[packages/kde4-kdevplatform] - updated to 1.7.1
bszx at pld-linux.org
Wed Feb 11 20:49:35 CET 2015
commit f8bdeb7de2ec88618dc7d47db47e74418110bd59
Author: Bartek Szady <bszx at pld-linux.org>
Date: Wed Feb 11 20:45:10 2015 +0100
- updated to 1.7.1
kde4-kdevplatform-stable.patch | 1091 ----------------------------------------
kde4-kdevplatform.spec | 11 +-
2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1098 deletions(-)
diff --git a/kde4-kdevplatform.spec b/kde4-kdevplatform.spec
index 1410bf4..71803d8 100644
--- a/kde4-kdevplatform.spec
+++ b/kde4-kdevplatform.spec
@@ -4,20 +4,19 @@
%define _state stable
%define orgname kdevplatform
-%define _kdevelopver 4.7.0
+%define _kdevelopver 4.7.1
%define kdever 4.8.0
%define qtver 4.8.0
Summary: KDevelop Development Platform
Summary(pl.UTF-8): KDevelop Development Platform
Name: kde4-kdevplatform
-Version: 1.7.0
-Release: 2
+Version: 1.7.1
+Release: 1
License: GPL
Group: X11/Development/Tools
Source0: ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/%{_state}/kdevelop/%{_kdevelopver}/src/%{orgname}-%{version}.tar.xz
-# Source0-md5: 72375e077f97b44056c76c7f85ce49ad
-Patch0: %{name}-stable.patch
+# Source0-md5: f6c123d65ae8d5c50944d548c8bc812f
URL: http://www.kdevelop.org/
BuildRequires: QtNetwork-devel >= %{qtver}
BuildRequires: automoc4
@@ -67,8 +66,6 @@ pisaniu własnych programów wykorzystujących kdevplatform.
%setup -q -n %{orgname}-%{version}
-%patch0 -p1
install -d build
cd build
diff --git a/kde4-kdevplatform-stable.patch b/kde4-kdevplatform-stable.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cb32c35..0000000
--- a/kde4-kdevplatform-stable.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1091 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/debugger/util/treeitem.cpp b/debugger/util/treeitem.cpp
-index e92f3bf..5b078bf 100644
---- a/debugger/util/treeitem.cpp
-+++ b/debugger/util/treeitem.cpp
-@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ void TreeItem::setData(const QVector<QVariant> &data)
- void TreeItem::appendChild(TreeItem *item, bool initial)
- {
- QModelIndex index = model_->indexForItem(this, 0);
-- QModelIndex index2 = model_->indexForItem(this, itemData.size()-1);
- // Note that we need emit beginRemoveRows, even if we're replacing
- // ellipsis item with the real one. The number of rows does not change
-diff --git a/language/backgroundparser/parseprojectjob.cpp b/language/backgroundparser/parseprojectjob.cpp
-index 8b83a90..cf5fa34 100644
---- a/language/backgroundparser/parseprojectjob.cpp
-+++ b/language/backgroundparser/parseprojectjob.cpp
-@@ -91,6 +91,11 @@ void ParseProjectJob::start() {
- return;
- }
-+ if (m_filesToParse.isEmpty()) {
-+ deleteLater();
-+ return;
-+ }
- kDebug() << "starting project parse job";
- TopDUContext::Features processingLevel = m_filesToParse.size() < ICore::self()->languageController()->completionSettings()->minFilesForSimplifiedParsing() ?
-diff --git a/plugins/documentview/kdevdocumentview.cpp b/plugins/documentview/kdevdocumentview.cpp
-index bedb385..8d1cd4a 100644
---- a/plugins/documentview/kdevdocumentview.cpp
-+++ b/plugins/documentview/kdevdocumentview.cpp
-@@ -166,8 +166,6 @@ void KDevDocumentView::reloadSelected()
- void KDevDocumentView::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent * event )
- {
- QModelIndex proxyIndex = indexAt( event->pos() );
-- QModelIndex index = m_proxy->mapToSource( proxyIndex );
- // for now, ignore clicks on empty space or folder items
- if (!proxyIndex.isValid() || !proxyIndex.parent().isValid()) {
- return;
-diff --git a/plugins/externalscript/externalscriptplugin.cpp b/plugins/externalscript/externalscriptplugin.cpp
-index 87b889c..678a7cb 100644
---- a/plugins/externalscript/externalscriptplugin.cpp
-+++ b/plugins/externalscript/externalscriptplugin.cpp
-@@ -252,7 +252,8 @@ void ExternalScriptPlugin::execute( ExternalScriptItem* item, const KUrl& url )
- void ExternalScriptPlugin::execute(ExternalScriptItem* item) const
- {
-- execute( item, KDevelop::ICore::self()->documentController()->activeDocument()->url() );
-+ auto document = KDevelop::ICore::self()->documentController()->activeDocument();
-+ execute( item, document ? document->url() : KUrl() );
- }
- bool ExternalScriptPlugin::executeCommand ( QString command, QString workingDirectory ) const
-diff --git a/plugins/konsole/kdevkonsoleview.desktop.cmake b/plugins/konsole/kdevkonsoleview.desktop.cmake
-index 49f993c..6ab3aae 100644
---- a/plugins/konsole/kdevkonsoleview.desktop.cmake
-+++ b/plugins/konsole/kdevkonsoleview.desktop.cmake
-@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Comment[pt]=Este 'plugin' oferece ao KDevelop uma consola incorporada para um ac
- Comment[pt_BR]=Este plugin fornece ao KDevelop um terminal embutido para acesso rápido e fácil à linha de comando.
