[packages/nagios-plugins] up to 2.0.3, security fixes
glen at pld-linux.org
Sun Apr 12 09:50:50 CEST 2015
commit 9f007f1c9bf54ef3ca192cd0ba1b5fc97a7a7582
Author: Elan Ruusamäe <glen at delfi.ee>
Date: Sun Apr 12 00:58:22 2015 +0300
up to 2.0.3, security fixes
mawk-workaround.patch | 168 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
nagios-plugins.spec | 8 +--
2 files changed, 153 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
diff --git a/nagios-plugins.spec b/nagios-plugins.spec
index 4b35e52..ee0f5d5 100644
--- a/nagios-plugins.spec
+++ b/nagios-plugins.spec
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
Summary: Host/service/network monitoring program plugins for Nagios
Summary(pl.UTF-8): Wtyczki do monitorowania hostów/usług/sieci dla Nagiosa
Name: nagios-plugins
-Version: 2.0.1
-Release: 2
+Version: 2.0.3
+Release: 1
License: GPL v3
Group: Networking
Source0: http://www.nagios-plugins.org/download/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
-# Source0-md5: 70daeb6d2d9ea7d41827488b80782a60
-# http://git.pld-linux.org/cgi-bin/cgit.cgi/projects/nagios-config.git/
+# Source0-md5: 6755765bab88b506181268ef7982595e
+# https://git.pld-linux.org/projects/nagios-config
Source1: %{name}-config-20140307.tar.bz2
# Source1-md5: de5c205501cb89c183193d4088d48222
Source2: nagios-utils.php
diff --git a/mawk-workaround.patch b/mawk-workaround.patch
index c71fd1e..12cbbab 100644
--- a/mawk-workaround.patch
+++ b/mawk-workaround.patch
@@ -6,37 +6,167 @@ mawk: run time error: regular expression compile failed (missing operand)
/usr/lib/nullmailer' || -d '/usr/local/lib/nullmailer
FILENAME="check_mailq.pl" FNR=627 NR=627
+however upstream removed autodetection (GRRR), revert that change
this is resolved differently in monitoring-plugins:
---- nagios-plugins-2.0.1/plugins-scripts/check_mailq.pl~ 2014-04-21 14:33:35.000000000 +0300
-+++ nagios-plugins-2.0.1/plugins-scripts/check_mailq.pl 2014-04-21 14:33:37.760719061 +0300
-@@ -610,17 +610,22 @@
- {
- $mailq = 'qmail';
+--- nagios-plugins-2.0.3/plugins-scripts/check_mailq.pl 2015-04-12 00:49:58.451674277 +0300
++++ nagios-plugins-2.0.1/plugins-scripts/check_mailq.pl 2015-04-12 00:49:01.892078238 +0300
+@@ -199,20 +199,20 @@
+ ## now check the queue length(s)
+ if ($msg_q == 0) {
+- $msg = "OK: mailq is empty";
++ $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq is empty";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
+ } else {
+ print "msg_q = $msg_q warn=$opt_w crit=$opt_c\n" if $verbose;
+ # overall queue length
+ if ($msg_q < $opt_w) {
+- $msg = "OK: mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
++ $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
+ }elsif ($msg_q >= $opt_w && $msg_q < $opt_c) {
+- $msg = "WARNING: mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
++ $msg = "WARNING: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
+ }else {
+- $msg = "CRITICAL: mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
++ $msg = "CRITICAL: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
-- elsif (-d '/var/lib/postfix' || -d '/var/local/lib/postfix'
-- || -e '/usr/sbin/postfix' || -e '/usr/local/sbin/postfix')
+@@ -344,20 +344,20 @@
+ # check queue length(s)
+ if ($msg_q == 0){
+- $msg = "OK: mailq reports queue is empty";
++ $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq reports queue is empty";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
+ } else {
+ print "msg_q = $msg_q warn=$opt_w crit=$opt_c\n" if $verbose;
+ # overall queue length
+ if ($msg_q < $opt_w) {
+- $msg = "OK: mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
++ $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
+ }elsif ($msg_q >= $opt_w && $msg_q < $opt_c) {
+- $msg = "WARNING: mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
++ $msg = "WARNING: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
+ }else {
+- $msg = "CRITICAL: mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
++ $msg = "CRITICAL: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
+ }
+@@ -431,13 +431,13 @@
+ # overall queue length
+ if ($msg_q < $opt_w) {
+- $msg = "OK: mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
