarget = sCommand.Token(1);
-			if (!sTarget.empty()) {
-				if (DelNV(sTarget.AsLower())) {
-					PutModule("Target [" + sTarget + "] deleted");
-				} else {
-					PutModule("Target [" + sTarget + "] not found");
-				}
-			} else {
-				PutModule("Usage DelKey <#chan|Nick>");
-			}
-		} else if (sCmd.CaseCmp("SETKEY") == 0) {
-			CString sTarget = sCommand.Token(1);
-			CString sKey = sCommand.Token(2, true);
-			if (!sKey.empty()) {
-				SetNV(sTarget.AsLower(), sKey);
-				PutModule("Set encryption key for [" + sTarget + "] to [" + sKey + "]");
-			} else {
-				PutModule("Usage: SetKey <#chan|Nick> <Key>");
-			}
-		} else if (sCmd.CaseCmp("SHOWKEY") == 0) {
-			CString sTarget = sCommand.Token(1);
-			if (!sTarget.empty()) {
-				MCString::iterator it = FindNV(sTarget.AsLower());
-				if (it != EndNV()) {
-					PutModule("Target key is " + it->second);
-				} else {
-					PutModule("Target not found.");
-				}
-			} else {
-				PutModule("Usage ShowKey <#chan|Nick>");
-			}
-		} else if (sCmd.CaseCmp("LISTKEYS") == 0) {
-			if (BeginNV() == EndNV()) {
-				PutModule("You have no encryption keys set.");
-			} else {
-				CTable Table;
-				Table.AddColumn("Target");
-				Table.AddColumn("Key");
-				for (MCString::iterator it = BeginNV(); it != EndNV(); it++) {
-					Table.AddRow();
-					Table.SetCell("Target", it->first);
-					Table.SetCell("Key", it->second);
-				}
-				if (Table.size()) {
-					unsigned int uTableIdx = 0;
-					CString sLine;
-					while (Table.GetLine(uTableIdx++, sLine)) {
-						PutModule(sLine);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		} else if (sCmd.CaseCmp("KEYX") == 0) {
-			CString sTarget = sCommand.Token(1);
-			if (sTarget.empty()) {
-			    PutModule("You did not specify a target for the key exchange.");
-			} else {
-			    map<CString, pair<time_t, CString> >::iterator it = m_msKeyExchange.find(sTarget.AsLower());
-			    if (it != m_msKeyExchange.end()) {
-				PutModule("Keyexchange with " + sTarget + " already in progress.");
-			    } else {
-				CString sPriv_Key;
-				CString sPub_Key;
-				DH1080_gen(sPriv_Key, sPub_Key);
-				m_msKeyExchange.insert(make_pair(sTarget, make_pair(time(NULL), sPriv_Key)));
-				PutIRC("NOTICE " + sTarget + " :DH1080_INIT " + sPub_Key);
-				PutModule("Sent my DH1080 public key to " + sTarget + ", waiting for reply ...");
-				if (FindTimer("KeyExchangeTimer") == NULL) {
-				    AddTimer(new CKeyExchangeTimer(this));
-				}
-			    }
-			}
-		} else if (sCmd.CaseCmp("HELP") == 0) {
-			PutModule("Try: SetKey, DelKey, ShowKey, ListKeys");
-		} else {
-			PutModule("Unknown command, try 'Help'");
-		}
-	}
-	void DelStaleKeyExchanges(time_t iTime) {
-		for (map<CString, pair<time_t, CString> >::const_iterator it = m_msKeyExchange.begin(); it != m_msKeyExchange.end(); it++) {
-		    if (iTime - 5 >= it->second.first) {
-			PutModule("Keyexchange with " + it->first + " did expire before completition.");
-		        m_msKeyExchange.erase(it->first);
-		    }
-		}
-		if (m_msKeyExchange.size() <= 0) {
-		    RemTimer("KeyExchangeTimer");
-		}
-	}
-	void DH1080_gen(CString& sPriv_Key, CString& sPub_Key) {
-		sPriv_Key = "";
-		sPub_Key = "";
-		unsigned char raw_buf[200];
-		unsigned long len;
-		unsigned char *a, *b;
-		DH *dh;
-		BIGNUM *b_prime=NULL;
-		BIGNUM *b_generator=NULL;
-		initb64();
-		dh=DH_new();
-		if (!BN_hex2bn(&b_prime, prime1080)) {
-		    return;
-		}
-		if (!BN_dec2bn(&b_generator, "2")) {
-		    return;
-		}
-		dh->p=b_prime;
-		dh->g=b_generator;
-		if (!DH_generate_key(dh)) {
-		    return;
-		}
-		len = BN_num_bytes(dh->priv_key);
-		a = (unsigned char *)malloc(len);
-		BN_bn2bin(dh->priv_key,a);
-		memset(raw_buf, 0, 200);
-		htob64((char *)a, (char *)raw_buf, len);
-		sPriv_Key = CString((char *)raw_buf);
-		len=BN_num_bytes(dh->pub_key);
