[packages/openttd-openmsx] - up to 0.4.0
mrozowik at pld-linux.org
Sat May 1 13:51:13 CEST 2021
commit fcbfce42388b7a8ec0e51029c18323124085a8be
Author: Krzysztof Mrozowicz <mrozowik at pld-linux.org>
Date: Sat May 1 11:50:59 2021 +0000
- up to 0.4.0
openmsx-fix-install-target.patch | 114 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
openttd-openmsx.spec | 36 ++++++-------
2 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/openttd-openmsx.spec b/openttd-openmsx.spec
index a4ccdaf..5268b84 100644
--- a/openttd-openmsx.spec
+++ b/openttd-openmsx.spec
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
-Summary: Open source replacement for the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe (TTD) music
-Summary(pl.UTF-8): Darmowy zastępnik dla oryginalnej muzki do gry Transport Tycoon Deluxe (TTD)
+Summary: OpenMSX is an open source base music set for OpenTTD
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): OpenMSX jest podstawowym, otwartoźródłowym zestawem muzyki dla OpenTTD
Name: openttd-openmsx
-Version: 0.3.1
-Release: 3
+Version: 0.4.0
+Release: 1
License: GPL v2+
Group: Applications/Games
-Source0: http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/openmsx/releases/%{version}/openmsx-%{version}-source.tar.gz
-# Source0-md5: a6799d6722d47813f7dc5563bcc17faf
+Source0: https://cdn.openttd.org/openmsx-releases/%{version}/openmsx-%{version}-source.tar.xz
+# Source0-md5: 197eee00952990342ae7cf24abf40f77
+Patch0: openmsx-fix-install-target.patch
URL: http://wiki.openttd.org/OpenMSX
BuildRequires: python
BuildRequires: python-modules
BuildRequires: sed >= 4.0
+BuildRequires: xz
Requires: openttd-data >= 1.0.0
+Requires: TiMidity++
+Requires: TiMidity++-instruments
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
-OpenMSX is an open source replacement for the original Transport
-Tycoon Deluxe (TTD) music.
+OpenMSX is an open source base music set for OpenTTD.
%description -l pl.UTF-8
-Darmowy zastępnik dla oryginalnej muzki do gry Transport Tycoon Deluxe
+OpenMSX jest podstawowym, otwartoźródłowym zestawem muzyki dla
%setup -q -n openmsx-%{version}-source
-%{__sed} -i 's,$(INSTALL_DIR),$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DIR),' scripts/Makefile.bundles
+%patch0 -p0
+%{__make} bundle
%{__make} install \
- INSTALL_DIR="%{_datadir}/openttd/gm" \
+ INSTALL_DIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/openttd/baseset" \
-# packaged in doc, but used by openttd!
-#%{__rm} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/openttd/gm/openmsx-%{version}/*.txt
%doc docs/{changelog.txt,readme.txt}
-%dir %{_datadir}/openttd/gm
+%dir %{_datadir}/openttd/baseset
diff --git a/openmsx-fix-install-target.patch b/openmsx-fix-install-target.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a60b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmsx-fix-install-target.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+commit 8c4a1ccba0ea07c03659edc5933d8eab583611c1
+Author: Wuzzy <wuzzy2 at mail.ru>
+Date: Wed Apr 7 11:10:15 2021 +0000
+ Fix: Install location of 'make install' (#20)
+diff --git Makefile Makefile
+index fd7c013..c650644 100644
+--- Makefile
++++ Makefile
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ BASE_FILENAME ?= openmsx
+ # Documentation files
+ DOC_FILES ?= docs/readme.txt docs/license.txt docs/changelog.txt
+-# Possible offset to NewGRF version. Increase by one, if a release
++# Possible offset to baseset version. Increase by one, if a release
+ # branch is added to the repository
+@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ SCRIPT_DIR ?= build-common
+ #
+-# Everything below here usually need not change for simple NewGRFs
++# Everything below here usually need not change for simple basesets
+ #
+ # Define the filenames of the grf and nml file. They must be in the main directoy
+@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ ifeq ($(NML),)
+ endif
+- $(_E) "Wrong NML version. This NewGRF requires an NML from the $(REQUIRED_NML_BRANCH) branch, but $(NML_BRANCH) found."
