[packages/php/PHP_5_3] - rel 14; update libmagic from php5.6 (as our old 5.3 bundled libmagic segfaults easily)

arekm arekm at pld-linux.org
Tue Mar 24 12:28:12 CET 2015

commit 2f139b72597b02df51f1f0005b9300f0955bf9cd
Author: Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz <arekm at maven.pl>
Date:   Tue Mar 24 12:26:10 2015 +0100

    - rel 14; update libmagic from php5.6 (as our old 5.3 bundled libmagic segfaults easily)

 php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-2270.patch | 477 ------------------------------------------
 php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-3587.patch |  27 ---
 php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-3710.patch |  35 ----
 php.spec                      |  22 +-
 4 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 546 deletions(-)
diff --git a/php.spec b/php.spec
index 08f7f58..a35862d 100644
--- a/php.spec
+++ b/php.spec
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ ERROR: You need to select at least one Apache SAPI to build shared modules.
-%define		rel	13
+%define		rel	14
 %define		orgname	php
 %define		ver_suffix 53
 %define		php_suffix %{!?with_default_php:%{ver_suffix}}
@@ -210,20 +210,27 @@ Patch67:	php-litespeed.patch
 Patch68:	x32.patch
 Patch69:	fpm-conf-split.patch
 Patch70:	mysql-lib-ver-mismatch.patch
+# git clone git://github.com/php/php-src.git && git checkout PHP_5_6
+# git diff php-5.3.29..PHP-5.6 ./ext/fileinfo/libmagic > ~/rpm/packages/php/php-fileinfo.patch
+# git diff php-5.3.29..PHP-5.6 ./ext/fileinfo/config.m4 >> ~/rpm/packages/php/php-fileinfo.patch
+# git diff php-5.3.29..PHP-5.6 ./ext/fileinfo/Makefile.frag >> ~/rpm/packages/php/php-fileinfo.patch
+# git diff php-5.3.29..PHP-5.6 ./ext/fileinfo/data_file.c >> ~/rpm/packages/php/php-fileinfo.patch
+Patch71:	php-fileinfo.patch
+# Patch71-md5:	771e4934132c5f5c968248c954d1ef6e
 # Fixes for security bugs
 # https://repo.webtatic.com/yum/centos/5/SRPMS/repoview/php.html
 # also from RHEL6/CentOS7
 Patch220:	php-5.3.3-CVE-2011-4153.patch
-Patch238:	php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-2270.patch
 Patch247:	php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-2497.patch
-Patch248:	php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-3587.patch
 Patch249:	php-5.3.29-CVE-2014-3597.patch
 Patch250:	php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-4698.patch
 Patch251:	php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-4670.patch
 Patch252:	php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-3668.patch
 Patch253:	php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-3669.patch
 Patch254:	php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-3670.patch
-Patch255:	php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-3710.patch
 Patch256:	php-5.3.29-CVE-2014-8142.patch
 Patch257:	php-5.3.29-CVE-2015-0231.patch
 Patch258:	php-5.3.29-CVE-2015-0232.patch
@@ -2074,18 +2081,19 @@ cp -p php.ini-production php.ini
 gzip -dc %{SOURCE15} | tar xf - -C sapi/
 %patch67 -p1
 %patch70 -p1
+%patch71 -p1
 %patch220 -p1
-%patch238 -p1
 %patch247 -p1
-%patch248 -p1
 %patch249 -p1
 %patch250 -p1
 %patch251 -p1
 %patch252 -p1
 %patch253 -p1
 %patch254 -p1
-%patch255 -p1
 %patch256 -p1
 %patch257 -p1
 %patch258 -p1
diff --git a/php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-2270.patch b/php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-2270.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0990853..0000000
--- a/php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-2270.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/softmagic.c b/src/softmagic.c
-index 1f02fec..58a1cf7 100644
---- a/ext/fileinfo/libmagic/softmagic.c
-+++ b/ext/fileinfo/libmagic/softmagic.c
-@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ private void cvt_16(union VALUETYPE *, const struct magic *);
- private void cvt_32(union VALUETYPE *, const struct magic *);
- private void cvt_64(union VALUETYPE *, const struct magic *);
-+#define OFFSET_OOB(n, o, i)	((n) < (o) || (i) > ((n) - (o)))
- /*
-  * softmagic - lookup one file in parsed, in-memory copy of database
-  * Passed the name and FILE * of one file to be typed.