- Comment[ru]=Это расширение добавляет в KDevelop встроенный терминал для быстрого и лёгкого доступа к командной строке.
- Comment[sk]=Tento plugin poskytuje KDevelop so zabudovanou konzolou na rýchly a ľahký prístup k príkazovému riadku.
--Comment[sl]=Vstavek v KDevelop prinaša vgrajeno konzolo za hiter in preprost dostop do ukazne vrstice.
-+Comment[sl]=Vstavek v KDevelop prinaša vgrajen program Konsole za hiter in preprost dostop do ukazne vrstice.
- Comment[sv]=Insticksprogrammet ger KDevelop en inbyggd terminal för snabb och enkel åtkomst av kommandoraden.
- Comment[tr]=Bu eklenti, komut satırına kolayca erişebilmeniz için KDevelop içerisinde gömülü bir uçbirim sağlar.
- Comment[uk]=За допомогою цього додатка у KDevelop можна буде скористатися вбудованою konsole, яка пришвидшить і полегшить доступ до командного рядка.
-@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Name[pt]=Integração com o Konsole
- Name[pt_BR]=Integração com o Konsole
- Name[ru]=Интеграция Konsole
- Name[sk]=Integrácia Konsole
--Name[sl]=Vgrajena konzola
-+Name[sl]=Vgrajen program Konsole
- Name[sv]=Integrering av Konsole
- Name[tr]=Konsole Bütünleşmesi
- Name[ug]=Konsole يۈرۈشلەشتۈرۈلۈشى
-diff --git a/plugins/patchreview/patchreview.cpp b/plugins/patchreview/patchreview.cpp
-index 2977c40..18b63db 100644
---- a/plugins/patchreview/patchreview.cpp
-+++ b/plugins/patchreview/patchreview.cpp
-@@ -302,7 +302,9 @@ private:
- PatchReviewPlugin::~PatchReviewPlugin() {
- removeHighlighting();
-- delete m_patch;
-+ // Tweak to work around a crash on OS X; see https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=338829
-+ // and http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/38406/#162801
-+ m_patch->deleteLater();
- }
- void PatchReviewPlugin::clearPatch( QObject* _patch ) {
-diff --git a/plugins/projectfilter/filter.cpp b/plugins/projectfilter/filter.cpp
-index 2038e2a..ddcf295 100644
---- a/plugins/projectfilter/filter.cpp
-+++ b/plugins/projectfilter/filter.cpp
-@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ SerializedFilters defaultFilters()
- // common vcs folders which we want to hide
- static const QVector<QString> invalidFolders = QVector<QString>()
- << ".git" << "CVS" << ".svn" << "_svn"
-- << "SCCS" << "_darcs" << ".hg" << ".bzr";
-+ << "SCCS" << "_darcs" << ".hg" << ".bzr" << "__pycache__";
- foreach(const QString& folder, invalidFolders) {
- ret << SerializedFilter(folder, Filter::Folders);
- }
-@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ SerializedFilters defaultFilters()
- // backup files
- << "*~" << ".*.kate-swp" << ".*.swp"
- // python cache and object files
-- << "*.pyc" << "*.pyo" << "__pycache__";
-+ << "*.pyc" << "*.pyo";
- foreach(const QString& filePattern, filePatterns) {
- ret << SerializedFilter(filePattern, Filter::Files);
- }
-diff --git a/plugins/standardoutputview/outputwidget.cpp b/plugins/standardoutputview/outputwidget.cpp
-index 3b12aca..c9d739b 100644
---- a/plugins/standardoutputview/outputwidget.cpp
-+++ b/plugins/standardoutputview/outputwidget.cpp
-@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ void OutputWidget::activateIndex(const QModelIndex &index, QAbstractItemView *vi
- void OutputWidget::selectNextItem()
- {
-- selectItem(Previous);
-+ selectItem(Next);
- }
- void OutputWidget::selectPrevItem()
-@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ void OutputWidget::selectItem(Direction direction)
- ? iface->previousHighlightIndex( index )
- : iface->nextHighlightIndex( index );
-- kDebug() << "selecting item" << select << index << newIndex;
-+ kDebug() << "old:" << index << "- new:" << newIndex;
- activateIndex(newIndex, view, iface);
- }
-diff --git a/shell/languagecontroller.cpp b/shell/languagecontroller.cpp
-index 817c1ce..0dec986 100644
---- a/shell/languagecontroller.cpp
-+++ b/shell/languagecontroller.cpp
-@@ -297,11 +297,12 @@ QList<ILanguage*> LanguageController::languagesForUrl(const KUrl &url)
- return languages;
- KMimeType::Ptr mimeType;
-+ int accuracy = 0;
- if(!extension.isEmpty()) {
- // If we have recognized a file extension, allow using the file-contents
- // to look up the type. We will cache it after all.
-- mimeType = KMimeType::findByUrl(url);
-+ mimeType = KMimeType::findByUrl(url, 0, false, false, &accuracy);
- } else {
- // If we have not recognized a file extension, do not allow using the file-contents
- // to look up the type. We cannot cache the result, and thus we might end up reading
-@@ -319,8 +320,11 @@ QList<ILanguage*> LanguageController::languagesForUrl(const KUrl &url)
- languages = languagesForMimetype(mimeType->name());
-- if(!extension.isEmpty())
-+ // E.g. because of some txt file that begins with /* and considered as c++ file
-+ // we don't want the c++ language support to parse all txt files.
