[packages/vim] updated to 7.4.1229

arekm arekm at pld-linux.org
Mon Feb 1 21:38:01 CET 2016

commit 9d465e76fc9e74c7e8e2e1e8d0aeaa95aaa6588e
Author: Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz <arekm at maven.pl>
Date:   Mon Feb 1 21:18:51 2016 +0100

    updated to 7.4.1229
    7.4.980  tests for :cdo, :ldo, etc. are outdated
    7.4.981  an error in a test script goes unnoticed
    7.4.982  keeping the list of tests updated is a hassle
    7.4.983  executing one test after "make testclean" doesn't work
    7.4.984  searchpos() always starts searching in the first column
    7.4.985  can't build with Ruby 2.3.0
    7.4.986  test49 doesn't work on MS-Windows, test70 is listed twice
    7.4.987  (after 7.4.985) can't build with Ruby 1.9.2
    7.4.988  (after 7.4.982) default test target is test49.out
    7.4.989  leaking memory when hash_add() fails; Coverity error 99126
    7.4.990  test 86 fails on AppVeyor
    7.4.991  when running new style tests the output is not visible
    7.4.992  makefiles for MS-Windows in src/po are outdated
    7.4.993  test 87 is flaky on AppVeyor
    7.4.994  new style tests are not run on MS-Windows
    7.4.995  gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline() is deprecated
    7.4.996  new files missing from distro, outdated PC build instructions
    7.4.997  "make shadow" was sometimes broken
    7.4.998  running tests in shadow directory fails; test 49 fails
    7.4.999  "make shadow" creates a broken link
    7.4.1000  test 49 is slow and doesn't work on MS-Windows
    7.4.1001  (after 7.4.1000) change in makefile missing
    7.4.1002  cannot run an individual test on MS-Windows
    7.4.1003  Travis could check a few more things
    7.4.1004  warnings when using Makefile without auto/config.mk
    7.4.1005  Vim users are not always happy
    7.4.1006  the fix in patch 7.3.192 is not tested
    7.4.1007  swapfile wrong when symbolic link points to file in root dir
    7.4.1008  OS/2 code pollutes the source while nobody uses it these days
    7.4.1009  there are still #ifdefs for ARCHIE
    7.4.1010  some developers are unhappy while running tests
    7.4.1011  can't build with Strawberry Perl
    7.4.1012  Vim overwrites the value of $PYTHONHOME
    7.4.1013  local value of 'errorformat' not used for :lexpr and :cexpr
    7.4.1014  fnamemodify('.', ':.') returns an empty string in Cygwin
    7.4.1015  matchparen plugin does not restore column in Insert mode
    7.4.1016  still a few OS/2 pieces remain
    7.4.1017  when there is a backslash in an option ":set -=" doesn't work
    7.4.1018  (after 7.4.1017) failure running tests
    7.4.1019  directory listing of "src" is too long
    7.4.1020  on MS-Windows there is no target to run tests with gvim
    7.4.1021  some makefiles are outdated
    7.4.1022  the README file contains some outdated information
    7.4.1023  MS-Windows distribution files use CR-LF instead of LF
    7.4.1024  interfaces for MS-Windows are outdated
    7.4.1025  version in installer needs to be updated manually
    7.4.1026  running tests with MingW leaves directory behind
    7.4.1027  no support for binary numbers
    7.4.1028  Nsis version file missing from the distribution
    7.4.1029  (after 7.4.1027) test_increment fails with 32 bit long
    7.4.1030  test49 is still slow
    7.4.1031  can't build with Python interface using MingW
    7.4.1032  message from assert_false() does not look nice
    7.4.1033  memory use on MS-Windows is very conservative
    7.4.1034  there is no test for the 'backspace' option behavior
    7.4.1035  non-line number Ex range gets adjusted for folded lines
    7.4.1036  only terminals with up to 256 colors work properly
    7.4.1037  need to repeat "q!" when there is a modified hidden buffer
    7.4.1038  still get a deprecation warning with gdk-pixbuf 2.31
    7.4.1039  (after 7.4.1037) test 31 fails with small build
    7.4.1040  the tee command can't be build on MS-Windows