-@@ -1065,6 +1066,7 @@ mget(struct magic_set *ms, const unsigned char *s,
- {
- 	uint32_t offset = ms->offset;
- 	uint32_t count = m->str_range;
-+	uint32_t lhs;
- 	union VALUETYPE *p = &ms->ms_value;
- 	if (mcopy(ms, p, m->type, m->flag & INDIR, s, offset, nbytes, count) == -1)
-@@ -1116,7 +1118,7 @@ mget(struct magic_set *ms, const unsigned char *s,
- 		}
- 		switch (m->in_type) {
- 		case FILE_BYTE:
--			if (nbytes < (offset + 1))
-+			if (OFFSET_OOB(nbytes, offset, 1))
- 				return 0;
- 			if (off) {
- 				switch (m->in_op & FILE_OPS_MASK) {
-@@ -1151,111 +1153,79 @@ mget(struct magic_set *ms, const unsigned char *s,
- 				offset = ~offset;
- 			break;
- 		case FILE_BESHORT:
--			if (nbytes < (offset + 2))
-+			if (OFFSET_OOB(nbytes, offset, 2))
- 				return 0;
-+			lhs = (p->hs[0] << 8) | p->hs[1];
- 			if (off) {
- 				switch (m->in_op & FILE_OPS_MASK) {
- 				case FILE_OPAND:
--					offset = (short)((p->hs[0]<<8)|
--							 (p->hs[1])) &
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs & off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPOR:
--					offset = (short)((p->hs[0]<<8)|
--							 (p->hs[1])) |
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs | off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPXOR:
--					offset = (short)((p->hs[0]<<8)|
--							 (p->hs[1])) ^
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs ^ off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPADD:
--					offset = (short)((p->hs[0]<<8)|
--							 (p->hs[1])) +
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs + off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPMINUS:
--					offset = (short)((p->hs[0]<<8)|
--							 (p->hs[1])) -
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs - off;
- 					break;
--					offset = (short)((p->hs[0]<<8)|
--							 (p->hs[1])) *
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs * off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPDIVIDE:
--					offset = (short)((p->hs[0]<<8)|
--							 (p->hs[1])) /
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs / off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPMODULO:
--					offset = (short)((p->hs[0]<<8)|
--							 (p->hs[1])) %
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs % off;
- 					break;
- 				}
- 			} else
--				offset = (short)((p->hs[0]<<8)|
--						 (p->hs[1]));
-+				offset = lhs;
- 			if (m->in_op & FILE_OPINVERSE)
- 				offset = ~offset;
- 			break;
- 		case FILE_LESHORT:
--			if (nbytes < (offset + 2))
-+			if (OFFSET_OOB(nbytes, offset, 2))
- 				return 0;
-+			lhs = (p->hs[1] << 8) | p->hs[0];
- 			if (off) {
- 				switch (m->in_op & FILE_OPS_MASK) {
- 				case FILE_OPAND:
--					offset = (short)((p->hs[1]<<8)|
--							 (p->hs[0])) &
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs & off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPOR:
--					offset = (short)((p->hs[1]<<8)|
--							 (p->hs[0])) |
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs | off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPXOR:
--					offset = (short)((p->hs[1]<<8)|
--							 (p->hs[0])) ^
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs ^ off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPADD:
--					offset = (short)((p->hs[1]<<8)|
--							 (p->hs[0])) +
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs + off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPMINUS:
--					offset = (short)((p->hs[1]<<8)|
--							 (p->hs[0])) -
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs - off;
- 					break;
--					offset = (short)((p->hs[1]<<8)|
--							 (p->hs[0])) *
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs * off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPDIVIDE:
--					offset = (short)((p->hs[1]<<8)|
--							 (p->hs[0])) /
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs / off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPMODULO:
--					offset = (short)((p->hs[1]<<8)|
--							 (p->hs[0])) %
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs % off;
- 					break;
- 				}
- 			} else
--				offset = (short)((p->hs[1]<<8)|
--						 (p->hs[0]));
-+				offset = lhs;
- 			if (m->in_op & FILE_OPINVERSE)
- 				offset = ~offset;
- 			break;
- 		case FILE_SHORT:
--			if (nbytes < (offset + 2))
-+			if (OFFSET_OOB(nbytes, offset, 2))
- 				return 0;
- 			if (off) {
- 				switch (m->in_op & FILE_OPS_MASK) {
-@@ -1292,218 +1262,119 @@ mget(struct magic_set *ms, const unsigned char *s,
- 			break;
- 		case FILE_BELONG:
- 		case FILE_BEID3:
--			if (nbytes < (offset + 4))
-+			if (OFFSET_OOB(nbytes, offset, 4))
- 				return 0;
-+			lhs = (p->hl[0] << 24) | (p->hl[1] << 16) |
-+			    (p->hl[2] << 8) | p->hl[3];
- 			if (off) {
- 				switch (m->in_op & FILE_OPS_MASK) {
- 				case FILE_OPAND:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[0]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[1]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[2]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[3])) &
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs & off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPOR:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[0]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[1]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[2]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[3])) |
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs | off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPXOR:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[0]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[1]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[2]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[3])) ^
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs ^ off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPADD:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[0]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[1]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[2]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[3])) +