-		b = (unsigned char *)malloc(len);
-		BN_bn2bin(dh->pub_key,b);
-		memset(raw_buf, 0, 200);
-		htob64((char *)b, (char *)raw_buf, len);
-		sPub_Key = CString((char *)raw_buf);
-		DH_free(dh);
-		free(a);
-		free(b);
-	}
-	void DH1080_comp(CString& sPriv_Key, CString& sOtherPub_Key, CString& sSecret_Key) {
-		int len;
-		unsigned char SHA256digest[32];
-		char *key;
-		BIGNUM *b_prime=NULL;
-		BIGNUM *b_myPrivkey=NULL;
-		BIGNUM *b_HisPubkey=NULL;
-		BIGNUM *b_generator=NULL;
-		DH *dh;
-		CString sSHA256digest;
-		unsigned char raw_buf[200];
-		if (!BN_hex2bn(&b_prime, prime1080)) {
-		    return;
-		}
-		if (!BN_dec2bn(&b_generator, "2")) {
-		    return;
-		}
-		dh=DH_new();
-		dh->p=b_prime;
-		dh->g=b_generator;
-		memset(raw_buf, 0, 200);
-		len = b64toh((char *)sPriv_Key.c_str(), (char *)raw_buf);
-		b_myPrivkey=BN_bin2bn(raw_buf, len, NULL);
-		dh->priv_key=b_myPrivkey;
-		memset(raw_buf, 0, 200);
-		len = b64toh((char *)sOtherPub_Key.c_str(), (char *)raw_buf);
-		b_HisPubkey=BN_bin2bn(raw_buf, len, NULL);
-		key=(char *)malloc(DH_size(dh));
-		memset(key, 0, DH_size(dh));
-		len=DH_compute_key((unsigned char *)key, b_HisPubkey, dh);
-		SHA256_CTX c;
-		SHA256_Init(&c);
-		memset(SHA256digest, 0, 32);
-		SHA256_Update(&c, key, len);
-		SHA256_Final(SHA256digest, &c);
-		memset(raw_buf, 0, 200);
-		len = htob64((char *)SHA256digest, (char *)raw_buf, 32);
-		sSecret_Key = "";
-		sSecret_Key.append((char *)raw_buf, len);
-		DH_free(dh);
-		BN_clear_free(b_HisPubkey);
-		free(key);
-	} 
-	map<CString, pair<time_t, CString> >	m_msKeyExchange;
-void CKeyExchangeTimer::RunJob() {
-		CFishMod *p = (CFishMod *)m_pModule;
-		p->DelStaleKeyExchanges(time(NULL));
-MODULEDEFS(CFishMod, "FiSH encryption for channel/private messages")
+#include "znc/main.h"
+#include "znc/User.h"
+#include "znc/Nick.h"
+#include "znc/Modules.h"
+#include "znc/Chan.h"
+#include "znc/IRCNetwork.h"
+#include <string.h>
+using std::pair;
+using std::map;
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <openssl/opensslv.h>
+#include <openssl/blowfish.h>
+#define REQUIRESSL	1
+#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x0090800f)
+#error "We require openssl >= 0.9.8"
+    Public Base64 conversion tables
+unsigned char B64ABC[]="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
+unsigned char b64buf[256];
+    void initb64();
+    Initializes the base64->base16 conversion tab.
+    Call this function once when your program starts.
+    and always after your B64 table has been changed.
+void initb64(){
+    unsigned int i;
+    for (i=0; i<256; i++) b64buf[i]=0x00;
+    for (i=0; i<64; i++) b64buf[(B64ABC[i])]=i;
+   int b64toh(lpBase64String, lpDestinationBuffer);
+   Converts base64 string b to hexnumber d.
+   Returns size of hexnumber in bytes.
+int b64toh(char *b, char *d){
+    int i,k,l;
+    l=strlen(b);
+    if (l<2) return 0;
+    for (i=l-1;i>-1;i--){
+        if (b64buf[(unsigned char)(b[i])]==0) l--;
+        else break;
+    }
+    if (l<2) return 0;
+    i=0, k=0;
+    while (1) {
+        i++;
+        if (k+1<l) d[i-1]=((b64buf[(unsigned char)(b[k])])<<2);
+        else break;
+        k++;
+        if (k<l) d[i-1]|=((b64buf[(unsigned char)(b[k])])>>4);
+        else break;
+        i++;
+        if (k+1<l) d[i-1]=((b64buf[(unsigned char)(b[k])])<<4);
+        else break;
+        k++;
+        if (k<l) d[i-1]|=((b64buf[(unsigned char)(b[k])])>>2);
+        else break;
+        i++;
+        if (k+1<l) d[i-1]=((b64buf[(unsigned char)(b[k])])<<6);
+        else break;
+        k++;
+        if (k<l) d[i-1]|=(b64buf[(unsigned char)(b[k])]);
+        else break;
+        k++;
+    }
+    return i-1;
+   int htob64(lpHexNumber, lpDestinationBuffer);
+   Converts hexnumber h (with length l bytes) to base64 string d.
+   Returns length of base64 string.
