[packages/apache-mod_pagespeed/dev-1.12] Update to

glen glen at pld-linux.org
Thu Jul 9 20:19:05 CEST 2020

commit d0904777011fcbbd198c94f00b698c4755b3a476
Author: Elan Ruusamäe <glen at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Tue Jul 11 12:10:22 2017 +0300

    Update to

 apache-mod_pagespeed.spec | 32 +++++++++++++++-----------------
 apache24-config.patch     | 38 --------------------------------------
 bug-632.patch             |  2 +-
 clean-source.sh           | 32 +++++++++++++-------------------
 get-source.sh             | 11 ++++++++++-
 5 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)
diff --git a/apache-mod_pagespeed.spec b/apache-mod_pagespeed.spec
index e70bd6f..59f7b44 100644
--- a/apache-mod_pagespeed.spec
+++ b/apache-mod_pagespeed.spec
@@ -49,16 +49,14 @@
 %define		apxs		%{_sbindir}/apxs
 Summary:	Apache module for rewriting web pages to reduce latency and bandwidth
 Name:		apache-mod_%{mod_name}
-# beta: 1.9.32.x-beta
-# stable: 1.9.32.x-stable
-Release:	6
+Release:	0.1
 License:	Apache v2.0
 Group:		Networking/Daemons/HTTP
-#Source0Download: https://github.com/pagespeed/mod_pagespeed/releases
+# Source0Download: https://github.com/pagespeed/mod_pagespeed/releases
 #Source0:	https://github.com/pagespeed/mod_pagespeed/archive/%{version}/mod_pagespeed-%{version}.tar.gz
 Source0:	modpagespeed-%{version}.tar.xz
-# Source0-md5:	c6740a5de9cb7f20f0cf29c8835f6f95
+# Source0-md5:	d1701567bf873dfffc458902c2e69c3e
 Source1:	get-source.sh
 Source2:	gclient.conf
 Patch0:		system-libs.patch
@@ -120,24 +118,24 @@ site is maintained.
 %setup -q -n modpagespeed-%{version}
 %patch0 -p1
-%patch1 -p0
-%patch2 -p1
-%patch4 -p1
+#%patch1 -p0
+#%patch2 -p1
+#%patch4 -p1
 %patch5 -p1
-%patch6 -p1
-%patch7 -p1
-%patch8 -p1
+#%patch6 -p1
+#%patch7 -p1
+#%patch8 -p1
 %if 0
 sh -x %{_sourcedir}/clean-source.sh
-%{__rm} -r third_party/icu/source
-%{__rm} -r third_party/icu/genfiles
+#%{__rm} -r third_party/icu/source
+#%{__rm} -r third_party/icu/genfiles
 # third_party_chromium uses "third_party/icu/..." includes
-install -d third_party/icu/source/{common,i18n}
-ln -s %{_includedir}/unicode third_party/icu/source/i18n/unicode
-ln -s %{_includedir}/unicode third_party/icu/source/common/unicode
+#install -d third_party/icu/source/{common,i18n}
+#ln -s %{_includedir}/unicode third_party/icu/source/i18n/unicode
+#ln -s %{_includedir}/unicode third_party/icu/source/common/unicode
 # re-gen makefiles
diff --git a/apache24-config.patch b/apache24-config.patch
index 7dbb985..72a4764 100644
--- a/apache24-config.patch
+++ b/apache24-config.patch
@@ -151,41 +151,3 @@
      SetHandler pagespeed_admin
-@@ -1078,13 +1124,33 @@
- #COVERAGE   ModPagespeedCriticalImagesBeaconEnabled false
- #COVERAGE   <Location /mod_pagespeed_statistics>
--#COVERAGE       Order allow,deny
--#COVERAGE       Allow from localhost
-+#COVERAGE       # Apache 2.x
-+#COVERAGE       <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
-+#COVERAGE           Order allow,deny
-+#COVERAGE           Allow from localhost
-+#COVERAGE           Allow from
-+#COVERAGE       </IfModule>
-+#COVERAGE       # Apache 2.4
-+#COVERAGE       <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
-+#COVERAGE           Require all denied
-+#COVERAGE           Require local
-+#COVERAGE       </IfModule>
- #COVERAGE       SetHandler mod_pagespeed_statistics
- #COVERAGE   </Location>
- #COVERAGE    <Location /mod_pagespeed_message>
--#COVERAGE        Allow from localhost
--#COVERAGE        Allow from
-+#COVERAGE        # Apache 2.x
-+#COVERAGE        <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
-+#COVERAGE            Order allow,deny