    7.4.1041  various small things
    7.4.1042  there is no way to get the word count in a script
    7.4.1043  another small thing
    7.4.1044  (after 7.4.1042) can't build without the +eval feature
    7.4.1045  can't see coverage if shadow and coverage on the same build
    7.4.1046  no test coverage for menus
    7.4.1047  (after patch 7.4.1042) tests fail on MS-Windows
    7.4.1048  (after patch 7.4.1047) test still fails on MS-Windows
    7.4.1049  (after patch 7.4.1048) test still still fails on MS-Windows
    7.4.1050  warning for unused var with tiny features
    7.4.1051  segfault when unletting "count"
    7.4.1052  illegal memory access with weird syntax command
    7.4.1053  insufficient testing for quickfix commands
    7.4.1054  illegal memory access
    7.4.1055  running "make newtests" in src/testdir has no output
    7.4.1056  don't know why finding spell suggestions is slow
    7.4.1057  typos in the :options window
    7.4.1058  not possible to test behavior when memory allocation fails
    7.4.1059  code is never executed
    7.4.1060  instructions for writing tests are outdated
    7.4.1061  compiler warning for ignoring return value of fwrite()
    7.4.1062  building with Ruby on MS-Windows requires a lot of arguments
    7.4.1063  TCL variables are not set when building with Cygwin and MingW
    7.4.1064  with single letter compounding spell suggestions are slow
    7.4.1065  cannot use the "dll" options on MS-Windows
    7.4.1066  (after 7.4.1065) build fails on MS-Windows
    7.4.1067  (after 7.4.1065) Can't build with MingW+Python on MS-Windows
    7.4.1068  wrong way to check for unletting internal variables
    7.4.1069  compiler warning for unused argument
    7.4.1070  the Tcl interface can't be loaded dynamically on Unix
    7.4.1071  new style tests are executed in arbitrary order
    7.4.1072  increment test is old style
    7.4.1073  alloc_id depends on numbers, may use the same one twice
    7.4.1074  warning from VX2015 compiler
    7.4.1075  crash when using an invalid command
    7.4.1076  CTRL-A does not work well in right-left mode
    7.4.1077  the build instructions for MS-Windows are incomplete
    7.4.1078  MSVC: "make clean" doesn't cleanup in the tee directory
    7.4.1079  (after 7.4.1073) file missing from distribution
    7.4.1080  VS2015 HandleToLong() is shadowed by a Vim macro
    7.4.1081  no test for what previously caused a crash
    7.4.1082  the Tcl interface is always skipping memory free on exit
    7.4.1083  building GvimExt with VS2015 may fail
    7.4.1084  repeating CTRL-A in Visual mode increments the wrong numbers
    7.4.1085  the CTRL-A and CTRL-X commands do not update '[ and '] marks
    7.4.1086  crash with an extremely long buffer name
    7.4.1087  CTRL-A and CTRL-X work badly with blockwise visual selection
    7.4.1088  Coverity warns for uninitialized variables
    7.4.1089  repeating CTRL-A doesn't work
    7.4.1090  no tests for :hardcopy and related options
    7.4.1091  2 sec delay when making change while need_wait_return is set
    7.4.1092  is not simple to test for an exception
    7.4.1093  typo in test goes unnoticed
    7.4.1094  test for :hardcopy fails on MS-Windows
    7.4.1095  can't build GvimExt with SDK 7.1
    7.4.1096  need several lines to verify a command produces an error
    7.4.1097  looking up the alloc ID for tests fails
    7.4.1098  still using old style C function declarations
    7.4.1100  Cygwin makefiles are unused
    7.4.1101  cursor in wrong position with 'rightleft' and concealing
    7.4.1102  debugger has no stack backtrace support
    7.4.1103  removed file still in distribution
    7.4.1104  various problems building with MzScheme/Racket
    7.4.1105  with slices there is a mixup of variable name and namespace
    7.4.1106  the nsis script can't be used from the appveyor build
    7.4.1107  Vim can create a directory but not delete it
    7.4.1108  expanding "~" halfway a file name