+int htob64(char *h, char *d, unsigned int l){
+    unsigned int i,j,k;
+    unsigned char m,t;
+    if (!l) return 0;
+    l<<=3;                              // no. bits
+    m=0x80;
+    for (i=0,j=0,k=0,t=0; i<l; i++){
+        if (h[(i>>3)]&m) t|=1;
+        j++;
+        if (!(m>>=1)) m=0x80;
+        if (!(j%6)) {
+            d[k]=B64ABC[t];
+            t&=0;
+            k++;
+        }
+        t<<=1;
+    }
+    m=5-(j%6);
+    t<<=m;
+    if (m) {
+        d[k]=B64ABC[t];
+        k++;
+    }
+    d[k]&=0;
+    return strlen(d);
+unsigned char B64[]="./0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
+int base64dec(char c)
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
+        if (B64[i] == c) return i;
+    return 0;
+char *encrypts(char *key,char *str) {
+  char *result;
+  unsigned int length;
+  unsigned int left,right;
+  char *s,*d;
+  unsigned char *p;
+  BF_KEY bfkey;
+  int i;
+  if(key==NULL||str==NULL) return NULL;
+  length=strlen(str);
+  BF_set_key(&bfkey, strlen(key), (const unsigned char *)key);
+  s=(char *)malloc(length+9);
+  strncpy(s,str,length);
+  memset(s+length,0,9);
+  result=(char *)malloc(((length%8==0) ? length/8*12 : 12+length/8*12)+1);
+  p=(unsigned char *)s;
+  d=result;
+  while(*p) {
+    BF_ecb_encrypt((const unsigned char *)p, (unsigned char *)p, &bfkey, BF_ENCRYPT);
+    left = ((*p++) << 24);
+    left += ((*p++) << 16);
+    left += ((*p++) << 8);
+    left += (*p++);
+    right = ((*p++) << 24);
+    right += ((*p++) << 16);
+    right += ((*p++) << 8);
+    right += (*p++);
+    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+        *d++=B64[right & 0x3f];
+        right = (right >> 6);
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+        *d++=B64[left & 0x3f];
+        left = (left >> 6);
+    }
+  }
+  *d = '\0';
+  memset(s,0,length+9);
+  free(s);
+  return result;
+char *decrypts(char *key, char *str) {
+  char *result;
+  unsigned int length;
+  unsigned int left,right;
+  int i;
+  char *d;
+  unsigned char *c;
+  BF_KEY bfkey;
+  if(key==NULL||str==NULL) return NULL;
+  length=strlen(str);
+  BF_set_key(&bfkey,strlen(key),(const unsigned char *)key);
+  result=(char *)malloc((length/12*8)+1);
+  c=(unsigned char *)result;
+  d=str;
+  while(*d) {
+    right=0;
+    left=0;
+    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) right |= (base64dec(*d++)) << (i * 6);
+	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) left |= (base64dec(*d++)) << (i * 6);
+    right=htonl(right);
+    left=htonl(left);
+    memcpy(c,&left,4);
+    memcpy(c+4,&right,4);
+    BF_ecb_encrypt(c,c,&bfkey,BF_DECRYPT);
+    c+=8;
+  }
+  *c='\0';
+  return result;
+class CKeyExchangeTimer : public CTimer {
+	CKeyExchangeTimer(CModule* pModule)
+		    : CTimer(pModule, 5, 0, "KeyExchangeTimer", "Key exchange timer removes stale exchanges") {}
+	virtual void RunJob();
+class CFishMod : public CModule {
+	virtual ~CFishMod() {
+	}
+        virtual EModRet OnPrivNotice(CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage) {
+		CString command = sMessage.Token(0);
+		CString sOtherPub_Key = sMessage.Token(1);
+		if (command.CaseCmp("DH1080_INIT") == 0 && !sOtherPub_Key.empty()) {
+		    CString sPriv_Key;
+		    CString sPub_Key;
+		    CString sSecretKey;
+		    DH1080_gen(sPriv_Key, sPub_Key);
+		    if (!DH1080_comp(sPriv_Key, sOtherPub_Key, sSecretKey)) {
+			PutModule("Error in DH1080 with " + Nick.GetNick() + ": " + sSecretKey);
+			return CONTINUE;
+		    }
+		    PutModule("Received DH1080 public key from " + Nick.GetNick() + ", sending mine...");
+		    PutIRC("NOTICE " + Nick.GetNick() + " :DH1080_FINISH " + sPub_Key);
+		    SetNV(Nick.GetNick().AsLower(), sSecretKey);
+		    PutModule("Key for " + Nick.GetNick() + " successfully set.");
+		    return HALT;
+		} else if (command.CaseCmp("DH1080_FINISH") == 0 && !sOtherPub_Key.empty()) {
+		    CString sPriv_Key;
+		    CString sSecretKey;
+		    map<CString, pair<time_t, CString> >::iterator it = m_msKeyExchange.find(Nick.GetNick().AsLower());
+		    if (it == m_msKeyExchange.end()) {
+			PutModule("Received unexpected DH1080_FINISH from " + Nick.GetNick() + ".");
+		    } else {
+			sPriv_Key = it->second.second;
+			if (DH1080_comp(sPriv_Key, sOtherPub_Key, sSecretKey)) {
+				SetNV(Nick.GetNick().AsLower(), sSecretKey);
+				PutModule("Key for " + Nick.GetNick() + " successfully set.");
+				m_msKeyExchange.erase(Nick.GetNick().AsLower());
+			}
+		    }
+		    return HALT;
+		} else {
+			FilterIncoming(Nick.GetNick(), Nick, sMessage);
+		}
+                return CONTINUE;
+        }