-+ if(!extension.isEmpty() && accuracy > 80) {
- d->fileExtensionCache.insert(extension, languages);
-+ }
- return languages;
- }
-diff --git a/shell/project.cpp b/shell/project.cpp
-index 6b2ab79..59b3ad0 100644
---- a/shell/project.cpp
-+++ b/shell/project.cpp
-@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ Path Project::path() const
- void Project::reloadModel()
- {
-- qDebug() << "reload!!!!!!!" << d->loading;
-+ kDebug() << d->loading;
- if (d->loading) {
- d->scheduleReload = true;
- return;
-diff --git a/util/kdev_format_source b/util/kdev_format_source
-index 0cd8589..84434b1 100644
---- a/util/kdev_format_source
-+++ b/util/kdev_format_source
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- # Author: David Nolden <david.nolden.kdevelop at art-master.de>
- # This script is made available under the GPLv2 licence.
-@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
--if [ -z "$ORIGFILE" ]; then
-- echo "Usage: $(basename $0) FILE [TEMPFILE]"
-+if ! [ "$ORIGFILE" ]; then
-+ echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [FILE] [TEMPFILE]"
- echo ""
- echo "Where FILE represents the original location of the formatted contents,"
- echo "and TEMPFILE is used as the actual, potentially different,"
-@@ -31,32 +31,32 @@ if [ -z "$ORIGFILE" ]; then
- exit
- fi
--ORIGFILE="$(readlink -f "$ORIGFILE")"
-+ORIGFILE=$(readlink -f $ORIGFILE)
--if [ -z "$TMPFILE" ]; then
-+if ! [ $TMPFILE ]; then
- echo "No tempfile given, formatting the original file"
- else
-- TMPFILE=$(readlink -f "$TMPFILE")
-+ TMPFILE=$(readlink -f $TMPFILE)
- fi
- # Helper: Returns the relative path from a given source directory to a target path
--relativePath() {
-+function relativePath {
- source=$1
- target=$2
- common_part=$source
- back=
- while [ "${target#$common_part}" = "${target}" ]; do
-- common_part="$(dirname "$common_part")"
-- back="../${back}"
-+ common_part=$(dirname $common_part)
-+ back="../${back}"
- done
-- echo "${back}${target#$common_part/}"
-+ echo ${back}${target#$common_part/}
- }
- # Go to the directory of the original file, and start searching for "format_sources" files upwards
--cd -- "$(dirname "$ORIGFILE")"
-+cd $(dirname $ORIGFILE)
- while ! [ "$(pwd)" == "/" ]; do
-@@ -69,28 +69,29 @@ while ! [ "$(pwd)" == "/" ]; do
- # echo "Line: $line"
- # Split by the ":" which is the delimiter between wildcards
- IFS="\:"
-+ array=
-+ pos=0
- # remove leading whitespace
- line="${line#"${line%%[![:space:]]*}"}"
-- if [ -z "$line" ]; then
-- # ignore empty lines
-- continue
-- fi
-- case "$line" in
-- \#*)
-+ if [[ "$line" == \#* ]] || ! [ "$line" ]; then
- # Ignore lines starting with #
- # Those can be used for comments.
-- continue ;;
-- esac
-+ # Also ignore empty lines
-+ continue
-+ fi
-- set -- $line
-+ for item in $line;
-+ do
-+ array[$pos]=$item
-+ pos=$(($pos+1))
-+ done
-- if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
-+ if [ $pos == "2" ]; then
- # We found the correct syntax with "wildcards : command"
-- COMMAND="$2"
-+ WILDCARDS=${array[0]}
-+ COMMAND=${array[1]}
-@@ -105,21 +106,19 @@ while ! [ "$(pwd)" == "/" ]; do
- set +f
- # This if-command does wildcard matching
- # echo "matching $RELATIVE_ORIGFILE and $WILDCARD"
-+ if [[ "$RELATIVE_ORIGFILE" == $WILDCARD ]]; then
- echo "matched $RELATIVE_ORIGFILE with wildcard $WILDCARD, using command \"$COMMAND\""
- eval $COMMAND
- exit
-- ;;
-- esac
-+ fi
- set -f
- done
- set +f
- fi
-- if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
-+ if [ $pos == "1" ]; then
- # We found the simple syntax without wildcards, and only with the command
-- COMMAND="$1"
-+ COMMAND=${array[0]}
- echo "matched without wildcard, using command $COMMAND"
- eval $COMMAND
- exit
-diff --git a/util/kdevplatform_shell_environment.sh b/util/kdevplatform_shell_environment.sh
-index 83ccba5..216e8c3 100755
---- a/util/kdevplatform_shell_environment.sh
-+++ b/util/kdevplatform_shell_environment.sh
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- # This file is part of KDevelop
- # Copyright 2011 David Nolden <david.nolden.kdevelop at art-master.de>
-@@ -18,24 +18,20 @@
- # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
--# NOTE: While this script is more or less portable, it uses exclamation
--# mark in function names, which goes beyond the SUS/POSIX specs. This is
--# known to break with dash (Debian shell) at least.
