[packages/ocaml-lablgtk3] - started update to 3.1.1

baggins baggins at pld-linux.org
Sat Mar 27 23:21:38 CET 2021

commit 2397f5859f11d367949b139844a2ddc78ebea25c
Author: Jan Rękorajski <baggins at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Sat Mar 27 23:20:55 2021 +0100

    - started update to 3.1.1

 ocaml-lablgtk2.spec | 554 ----------------------------------------------------
 ocaml-lablgtk3.spec | 219 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 219 insertions(+), 554 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ocaml-lablgtk2.spec b/ocaml-lablgtk2.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a20d7c..0000000
--- a/ocaml-lablgtk2.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-# Conditional build:
-%bcond_without	opengl		# without lablgtkgl
-%bcond_without	glade		# without lablgtkglade
-%bcond_without	gnome		# with lablgtkgnome (incompatible with GNOME 3)
-%bcond_without	ocaml_opt	# skip building native optimized binaries (bytecode is always built)
-# not yet available on x32 (ocaml 4.02.1), update when upstream will support it
-%ifnarch %{ix86} %{x8664} arm aarch64 ppc sparc sparcv9 
-%undefine	with_ocaml_opt
-%define		ocaml_ver	1:3.09.2
-Summary:	GTK+ binding for OCaml
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla
-Name:		ocaml-lablgtk2
-Version:	2.18.11
-Release:	3
-License:	LGPL with linking exceptions
-Group:		Libraries
-Source0:	https://github.com/garrigue/lablgtk/archive/%{version}/lablgtk-%{version}.tar.gz
-# Source0-md5:	a21a5b52bfd8de0fad705e67817750ef
-URL:		http://lablgtk.forge.ocamlcore.org/
-BuildRequires:	gtk+2-devel >= 2:2.10.0
-%{?with_opengl:BuildRequires:	gtkglarea-devel >= 1.99}
-BuildRequires:	gtkspell-devel >= 2.0
-BuildRequires:	gtksourceview-devel
-BuildRequires:	gtksourceview2-devel
-%{?with_glade:BuildRequires:	libglade2-devel >= 2.0}
-%if %{with gnome}
-BuildRequires:	libgnomecanvas-devel
-BuildRequires:	libgnomeui-devel
-BuildRequires:	librsvg-devel >= 2.0
-BuildRequires:	ocaml-camlp4 >= %{ocaml_ver}
-%{?with_opengl:BuildRequires:	ocaml-lablgl-devel >= 1.04}
-%requires_eq	ocaml-runtime
-BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
-%define		_noautoreq	GtkSourceView_types GtkSourceView2_types
-GTK+ binding for OCaml. This package contains files needed to run
-bytecode OCaml programs using LablGtk.
-%description -l pl.UTF-8
-Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla. Pakiet ten zawiera binaria potrzebne do
-uruchamiania programów używających LablGtk.
-%package devel
-Summary:	GTK+ binding for OCaml - development part
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla - cześć programistyczna
-Group:		Development/Libraries
-Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%requires_eq	ocaml
-%description devel
-GTK+ binding for OCaml. This package contains files needed to develop
-OCaml programs using LablGtk.
-%description devel -l pl.UTF-8
-Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla. Pakiet ten zawiera pliki niezbędne do
-tworzenia programów używających LablGtk.
-%package gl
-Summary:	GTK+ binding for OCaml - GtkGL support
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla - wsparcie dla GtkGL
-Group:		Libraries
-Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%requires_eq	ocaml-lablgl
-%requires_eq	ocaml-runtime
-%description gl
-GTK+ binding for OCaml, GtkGL support. This package contains files
-needed to run bytecode OCaml programs using LablGtk-GtkGL.
-%description gl -l pl.UTF-8
-Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla, wsparcie dla GtkGL. Pakiet ten zawiera
-binaria potrzebne do uruchamiania programów używających LablGtk-GtkGL.