+	virtual EModRet OnUserMsg(CString& sTarget, CString& sMessage) {
+		MCString::iterator it = FindNV(sTarget.AsLower());
+		if (it != EndNV()) {
+			CChan* pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sTarget);
+			if ((pChan) && (pChan->AutoClearChanBuffer())) {
+				pChan->AddBuffer(":" + m_pNetwork->GetIRCNick().GetNickMask() + " PRIVMSG " + sTarget + " :" + sMessage);
+			}
+			char * cMsg = encrypts((char *)it->second.c_str(), (char *)sMessage.c_str());
+			CString sMsg = "+OK " + CString(cMsg);
+			PutIRC("PRIVMSG " + sTarget + " :" + sMsg);
+			m_pNetwork->PutUser(":" + m_pNetwork->GetIRCNick().GetNickMask() + " PRIVMSG " + sTarget + " :" + sMessage, NULL, m_pClient);
+			free(cMsg);
+			return HALTCORE;
+		}
+		return CONTINUE;
+	}
+	virtual EModRet OnUserAction(CString& sTarget, CString& sMessage) {
+		MCString::iterator it = FindNV(sTarget.AsLower());
+		if (it != EndNV()) {
+			CChan* pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sTarget);
+			if ((pChan) && (pChan->AutoClearChanBuffer())) {
+				pChan->AddBuffer(":" + m_pNetwork->GetIRCNick().GetNickMask() + " PRIVMSG " + sTarget + " :\001ACTION " + sMessage + "\001");
+			}
+			char * cMsg = encrypts((char *)it->second.c_str(), (char *)sMessage.c_str());
+			CString sMsg = "+OK " + CString(cMsg);
+			PutIRC("PRIVMSG " + sTarget + " :\001ACTION " + sMsg + "\001");
+			m_pNetwork->PutUser(":" + m_pNetwork->GetIRCNick().GetNickMask() + " PRIVMSG " + sTarget + " :\001ACTION " + sMessage + "\001", NULL, m_pClient);
+			free(cMsg);
+			return HALTCORE;
+		}
+		return CONTINUE;
+	}
+	virtual EModRet OnUserNotice(CString& sTarget, CString& sMessage) {
+		MCString::iterator it = FindNV(sTarget.AsLower());
+		if (it != EndNV()) {
+			CChan* pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sTarget);
+			if ((pChan) && (pChan->AutoClearChanBuffer())) {
+				pChan->AddBuffer(":" + m_pNetwork->GetIRCNick().GetNickMask() + " NOTICE " + sTarget + " :" + sMessage);
+			}
+			char * cMsg = encrypts((char *)it->second.c_str(), (char *)sMessage.c_str());
+			CString sMsg = "+OK " + CString(cMsg);
+			PutIRC("NOTICE " + sTarget + " :" + sMsg);
+			m_pNetwork->PutUser(":" + m_pNetwork->GetIRCNick().GetNickMask() + " NOTICE " + sTarget + " :" + sMessage, NULL, m_pClient);
+			free(cMsg);
+			return HALTCORE;
+		}
+		return CONTINUE;
+	}
+	virtual EModRet OnUserTopic(CString& sChannel, CString& sTopic) {
+		if (!sTopic.empty()) {
+			MCString::iterator it = FindNV(sChannel.AsLower());
+			if (it != EndNV()) {
+				char * cTopic = encrypts((char *)it->second.c_str(), (char *)sTopic.c_str());
+				sTopic = "+OK " + CString(cTopic);
+				free(cTopic);
+			}
+		}
+		return CONTINUE;
+	}
+	virtual EModRet OnPrivMsg(CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage) {
+		FilterIncoming(Nick.GetNick(), Nick, sMessage);
+		return CONTINUE;
+	}
+	virtual EModRet OnChanMsg(CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel, CString& sMessage) {
+		FilterIncoming(Channel.GetName(), Nick, sMessage);
+		return CONTINUE;
+	}
+	virtual EModRet OnPrivAction(CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage) {
+		FilterIncoming(Nick.GetNick(), Nick, sMessage);
+		return CONTINUE;
+	}
+	virtual EModRet OnChanAction(CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel, CString& sMessage) {
+		FilterIncoming(Channel.GetName(), Nick, sMessage);
+		return CONTINUE;
+	}
+	virtual EModRet OnTopic(CNick& Nick, CChan& Channel, CString& sTopic) {
+		FilterIncoming(Channel.GetName(), Nick, sTopic);
+		return CONTINUE;
+	}
+	virtual EModRet OnRaw(CString& sLine) {
+		if (sLine.WildCmp(":* 332 *") && sLine.Token(1) == "332") {
+			CChan* pChan = m_pNetwork->FindChan(sLine.Token(3));
+			if (pChan) {
+				CNick Nick(sLine.Token(2));
+				CString sTopic = sLine.Token(4, true);
+				sTopic.LeftChomp();
+				FilterIncoming(pChan->GetName(), Nick, sTopic);
+				sLine = sLine.Token(0) + " " + sLine.Token(1) + " " + sLine.Token(2) + " " + pChan->GetName() + " :" + sTopic;
+			}
+		}
+		return CONTINUE;
+	}
+	void FilterIncoming(const CString& sTarget, CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage) {
+		if (sMessage.Left(4) == "+OK " || sMessage.Left(5) == "mcps ") {
+			MCString::iterator it = FindNV(sTarget.AsLower());
+			if (it != EndNV()) {
+				if (sMessage.Left(4) == "+OK ") {
+				    sMessage.LeftChomp(4);
+				} else if (sMessage.Left(5) == "mcps ") {
+				    sMessage.LeftChomp(5);
+				}
+				unsigned int msg_len = strlen(sMessage.c_str());
+				if ((strspn(sMessage.c_str(), (char *)B64) != msg_len) || msg_len < 12) {
+					return;
+				}
+				unsigned int mark_broken_block = 0;
+				if (msg_len != (msg_len/12)*12) {