--if [ -n "$KDEV_REAL_ENV" ]; then
-- # Since this runs as a replacement for the init-file, we need to chain in the 'real' one
-+if [ -e ~/.bashrc ]; then
-+ # Since this runs as a replacement for the init-file, we need to chain in the 'real' bash-rc
-+ source ~/.bashrc
- fi
--if [ -z "$APPLICATION_HOST" ]; then
-+if ! [ "$APPLICATION_HOST" ]; then
- export APPLICATION_HOST=$(hostname)
- fi
--if [ -z "$KDEV_SHELL_ENVIRONMENT_ID" ]; then
-+if ! [ "$KDEV_SHELL_ENVIRONMENT_ID" ]; then
- export KDEV_SHELL_ENVIRONMENT_ID="default"
- fi
--if [ -z "$KDEV_DBUS_ID" ]; then
-+if ! [ "$KDEV_DBUS_ID" ]; then
- echo "The required environment variable KDEV_DBUS_ID is not set. This variable defines the dbus id of the application instance instance which is supposed to be attached."
- exit 5
- fi
-@@ -51,9 +47,9 @@ if ! [ -e "$KDEV_BASEDIR/kdev_dbus_socket_transformer" ]; then
- fi
- # Takes a list of tools, and prints a warning of one of them is not available in the path
--checkToolsInPath() {
-- for TOOL in "$@"; do
-- if [ -z "$(command -v $TOOL 2> /dev/null)" ]; then
-+function checkToolsInPath {
-+ for TOOL in $@; do
-+ if ! [ "$(which $TOOL 2> /dev/null)" ]; then
- echo "The utility $TOOL is not in your path, the shell integration will not work properly."
- fi
- done
-@@ -62,33 +58,33 @@ checkToolsInPath() {
- # Check if all required tools are there (on the host machine)
- checkToolsInPath sed qdbus ls cut dirname mktemp basename readlink hostname
--if [ -n "$KDEV_SSH_FORWARD_CHAIN" ]; then
-+if ! [ "$KDEV_SSH_FORWARD_CHAIN" ]; then
- # Check for additional utilities that are required on the client machine
- checkToolsInPath kioclient
- fi
- # Queries the session name from the running application instance
--getSessionName() {
-- qdbus "$KDEV_DBUS_ID" /kdevelop/SessionController org.kdevelop.kdevelop.KDevelop.SessionController.sessionName
-+function getSessionName {
-+ echo "$(qdbus $KDEV_DBUS_ID /kdevelop/SessionController org.kdevelop.kdevelop.KDevelop.SessionController.sessionName)"
- }
--getSessionDir() {
-- qdbus "$KDEV_DBUS_ID" /kdevelop/SessionController org.kdevelop.kdevelop.KDevelop.SessionController.sessionDir
-+function getSessionDir {
-+ echo "$(qdbus $KDEV_DBUS_ID /kdevelop/SessionController org.kdevelop.kdevelop.KDevelop.SessionController.sessionDir)"
- }
--getCurrentShellEnvPath() {
-- if [ -n "$1" ]; then
-- ENV_ID="$1"
-+function getCurrentShellEnvPath {
-+ if [ "$1" ]; then
-+ ENV_ID=$1
- fi
- echo "$(getSessionDir)/${ENV_ID}.sh"
- }
--help! () {
-+function help! {
- echo "You are controlling the $APPLICATION session '$(getSessionName)'"
- echo ""
-- if [ "X$1" = X ]; then
-+ if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
- echo "Standard commands:"
- echo "raise! - Raise the window."
- echo "sync! - Synchronize the working directory with the currently open document. See \"help! sync\""
-@@ -108,7 +104,7 @@ help! () {
- echo "Most commands can be abbreviated by the first character(s), eg. r! instead of raise!, and se! instead of search!."
- fi
-- if [ X"$1" = "Xopen" ]; then
-+ if [ "$1" == "open" ]; then
- echo "Extended opening:"
- echo "The open! command can also be used to open files in specific tool-view configurations, by adding split-separators:"
- echo "- Files around the / separator will be arranged horizontally by split-view."
-@@ -127,7 +123,7 @@ help! () {
- echo "Short forms: o! = open!, eo! = eopen!, c! = create!"
- fi
-- if [ "X$1" = "Xsync" ]; then
-+ if [ "$1" == "sync" ]; then
- echo "Extended syncing:"
- echo "sync! [[project-name]] - If no project-name is given, then the sync! command synchronizes to the currently active document."
- echo " If no document is active, then it synchronizes to the currently selected item in the project tree-view."
-@@ -141,7 +137,7 @@ help! () {
- echo "Short forms: s! = sync!, ss! = syncsel!, p! = project!, b! = bdir!"
- fi
-- if [ "X$1" = "Xremote" ]; then
-+ if [ "$1" == "remote" ]; then
- echo "Extended remote commands:"
- echo "ssh! [ssh arguments] - Connect to a remote host via ssh, keeping the control-connection alive."
- echo " - The whole dbus environment is forwarded, KDevelop needs to be installed on both sides."
-@@ -156,7 +152,7 @@ help! () {
- echo "Short forms: e! = exec!, ce! = cexec!, cth! = copytohost!, ctc! = copytoclient!"
- fi
-- if [ "X$1" = "Xenv" ]; then
-+ if [ "$1" == "env" ]; then
- echo "Environment management:"
- echo "The environment can be used to store session-specific macros and generally manipulate the shell environment"
- echo "for embedded shell sessions. The environment is sourced into the shell when the shell is initialized, and"
-@@ -174,126 +170,126 @@ help! () {
- # Short versions of the commands:
--r! () {
-- "raise!" "$@"
-+function r! {
-+ raise! $@
- }
--s! () {
-- "sync!" "$@"
-+function s! {
-+ sync! $@
- }
--ss! () {
-- "syncsel!"