-+#COVERAGE            Allow from localhost
-+#COVERAGE            Allow from
-+#COVERAGE        </IfModule>
-+#COVERAGE        # Apache 2.4
-+#COVERAGE        <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
-+#COVERAGE            Require all denied
-+#COVERAGE            Require local
-+#COVERAGE        </IfModule>
- #COVERAGE        SetHandler mod_pagespeed_message
- #COVERAGE    </Location>
- #COVERAGE </VirtualHost>
diff --git a/bug-632.patch b/bug-632.patch
index 1fb5415..35394c8 100644
--- a/bug-632.patch
+++ b/bug-632.patch
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 patterns used (vim):
diff --git a/clean-source.sh b/clean-source.sh
index 5189786..a0a39d0 100755
--- a/clean-source.sh
+++ b/clean-source.sh
@@ -16,38 +16,32 @@ almost_strip_dirs \
 	third_party/apr/ \
 	third_party/httpd/ \
 	third_party/httpd24/ \
-	third_party/instaweb/ \
-	third_party/openssl/ \
-	third_party/chromium/src/base/third_party/superfasthash/ \
-	third_party/chromium/src/base/third_party/symbolize/ \
-	third_party/chromium/src/base/third_party/xdg_mime/ \
-	third_party/chromium/src/base/third_party/xdg_user_dirs/ \
 # some more unneeded files for build
 rm -r net/instaweb/rewriter/testdata
 rm -r third_party/aprutil/gen
-rm -r third_party/chromium/src/base/test
+#rm -r third_party/chromium/src/base/test
 rm -r third_party/chromium/src/net
-rm -r third_party/gflags/src/windows
-rm -r third_party/giflib/windows
-rm -r third_party/google-sparsehash/src/windows
-rm -r third_party/libjpeg_turbo/src/{mac,win}
-rm -r third_party/protobuf/java
-rm -r third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/testdata
-rm -r third_party/zlib/{contrib,examples,old,doc}
-rm -r third_party/zlib/{win32,msdos,nintendods,watcom,qnx,amiga}
+#rm -r third_party/gflags/src/windows
+#rm -r third_party/giflib/windows
+#rm -r third_party/google-sparsehash/src/windows
+#rm -r third_party/libjpeg_turbo/src/{mac,win}
+#rm -r third_party/protobuf/java
+#rm -r third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/testdata
+#rm -r third_party/zlib/{contrib,examples,old,doc}
+#rm -r third_party/zlib/{win32,msdos,nintendods,watcom,qnx,amiga}
 find -type d -name testdata | xargs rm -r
 find -type d -name mac | xargs rm -r
-find -type d -name win | xargs rm -r
-find -depth -type d -name test | xargs rm -rv
-find third_party -type d -name android | xargs rm -r
+#find -type d -name win | xargs rm -r
+#find -depth -type d -name test | xargs rm -rv
+#find third_party -type d -name android | xargs rm -r
 find -type f -name '*_test.cc' | xargs rm
 find -type f -name '*_unittest.cc' | xargs rm
 # not using gn nor ninja
-find -name BUILD.gn | xargs rm
+#find -name BUILD.gn | xargs rm
 # cleanup empty dirs
 find -type d '!' -name '.' -print0 | sort -zr | xargs -0 rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty
diff --git a/get-source.sh b/get-source.sh
index 3ef72e8..7d89c2a 100755
--- a/get-source.sh
+++ b/get-source.sh
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ fi
 export GIT_DIR=$package/src/.git
 # refs to fetch: master and latest-stable
-refs="refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master refs/heads/latest-stable:refs/remotes/origin/latest-stable"
 if [ ! -d $GIT_DIR ]; then
 	install -d $GIT_DIR
@@ -47,6 +47,15 @@ if [ ! -d $GIT_DIR ]; then
 	git fetch origin $refs
+# if version is *latest*, convert it to closest tag
+case "$version" in
+	*latest*)
+		git fetch --tags
+		version=$(git describe --tags --exclude 'latest-*' --abbrev=0)
+		git checkout $version
+		;;
 unset GIT_DIR
 cd $package/src

---- gitweb:


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