+					msg_len = msg_len - (msg_len/12)*12;
+					sMessage.RightChomp(msg_len);
+					mark_broken_block = 1;
+				}
+				char *cMsg = decrypts((char *)it->second.c_str(), (char *)sMessage.c_str());
+				sMessage = CString(cMsg);
+				if (mark_broken_block) {
+					sMessage += "  \002&\002";
+				}
+				free(cMsg);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	virtual void OnModCommand(const CString& sCommand) {
+		CString sCmd = sCommand.Token(0);
+		if (sCmd.CaseCmp("DELKEY") == 0) {
+			CString sTarget = sCommand.Token(1);
+			if (!sTarget.empty()) {
+				if (DelNV(sTarget.AsLower())) {
+					PutModule("Target [" + sTarget + "] deleted");
+				} else {
+					PutModule("Target [" + sTarget + "] not found");
+				}
+			} else {
+				PutModule("Usage DelKey <#chan|Nick>");
+			}
+		} else if (sCmd.CaseCmp("SETKEY") == 0) {
+			CString sTarget = sCommand.Token(1);
+			CString sKey = sCommand.Token(2, true);
+			if (!sKey.empty()) {
+				SetNV(sTarget.AsLower(), sKey);
+				PutModule("Set encryption key for [" + sTarget + "] to [" + sKey + "]");
+			} else {
+				PutModule("Usage: SetKey <#chan|Nick> <Key>");
+			}
+		} else if (sCmd.CaseCmp("SHOWKEY") == 0) {
+			CString sTarget = sCommand.Token(1);
+			if (!sTarget.empty()) {
+				MCString::iterator it = FindNV(sTarget.AsLower());
+				if (it != EndNV()) {
+					PutModule("Target key is " + it->second);
+				} else {
+					PutModule("Target not found.");
+				}
+			} else {
+				PutModule("Usage ShowKey <#chan|Nick>");
+			}
+		} else if (sCmd.CaseCmp("LISTKEYS") == 0) {
+			if (BeginNV() == EndNV()) {
+				PutModule("You have no encryption keys set.");
+			} else {
+				CTable Table;
+				Table.AddColumn("Target");
+				Table.AddColumn("Key");
+				for (MCString::iterator it = BeginNV(); it != EndNV(); it++) {
+					Table.AddRow();
+					Table.SetCell("Target", it->first);
+					Table.SetCell("Key", it->second);
+				}
+				if (Table.size()) {
+					unsigned int uTableIdx = 0;
+					CString sLine;
+					while (Table.GetLine(uTableIdx++, sLine)) {
+						PutModule(sLine);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		} else if (sCmd.CaseCmp("KEYX") == 0) {
+			CString sTarget = sCommand.Token(1);
+			if (sTarget.empty()) {
+			    PutModule("You did not specify a target for the key exchange.");
+			} else {
+			    map<CString, pair<time_t, CString> >::iterator it = m_msKeyExchange.find(sTarget.AsLower());
+			    if (it != m_msKeyExchange.end()) {
+				PutModule("Keyexchange with " + sTarget + " already in progress.");
+			    } else {
+				CString sPriv_Key;
+				CString sPub_Key;
+				DH1080_gen(sPriv_Key, sPub_Key);
+				m_msKeyExchange.insert(make_pair(sTarget.AsLower(), make_pair(time(NULL), sPriv_Key)));
+				PutIRC("NOTICE " + sTarget + " :DH1080_INIT " + sPub_Key);
+				PutModule("Sent my DH1080 public key to " + sTarget + ", waiting for reply ...");
+				if (FindTimer("KeyExchangeTimer") == NULL) {
+				    AddTimer(new CKeyExchangeTimer(this));
+				}
+			    }
+			}
+		} else if (sCmd.CaseCmp("HELP") == 0) {
+			PutModule("Try: SetKey <target> <key>, DelKey <target>, ShowKey <target>, ListKeys, KeyX <target>");
+		} else {
+			PutModule("Unknown command, try 'Help'");
+		}
+	}
+	void DelStaleKeyExchanges(time_t iTime) {
+		for (map<CString, pair<time_t, CString> >::const_iterator it = m_msKeyExchange.begin(); it != m_msKeyExchange.end(); it++) {
+		    if (iTime - 5 >= it->second.first) {
+			PutModule("Keyexchange with " + it->first + " did expire before completition.");
+		        m_msKeyExchange.erase(it->first);
+		    }
+		}
+		if (m_msKeyExchange.size() <= 0) {
+		    RemTimer("KeyExchangeTimer");
+		}
+	}
+	void DH1080_gen(CString& sPriv_Key, CString& sPub_Key) {
+		sPriv_Key = "";
+		sPub_Key = "";
+		unsigned char raw_buf[200];
+		unsigned long len;
+		unsigned char *a, *b;
+		DH *dh;
+		BIGNUM *b_prime=NULL;
+		BIGNUM *b_generator=NULL;
+		initb64();
+		dh=DH_new();
+		if (!BN_hex2bn(&b_prime, prime1080)) {
+		    return;
+		}
+		if (!BN_dec2bn(&b_generator, "2")) {
+		    return;
+		}
+		dh->p=b_prime;
+		dh->g=b_generator;
+		if (!DH_generate_key(dh)) {
+		    return;
+		}
+		len = BN_num_bytes(dh->priv_key);
+		a = (unsigned char *)malloc(len);
+		BN_bn2bin(dh->priv_key,a);
+		memset(raw_buf, 0, 200);
+		htob64((char *)a, (char *)raw_buf, len);
+		sPriv_Key = CString((char *)raw_buf);
+		len=BN_num_bytes(dh->pub_key);
+		b = (unsigned char *)malloc(len);
+		BN_bn2bin(dh->pub_key,b);
+		memset(raw_buf, 0, 200);
+		htob64((char *)b, (char *)raw_buf, len);
+		sPub_Key = CString((char *)raw_buf);
+		DH_free(dh);
+		free(a);
+		free(b);
+	}