-+function ss! {
-+ syncsel!
- }
--syncsel! () {
-- "sync!" '[selection]'
-+function syncsel! {
-+ sync! '[selection]'
- }
--p! () {
-- if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
-- "s!" "$@"
-+function p! {
-+ if [ "$@" ]; then
-+ s! $@
- fi
-- "project!"
-+ project!
- }
--b! () {
-- if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
-- "s!" "$@"
-+function b! {
-+ if [ "$@" ]; then
-+ s! $@
- fi
-- "bdir!"
-+ bdir!
- }
--o! () {
-- "open!" "$@"
-+function o! {
-+ open! $@
- }
--eo! () {
-- "eopen!" "$@"
-+function eo! {
-+ eopen! $@
- }
--e! () {
-- "exec!" "$@"
-+function e! {
-+ exec! $@
- }
--ce! () {
-- "cexec!" "$@"
-+function ce! {
-+ cexec! $@
- }
--c! () {
-- "create!" "$@"
-+function c! {
-+ create! $@
- }
--se! () {
-- "search!" "$@"
-+function se! {
-+ search! $@
- }
--ds! () {
-- "dsearch!" "$@"
-+function ds! {
-+ dsearch! $@
- }
--h! () {
-- "help!" "$@"
-+function h! {
-+ help! $@
- }
--cth! () {
-- "copytohost!" "$@"
-+function cth! {
-+ copytohost! $@
- }
--ctc! () {
-- "copytoclient!" "$@"
-+function ctc! {
-+ copytoclient! $@
- }
--sev! () {
-- "setenv!" "$@"
-+function sev! {
-+ setenv! $@
- }
--ee! () {
-- "editenv!" "$@"
-+function ee! {
-+ editenv! $@
- }
--shev! () {
-- "showenv!" "$@"
-+function shev! {
-+ showenv! $@
- }
- # Internals:
- # Opens a document in internally in the application
--openDocument () {
-+function openDocument {
- RESULT=$(qdbus $KDEV_DBUS_ID /org/kdevelop/DocumentController org.kdevelop.DocumentController.openDocumentSimple $1)
-- if ! [ "X$RESULT" == "Xtrue" ]; then
-+ if ! [ "$RESULT" == "true" ]; then
- echo "Failed to open $1"
- fi
- }
- # Opens a document in internally in the application
--openDocuments () {
-+function openDocuments {
- RESULT=$(qdbus $KDEV_DBUS_ID /org/kdevelop/DocumentController org.kdevelop.DocumentController.openDocumentsSimple "(" $1 ")")
-- if ! [ "X$RESULT" == "Xtrue" ]; then
-+ if ! [ "$RESULT" == "true" ]; then
- echo "Failed to open $1"
- fi
- }
- # Executes a command on the client machine using the custom-script integration.
- # First argument: The full command. Second argument: The working directory.
--executeInApp () {
-+function executeInApp {
- local CMD="$1"
- local WD=$2
-- if [ -z "$WD" ]; then
-+ if ! [ "$WD" ]; then
- WD=$(pwd)
- fi
- RESULT=$(qdbus $KDEV_DBUS_ID /org/kdevelop/ExternalScriptPlugin org.kdevelop.ExternalScriptPlugin.executeCommand "$CMD" "$WD")
-- if [ "X$RESULT" == "Xtrue" ]; then
-+ if ! [ "$RESULT" == "true" ]; then
- echo "Execution failed"
- fi
- }
- # First argument: The full command. Second argument: The working directory.
- # Executes the command silently and synchronously, and returns the output
--executeInAppSync () {
-+function executeInAppSync {
- local CMD=$1
- local WD=$2
-- if [ -z "$WD" ]; then
-+ if ! [ "$WD" ]; then
- WD=$(pwd)
- fi
- RESULT=$(qdbus $KDEV_DBUS_ID /org/kdevelop/ExternalScriptPlugin org.kdevelop.ExternalScriptPlugin.executeCommandSync "$CMD" "$WD")
-@@ -302,31 +298,31 @@ executeInAppSync () {
- # Getter functions:
--getActiveDocument () {
-- qdbus "$KDEV_DBUS_ID" /org/kdevelop/DocumentController org.kdevelop.DocumentController.activeDocumentPath "$@"
-+function getActiveDocument {
-+ qdbus $KDEV_DBUS_ID /org/kdevelop/DocumentController org.kdevelop.DocumentController.activeDocumentPath $@
- }
--getOpenDocuments () {
-- qdbus "$KDEV_DBUS_ID" /org/kdevelop/DocumentController org.kdevelop.DocumentController.activeDocumentPaths
-+function getOpenDocuments {
-+ qdbus $KDEV_DBUS_ID /org/kdevelop/DocumentController org.kdevelop.DocumentController.activeDocumentPaths
- }
--raise! () {
-- qdbus "$KDEV_DBUS_ID" /kdevelop/MainWindow org.kdevelop.MainWindow.ensureVisible
-+function raise! {
-+ qdbus $KDEV_DBUS_ID /kdevelop/MainWindow org.kdevelop.MainWindow.ensureVisible
- }
--bdir! () {
-- TARG=$(qdbus "$KDEV_DBUS_ID" /org/kdevelop/ProjectController org.kdevelop.ProjectController.mapSourceBuild "$(pwd)" false)
-- if [ -n "$TARG" ]; then
-- cd -- "$TARG"
-+function bdir! {
-+ TARG=$(qdbus $KDEV_DBUS_ID /org/kdevelop/ProjectController org.kdevelop.ProjectController.mapSourceBuild "$(pwd)" false)
-+ if [ "$TARG" ]; then
-+ cd $TARG
- else
- echo "Got no path"
- fi
- }
--project! () {
-- TARG=$(qdbus "$KDEV_DBUS_ID" /org/kdevelop/ProjectController org.kdevelop.ProjectController.mapSourceBuild "$(pwd)" true)
-- if [ -n "$TARG" ]; then
-- cd -- "$TARG"
-+function project! {
-+ TARG=$(qdbus $KDEV_DBUS_ID /org/kdevelop/ProjectController org.kdevelop.ProjectController.mapSourceBuild "$(pwd)" true)
-+ if [ "$TARG" ]; then
-+ cd $TARG
- else
- echo "Got no path"
- fi
-@@ -335,16 +331,15 @@ project! () {
- # Main functions:
--raise!() {
-- qdbus "$KDEV_DBUS_ID" /kdevelop/MainWindow org.kdevelop.MainWindow.ensureVisible
-+function raise! {
-+ qdbus $KDEV_DBUS_ID /kdevelop/MainWindow org.kdevelop.MainWindow.ensureVisible
- }
--sync!() {
-+function sync! {
- local P=$(getActiveDocument $@)
-- if [ -n "$P" ]; then
-+ if [ "$P" ]; then
-- case $P in
-- fish://*)
-+ if [[ "$P" == fish://* ]]; then
- # This regular expression filters the user at host:port out of fish:///user@host:port/path/...
