[packages/ghostscript] - up to 9.50

arekm arekm at pld-linux.org
Sat Feb 8 14:25:29 CET 2020

commit f05ebc2fd1f509bdf43d52906b6d5183fa816abe
Author: Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz <arekm at maven.pl>
Date:   Sat Feb 8 14:25:23 2020 +0100

    - up to 9.50

 ghostscript-gdevcd8-fixes.patch      | 28 +++++++++----------
 ghostscript-runlibfileifexists.patch | 52 ------------------------------------
 ghostscript-scripts.patch            | 12 ++++-----
 ghostscript.spec                     | 15 +++++------
 4 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ghostscript.spec b/ghostscript.spec
index cb4db6b..233d6b8 100644
--- a/ghostscript.spec
+++ b/ghostscript.spec
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ Summary(ja.UTF-8):	PostScript インタープリタ・レンダラー
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Bezpłatny interpreter i renderer PostScriptu i PDF
 Summary(tr.UTF-8):	PostScript & PDF yorumlayıcı ve gösterici
 Name:		ghostscript
-Version:	9.26
-Release:	2
+Version:	9.50
+Release:	1
 License:	AGPL v3+
 Group:		Applications/Graphics
 #Source0Download: https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/ghostpdl-downloads/releases
-Source0:	https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/ghostpdl-downloads/releases/download/gs926/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
-# Source0-md5:	d86d8e0b368473ca955a94faa5c390d4
+Source0:	https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/ghostpdl-downloads/releases/download/gs950/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
+# Source0-md5:	6cea6bae4a7cdfac6ccb09f07f0caf8c
 Source1:	http://www.mif.pg.gda.pl/homepages/ankry/man-PLD/%{name}-non-english-man-pages.tar.bz2
 # Source1-md5:	9b5953aa0cc155f4364f20036b848585
 Patch0:		%{name}-missquotes.patch
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Patch8:		%{name}-zlib.patch
 # fedora
 Patch20:	%{name}-scripts.patch
-Patch21:	%{name}-runlibfileifexists.patch
 Patch27:	%{name}-Fontmap.local.patch
 Patch28:	%{name}-iccprofiles-initdir.patch
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ BuildRequires:	docbook-style-dsssl
 BuildRequires:	fontconfig-devel
 %{?with_system_freetype:BuildRequires:	freetype-devel >= 1:2.9.1}
 %{?with_gtk:BuildRequires:	gtk+3-devel >= 3.0}
-%{?with_system_jbig2dec:BuildRequires:	jbig2dec-devel >= 0.15}
+%{?with_system_jbig2dec:BuildRequires:	jbig2dec-devel >= 0.16}
 %{?with_system_lcms2:BuildRequires:	lcms2-devel >= 2.6}
 BuildRequires:	libidn-devel
 BuildRequires:	libpaper-devel
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ BuildRequires:	xorg-lib-libXt-devel
 BuildRequires:	xz
 BuildRequires:	zlib-devel >= 1.2.11
 %{?with_system_freetype:Requires:	freetype >= 1:2.9.1}
-%{?with_system_jbig2dec:Requires:	jbig2dec >= 0.15}
+%{?with_system_jbig2dec:Requires:	jbig2dec >= 0.16}
 %{?with_system_lcms2:Requires:	lcms2 >= 2.6}
 Requires:	libpng >= 2:1.6.34
 Requires:	libtiff >= 4.0.9
@@ -216,7 +216,6 @@ Statyczna wersja biblioteki IJS.
 %patch8 -p1
 %patch20 -p1
-%patch21 -p1
 %patch27 -p1
 %patch28 -p1
diff --git a/ghostscript-gdevcd8-fixes.patch b/ghostscript-gdevcd8-fixes.patch
index 407589d..6caa680 100644
--- a/ghostscript-gdevcd8-fixes.patch
+++ b/ghostscript-gdevcd8-fixes.patch
@@ -93,36 +93,36 @@ Jakub Bogusz <qboosh at pld-linux.org>
             const byte * cvalues, const byte * mvalues,
             const byte * yvalues, const int *kcorrect,
             word * inword);
-@@ -2024,7 +2035,10 @@
+@@ -2035,7 +2035,10 @@ send_scan_lines(gx_device_printer * pdev
          /* Skip blank lines if any */
          if (num_blank_lines > 0) {
-+          if(cdj850->ptype == DJ880C)
-             fprintf(prn_stream, "\033*b%dY", num_blank_lines / (cdj850->yscal + 1));
-+          else /* still in *b if not dj880 */
-+            fprintf(prn_stream, "%dy", num_blank_lines / (cdj850->yscal + 1));
++            if(cdj850->ptype == DJ880C)
+             gp_fprintf(prn_stream, "\033*b%dY", num_blank_lines / (cdj850->yscal + 1));
++            else /* still in *b if not dj880 */
++                fprintf(prn_stream, "%dy", num_blank_lines / (cdj850->yscal + 1));
              memset(data_ptrs->plane_data[0][0], 0,
                     (misc_vars->plane_size * 2 * misc_vars->num_comps));
              memset(data_ptrs->plane_data_c[0][0], 0,
-@@ -2034,7 +2048,10 @@
+@@ -2045,7 +2048,10 @@ send_scan_lines(gx_device_printer * pdev
          /* all blank lines printed, now for the non-blank lines */
          if (cdj850->yscal && odd(lnum)) {
              /* output a blank black plane for odd lines */
-+       	  if(cdj850->ptype == DJ880C)
-             fprintf(prn_stream, "\033*b0V");
-+          else /* still in *b if not dj880 */
-+       	    putc('v', prn_stream);
++            if(cdj850->ptype == DJ880C)
+             gp_fprintf(prn_stream, "\033*b0V");
++            else /* still in *b if not dj880 */
++                putc('v', prn_stream);
          /* now output all non blank lines */
          while (lnum < lend && llen != 0) {
-@@ -2060,9 +2077,11 @@
+@@ -2077,9 +2077,11 @@ print_c9plane(gp_file * prn_stream, char