    7.4.1109  (after 7.4.1107) MS-Windows doesn't have rmdir()
    7.4.1110  test 108 fails when language is French
    7.4.1111  test_expand fails on MS-Windows
    7.4.1112  no error is reported for ":next" with an illegal file name
    7.4.1113  (after 7.4.1105) using {ns} in variable name does not work
    7.4.1114  (after 7.4.1107) delete() does not handle symbolic links
    7.4.1115  MS-Windows: make clean in testdir doesn't clean everything
    7.4.1116  delete(x, 'rf') does not delete files starting with a dot
    7.4.1117  (after 7.4.1116) no longer get "." and ".." in directory list
    7.4.1118  tests hang in 24 line terminal
    7.4.1119  argidx() has a wrong value after ":%argdelete"
    7.4.1120  delete(x, 'rf') fails if a directory is empty
    7.4.1121  test_expand leaves files behind
    7.4.1122  test 92 and 93 fail with gvim on system with non utf-8 locale
    7.4.1123  using ":argadd" makes wrong arg the current one
    7.4.1124  MS-Windows: dead key behavior is not ideal
    7.4.1125  there is no perleval()
    7.4.1126  can only get the directory of the current window
    7.4.1127  both old and new style tests for Perl
    7.4.1128  MS-Windows: delete() does not recognize junctions
    7.4.1129  Python None value can't be converted to a Vim value
    7.4.1130  memory leak in :vimgrep
    7.4.1131  new lines in the viminfo file are dropped
    7.4.1133  generated function prototypes still have __ARGS()
    7.4.1134  the arglist test fails on MS-Windows
    7.4.1135  one more arglist test fails on MS-Windows
    7.4.1136  wrong argument to assert_exception() causes a crash
    7.4.1137  illegal memory access when using :copen and :cclose
    7.4.1138  when running gvim in the foreground some icons are missing
    7.4.1139  MS-Windows: getftype() returns "file for symlink to directory
    7.4.1140  recognizing <sid> does not work when the language is Turkish
    7.4.1141  searchpair() with a syntax skip expression may not work
    7.4.1142  cannot define keyword characters for a syntax file
    7.4.1143  can't sort on floating point numbers
    7.4.1144  (after 7.4.1143) can't build on several systems
    7.4.1145  default features are conservative
    7.4.1146  can't build with Python 3 interface using MingW
    7.4.1147  conflict for "chartab"
    7.4.1148  default for MingW and Cygwin is still "normal"
    7.4.1149  (after 7.4.1013) problem with using local value of 'efm'
    7.4.1150  'langmap' applies to the first character typed in Select mode
    7.4.1151  (after 7.4.1150) missing change to eval.c
    7.4.1152  (after 7.4.1150) langmap test fails with normal build
    7.4.1153  autocommands for quickfix cannot always get current title
    7.4.1154  no support for JSON
    7.4.1155  (after 7.4.1154) build with normal features fails
    7.4.1156  Coverity warns for NULL pointer and ignoring return value
    7.4.1157  type() does not work for v:true, v:none, etc.
    7.4.1158  still using __ARGS()
    7.4.1159  automatically generated function prototypes use __ARGS
    7.4.1160  no error for jsondecode('"')
    7.4.1161  ":argadd" without argument does not work as documented
    7.4.1162  missing error number in MzScheme
    7.4.1163  expressions "0 + v:true" and "'' . v:true" cause an error
    7.4.1164  can't compare special vars; jsondecode() doesn't report error
    7.4.1165  build fails when defining DYNAMIC_ICONV_DLL in the makefile
    7.4.1166  jsonencode() doesn't handle Funcref and repeated list right
    7.4.1167  no tests for "is" and "isnot" with the new variables
    7.4.1168  this doesn't give the right result: eval(string(v:true))
    7.4.1169  the socket I/O is intertwined with the netbeans code
    7.4.1170  (after 7.4.1169) missing changes in src/Makefile, Filelist
    7.4.1171  Makefile dependencies are outdated
    7.4.1172  (after 7.4.1169) configure is overly positive
    7.4.1173  (after 7.4.1168) no test for new behavior of v:true et al.