- LOGIN=$(echo $P | sed "s/fish\:\/\/*\([^\/]*\)\(\/.*\)/\1/")
- P_ON_HOST=$(echo $P | sed "s/fish\:\/\/*\([^\/]*\)\(\/.*\)/\2/")
-@@ -375,21 +370,18 @@ sync!() {
- return
- fi
- fi
-- ;;
-- *)
-- if [ "$KDEV_SSH_FORWARD_CHAIN" ]; then
-- # This session is being forwarded to another machine, but the current document is not
-- # However, we won't complain, because it's possible that the machines share the same file-system
-- if [ $(isEqualFileOnHostAndClient $P) != "yes" ]; then
-- echo "Cannot synchronize the working directory, because the file systems do not match"
-- return
-- fi
-+ elif [ "$KDEV_SSH_FORWARD_CHAIN" ]; then
-+ # This session is being forwarded to another machine, but the current document is not
-+ # However, we won't complain, because it's possible that the machines share the same file-system
-+ if [ $(isEqualFileOnHostAndClient $P) != "yes" ]; then
-+ echo "Cannot synchronize the working directory, because the file systems do not match"
-+ return
- fi
-- ;;
-- esac
-+ fi
- [ -d "$P" ] || P=$(dirname "$P")
-- cd -- "$P"
-+ cd "$P"
- else
- echo "Got no path"
- fi
-@@ -397,14 +389,14 @@ sync!() {
- # Take a path, and returns "yes" if the equal file is available on the host and the client
- # The check is performed by comparing inode-numbers
--isEqualFileOnHostAndClient() {
-- trimWhiteSpace() {
-- printf "%s" "$1"
-+function isEqualFileOnHostAndClient {
-+ function trimWhiteSpace() {
-+ echo $1
- }
- FILE=$1
-- INODE_HOST=$(trimWhiteSpace $(/bin/ls -i "$FILE" | cut -d' ' -f1) )
-- INODE_CLIENT=$(trimWhiteSpace $(executeInAppSync "/bin/ls -i $FILE | cut -d' ' -f1" "$(dirname "$FILE")"))
-+ INODE_HOST=$(trimWhiteSpace $(ls --color=never -i $FILE | cut -d' ' -f1))
-+ INODE_CLIENT=$(trimWhiteSpace $(executeInAppSync "ls --color=never -i $FILE | cut -d' ' -f1" "$(dirname $FILE)"))
- if [ "$INODE_HOST" == "$INODE_CLIENT" ]; then
- echo "yes"
- else
-@@ -413,9 +405,9 @@ isEqualFileOnHostAndClient() {
- }
- # Takes a relative file, returns an absolute file/url that should be valid on the client.
--mapFileToClient() {
-+function mapFileToClient {
- local RELATIVE_FILE=$1
-- FILE=$(readlink -f "$RELATIVE_FILE")
-+ FILE=$(readlink -f $RELATIVE_FILE)
- if ! [ -e "$FILE" ]; then
- # Try opening the file anyway, it might be an url or something else we don't understand here
-@@ -427,13 +419,11 @@ mapFileToClient() {
- if [ "$(isEqualFileOnHostAndClient "$FILE")" != "yes" ]; then
- # We can eventually map the file using the fish protocol
-- case $FISH_HOST in
-- *\,*)
-+ if [[ "$FISH_HOST" == *\,* ]]; then
- # Extracts everything before the first comma
- FISH_HOST=$(echo $FISH_HOST | sed 's/\([^,]*\),\(.*\)/\1/')
- echo "ssh chain is too long: $KDEV_SSH_FORWARD_CHAIN mapping anyway using $FISH_HOST" 1>&2
-- ;;
-- esac
-+ fi
- # Theoretically, we can only map through fish if the forward-chains contains no comma, which means that
- # we forward only once. Try anyway, there might be the same filesystem on the whole forward-chain.