+	bool DH1080_comp(CString& sPriv_Key, CString& sOtherPub_Key, CString& sSecret_Key) {
+		int len;
+		unsigned char SHA256digest[32];
+		char *key;
+		BIGNUM *b_prime=NULL;
+		BIGNUM *b_myPrivkey=NULL;
+		BIGNUM *b_HisPubkey=NULL;
+		BIGNUM *b_generator=NULL;
+		DH *dh;
+		CString sSHA256digest;
+		unsigned char raw_buf[200];
+		if (!BN_hex2bn(&b_prime, prime1080)) {
+		    return false;
+		}
+		if (!BN_dec2bn(&b_generator, "2")) {
+		    return false;
+		}
+		dh=DH_new();
+		dh->p=b_prime;
+		dh->g=b_generator;
+		memset(raw_buf, 0, 200);
+		len = b64toh((char *)sPriv_Key.c_str(), (char *)raw_buf);
+		b_myPrivkey=BN_bin2bn(raw_buf, len, NULL);
+		dh->priv_key=b_myPrivkey;
+		memset(raw_buf, 0, 200);
+		len = b64toh((char *)sOtherPub_Key.c_str(), (char *)raw_buf);
+		b_HisPubkey=BN_bin2bn(raw_buf, len, NULL);
+		key=(char *)malloc(DH_size(dh));
+		memset(key, 0, DH_size(dh));
+		len=DH_compute_key((unsigned char *)key, b_HisPubkey, dh);
+		if (len == -1) {
+			// Bad pub key
+			unsigned long err = ERR_get_error();
+			DEBUG("** DH Error:" << ERR_error_string(err,NULL));
+			DH_free(dh);
+			BN_clear_free(b_HisPubkey);
+			free(key);
+			sSecret_Key = CString(ERR_error_string(err,NULL)).Token(4,true,":");
+			return false;
+		}
+		SHA256_CTX c;
+		SHA256_Init(&c);
+		memset(SHA256digest, 0, 32);
+		SHA256_Update(&c, key, len);
+		SHA256_Final(SHA256digest, &c);
+		memset(raw_buf, 0, 200);
+		len = htob64((char *)SHA256digest, (char *)raw_buf, 32);
+		sSecret_Key = "";
+		sSecret_Key.append((char *)raw_buf, len);
+		DH_free(dh);
+		BN_clear_free(b_HisPubkey);
+		free(key);
+		return true;
+	}
+	map<CString, pair<time_t, CString> >	m_msKeyExchange;
+void CKeyExchangeTimer::RunJob() {
+		CFishMod *p = (CFishMod *)m_pModule;
+		p->DelStaleKeyExchanges(time(NULL));
+MODULEDEFS(CFishMod, "FiSH encryption for channel/private messages")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/znc-crox-svn-admin.cpp b/znc-crox-svn-admin.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c999d4..0000000
--- a/znc-crox-svn-admin.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-#include <main.h>
-#include <znc.h>
-#include <User.h>
-#include <Modules.h>
-class CAdminMod : public CGlobalModule
-	{
-	}
-	virtual ~CAdminMod()
-	{
-	}
-	virtual void OnModCommand(const CString& sLine)
-	{
-		if (!m_pUser)
-			return;
-		CString sCommand = sLine.Token(0);
-		cout << sCommand << endl;
-		if (m_pUser->IsAdmin() && sCommand.CaseCmp("LISTUSERS") == 0) {
-			cout << "LISTUSERS!" << endl;
-			const map<CString, CUser*>& msUsers = CZNC::Get().GetUserMap();
-			CTable Table;
-			Table.AddColumn("Username");
-			Table.AddColumn("Realname");
-			Table.AddColumn("IsAdmin");
-			Table.AddColumn("Nick");
-			Table.AddColumn("AltNick");
-			Table.AddColumn("Ident");
-			Table.AddColumn("VHost");
-			for (map<CString, CUser*>::const_iterator it = msUsers.begin(); it !=
-						msUsers.end(); it++) {
-				Table.AddRow();
-				Table.SetCell("Username", it->first);
-				Table.SetCell("Realname", it->second->GetRealName());
-				if (!it->second->IsAdmin()) {
-					Table.SetCell("IsAdmin", "No");
-				} else {
-					Table.SetCell("IsAdmin", "Yes");
-				}
-				Table.SetCell("Nick", it->second->GetNick());
-				Table.SetCell("AltNick", it->second->GetAltNick());
-				Table.SetCell("Ident", it->second->GetIdent());
-				Table.SetCell("VHost", it->second->GetVHost());
-			}
-			if (Table.size()) {
-				unsigned int uTableIdx = 0;
-				CString sLine;
-				while (Table.GetLine(uTableIdx++, sLine)) {
-					PutModule(sLine);
-				}
-			}
-			return;
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("HELP") == 0) {
-			CTable Table;
-			Table.AddColumn("Command");
-			Table.AddColumn("Arguments");
-			Table.AddColumn("Description");
-			Table.AddRow();
-			Table.SetCell("Command", "GetNick");
-			Table.SetCell("Arguments","[username]");
-			Table.SetCell("Description","Prints (current) users nick");
-			Table.AddRow();
-			Table.SetCell("Command", "GetAltNick");
-			Table.SetCell("Arguments","[username]");
-			Table.SetCell("Description","Prints (current) users alternative nick");
-			Table.AddRow();
-			Table.SetCell("Command", "");
-			Table.SetCell("Arguments","");
-			Table.SetCell("Description","");
-			if (Table.size()) {
-				unsigned int uTableIdx = 0;
-				CString sLine;
-				while (Table.GetLine(uTableIdx++, sLine)) {
-					PutModule(sLine);
-				}
-			}
-			return;
-			// HELP
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("ADDUSER") == 0 && m_pUser->IsAdmin()) {
-			CString sUsername = sLine.Token(1);
-			CString sPassword = sLine.Token(2);
-//			CString sIRCServer = sLine.Token(3, true);