    7.4.1174  netbeans contains dead code insde #ifndef INIT_SOCKETS
    7.4.1175  (after 7.4.1169) can't build with Mingw and Cygwin
    7.4.1176  missing change to proto file
    7.4.1177  the +channel feature is not in :version output
    7.4.1178  empty() doesn't work for the new special variables
    7.4.1179  test_writefile and test_viml do not delete the tempfile
    7.4.1180  crash with invalid argument to glob2regpat()
    7.4.1181  free_tv() can't handle special variables
    7.4.1182  still socket code intertwined with netbeans
    7.4.1183  (after 7.4.1182) MS-Windows build is broken
    7.4.1184  MS-Windows build is still broken
    7.4.1185  can't build with TCL on some systems
    7.4.1186  error messages for security context are hard to translate
    7.4.1187  MS-Windows channel code only supports one channel
    7.4.1188  using older JSON standard
    7.4.1189  (after 7.4.1165) can't use another language on MS-Windows
    7.4.1190  on OSX the default flag for dlopen() is different
    7.4.1191  the channel feature isn't working yet
    7.4.1192  can't build with FEAT_EVAL but without FEAT_MBYTE
    7.4.1193  can't build the channel feature on MS-Windows
    7.4.1194  compiler warning for not using return value of fwrite()
    7.4.1195  the channel feature does not work in the MS-Windows console
    7.4.1196  still using __ARGS
    7.4.1197  still using __ARGS
    7.4.1198  still using __ARGS
    7.4.1199  still using __ARGS
    7.4.1201  still using __ARGS
    7.4.1202  can't build on Mac
    7.4.1203  still using __ARGS (corrected patch)
    7.4.1204  latin1 characters cause encoding conversion
    7.4.1205  using old style function declarations
    7.4.1206  using old style function declarations
    7.4.1207  using old style function declarations
    7.4.1208  using old style function declarations
    7.4.1209  (after 7.4.1207) can't build with Athena
    7.4.1210  using old style function declarations
    7.4.1211  using old style function declarations
    7.4.1212  (after 7.4.1207) can't build with Motif
    7.4.1213  using old style function declarations
    7.4.1214  using old style function declarations
    7.4.1215  using old style function declarations
    7.4.1216  still using HAVE_STDARG_H
    7.4.1217  execution of command on channel doesn't work yet
    7.4.1218  missing change in configure, more changes for function style
    7.4.1219  build fails with +channel but without +float
    7.4.1220  warnings for unused variables in tiny build
    7.4.1221  tiny and small builds include too many features
    7.4.1222  ":normal" command and others missing in tiny build (fixed)
    7.4.1223  crash when setting v:errors to a number
    7.4.1224  build problems with GTK on BSD
    7.4.1225  still a few old style function declarations
    7.4.1226  GRESOURCE_HDR is unused
    7.4.1227  compiler warnings
    7.4.1228  copy() and deepcopy() fail with special variables
    7.4.1229  "eval" and "expr" channel commands don't work yet

 sources  | 250 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 vim.spec |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 251 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/vim.spec b/vim.spec
index 9b57c52..2205e04 100644
--- a/vim.spec
+++ b/vim.spec
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 # VCS Commits: https://github.com/vim/vim/commits/master
 %define		ver		7.4.979
-%define		rel		4
+%define		rel		1
 Summary:	Vi IMproved - a Vi clone
 Summary(de.UTF-8):	VIsual editor iMproved
 Summary(es.UTF-8):	Editor visual incrementado
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index bf086cf..78fb94d 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -977,3 +977,253 @@ b25951ca4903040c4b313d16d118ac94  7.4.976
 91be76103e4750f5c4d3937c22d18c27  7.4.977
 2c884aa8c6cd7c1ac6a6ce91015262e6  7.4.978
 56a2d5070609559bba2dd2789a07a6a1  7.4.979
+045d51766dc64ddb1686632b5305e4cc  7.4.980
+05d46c0111be5972a8fab8274746f902  7.4.981
