[packages/pldnotify: 4/7] Refactor moving Anitya checker into standalone class

glen glen at pld-linux.org
Wed Feb 24 10:07:45 CET 2021

commit 83c153841733a29ab861ca2b3130b4216eedcc04
Author: Elan Ruusamäe <glen at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Wed Feb 24 10:15:30 2021 +0200

    Refactor moving Anitya checker into standalone class

 pldnotify.py | 106 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 57 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pldnotify.py b/pldnotify.py
index 6347a03..c14aebd 100755
--- a/pldnotify.py
+++ b/pldnotify.py
@@ -54,63 +54,25 @@ class RPMSpec:
         return self._version
-Class containing specific remote repositories,
-i.e Anitya (release-monitoring.org), NPM (nodejs), etc ...
-class Checker:
-    distro = 'pld-linux'
-    checkers = ['anitya']
-    def __init__(self, specfile, debug):
-        self.debug = debug
-        self.spec = RPMSpec(specfile)
-        name = path.splitext(path.basename(specfile))[0]
-        if self.spec.name != name:
-            print("WARNING: name mismatch: %s!=%s" % (self.spec.name, name))
-        print("%s: %s" % (self.spec.name, self.spec.version))
-    def find_recent(self):
-        current = None
-        for fn in self.checkers:
-            try:
-                v = getattr(self, fn)()
-            except ValueError as e:
-                print("WARNING: skipping %s: %s" % (fn, e))
-                continue
-            if self.debug:
-                print("DEBUG: %s: %s" % (fn, v))
+class AbstractChecker:
+    pass
-            if self.spec.compare(v) <= 0:
-                if self.debug:
-                    print("DEBUG: skipping %s (is not newer)" % (v))
-                continue
-            current = v
-        return current
+class CheckReleaseMonitoring(AbstractChecker):
         Check for update from release-monitoring.org (Anitya).
         Raise ValueError or version from anitya project.
-    def anitya(self):
-        url = "https://release-monitoring.org/api/project/%s/%s" % (self.distro, self.spec.name)
+    def find_latest(self, distro, spec):
+        url = "https://release-monitoring.org/api/project/%s/%s" % (distro, spec.name)
         response = requests.get(url)
         data = response.json()
         if 'error' in data:
             error = data['error']
-            if error == 'No package "%s" found in distro "%s"' % (self.spec.name, self.distro):
-                res = self.anitya_alternatives()
-                if res != None:
+            if error == 'No package "%s" found in distro "%s"' % (spec.name, distro):
+                res = self.find_alternatives(spec)
+                if res is not None:
                     error = error + "\n" + res
             raise ValueError(error)
@@ -120,8 +82,8 @@ class Checker:
         Return alternatives found from Anitya
-    def anitya_alternatives(self):
-        url = "https://release-monitoring.org/api/projects/?pattern=%s" % self.spec.name
+    def find_alternatives(self, spec):
+        url = "https://release-monitoring.org/api/projects/?pattern=%s" % spec.name
         data = requests.get(url).json()
         if data['total'] == 0:
@@ -139,6 +101,52 @@ class Checker:
         return "Possible matches:\n- %s" % ("\n- ".join(r))
+Class containing specific remote repositories,
+i.e Anitya (release-monitoring.org), NPM (nodejs), etc ...
+class Checker:
+    distro = 'pld-linux'
+    checkers = [
+        CheckReleaseMonitoring,
+    ]
+    def __init__(self, specfile, debug):
+        self.debug = debug
+        self.spec = RPMSpec(specfile)
+        name = path.splitext(path.basename(specfile))[0]
+        if self.spec.name != name:
+            print("WARNING: name mismatch: %s!=%s" % (self.spec.name, name))
+        print("%s: %s" % (self.spec.name, self.spec.version))
+    def find_latest(self):
+        current = None
+        for name in self.checkers:
+            checker = name()
+            try:
+                v = checker.find_latest(self.distro, self.spec)
+            except ValueError as e:
+                print("WARNING: skipping %s: %s" % (name, e))
+                continue
+            if self.debug:
+                print("DEBUG: %s: %s" % (name, v))
+            if self.spec.compare(v) <= 0:
+                if self.debug:
+                    print("DEBUG: skipping %s (is not newer)" % (v))
+                continue
+            current = v
+        return current
 def main():
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PLD-Notify: project to monitor upstream releases')
@@ -163,7 +171,7 @@ def main():
         print("[%d/%d] checking %s" % (i, n, package))
             checker = Checker(package, args.debug)
-            ver = checker.find_recent()
+            ver = checker.find_latest()
         except Exception as e:
             print("ERROR: %s" % e)

---- gitweb:


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