-			if (sUsername.empty() || sPassword.empty() /* || sIRCServer.empty() */ ) {
-				PutModule("Usage: adduser <username> <password> <ircserver>");
-				return;
-			}
-			if (CZNC::Get().FindUser(sUsername)) {
-				PutModule("User " + sUsername + " already exists!");
-				return;
-			}
-			CString sErr;
-			CUser* pNewUser = new CUser(sUsername);
-			pNewUser->SetPass(sPassword.MD5(), true);
-//			pNewUser->AddServer(sIRCServer);
-			if (!CZNC::Get().AddUser(pNewUser, sErr)) {
-				delete pNewUser;
-				PutModule("User not added [" + sErr + "]!");
-				return;
-			}
-			PutModule("User " + sUsername + " added!");
-			return;
-			// ADDUSER
-		}
-		CUser* pUser = NULL;
-		CString user = sLine.Token(1);
-		CString value = sLine.Token(2);
-		if (!m_pUser->IsAdmin() || value.empty()) {
-			pUser = m_pUser;
-			value = user;
-		} else {
-			pUser = CZNC::Get().FindUser(user);
-		}
-		if (!pUser) {
-			PutModule("User not found!");
-			return;
-		}
-		if (sCommand.CaseCmp("GETNICK") == 0) {
-			PutModule("Nick is " + pUser->GetNick());
-			// GETNICK
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("GETALTNICK") == 0) {
-			PutModule("AltNick is " + pUser->GetAltNick());
-//		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("GETAWAYSUFFIX") == 0) {
-//			 PutModule("AwaySuffix is " + pUser->GetAwaySuffix());
-		} else if (value.empty()) {
-			PutModule("Usage: command [username] value");
-			return;
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("SETNICK") == 0) {
-				pUser->SetNick(value);
-				PutModule("Nick set to " + value);
-			// SETNICK
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("SETALTNICK") == 0) {
-			pUser->SetAltNick(value);
-			PutModule("AltNick set to " + value);
-//		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("SETAWAYSUFFIX") == 0) {
-//			 pUser->SetAwaySuffix(value);
-//			PutModule("AwaySuffix set to " + value);
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("SETIDENT") == 0) {
-			pUser->SetIdent(value);
-			PutModule("Ident set to " + value);
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("SETREALNAME") == 0) {
-			pUser->SetRealName(value);
-			PutModule("RealName set to " + value);
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("SETVHOST") == 0) {
-			pUser->SetVHost(value);
-			PutModule("VHost set to " + value);
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("SETMULTICLIENTS") == 0) {
-			pUser->SetMultiClients(value.CaseCmp("TRUE") == 0 ? true : false);
-			PutModule("MultiClients set to " + (value.CaseCmp("TRUE") == 0) ? "true"
-					: "false");
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("SETBOUNCEDCCS") == 0) {
-			pUser->SetBounceDCCs(true);
-			PutModule("BounceDCCs set to " + value);
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("SETUSECLIENTIP") == 0) {
-			pUser->SetUseClientIP(true);
-			PutModule("UseClientIP set to " + value);
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("SETKEEPNICK") == 0) {
-			pUser->SetKeepNick(true);
-			PutModule("KeepNick set to " + value);
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("SETDENYLOADMOD") == 0) {
-			pUser->SetDenyLoadMod(true);
-			PutModule("DenyLoadMod set to " + value);
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("SETDEFAULTCHANMODES") == 0) {
-			pUser->SetDefaultChanModes(value);
-			PutModule("DefaultChanModes set to " + value);
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("ADDIRCSERVER") == 0) {
-			PutModule("user: " + pUser->GetUserName());
-			pUser->AddServer(value);
-			PutModule("IRC Server added " + value);
-//			cout << "x: " << pUser->CountServers() << endl;
-//			PutModule("Server count: " + CString(pUser->CountServers()));
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("SETQUITMSG") == 0) {
-			pUser->SetQuitMsg(value);
-			PutModule("Quit Message set to " + value);
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("SETBUFFERCOUNT") == 0) {
-			pUser->SetBufferCount(0);
-			PutModule("Buffer count set to " + value);
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("SETKEEPBUFFER") == 0) {
-			pUser->SetKeepBuffer(true);
-			PutModule("Keep buffer set to " + value);
-		} else if (sCommand.CaseCmp("SETAUTOCYCLE") == 0) {
-			pUser->SetAutoCycle(true);
-			PutModule("AutoCycle set to " + value);
-		} else {
-			PutModule("Unknown command.");
-		}
-	}
-GLOBALMODULEDEFS( CAdminMod, "Dynamic configuration of users/settings through irc" )
diff --git a/znc-crox-svn-antiidle.cpp b/znc-crox-svn-antiidle.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 27ba644..0000000
--- a/znc-crox-svn-antiidle.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-#include "main.h"