-%package gl-devel
-Summary:	GTK+ binding for OCaml - GtkGL support, development part
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla - wsparcie dla GtkGL, część programistyczna
-Group:		Development/Libraries
-Requires:	%{name}-gl = %{version}-%{release}
-%requires_eq	ocaml
-%requires_eq	ocaml-lablgl-devel
-%description gl-devel
-GTK+ binding for OCaml, GtkGL support. This package contains files
-needed to develop OCaml programs using LablGtk-GtkGL.
-%description gl-devel -l pl.UTF-8
-Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla, wsparcie dla GtkGL. Pakiet ten zawiera pliki
-niezbędne do tworzenia programów używających LablGtk-GtkGL.
-%package glade
-Summary:	GTK+ binding for OCaml - Glade support
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla - wsparcie dla Glade
-Group:		Libraries
-Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%requires_eq	ocaml-runtime
-%description glade
-GTK+ binding for OCaml, Glade support. This package contains files
-needed to run bytecode OCaml programs using LablGtk-Glade.
-%description glade -l pl.UTF-8
-Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla, wsparcie dla Glade. Pakiet ten zawiera
-binaria potrzebne do uruchamiania programów używających LablGtk-Glade.
-%package glade-devel
-Summary:	GTK+ binding for OCaml - Glade support, development part
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla - wsparcie dla Glade, część programistyczna
-Group:		Development/Libraries
-Requires:	%{name}-glade = %{version}-%{release}
-%requires_eq	ocaml
-%description glade-devel
-GTK+ binding for OCaml, Glade support. This package contains files
-needed to develop OCaml programs using LablGtk-Glade.
-%description glade-devel -l pl.UTF-8
-Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla, wsparcie dla Glade. Pakiet ten zawiera pliki
-niezbędne do tworzenia programów używających LablGtk-Glade.
-%package gnome
-Summary:	GTK+ binding for OCaml - GNOME support
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla - wsparcie dla GNOME
-Group:		Libraries
-Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%requires_eq	ocaml-runtime
-%description gnome
-GTK+ binding for OCaml, GNOME support. This package contains files
-needed to run bytecode OCaml programs using LablGtk-GNOME.
-%description gnome -l pl.UTF-8
-Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla, wsparcie dla GNOME. Pakiet ten zawiera
-binaria potrzebne do uruchamiania programów używających LablGtk-GNOME.
-%package gnome-devel
-Summary:	GTK+ binding for OCaml - GNOME support, development part
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla - wsparcie dla GNOME, część programistyczna
-Group:		Development/Libraries
-Requires:	%{name}-gnome = %{version}-%{release}
-%requires_eq	ocaml
-%description gnome-devel
-GTK+ binding for OCaml, GNOME support. This package contains files
-needed to develop OCaml programs using LablGtk-GNOME.
-%description gnome-devel -l pl.UTF-8
-Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla, wsparcie dla GNOME. Pakiet ten zawiera pliki
-niezbędne do tworzenia programów używających LablGtk-GNOME.
-%package gtkspell
-Summary:	GTK+ binding for OCaml - GtkSpell support
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla - obsługa GtkSpella
-Group:		Libraries
-Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%requires_eq	ocaml-runtime
-%description gtkspell
-GTK+ binding for OCaml, GtkSpell support.
-%description gtkspell -l pl.UTF-8
-Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla, obsługa GtkSpella
-%package gtkspell-devel
-Summary:	GTK+ binding for OCaml - GtkSpell support, development part
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla - obsługa GtkSpella, część programistyczna
-Group:		Development/Libraries
-Requires:	%{name}-gtkspell = %{version}-%{release}
-%requires_eq	ocaml
-%description gtkspell-devel
-GTK+ binding for OCaml, GtkSpell support. This package contains files
-needed to develop OCaml programs using LablGtk-GtkSpell.
-%description gtkspell-devel -l pl.UTF-8
-Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla, obsługa GtkSpella. Ten pakiet zawiera pliki
-niezbędne do tworzenia programów używających LablGtk-GtkSpell.