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs + off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPMINUS:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[0]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[1]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[2]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[3])) -
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs - off;
- 					break;
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[0]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[1]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[2]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[3])) *
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs * off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPDIVIDE:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[0]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[1]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[2]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[3])) /
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs / off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPMODULO:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[0]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[1]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[2]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[3])) %
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs % off;
- 					break;
- 				}
- 			} else
--				offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[0]<<24)|
--						 (p->hl[1]<<16)|
--						 (p->hl[2]<<8)|
--						 (p->hl[3]));
-+				offset = lhs;
- 			if (m->in_op & FILE_OPINVERSE)
- 				offset = ~offset;
- 			break;
- 		case FILE_LELONG:
- 		case FILE_LEID3:
--			if (nbytes < (offset + 4))
-+			if (OFFSET_OOB(nbytes, offset, 4))
- 				return 0;
-+			lhs = (p->hl[3] << 24) | (p->hl[2] << 16) |
-+			    (p->hl[1] << 8) | p->hl[0];
- 			if (off) {
- 				switch (m->in_op & FILE_OPS_MASK) {
- 				case FILE_OPAND:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[3]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[2]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[1]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[0])) &
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs & off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPOR:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[3]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[2]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[1]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[0])) |
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs | off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPXOR:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[3]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[2]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[1]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[0])) ^
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs ^ off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPADD:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[3]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[2]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[1]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[0])) +
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs + off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPMINUS:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[3]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[2]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[1]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[0])) -
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs - off;
- 					break;
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[3]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[2]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[1]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[0])) *
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs * off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPDIVIDE:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[3]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[2]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[1]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[0])) /
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs / off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPMODULO:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[3]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[2]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[1]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[0])) %
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs % off;
- 					break;
- 				}
- 			} else
--				offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[3]<<24)|
--						 (p->hl[2]<<16)|
--						 (p->hl[1]<<8)|
--						 (p->hl[0]));
-+				offset = lhs;
- 			if (m->in_op & FILE_OPINVERSE)
- 				offset = ~offset;
- 			break;
- 		case FILE_MELONG:
--			if (nbytes < (offset + 4))
-+			if (OFFSET_OOB(nbytes, offset, 4))
- 				return 0;
-+			lhs = (p->hl[1] << 24) | (p->hl[0] << 16) |
-+			    (p->hl[3] << 8) | p->hl[2];
- 			if (off) {
- 				switch (m->in_op & FILE_OPS_MASK) {
- 				case FILE_OPAND:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[1]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[0]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[3]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[2])) &
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs & off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPOR:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[1]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[0]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[3]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[2])) |
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs | off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPXOR:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[1]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[0]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[3]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[2])) ^
