[packages/ghc-cryptonite] - new
baggins at pld-linux.org
Sat May 30 23:06:44 CEST 2020
commit 15ad2d738f4205520da3aab9166fcac2978bca9b
Author: Jan Rękorajski <baggins at pld-linux.org>
Date: Sat May 30 23:06:29 2020 +0200
- new
ghc-cryptonite.spec | 119 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 119 insertions(+)
diff --git a/ghc-cryptonite.spec b/ghc-cryptonite.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73553ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc-cryptonite.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Conditional build:
+%bcond_without prof # profiling library
+%define pkgname cryptonite
+Summary: Cryptography Primitives sink
+Name: ghc-%{pkgname}
+Version: 0.26
+Release: 1
+License: BSD
+Group: Development/Languages
+#Source0Download: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/cryptonite
+Source0: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/%{pkgname}-%{version}/%{pkgname}-%{version}.tar.gz
+# Source0-md5: 759be6bffbfc9bb4c525d9dac55f9f7c
+URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/cryptonite
+BuildRequires: ghc >= 6.12.3
+BuildRequires: ghc-memory
+%if %{with prof}
+BuildRequires: ghc-prof
+BuildRequires: ghc-memory-prof
+BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.608
+%requires_eq ghc
+Requires(post,postun): /usr/bin/ghc-pkg
+Requires: ghc-memory
+BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+# debuginfo is not useful for ghc
+%define _enable_debug_packages 0
+# don't compress haddock files
+%define _noautocompressdoc *.haddock
+A repository of cryptographic primitives.
+- Symmetric ciphers: AES, DES, 3DES, CAST5, Blowfish, Twofish,
+ Camellia, RC4, Salsa, XSalsa, ChaCha.
+- Hash: SHA1, SHA2, SHA3, SHAKE, MD2, MD4, MD5, Keccak, Skein, Ripemd,
+ Tiger, Whirlpool, Blake2
+- MAC: HMAC, KMAC, Poly1305
+- Asymmetric crypto: DSA, RSA, DH, ECDH, ECDSA, ECC, Curve25519,
+ Curve448, Ed25519, Ed448
+- Key Derivation Function: PBKDF2, Scrypt, HKDF, Argon2, BCrypt,
+- Cryptographic Random generation: System Entropy, Deterministic
+ Random Generator
+- Data related: Anti-Forensic Information Splitter (AFIS)
+%package prof
+Summary: Profiling %{pkgname} library for GHC
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Biblioteka profilująca %{pkgname} dla GHC
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: ghc-memory-prof
+%description prof
+Profiling %{pkgname} library for GHC. Should be installed when
+GHC's profiling subsystem is needed.
+%description prof -l pl.UTF-8
+Biblioteka profilująca %{pkgname} dla GHC. Powinna być zainstalowana
+kiedy potrzebujemy systemu profilującego z GHC.
+%setup -q -n %{pkgname}-%{version}
+runhaskell Setup.hs configure -v2 \
+ %{?with_prof:--enable-library-profiling} \
+ --prefix=%{_prefix} \
+ --libdir=%{_libdir} \
+ --libexecdir=%{_libexecdir} \
+ --docdir=%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}
+runhaskell Setup.hs build
+runhaskell Setup.hs haddock --executables
+install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{ghcdir}/package.conf.d
+runhaskell Setup.hs copy --destdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+# work around automatic haddock docs installation
+%{__rm} -rf %{name}-%{version}-doc
+cp -a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version} %{name}-%{version}-doc
+%{__rm} -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}
+runhaskell Setup.hs register \
+ --gen-pkg-config=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{ghcdir}/package.conf.d/%{pkgname}.conf
+find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{ghcdir}/%{pkgname}-%{version} -type d | %{__sed} "s|$RPM_BUILD_ROOT|%dir |" > %{name}.files
+find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{ghcdir}/%{pkgname}-%{version} -name '*.hi' | %{__sed} "s|$RPM_BUILD_ROOT||" >> %{name}.files
+find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{ghcdir}/%{pkgname}-%{version} -name '*.dyn_hi' | %{__sed} "s|$RPM_BUILD_ROOT||" >> %{name}.files
+find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{ghcdir}/%{pkgname}-%{version} -name '*.p_hi' | %{__sed} "s|$RPM_BUILD_ROOT||" > %{name}-prof.files
+%files -f %{name}.files
+%doc CHANGELOG.md README.md %{name}-%{version}-doc/*
+%exclude %{_libdir}/%{ghcdir}/%{pkgname}-%{version}/*_p.a
+%if %{with prof}
+%files prof -f %{name}-prof.files
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