-%package gtksourceview
-Summary:	GTK+ binding for OCaml - GtkSourceView support
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla - wsparcie dla GtkSourceView
-Group:		Libraries
-Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%requires_eq	ocaml
-%description gtksourceview
-GTK+ binding for OCaml, GtkSourceView support. This package contains
-files needed to run bytecode OCaml programs using
-%description gtksourceview -l pl.UTF-8
-Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla, wsparcie dla GtkSourceView. Pakiet ten
-zawiera binaria potrzebne do uruchamiania programów używających
-%package gtksourceview-devel
-Summary:	GTK+ binding for OCaml - GtkSourceView support, development part
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla - wsparcie dla GtkSourceView, część programistyczna
-Group:		Development/Libraries
-Requires:	%{name}-gtksourceview = %{version}-%{release}
-%requires_eq	ocaml
-%description gtksourceview-devel
-GTK+ binding for OCaml, GtkSourceView support. This package contains
-files needed to develop OCaml programs using LablGtk-GtkSourceView.
-%description gtksourceview-devel -l pl.UTF-8
-Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla, wsparcie dla GtkSourceView. Pakiet ten
-zawiera pliki niezbędne do tworzenia programów używających
-%package gtksourceview2
-Summary:	GTK+ binding for OCaml - GtkSourceView2 support
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla - wsparcie dla GtkSourceView2
-Group:		Libraries
-Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%requires_eq	ocaml
-%description gtksourceview2
-GTK+ binding for OCaml, GtkSourceView2 support. This package contains
-files needed to run bytecode OCaml programs using
-%description gtksourceview2 -l pl.UTF-8
-Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla, wsparcie dla GtkSourceView2. Pakiet ten
-zawiera binaria potrzebne do uruchamiania programów używających
-%package gtksourceview2-devel
-Summary:	GTK+ binding for OCaml - GtkSourceView2 support, development part
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla - wsparcie dla GtkSourceView2, część programistyczna
-Group:		Development/Libraries
-Requires:	%{name}-gtksourceview2 = %{version}-%{release}
-%requires_eq	ocaml
-%description gtksourceview2-devel
-GTK+ binding for OCaml, GtkSourceView2 support. This package contains
-files needed to develop OCaml programs using LablGtk-GtkSourceView2.
-%description gtksourceview2-devel -l pl.UTF-8
-Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla, wsparcie dla GtkSourceView2. Pakiet ten
-zawiera pliki niezbędne do tworzenia programów używających
-%package rsvg
-Summary:	GTK+ binding for OCaml - RSVG support
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla - wsparcie dla RSVG
-Group:		Libraries
-Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%requires_eq	ocaml-runtime
-%description rsvg
-GTK+ binding for OCaml, RSVG support. This package contains files
-needed to run bytecode OCaml programs using LablGtk-RSVG.
-%description rsvg -l pl.UTF-8
-Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla, wsparcie dla RSVG. Pakiet ten zawiera
-binaria potrzebne do uruchamiania programów używających LablGtk-RSVG.
-%package rsvg-devel
-Summary:	GTK+ binding for OCaml - RSVG support, development part
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla - wsparcie dla RSVG, część programistyczna
-Group:		Development/Libraries
-Requires:	%{name}-rsvg = %{version}-%{release}
-%requires_eq	ocaml
-%description rsvg-devel
-GTK+ binding for OCaml, RSVG support. This package contains files
-needed to develop OCaml programs using LablGtk-RSVG.
-%description rsvg-devel -l pl.UTF-8
-Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla, wsparcie dla RSVG. Pakiet ten zawiera pliki
-niezbędne do tworzenia programów używających LablGtk-RSVG.
-%package toplevel
-Summary:	GTK+ binding for OCaml - interactive system
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla - system interaktywny
-Group:		Development/Libraries
-Requires:	%{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release}
-%requires_eq	ocaml
-%description toplevel
-GTK+ binding for OCaml. GNOME and Glade support is included. This
-package contains OCaml toplevel interactive system linked with
-%description toplevel -l pl.UTF-8
-Wiązania GTK+ dla OCamla. Wsparcie dla GNOME i Glade jest dołączone.