-#include "User.h"
-#include "Nick.h"
-#include "Modules.h"
-class CAntiIdle;
-class CAntiIdleJob : public CTimer
-	CAntiIdleJob(CModule* pModule, unsigned int uInterval, unsigned int uCycles, const CString& sLabel, const CString& sDescription)
-		: CTimer(pModule, uInterval, uCycles, sLabel, sDescription) {}
-	virtual ~CAntiIdleJob() {}
-	virtual void RunJob();
-class CAntiIdle : public CModule
-		SetInterval(30);
-	}
-	virtual ~CAntiIdle() { }
-	virtual bool OnLoad(const CString& sArgs, CString& sMessage)
-	{
-		if(!sArgs.Trim_n().empty())
-			SetInterval(sArgs.ToInt());
-		return true;
-	}
-	virtual void OnModCommand( const CString& sCommand )
-	{
-		CString sCmdName = sCommand.Token(0).AsLower();
-		if(sCmdName == "set")
-		{
-			CString sInterval = sCommand.Token(1, true);
-			SetInterval(sInterval.ToInt());
-			if(m_uiInterval == 0)
-				PutModule("AntiIdle is now turned off.");
-			else
-				PutModule("AntiIdle is now set to " + CString(m_uiInterval) + " seconds.");
-		} else if(sCmdName == "off") {
-			SetInterval(0);
-			PutModule("AntiIdle is now turned off");
-		} else if(sCmdName == "show") {
-			if(m_uiInterval == 0)
-				PutModule("AntiIdle is turned off.");
-			else
-				PutModule("AntiIdle is set to " + CString(m_uiInterval) + " seconds.");
-		} else
-		{
-			PutModule("Commands: set, off, show");
-		}
-	}
-	virtual EModRet OnPrivMsg(CNick &Nick, CString &sMessage) {
-		if(Nick.GetNick() == GetUser()->GetIRCNick().GetNick()
-			&& sMessage == "\xAE")
-			return HALTCORE;
-		return CONTINUE;
-	}
-	void SetInterval(uint i) {
-		m_uiInterval = i;
-		RemTimer("AntiIdle");
-		if(m_uiInterval == 0) {
-			return;
-		}
-		AddTimer(new CAntiIdleJob(this, m_uiInterval, 0, "AntiIdle", "Periodically sends a msg to the user"));
-	}
-	unsigned int	m_uiInterval;
-//! This function sends a query with (r) back to the user
-void CAntiIdleJob::RunJob() {
-	CString sNick = GetModule()->GetUser()->GetIRCNick().GetNick();
-	GetModule()->PutIRC("PRIVMSG " + sNick + " :\xAE");
-MODULEDEFS(CAntiIdle, "Hides your real idle time")
diff --git a/znc-crox-svn-statupdate.cpp b/znc-crox-svn-statupdate.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ae8590b..0000000
--- a/znc-crox-svn-statupdate.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-#include "main.h"
-#include "User.h"
-#include "Nick.h"
-#include "Modules.h"
-#include "Chan.h"
-#include "znc.h"
-#include "Server.h"
-class CStatUpdateMod : public CGlobalModule {
-	CString m_sPath;
-	char epoch_str[64];
-	virtual ~CStatUpdateMod () {}
-	virtual void UpdateStatFile ()
-	{
-	    // Create filestream
-	    FILE *file = fopen (m_sPath.c_str(), "w+");
-		if (file == NULL)
-			return;
-	    sprintf(epoch_str, "%i", (int)time(NULL));
-	    // Setup time
-	    fputs ("STATUPDATE_TIME;", file);
-	    fputs (epoch_str, file);
-	    fputs ("\n", file);
-	    const map<CString, CUser*>& msUsers = CZNC::Get().GetUserMap();
-	    for (map<CString, CUser*>::const_iterator it = msUsers.begin(); it != msUsers.end(); it++)
-	    {
-		CUser& User = *it->second;
-		const CString& sNick = User.GetUserName();
-		fputs (sNick.c_str(), file);
-		fputs (";", file);
-		if (User.IsUserAttached())
-		{
-		    fputs ("online\n", file);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    fputs ("offline\n", file);
-		}
-	    }
-	    // close filestream
-	    fclose (file);
-	}
-	virtual bool OnLoad(const CString& sArgs, CString& sMessage) {
-	    m_sPath = sArgs;	
-	    PutModule("StatUpdate module successfully loaded with args: [" + sArgs + "]");
-	    return true;
-	}
-	virtual bool OnBoot() {
-		return true;
-	}
-	virtual void OnUserAttached ()
-	{
-	    UpdateStatFile();
-	}
-	virtual void OnUserDetached ()
-	{
-	    UpdateStatFile();
-	}
-	virtual void OnModCommand(const CString& sCommand) {
-		if (sCommand.CaseCmp("DEBUG") == 0) {
-			PutModule("Current path is: " + m_sPath);
-		}
-		if ((sCommand.CaseCmp("UPDATE") == 0 || sCommand.CaseCmp("REFRESH") == 0) && m_pUser->IsAdmin()) {
-			UpdateStatFile();
-			PutModule("StatUpdate file successfully updated.");
-		}
-		if (sCommand.CaseCmp("VERSION") == 0) {
-			PutModule("StatUpdate - v0.2b");
-			PutModule("Autor: Daniel 'd4n13L' Schmitz (daniel at danielschmitz.de)");
-		}
-	}
-	virtual EModRet OnStatusCommand(const CString& sCommand) {
-		if (sCommand.CaseCmp("STATUPDATE") == 0) {
-			PutModule("Hello! I am here ;-)");
-			return HALT;
-		}
-		return CONTINUE;
-	}
-GLOBALMODULEDEFS(CStatUpdateMod, "StatUpdate writes users online status into a text file.")

---- gitweb:


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