[packages/adapter: 103/631] - Support for gettextized groups named in RPM: * /^Group:/ field is checked if group exist in grou

glen glen at pld-linux.org
Mon Sep 12 19:43:06 CEST 2016

commit f37c1259358bd15d7fbeedb7ac49319ce1504d8f
Author: mkochano <mkochano at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Fri Feb 22 21:57:02 2002 +0000

    - Support for gettextized groups named in RPM:
      * /^Group:/ field is checked if group exist in groups file.
      * /^Groups(\([^)]+\)):/ fields are removed.
    - Changed my email.
    Changed files:
        adapter.awk -> 1.103

 adapter.awk | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
diff --git a/adapter.awk b/adapter.awk
index 7a0cb88..c4766c0 100644
--- a/adapter.awk
+++ b/adapter.awk
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 # 	Sebastian Zagrodzki <s.zagrodzki at mimuw.edu.pl>
 # 	Tomasz K�oczko <kloczek at rudy.mif.pg.gda.pl>
 # 	Artur Frysiak <wiget at pld.org.pl>
-# 	Michal Kochanowicz <mkochano at ee.pw.edu.pl>
+# 	Michal Kochanowicz <mkochano at pld.org.pl>
 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
@@ -326,19 +326,32 @@ preamble == 1 {
 	field = tolower($1)
 	fieldnlower = $1
-	if (Byla_grupa == 1 && field ~ /^#/)
+	if (field ~ /group(\([^)]+\)):/)
-	if (Byla_grupa == 1 && field !~ /group(\([^)]+\))?:/) {
-		Byla_grupa = 0
-		print "Group:\t\t" Grupa["en"]
-		if (Grupa["en"] ~ /^X11/ && x11 == 0)	# Is it X11 application?
+	if (field ~ /group:/) {
+		format_preamble()
+		sub(/^Utilities\//,"Applications/",$2)
+		sub(/^Games/,"Applications/Games",$2)
+		sub(/^X11\/Games/,"X11/Applications/Games",$2)
+		sub(/^X11\/GNOME\/Development\/Libraries/,"X11/Development/Libraries",$2)
+		sub(/^X11\/GNOME\/Applications/,"X11/Applications",$2)
+		sub(/^X11\/GNOME/,"X11/Applications",$2)
+		sub(/^X11\/Utilities/,"X11/Applications",$2)
+		sub(/^X11\/Games\/Strategy/,"X11/Applications/Games/Strategy",$2)
+		sub(/^Shells/,"Applications/Shells",$2)
+		sub(/^[^ \t]*[ \t]*/,"")
+		Grupa = $0
+		print "Group:\t\t" Grupa
+		if (Grupa ~ /^X11/ && x11 == 0)	# Is it X11 application?
 		       x11 = 1
 		byl_plik_z_grupami = 0
 		byl_opis_grupy = 0
 		while ((getline linia_grup < groups_file) > 0) {
 			byl_plik_z_grupami = 1
-			if (linia_grup == Grupa["en"]) {
+			if (linia_grup == Grupa) {
 				byl_opis_grupy = 1
@@ -348,23 +361,9 @@ preamble == 1 {
 			print "######\t\t" groups_file ": no such file"
 		else if (!byl_opis_grupy)
 			print "######\t\t" "Unknown group!"
-		else
-			while (getline linia_grup < groups_file) {
-				if (linia_grup == "")
-					break
-				split(linia_grup, g, /[\[\]:]/)
-				sub(/^[ \t]*/,"",g[4])
-				Grupa[g[2]]=g[4]
-			}
-		delete Grupa["en"]
-		for (jezyk in Grupa) {
-			print "Group(" jezyk "):\t" Grupa[jezyk] | "sort"
-			delete Grupa[jezyk]
-		}
-		close ("sort")
+		next
 	if (field ~ /packager:|distribution:|docdir:|prefix:/)
@@ -373,29 +372,6 @@ preamble == 1 {
 	if (field ~ /buildroot:/)
 		$0 = $1 "%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)"
-	if (field ~ /group(\([^)]+\))?:/) {
-		format_preamble()
-		sub(/^Utilities\//,"Applications/",$2)
-		sub(/^Games/,"Applications/Games",$2)
-		sub(/^X11\/Games/,"X11/Applications/Games",$2)
-		sub(/^X11\/GNOME\/Development\/Libraries/,"X11/Development/Libraries",$2)
-		sub(/^X11\/GNOME\/Applications/,"X11/Applications",$2)
-		sub(/^X11\/GNOME/,"X11/Applications",$2)
-		sub(/^X11\/Utilities/,"X11/Applications",$2)
-		sub(/^X11\/Games\/Strategy/,"X11/Applications/Games/Strategy",$2)
-		sub(/^Shells/,"Applications/Shells",$2)
-		if (!match(fieldnlower,/\([^)]+\):/))
-			glang="en"
-		else
-			glang=substr(fieldnlower,RSTART+1,RLENGTH-3)
-		sub(/^[^ \t]*[ \t]*/,"")
-		Grupa[glang] = $0
-		Byla_grupa = 1
-		next	# Line is already formatted and printed
-	}
 	# Use "License" instead of "Copyright" if it is (L)GPL or BSD
 	if (field ~ /copyright:/ && $2 ~ /GPL|BSD/)
 		$1 = "License:"

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