-Pakiet ten zawiera system interaktywny OCamla skonsolidowany z
-%setup -q -n lablgtk-%{version}
-%configure \
-	CC="%{__cc} %{rpmcflags} -fPIC" \
-	%{!?with_gnome:--without-gnomecanvas} \
-	%{!?with_glade:--without-glade} \
-	%{!?with_opengl:--without-gl}
-%{__make} -j1 \
-	all %{?with_ocaml_opt:opt}
-install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_bindir},%{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs,%{_examplesdir}/%{name}-%{version}}
-%{__make} old-install \
-	INSTALLDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk2 \
-	DLLDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs \
-	LIBDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/ocaml \
-cp -r examples/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_examplesdir}/%{name}-%{version}
-# .mli files stay, they are the only documentation, but .ml go
-%{__rm} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk2/*.ml
-gzip -9nf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk2/*.mli
-mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk2/*.gz .
-%dir %{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk2
-%if %{with ocaml_opt}
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk2/lablgtk.cmxs
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs/dlllablgtk2.so
-%files devel
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/gdk_pixbuf_mlsource
-%if %{with ocaml_opt}
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk2/propcc
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk2/varcc
-%if %{with opengl}
-%files gl
-%if %{with ocaml_opt}
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk2/lablgtkgl.cmxs
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs/dlllablgtkgl2.so
-%files gl-devel
-%if %{with ocaml_opt}
-%if %{with glade}
-%files glade
-%if %{with ocaml_opt}
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk2/lablglade.cmxs
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs/dlllablglade2.so
-%files glade-devel
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/lablgladecc2
-%if %{with ocaml_opt}
-%if %{with gnome}
-%files gnome
-%if %{with ocaml_opt}
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk2/lablgnomecanvas.cmxs
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk2/lablgnomeui.cmxs
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs/dlllablgnomecanvas.so
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs/dlllablgnomeui.so
-%files gnome-devel
-%if %{with ocaml_opt}
-%files gtkspell
-%if %{with ocaml_opt}
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk2/lablgtkspell.cmxs
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs/dlllablgtkspell.so
-%files gtkspell-devel
-%if %{with ocaml_opt}
-%files gtksourceview
-%if %{with ocaml_opt}
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk2/lablgtksourceview.cmxs
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs/dlllablgtksourceview.so
-%files gtksourceview-devel
-%if %{with ocaml_opt}
-%files gtksourceview2
-%if %{with ocaml_opt}
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk2/lablgtksourceview2.cmxs
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs/dlllablgtksourceview2.so
-%files gtksourceview2-devel
-%if %{with ocaml_opt}
-%files rsvg
-%if %{with ocaml_opt}
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk2/lablrsvg.cmxs
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs/dlllablrsvg.so
-%files rsvg-devel
-%if %{with ocaml_opt}
-%files toplevel
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/lablgtk2
diff --git a/ocaml-lablgtk3.spec b/ocaml-lablgtk3.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d59ca22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocaml-lablgtk3.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+# Conditional build:
+%bcond_without	ocaml_opt	# skip building native optimized binaries (bytecode is always built)
+# not yet available on x32 (ocaml 4.02.1), update when upstream will support it
+%ifnarch %{ix86} %{x8664} arm aarch64 ppc sparc sparcv9 
+%undefine	with_ocaml_opt
+%define		ocaml_ver	1:3.09.2
+Summary:	GTK+3 binding for OCaml
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+3 dla OCamla
+Name:		ocaml-lablgtk3
+Version:	3.1.1
+Release:	0.1
+License:	LGPL with linking exceptions
+Group:		Libraries
+Source0:	https://github.com/garrigue/lablgtk/archive/%{version}/lablgtk-%{version}.tar.gz
+# Source0-md5:	c55c37b3ff0eaa2563f07a3fe01f9243
+URL:		http://lablgtk.forge.ocamlcore.org/
+BuildRequires:	gtk+3-devel
+BuildRequires:	gtkspell3-devel
+BuildRequires:	gtksourceview3-devel
+BuildRequires:	ocaml-camlp4 >= %{ocaml_ver}
+BuildRequires:	ocaml-dune
+BuildRequires:	ocaml-cairo2-devel >= 0.6
+%requires_eq	ocaml-runtime
+BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+GTK+3 binding for OCaml. This package contains files needed to run
+bytecode OCaml programs using LablGtk.