-@@ -443,8 +433,7 @@ mapFileToClient() {
- echo $FILE
- }
--open!() {
-- # would break on files with whitespace in names
-+function open! {
- FILES=$@
-@@ -459,8 +448,7 @@ open!() {
- openDocuments "$NEWFILES"
- }
--eopen!() {
-- # would break on files with whitespace in names
-+function eopen! {
- FILES=$@
- FILE=$(mapFileToClient $RELATIVE_FILE)
-@@ -468,8 +456,7 @@ eopen!() {
- done
- }
--exec!() {
-- # would break on files with whitespace in names
-+function exec! {
- FILES=$@
- ARGS=""
-@@ -485,16 +472,15 @@ exec!() {
- executeInApp "$ARGS"
- }
--copytohost!() {
-+function copytohost! {
- executeInApp "kioclient copy $1 $(mapFileToClient $2)"
- }
--copytoclient!() {
-+function copytoclient! {
- executeInApp "kioclient copy $(mapFileToClient $1) $2"
- }
--cexec!() {
-- # would break on files with whitespace in names
-+function cexec! {
- FILES=$@
- ARGS=""
-@@ -522,9 +508,9 @@ cexec!() {
- executeInApp "$PREFIX $ARGS"
- }
--create!() {
-- FILE=$(readlink -f "$1")
-- if [ -z "$FILE" ]; then
-+function create! {
-+ FILE=$(readlink -f $1)
-+ if ! [ "$FILE" ]; then
- echo "Error: Bad arguments."
- return 1
- fi
-@@ -532,12 +518,12 @@ create!() {
- echo "The file $FILE already exists"
- return 2
- fi
-- echo "$2" > $FILE
-+ echo $2 > $FILE
- openDocument $(mapFileToClient $FILE)
- }
--search!() {
-+function search! {
- # if ! [ "$PATTERN" ]; then
-@@ -547,26 +533,26 @@ search!() {
-- if [ -z "$LOCATION" ]; then
-+ if ! [ "$LOCATION" ]; then
- fi
-- LOCATION=$(mapFileToClient "$LOCATION")
-+ LOCATION=$(mapFileToClient $LOCATION)
-- for LOC in "$@"; do
-- if [ "X$LOC" == "X$1" ]; then
-+ for LOC in $*; do
-+ if [ "$LOC" == "$1" ]; then
- continue;
- fi
-- if [ "X$LOC" == "X$2" ]; then
-+ if [ "$LOC" == "$2" ]; then
- continue;
- fi
-- LOCATION="$LOCATION;$(mapFileToClient "$LOC")"
-+ LOCATION="$LOCATION;$(mapFileToClient $LOC)"
- done
-- qdbus "$KDEV_DBUS_ID" /org/kdevelop/GrepViewPlugin org.kdevelop.kdevelop.GrepViewPlugin.startSearch "$PATTERN" "$LOCATION" true
-+ qdbus $KDEV_DBUS_ID /org/kdevelop/GrepViewPlugin org.kdevelop.kdevelop.GrepViewPlugin.startSearch "$PATTERN" "$LOCATION" true
- }
--dsearch!() {
-+function dsearch! {
- if ! [ "$PATTERN" ]; then
-@@ -580,19 +566,19 @@ dsearch!() {
- fi
-- LOCATION=$(mapFileToClient "$LOCATION")
-+ LOCATION=$(mapFileToClient $LOCATION)
-- for LOC in "$@"; do
-- if [ "X$LOC" == "X$1" ]; then
-+ for LOC in $*; do
-+ if [ "$LOC" == "$1" ]; then
- continue;
- fi
-- if [ "X$LOC" == "X$2" ]; then
-+ if [ "$LOC" == "$2" ]; then
- continue;
- fi
-- LOCATION="$LOCATION;$(mapFileToClient "$LOC")"
-+ LOCATION="$LOCATION;$(mapFileToClient $LOC)"
- done
-- qdbus "$KDEV_DBUS_ID" /org/kdevelop/GrepViewPlugin org.kdevelop.kdevelop.GrepViewPlugin.startSearch "$PATTERN" "$LOCATION" false
-+ qdbus $KDEV_DBUS_ID /org/kdevelop/GrepViewPlugin org.kdevelop.kdevelop.GrepViewPlugin.startSearch "$PATTERN" "$LOCATION" false
- }
- ##### SSH DBUS FORWARDING --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@@ -610,12 +596,12 @@ export DBUS_FORWARDING_TCP_MAX_LOCAL_PORT=10000
--getPortFromSSHCommand() {
-+function getPortFromSSHCommand {
- # The port is given to ssh exclusively in the format "-p PORT"
- # This regular expression extracts the "4821" from "ssh -q bla1 -p 4821 bla2"
- local ARGS=$@
- local RET=$(echo "$@" | sed "s/.*-p \+\([0-9]*\).*/\1/")
-- if [ "X$ARGS" == "X$RET" ]; then
-+ if [ "$ARGS" == "$RET" ]; then
- # There was no match
- echo ""
- else
-@@ -623,12 +609,12 @@ getPortFromSSHCommand() {
- fi
- }
--getLoginFromSSHCommand() {
-+function getLoginFromSSHCommand {
- # The login name can be given to ssh in the format "-l NAME"
- # This regular expression extracts the "NAME" from "ssh -q bla1 -l NAME bla2"
- local ARGS=$@
- local RET=$(echo "$ARGS" | sed "s/.*-l \+\([a-z,A-Z,_,0-9]*\).*/\1/")
-- if [ "X$RET" == "X$ARGS" -o -z "$RET" ]; then
-+ if [ "$RET" == "$ARGS" ] || [ "$RET" == "" ]; then
- # There was no match
- echo ""
- else
-@@ -636,26 +622,25 @@ getLoginFromSSHCommand() {
- fi
- }
--getHostFromSSHCommand() {
-+function getHostFromSSHCommand {
- # This regular expression extracts the "bla2" from "echo "ssh -q bla1 -p 4821 bla2"
- # Specifically, it finds the first argument which is not preceded by a "-x" parameter kind specification.