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs ^ off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPADD:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[1]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[0]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[3]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[2])) +
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs + off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPMINUS:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[1]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[0]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[3]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[2])) -
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs - off;
- 					break;
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[1]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[0]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[3]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[2])) *
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs * off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPDIVIDE:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[1]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[0]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[3]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[2])) /
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs / off;
- 					break;
- 				case FILE_OPMODULO:
--					offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[1]<<24)|
--							 (p->hl[0]<<16)|
--							 (p->hl[3]<<8)|
--							 (p->hl[2])) %
--						 off;
-+					offset = lhs % off;
- 					break;
- 				}
- 			} else
--				offset = (int32_t)((p->hl[1]<<24)|
--						 (p->hl[0]<<16)|
--						 (p->hl[3]<<8)|
--						 (p->hl[2]));
-+				offset = lhs;
- 			if (m->in_op & FILE_OPINVERSE)
- 				offset = ~offset;
- 			break;
- 		case FILE_LONG:
--			if (nbytes < (offset + 4))
-+			if (OFFSET_OOB(nbytes, offset, 4))
- 				return 0;
- 			if (off) {
- 				switch (m->in_op & FILE_OPS_MASK) {
-@@ -1570,14 +1441,14 @@ mget(struct magic_set *ms, const unsigned char *s,
- 	/* Verify we have enough data to match magic type */
- 	switch (m->type) {
- 	case FILE_BYTE:
--		if (nbytes < (offset + 1)) /* should alway be true */
-+		if (OFFSET_OOB(nbytes, offset, 1))
- 			return 0;
- 		break;
- 	case FILE_SHORT:
--		if (nbytes < (offset + 2))
-+		if (OFFSET_OOB(nbytes, offset, 2))
- 			return 0;
- 		break;
-@@ -1596,26 +1467,26 @@ mget(struct magic_set *ms, const unsigned char *s,
- 	case FILE_FLOAT:
--		if (nbytes < (offset + 4))
-+		if (OFFSET_OOB(nbytes, offset, 4))
- 			return 0;
- 		break;
- 	case FILE_DOUBLE:
--		if (nbytes < (offset + 8))
-+		if (OFFSET_OOB(nbytes, offset, 8))
- 			return 0;
- 		break;
- 	case FILE_STRING:
- 	case FILE_SEARCH:
--		if (nbytes < (offset + m->vallen))
-+		if (OFFSET_OOB(nbytes, offset, m->vallen))
- 			return 0;
- 		break;
- 	case FILE_REGEX:
--		if (nbytes < offset)
-+		if (nbytes < offset)
- 			return 0;
- 		break;
-@@ -1623,7 +1494,7 @@ mget(struct magic_set *ms, const unsigned char *s,
- 	  	if ((ms->flags & (MAGIC_MIME|MAGIC_APPLE)) == 0 &&
- 		    file_printf(ms, m->desc) == -1)
- 			return -1;
--		if (nbytes < offset)
-+		if (nbytes < offset)
- 			return 0;
- 		return file_softmagic(ms, s + offset, nbytes - offset,
- 		    BINTEST);
diff --git a/php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-3587.patch b/php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-3587.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 209b57f..0000000
--- a/php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-3587.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From 0641e56be1af003aa02c7c6b0184466540637233 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Christos Zoulas <christos at zoulas.com>
-Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2014 09:38:35 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] Prevent wrap around (Remi Collet at redhat)
- src/cdf.c | 6 +++++-
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/cdf.c b/src/cdf.c
-index 5dbf3b1..3e691f4 100644
---- a/ext/fileinfo/libmagic/cdf.c	2014-08-14 14:40:06.875720471 +0200
-+++ b/ext/fileinfo/libmagic/cdf.c	2014-08-14 14:41:19.907273015 +0200
-@@ -768,6 +768,10 @@
- 		q = (const uint32_t *)(const void *)
- 		    ((const char *)(const void *)p + ofs
- 		    - 2 * sizeof(uint32_t));
-+		if (q < p) {
-+			DPRINTF(("Wrapped around %p < %p\n", q, p));
-+			goto out;
-+		}
- 		if (q > e) {
- 			DPRINTF(("Ran of the end %p > %p\n", q, e));
- 			goto out;
diff --git a/php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-3710.patch b/php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-3710.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d1a9971..0000000
--- a/php-5.3.3-CVE-2014-3710.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-From 1803228597e82218a8c105e67975bc50e6f5bf0d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Remi Collet <remi at php.net>
-Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 15:37:04 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix bug #68283: fileinfo: out-of-bounds read in elf note
- headers
-Upstream commit
-CVE -2014-3710
- ext/fileinfo/libmagic/readelf.c | 7 +++++++
- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/ext/fileinfo/libmagic/readelf.c b/ext/fileinfo/libmagic/readelf.c
-index 1c3845f..bb6f70f 100644
---- a/ext/fileinfo/libmagic/readelf.c
-+++ b/ext/fileinfo/libmagic/readelf.c
-@@ -372,6 +372,13 @@ donote(struct magic_set *ms, void *vbuf, size_t offset, size_t size,
- #endif
- 	uint32_t namesz, descsz;
-+	if (xnh_sizeof + offset > size) {
-+		/*
-+		 * We're out of note headers.
-+		 */
-+		return xnh_sizeof + offset;
-+	}
- 	(void)memcpy(xnh_addr, &nbuf[offset], xnh_sizeof);
- 	offset += xnh_sizeof;

---- gitweb:


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