++ $(_E) "Wrong NML version. This baseset requires an NML from the $(REQUIRED_NML_BRANCH) branch, but $(NML_BRANCH) found."
+ $(_V) false
+ endif
+ endif
+@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ maintainer-clean::
+ $(_V) -rm -rf $(MD5_SRC_FILENAME)
+-# target 'install' which installs the grf
++# target 'install' which installs the baseset
+ ################################################################
+ # Install targets
+ ################################################################
+@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ OSTYPE:=$(shell uname -s)
+ # Check for OSX
+ ifeq ($(OSTYPE),Darwin)
+-INSTALL_DIR :=$(HOME)/Documents/OpenTTD/newgrf/$(BASE_FILENAME)
++INSTALL_DIR :=$(HOME)/Documents/OpenTTD/baseset/$(BASE_FILENAME)
+ endif
+ # Check for Windows / MinGW32
+@@ -488,20 +488,20 @@ ifeq "$(origin CC)" "default"
+ endif
+ WIN_VER = $(shell echo "$(OSTYPE)" | cut -d- -f2 | cut -d. -f1)
+ ifeq ($(WIN_VER),5)
+- INSTALL_DIR :=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\OpenTTD\newgrf\$(BASE_FILENAME)
++ INSTALL_DIR :=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\OpenTTD\baseset\$(BASE_FILENAME)
+ else
+- INSTALL_DIR :=C:\Users\Public\Documents\OpenTTD\newgrf\$(BASE_FILENAME)
++ INSTALL_DIR :=C:\Users\Public\Documents\OpenTTD\baseset\$(BASE_FILENAME)
+ endif
+ endif
+ # Check for Windows / Cygwin
+ ifeq ($(shell echo "$(OSTYPE)" | cut -d_ -f1),CYGWIN)
+-INSTALL_DIR :=$(shell cygpath -A -O)/OpenTTD/newgrf/$(BASE_FILENAME)
++INSTALL_DIR :=$(shell cygpath -A -O)/OpenTTD/baseset/$(BASE_FILENAME)
+ endif
+ # If non of the above matched, we'll assume we're on a unix-like system
+ ifeq ($(OSTYPE),Linux)
+-INSTALL_DIR := $(HOME)/.openttd/newgrf/$(BASE_FILENAME)
++INSTALL_DIR := $(HOME)/.openttd/baseset/$(BASE_FILENAME)
+ endif
+ endif
+@@ -513,15 +513,15 @@ ifeq ($(INSTALL_DIR),"")
+ $(_V) false
+ endif
+ $(_E) "[INSTALL] to $(INSTALL_DIR)"
+- $(_V) install -d $(INSTALL_DIR)
+- $(_V) install -m644 $< $(INSTALL_DIR)
++ $(_V) install -d $(INSTALL_DIR)/$(DIR_NAME)
++ $(_V) install -m644 $(DIR_NAME)/* $(INSTALL_DIR)/$(DIR_NAME)
+ # misc. convenience targets like 'langcheck'
+ -include $(SCRIPT_DIR)/Makefile_misc
+ help:
+- $(_E) "all: Build the entire NewGRF and its documentation"
+- $(_E) "install: Install into the default NewGRF directory ($(INSTALL_DIR))"
++ $(_E) "all: Build the entire baseset and its documentation"
++ $(_E) "install: Install into the default baseset directory ($(INSTALL_DIR))"
+ $(_E) "$(GENERATE_DOC): Build the documentation ($(DOC_FILES))"
+ $(_E) "$(GENERATE_GFX): Build the graphics dependencies"
+@@ -575,5 +575,5 @@ endif
+ $(_E) "XZ XZ_FLAGS defaults: $(XZ) $(XZ_FLAGS)"
+ $(_E)
+ $(_E) "INSTALL_DIR defaults: $(INSTALL_DIR)"
+- $(_E) " Sets the default installation directory for NewGRFs"
++ $(_E) " Sets the default installation directory for basesets"
---- gitweb:
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