-- # XXX This will break if you'd call, say, "ssh -v host ..."
- local CLEANED=""
- local NEWCLEANED="$@"
-- while ! [ "X$NEWCLEANED" == "X$CLEANED" ]; do
-+ while ! [ "$NEWCLEANED" == "$CLEANED" ]; do
- # This expression removes one "-x ARG" parameter
-- NEWCLEANED="$(echo "$CLEANED" | sed "s/\(.*\)\(-[a-z,A-Z] \+[a-z,0-9]*\)\ \(.*\)/\1\3/")"
-+ NEWCLEANED="$(echo $CLEANED | sed "s/\(.*\)\(-[a-z,A-Z] \+[a-z,0-9]*\)\ \(.*\)/\1\3/")"
- done
- # After cleaning, the result should only consist of the host-name followed by an optional command.
- # Select the host-name, by extracting the forst column.
-- echo "$CLEANED" | cut -d" " -f 1
-+ echo $CLEANED | cut --delimiter=" " -f 1
- }
--getSSHForwardOptionsFromCommand() {
-+function getSSHForwardOptionsFromCommand {
- HOST="$(getLoginFromSSHCommand "$@")$(getHostFromSSHCommand "$@")$(getPortFromSSHCommand "$@")"
-@@ -668,13 +653,13 @@ getSSHForwardOptionsFromCommand() {
- fi
- }
--getDBusAbstractSocketSuffix() {
-+function getDBusAbstractSocketSuffix {
- # From something like DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-wYmSkVH7FE,guid=b214dad39e0292a4299778d64d761a5b
- # extract the /tmp/dbus-wYmSkVH7FE
- echo $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS | sed 's/unix\:abstract\=.*\(,guid\=.*\)/\1/'
- }
--keepForwardingDBusToTCPSocket() {
-+function keepForwardingDBusToTCPSocket {
- while ! $KDEV_BASEDIR/kdev_dbus_socket_transformer $DBUS_FORWARDING_TCP_LOCAL_PORT --bind-only; do
-@@ -689,7 +674,7 @@ keepForwardingDBusToTCPSocket() {
- return 0;
- }
--keepForwardingDBusFromTCPSocket() {
-+function keepForwardingDBusFromTCPSocket {
-@@ -705,12 +690,11 @@ keepForwardingDBusFromTCPSocket() {
- $KDEV_BASEDIR/kdev_dbus_socket_transformer $FORWARD_DBUS_FROM_PORT $PATH&
- }
--ssh! () {
-- # XXX This entire function is broken by design
-+function ssh! {
- keepForwardingDBusToTCPSocket # Start the dbus forwarding subprocess
-@@ -742,17 +726,17 @@ ssh! () {
- }
- # A version of ssh! that preserves the current working directory
--ssw! () {
-+function ssw! {
-- ssh! "$@"
-+ ssh! $@
- }
--env! () {
-+function env! {
- FILES="$(executeInAppSync "ls $(getSessionDir)/*.sh" "")"
- for FILE in $FILES; do
-- FILE=$(basename "$FILE")
-+ FILE=$(basename $FILE)
- ID=${FILE%.sh} # This ugly construct strips away the .sh suffix
-- if [ "X$ID" == "X$KDEV_SHELL_ENVIRONMENT_ID" ]; then
-+ if [ "$ID" == "$KDEV_SHELL_ENVIRONMENT_ID" ]; then
- echo "$ID [current]"
- else
- echo "$ID"
-@@ -760,7 +744,7 @@ env! () {
- done
- }
--editenv! () {
-+function editenv! {
- if [ "$1" ]; then
- ENV_ID=$1
-@@ -771,7 +755,7 @@ editenv! () {
- openDocument "$(getCurrentShellEnvPath $ENV_ID)"
- }
--setenv! () {
-+function setenv! {
- if [ "$1" ]; then
- fi
-@@ -789,9 +773,9 @@ setenv! () {
- rm $TEMP
- }
--showenv! () {
-+function showenv! {
-- if [ -n "$1" ]; then
-+ if [ "$1" ]; then
- ENV_ID=$1
- fi
-@@ -801,13 +785,13 @@ showenv! () {
- echo $(executeInAppSync "cat \"$(getCurrentShellEnvPath $ENV_ID)\"" "")
- }
--if [ -n "$FORWARD_DBUS_FROM_PORT" ]; then
-+if [ "$FORWARD_DBUS_FROM_PORT" ]; then
- # Start the target-side dbus forwarding, transforming from the ssh pipe to the abstract unix domain socket
- keepForwardingDBusFromTCPSocket
- fi
- ##### INITIALIZATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@@ -816,6 +800,6 @@ PS1="!$PS1"
- echo "You are controlling the $APPLICATION session '$(getSessionName)'. Type help! for more information."
--if [ -n "$KDEV_WORKING_DIR" ]; then
-- cd -- "$KDEV_WORKING_DIR"
-+if [ "$KDEV_WORKING_DIR" ]; then
- fi
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