      int out_count = gdev_pcl_mode9compress(plane_size, curr, prev, out_data);
      /* and output the data */
--        fprintf(prn_stream, "%d%c", out_count, plane_code);
+-        gp_fprintf(prn_stream, "%d%c", out_count, plane_code);
      if (out_count > 0) {
-+        fprintf(prn_stream, "%d%c", out_count, plane_code);
-         fwrite(out_data, sizeof(byte), out_count, prn_stream);
++        gp_fprintf(prn_stream, "%d%c", out_count, plane_code);
+         gp_fwrite(out_data, sizeof(byte), out_count, prn_stream);
 +    } else { /* single plane_code is sufficient for cdj850 */
 +        putc(plane_code, prn_stream);
diff --git a/ghostscript-runlibfileifexists.patch b/ghostscript-runlibfileifexists.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index dec094a..0000000
--- a/ghostscript-runlibfileifexists.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-diff -up ghostscript-9.04/Resource/Init/gs_fonts.ps.runlibfileifexists ghostscript-9.04/Resource/Init/gs_fonts.ps
---- ghostscript-9.04/Resource/Init/gs_fonts.ps.runlibfileifexists	2011-08-09 17:05:39.736485415 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.04/Resource/Init/gs_fonts.ps	2011-08-09 17:06:08.615943187 +0100
-@@ -96,10 +96,19 @@ userdict /Fontmap .FontDirectory maxleng
-                 % stack: dict file fontname filename|aliasname
-       1 index type /stringtype eq
-       1 index type /nametype eq and 1 index xcheck and
--      1 index /run eq 2 index /.runlibfile eq or and {
-+      1 index /run eq 2 index /.runlibfile eq 3 index /.runlibfileifexists eq or or and {
-                 % This is an inclusion entry.
--        pop findlibfile { exch pop } { file } ifelse
--        2 index exch .readFontmap pop
-+        0 index /.runlibfileifexists eq {
-+          pop findlibfile {
-+            exch pop
-+            2 index exch .readFontmap pop
-+          } {
-+            pop
-+          } ifelse
-+        } {
-+          pop findlibfile { exch pop } { file } ifelse
-+          2 index exch .readFontmap pop
-+        } ifelse
-       } {
-                 % This is a real entry.
-                 % Read and pop tokens until a semicolon.
-diff -up ghostscript-9.04/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps.runlibfileifexists ghostscript-9.04/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps
---- ghostscript-9.04/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps.runlibfileifexists	2011-08-09 17:05:44.395397937 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.04/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps	2011-08-09 17:06:15.238818843 +0100
-@@ -674,6 +674,14 @@ systemdict /internaldict dup .makeintern
-            { /undefinedfilename signalerror }
-           ifelse
-         } bind def
-+        {		% We don't want to bind 'run' into this procedure,
-+                        % since run may get redefined.
-+          findlibfile
-+           { exch pop /run .systemvar exec }
-+           { pop }
-+          ifelse
-+        } bind def
- /selectdevice
-         { finddevice setdevice .setdefaultscreen } bind def
- /signalerror		% <object> <errorname> signalerror -
-@@ -842,6 +850,7 @@ userdict /.currentresourcefile //null pu
-         } bind def
- % Temporarily substitute it for the real runlibfile.
- /.runlibfile /runlibfile load def
-+/.runlibfileifexists /runlibfileifexists load def
- /runlibfile /runlibfile0 load def
- % Create the error handling machinery.
diff --git a/ghostscript-scripts.patch b/ghostscript-scripts.patch
index 2f050c2..1a94a36 100644
--- a/ghostscript-scripts.patch
+++ b/ghostscript-scripts.patch
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
-diff -up ghostscript-9.00/lib/dvipdf.scripts ghostscript-9.00/lib/dvipdf
---- ghostscript-9.00/lib/dvipdf.scripts	2010-06-03 01:32:07.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.00/lib/dvipdf	2010-09-23 09:56:35.592796899 +0100
-@@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ fi
+--- ghostscript-9.50/lib/dvipdf~	2020-02-08 14:08:18.000000000 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.50/lib/dvipdf	2020-02-08 14:08:59.816231793 +0100
+@@ -43,4 +43,4 @@ fi
  # We have to include the options twice because -I only takes effect if it
  # appears before other options.
--exec dvips -Ppdf $DVIPSOPTIONS -q -f "$infile" | $GS_EXECUTABLE $OPTIONS -q -P- -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sstdout=%stderr -sOutputFile="$outfile" $OPTIONS -c .setpdfwrite -
-+exec dvips -R -Ppdf $DVIPSOPTIONS -q -f "$infile" | $GS_EXECUTABLE $OPTIONS -q -P- -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sstdout=%stderr -sOutputFile="$outfile" $OPTIONS -c .setpdfwrite -
+-exec dvips -Ppdf $DVIPSOPTIONS -q -f "$infile" | $GS_EXECUTABLE $OPTIONS -q -P- -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sstdout=%stderr -sOutputFile="$outfile" $OPTIONS
++exec dvips -R -Ppdf $DVIPSOPTIONS -q -f "$infile" | $GS_EXECUTABLE $OPTIONS -q -P- -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sstdout=%stderr -sOutputFile="$outfile" $OPTIONS

---- gitweb:


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