++ $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
+ }elsif ($msg_q >= $opt_w && $msg_q < $opt_c) {
+- $msg = "WARNING: mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
++ $msg = "WARNING: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
+ }else {
+- $msg = "CRITICAL: mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
++ $msg = "CRITICAL: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
+ }
+@@ -489,13 +489,13 @@
+ }
+ if ($msg_q < $opt_w) {
+- $msg = "OK: mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
++ $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
+ }elsif ($msg_q >= $opt_w && $msg_q < $opt_c) {
+- $msg = "WARNING: mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
++ $msg = "WARNING: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
+ }else {
+- $msg = "CRITICAL: mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
++ $msg = "CRITICAL: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
+ }
+ } # end of ($mailq eq "exim")
+@@ -526,13 +526,13 @@
+ }
+ close(MAILQ) ;
+ if ($msg_q < $opt_w) {
+- $msg = "OK: mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
++ $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
+ }elsif ($msg_q >= $opt_w && $msg_q < $opt_c) {
+- $msg = "WARNING: mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
++ $msg = "WARNING: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
+ }else {
+- $msg = "CRITICAL: mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
++ $msg = "CRITICAL: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
+ }
+ } # end of ($mailq eq "nullmailer")
+@@ -605,7 +605,35 @@
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ }else{
+- $mailq = 'sendmail' ;
++ if (defined $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT
++ && -x $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT)
++ {
++ $mailq = 'qmail';
++ }
+ elsif (-d '/var/lib/postfix'
+ || -d '/var/local/lib/postfix'
+ || -e '/usr/sbin/postfix'
+ || -e '/usr/local/sbin/postfix')
- {
- $mailq = 'postfix';
- }
-- elsif (-d '/usr/lib/exim4' || -d '/usr/local/lib/exim4'
-- || -e '/usr/sbin/exim' || -e '/usr/local/sbin/exim')
++ {
++ $mailq = 'postfix';
++ }
+ elsif (-d '/usr/lib/exim4'
+ || -d '/usr/local/lib/exim4'
+ || -e '/usr/sbin/exim'
+ || -e '/usr/local/sbin/exim')
- {
- $mailq = 'exim';
- }
-- elsif (-d '/usr/lib/nullmailer' || -d '/usr/local/lib/nullmailer'
++ {
++ $mailq = 'exim';
++ }
+ elsif (-d '/usr/lib/nullmailer'
+ || -d '/usr/local/lib/nullmailer'
- || -e '/usr/sbin/nullmailer-send'
- || -e '/usr/local/sbin/nullmailer-send')
- {
++ || -e '/usr/sbin/nullmailer-send'
++ || -e '/usr/local/sbin/nullmailer-send')
++ {
++ $mailq = 'nullmailer';
++ }
++ else {
++ $mailq = 'sendmail';
++ }
+ }
+ return $ERRORS{'OK'};
+@@ -628,7 +656,7 @@
+ print "-W (--Warning) = Min. number of messages for same domain in queue to generate warning\n";
+ print "-C (--Critical) = Min. number of messages for same domain in queue to generate critical alert ( W < C )\n";
+ print "-t (--timeout) = Plugin timeout in seconds (default = $utils::TIMEOUT)\n";
+- print "-M (--mailserver) = [ sendmail | qmail | postfix | exim | nullmailer ] (default = sendmail)\n";
++ print "-M (--mailserver) = [ sendmail | qmail | postfix | exim | nullmailer ] (default = autodetect)\n";
+ print "-h (--help)\n";
+ print "-V (--version)\n";
+ print "-v (--verbose) = debugging output\n";
+@@ -636,6 +664,8 @@
+ print "Note: -w and -c are required arguments. -W and -C are optional.\n";
+ print " -W and -C are applied to domains listed on the queues - both FROM and TO. (sendmail)\n";
+ print " -W and -C are applied message not yet preproccessed. (qmail)\n";
++ print " This plugin tries to autodetect which mailserver you are running,\n";
++ print " you can override the autodetection with -M.\n";
+ print " This plugin uses the system mailq command (sendmail) or qmail-stat (qmail)\n";
+ print " to look at the queues. Mailq can usually only be accessed by root or \n";
+ print " a TrustedUser. You will have to set appropriate permissions for the plugin to work.\n";
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