+%description -l pl.UTF-8
+Wiązania GTK+3 dla OCamla. Pakiet ten zawiera binaria potrzebne do
+uruchamiania programów używających LablGtk.
+%package devel
+Summary:	GTK+3 binding for OCaml - development part
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+3 dla OCamla - cześć programistyczna
+Group:		Development/Libraries
+Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%requires_eq	ocaml
+%description devel
+GTK+3 binding for OCaml. This package contains files needed to develop
+OCaml programs using LablGtk.
+%description devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Wiązania GTK+3 dla OCamla. Pakiet ten zawiera pliki niezbędne do
+tworzenia programów używających LablGtk.
+%package gtkspell
+Summary:	GTK+3 binding for OCaml - GtkSpell support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+3 dla OCamla - obsługa GtkSpella
+Group:		Libraries
+Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%requires_eq	ocaml-runtime
+%description gtkspell
+GTK+3 binding for OCaml, GtkSpell support.
+%description gtkspell -l pl.UTF-8
+Wiązania GTK+3 dla OCamla, obsługa GtkSpella
+%package gtkspell-devel
+Summary:	GTK+3 binding for OCaml - GtkSpell support, development part
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+3 dla OCamla - obsługa GtkSpella, część programistyczna
+Group:		Development/Libraries
+Requires:	%{name}-gtkspell = %{version}-%{release}
+%requires_eq	ocaml
+%description gtkspell-devel
+GTK+3 binding for OCaml, GtkSpell support. This package contains files
+needed to develop OCaml programs using LablGtk-GtkSpell.
+%description gtkspell-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Wiązania GTK+3 dla OCamla, obsługa GtkSpella. Ten pakiet zawiera pliki
+niezbędne do tworzenia programów używających LablGtk-GtkSpell.
+%package gtksourceview
+Summary:	GTK+3 binding for OCaml - GtkSourceView support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+3 dla OCamla - wsparcie dla GtkSourceView
+Group:		Libraries
+Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%requires_eq	ocaml
+%description gtksourceview
+GTK+3 binding for OCaml, GtkSourceView support. This package contains
+files needed to run bytecode OCaml programs using
+%description gtksourceview -l pl.UTF-8
+Wiązania GTK+3 dla OCamla, wsparcie dla GtkSourceView. Pakiet ten
+zawiera binaria potrzebne do uruchamiania programów używających
+%package gtksourceview-devel
+Summary:	GTK+3 binding for OCaml - GtkSourceView support, development part
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wiązania GTK+3 dla OCamla - wsparcie dla GtkSourceView, część programistyczna
+Group:		Development/Libraries
+Requires:	%{name}-gtksourceview = %{version}-%{release}
+%requires_eq	ocaml
+%description gtksourceview-devel
+GTK+3 binding for OCaml, GtkSourceView support. This package contains
+files needed to develop OCaml programs using LablGtk-GtkSourceView.
+%description gtksourceview-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Wiązania GTK+3 dla OCamla, wsparcie dla GtkSourceView. Pakiet ten
+zawiera pliki niezbędne do tworzenia programów używających
+%setup -q -n lablgtk-%{version}
+dune build %{?_smp_mflags}
+install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_bindir},%{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs,%{_examplesdir}/%{name}-%{version}}
+dune install --destdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+cp -r examples/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_examplesdir}/%{name}-%{version}
+%doc CHANGES.md README.md
+%dir %{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk3
+%if %{with ocaml_opt}
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk3/lablgtk3.cmxs
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs/dlllablgtk3_stubs.so
+%files devel
+%if %{with ocaml_opt}
+%files gtkspell
+%if %{with ocaml_opt}
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk3-gtkspell3/lablgtk3_gtkspell3.cmxs
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs/dlllablgtk3_gtkspell3_stubs.so
+%files gtkspell-devel
+%if %{with ocaml_opt}
+%files gtksourceview
+%if %{with ocaml_opt}
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk3-sourceview3/lablgtk3_sourceview3.cmxs
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs/dlllablgtk3_sourceview3_stubs.so
+%files gtksourceview-devel
+%if %{with ocaml_opt}

---- gitweb:


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