+5bc9e41b1734b6294cef61bc608c754d  7.4.982
+49574b5e5347a472215e466127109601  7.4.983
+e569030e45cc6c4f2881f5e2ee7edbee  7.4.984
+dc0fab39df600b103f555d66bd49d700  7.4.985
+f7897607f30188f1cfec22ec8c53e982  7.4.986
+7947200d11ad1bc9527a8e0ca5696a8d  7.4.987
+a990143a4005883504b0e21f7beff157  7.4.988
+62cf906a984b9cdaf5b2bfd28ea87a86  7.4.989
+decbe62c79d1c818583f1aed21d84ee3  7.4.990
+ab66d801326cbdc64454b66fef996619  7.4.991
+c5f97c7057154b01b57cab940e6bf546  7.4.992
+2d5ec5b901ead03377a9b9f014d8602f  7.4.993
+b6cfa6ee137474229d9b7b4ffd2bced3  7.4.994
+49697dfb52d60b883ab00371da051444  7.4.995
+917a2a3384ef8a577c99e22dd9a4b3eb  7.4.996
+522c8b3e69315488155c12ef61ec10d1  7.4.997
+b8c76a743af6bb204acc7b79708fc097  7.4.998
+b13b9d3b27d0330a9717d1f9586d08d0  7.4.999
+12a551b528e223a6c72516ef4bfecc65  7.4.1000
+c5cae4ab7624413caa957527810f2b9f  7.4.1001
+f71bfecd8a9b3670224a95420f8ec0b6  7.4.1002
+a5bf1e037e669942e7c0fe1c28588e7c  7.4.1003
+7d94d5b51ec36bdd727cfeb109585a87  7.4.1004
+f3b54bad17fb1f16c47e2251d4d43b9d  7.4.1005
+1dd2404c94b5e1c8860c0e86fed4e3e0  7.4.1006
+51d2a1fdb718be241215796d1c7ee740  7.4.1007
+207ba33b4b865d897dde4afd92c07c43  7.4.1008
+95a8f1a3cbbd347f9e3cad62251720c2  7.4.1009
+703e3a34fdcfae55328be8bb1e598d50  7.4.1010
+d15039fabc3a9ac8eaae82efffc623db  7.4.1011
+510c6797dbafb504e428992622f8ae0b  7.4.1012
+fcba368bc1ffa5b4108ae766e5b78511  7.4.1013
+46be66ba5d2b41fea5e7671aca030467  7.4.1014
+dc675cd485c7c4bebbaa111796ca91b9  7.4.1015
+6713f156640494b09c499a6d3d5e5d4d  7.4.1016
+d461597347e452de19dd4f9ac6c82f4f  7.4.1017
+e7d602b84e63ca4c83bf49e1516881fe  7.4.1018
+dba9cb4645657acea224d8e40f2a8f62  7.4.1019
+5b725b1d5b9ef3aa98fcbf76ba27c128  7.4.1020
+46a6a32b76e50aa3762041febea9cc0f  7.4.1021
+3f17f0dd61efbfd23875ae55dd5458af  7.4.1022
+c5d33c490e2649da34b059ecb05da91a  7.4.1023
+afb8808d4e12dac7cd9ee0865f04d94a  7.4.1024
+a3bb489c6c0c369dcc3c0a81693a325d  7.4.1025
+bc42e1afa6feb342c4b7e4bfc0686a47  7.4.1026
+ea6dcc8e85e74e10d9a6922cfb11a2b5  7.4.1027
+4b35b77d800d5a2d61ea41a3ad6f8571  7.4.1028
+70c9e2abebcf7dab96d3ff56483944bc  7.4.1029
+244a3e4c8ff86acd6b64c41089209e0f  7.4.1030
+5d9dc1e88d69715c889bcfc99c535c80  7.4.1031
+49684768b1490fc65ae9e08ca5188192  7.4.1032
+5ec936bc59fbd8bab68cb4e96c4f83d5  7.4.1033
+692904bd04c3f5fe4c6ae9c84ade58a9  7.4.1034
+92858eec9902fa8845a6272b97df8a72  7.4.1035
+5595bafe94026d99a00895003d968915  7.4.1036
+a7614f0c1aa2b121c8b7cbfb43e4df57  7.4.1037
+454d2d798de33e095e5246edbea8c28b  7.4.1038
+96b004c3b6b4a8d282e737f37dc649b6  7.4.1039
+b53a0cc1aacf25b517cb0f98b90d3bfa  7.4.1040
+46882be488dca6a2db256670a6c5b5d4  7.4.1041
+1ec7805626e0f27c1cd80a90711c76ad  7.4.1042
+8089ebde9c8a243cd4f119d8e1ebc7d6  7.4.1043
+a743a64922ecb58d9429aefb69b17369  7.4.1044
+038b24334e22b2cb6f4931347e3e0a8b  7.4.1045
+76c7c4eee47d5dab07f79a1bde4b3d60  7.4.1046
+a36a3e9f585cebdaef9bad6743170fdc  7.4.1047
+befa478155cf54a94d1fac85b6ebac1c  7.4.1048
+5d6355935548c782df4f94d625ef0bca  7.4.1049
+eb05e5fc8ba8540cf469370ccf501284  7.4.1050
+ea66c57d853ee02b2ebf366456a5b5df  7.4.1051
+f40bdfbfc056688519fabb033e352498  7.4.1052
+b58a3998297ba3063bf75c17b36be496  7.4.1053
+79cc6df0db7a74f16ee081d82a4bba82  7.4.1054
+634a7a93585460c6df29e1f9b0d06a63  7.4.1055
+8bfab2aebf0cf21a4a2d7c0819da8e78  7.4.1056
+3fd226da77da36a25235a61966df9cca  7.4.1057
+47ff363edd13cb9f277453f7fb6ced12  7.4.1058
+f1203124761d856dc28fdeda059d2713  7.4.1059
+d2fe6cad9a160f3690398b284dd91fa3  7.4.1060
+bc739b4b0a3b675d4dcf27191ec2da59  7.4.1061
+cdb7bdaeb2dc7ce15f5e3e88d017a978  7.4.1062
+7b6ddb3bc8b519cbccc8e86d2ea11017  7.4.1063
+04810c80cc17d2018383b69a93a4d3ff  7.4.1064
+bed801b5f055f7ad5e66a03648165846  7.4.1065
+bb76ebf0cef0ec569a4050bab73e54f5  7.4.1066
+b60428fa447a6acece6dc810cd76e282  7.4.1067
+dc0f6c6d6a9597b601d7f8a372e44381  7.4.1068
+cabc2f628d5d2d3429a335fbbd944d49  7.4.1069
+b8576d5508e8a8b900dde66941b30837  7.4.1070
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