[packages/git-core-slug] up to 0.14

atler atler at pld-linux.org
Sat Oct 2 17:33:47 CEST 2021

commit ad1ff7aa4fc667f52dadea2e859e429a46738c0d
Author: Jan Palus <atler at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Sat Oct 2 17:32:10 2021 +0200

    up to 0.14

 git-core-slug-git.patch | 326 ------------------------------------------------
 git-core-slug.spec      |  13 +-
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 334 deletions(-)
diff --git a/git-core-slug.spec b/git-core-slug.spec
index 17e826e..c07392a 100644
--- a/git-core-slug.spec
+++ b/git-core-slug.spec
@@ -2,17 +2,16 @@
 Summary:	Tools to interact with PLD Linux git repositories
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Narzędzia do pracy z repozytoriami gita w PLD Linuksa
 Name:		git-core-slug
-Version:	0.13.4
-Release:	21
+Version:	0.14
+Release:	1
 License:	GPL v2
 Group:		Development/Building
-Source0:	https://github.com/draenog/slug/tarball/v%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
-# Source0-md5:	b6e6f24006b0a56378e91c0bc8daf5b1
+Source0:	%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
+# Source0-md5:	94d40c83999c0ea1d085fb436beede19
 Source1:	slug_watch.init
 Source2:	crontab
 Source3:	slug_watch.sysconfig
 Source4:	slug_watch-cron
-Patch0:		%{name}-git.patch
 URL:		https://github.com/draenog/slug
 BuildRequires:	asciidoc
 BuildRequires:	docbook-dtd45-xml
@@ -55,9 +54,7 @@ Demon uaktualniający repozytorium Refs dla git-slug. Jest przeznaczony
 do uruchamiania na serwerze gitolite PLD.
-%setup -qc
-mv draenog-slug-*/* .
-%patch0 -p1
+%setup -q
diff --git a/git-core-slug-git.patch b/git-core-slug-git.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a8b80a..0000000
--- a/git-core-slug-git.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/git_slug/gitrepo.py b/git_slug/gitrepo.py
-index 5234deb..d9f88ee 100644
---- a/git_slug/gitrepo.py
-+++ b/git_slug/gitrepo.py
-@@ -82,12 +82,21 @@ class GitRepo:
-             'refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*'])
-     def check_remote(self, ref, remote=REMOTE_NAME):
-+        localref = EMPTYSHA1
-         ref = ref.replace(REFFILE, os.path.join('remotes', remote))
-         try:
-             with open(os.path.join(self.gdir, ref), 'r') as f:
-                 localref = f.readline().strip()
-         except IOError:
--            localref = EMPTYSHA1
-+            try:
-+                with open(os.path.join(self.gdir, 'packed-refs')) as f:
-+                    for line in f:
-+                        line_data = line.split()
-+                        if len(line_data) == 2 and line_data[1] == ref:
-+                            localref = line_data[0].strip()
-+                            break
-+            except IOError:
-+                pass
-         return localref
-     def showfile(self, filename, ref="/".join([REMOTE_NAME, "master"])):
-diff --git a/git_slug/refsdata.py b/git_slug/refsdata.py
-index 4354ac4..67592f8 100644
---- a/git_slug/refsdata.py
-+++ b/git_slug/refsdata.py
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class NoMatchedRepos(Exception):
- class RemoteRefsData:
-     def __init__(self, stream, pattern, dirpattern=('*',)):
--        self.heads = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: EMPTYSHA1))
-+        self.heads = collections.defaultdict(self.__dict_var__)
-         pats = re.compile('|'.join(fnmatch.translate(os.path.join('refs/heads', p)) for p in pattern))
-         dirpat = re.compile('|'.join(fnmatch.translate(p) for p in dirpattern))
-         for line in stream.readlines():
-@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ class RemoteRefsData:
-         if not self.heads:
-             raise NoMatchedRepos
-+    def __dict_init__(self):
-+        return EMPTYSHA1
-+    def __dict_var__(self):
-+        return collections.defaultdict(self.__dict_init__)
-     def put(self, repo, data):
-         for line in data:
-             (sha1_old, sha1, ref) = line.split()
-diff --git a/slug.py b/slug.py
-index 69bd3b9..17a67e7 100755
---- a/slug.py
-+++ b/slug.py
-@@ -7,26 +7,18 @@ import os
- import shutil
- import subprocess
- import queue
--import threading
-+import multiprocessing
- import argparse
- import signal
- import configparser
-+from multiprocessing import Pool as WorkerPool
- from git_slug.gitrepo import GitRepo, GitRepoError
- from git_slug.refsdata import GitArchiveRefsData, NoMatchedRepos, RemoteRefsError
--class Store():
--    def __init__(self):
--        self.lock = threading.Lock()
--        self.items = []
--    def put(self, item):
--        with self.lock:
--            self.items.append(item)
- class UnquoteConfig(configparser.ConfigParser):
-     def get(self, section, option, **kwargs):
-         value = super().get(section, option, **kwargs)
-@@ -43,25 +35,30 @@ class DelAppend(argparse._AppendAction):
-         item.append(values)
-         setattr(namespace, self.dest, item)
--class ThreadFetch(threading.Thread):
--    def __init__(self, queue, output, pkgdir, depth=0):
--        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
--        self.queue = queue
--        self.packagesdir = pkgdir
--        self.depth = depth
--        self.output = output
--    def run(self):
--        while True:
--            (gitrepo, ref2fetch) = self.queue.get()
--            try:
--                (stdout, stderr) = gitrepo.fetch(ref2fetch, self.depth)
--                if stderr != b'':
--                    print('------', gitrepo.gdir[:-len('.git')], '------\n' + stderr.decode('utf-8'))
--                    self.output.put(gitrepo)
--            except GitRepoError as e:
--                print('------', gitrepo.gdir[:-len('.git')], '------\n', e)
--            self.queue.task_done()
-+def cpu_count():
-+    try:
-+        return multiprocessing.cpu_count()
-+    except NotImplementedError:
-+        pass
-+    return 4
-+def pool_worker_init():
-+    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
-+def run_worker(function, options, args):
-+    ret = []
-+    pool = WorkerPool(options.jobs, pool_worker_init)
-+    try:
-+        ret = pool.starmap(function, args)
-+        pool.close()
-+        pool.join()
-+        ret = list(filter(None, ret))
-+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-+        print('Keyboard interrupt received, finishing...', file=sys.stderr)
-+        pool.terminate()
-+        pool.join()
-+        sys.exit(1)
-+    return ret
- def readconfig(path):
-     config = UnquoteConfig(delimiters='=', interpolation=None, strict=False)
-@@ -114,38 +111,45 @@ def getrefs(*args):
-         sys.exit(2)
-     return refs
--def fetch_packages(options, return_all=False):
--    fetch_queue = queue.Queue()
--    updated_repos = Store()
--    for i in range(options.jobs):
--        t = ThreadFetch(fetch_queue, updated_repos, options.packagesdir, options.depth)
--        t.setDaemon(True)
--        t.start()
--    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
-+def fetch_package(gitrepo, refs_heads, options):
-+    ref2fetch = []
-+    for ref in refs_heads:
-+        if gitrepo.check_remote(ref) != refs_heads[ref]:
-+            ref2fetch.append('+{}:{}/{}'.format(ref, REMOTEREFS, ref[len('refs/heads/'):]))
-+    if ref2fetch:
-+        ref2fetch.append('refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*')
-+    else:
-+        return
-+    try:
-+        (stdout, stderr) = gitrepo.fetch(ref2fetch, options.depth)
-+        if stderr != b'':
-+            print('------', gitrepo.gdir[:-len('.git')], '------\n' + stderr.decode('utf-8'))
-+            return gitrepo
-+    except GitRepoError as e:
-+        print('------', gitrepo.gdir[:-len('.git')], '------\n', e)
-+def fetch_packages(options, return_all=False):
-     refs = getrefs(options.branch, options.repopattern)
-     print('Read remotes data')
-+    pkgs_new = []
-+    if options.newpkgs:
-+        for pkgdir in sorted(refs.heads):
-+            gitdir = os.path.join(options.packagesdir, pkgdir, '.git')
-+            if not os.path.isdir(gitdir):
-+                pkgs_new.append(pkgdir)
-+        run_worker(initpackage, options, zip(pkgs_new, [options] * len(pkgs_new)))
-+    args = []
-     for pkgdir in sorted(refs.heads):
--        gitdir = os.path.join(options.packagesdir, pkgdir, '.git')
--        if not os.path.isdir(gitdir):
--            if options.newpkgs:
--                gitrepo = initpackage(pkgdir, options)
--            else:
--                continue
--        elif options.omitexisting:
-+        if options.omitexisting and pkgdir not in pkgs_new:
-             continue
-         else:
-             gitrepo = GitRepo(os.path.join(options.packagesdir, pkgdir))
--        ref2fetch = []
--        for ref in refs.heads[pkgdir]:
--            if gitrepo.check_remote(ref) != refs.heads[pkgdir][ref]:
--                ref2fetch.append('+{}:{}/{}'.format(ref, REMOTEREFS, ref[len('refs/heads/'):]))
--        if ref2fetch:
--            ref2fetch.append('refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*')
--            fetch_queue.put((gitrepo, ref2fetch))
-+            args.append((gitrepo, refs.heads[pkgdir], options))
--    fetch_queue.join()
-+    updated_repos = run_worker(fetch_package, options, args)
-     if options.prune:
-         refs = getrefs('*')
-@@ -158,26 +162,47 @@ def fetch_packages(options, return_all=False):
-     if return_all:
-         return refs.heads
-     else:
--        return updated_repos.items
-+        return updated_repos
-+def checkout_package(repo, options):
-+    try:
-+        repo.checkout(options.checkout)
-+    except GitRepoError as e:
-+        print('Problem with checking branch {} in repo {}: {}'.format(options.checkout, repo.gdir, e), file=sys.stderr)
- def checkout_packages(options):
-     if options.checkout is None:
-         options.checkout = "/".join([REMOTE_NAME, options.branch[0]])
-     fetch_packages(options)
-     refs = getrefs(options.branch, options.repopattern)
-+    repos = []
-     for pkgdir in sorted(refs.heads):
--        repo = GitRepo(os.path.join(options.packagesdir, pkgdir))
--        try:
--            repo.checkout(options.checkout)
--        except GitRepoError as e:
--            print('Problem with checking branch {} in repo {}: {}'.format(options.checkout, repo.gdir, e), file=sys.stderr)
-+        repos.append(GitRepo(os.path.join(options.packagesdir, pkgdir)))
-+    run_worker(checkout_package, options, zip(repos, [options] * len(repos)))
-+def clone_package(repo, options):
-+    try:
-+        repo.checkout('master')
-+    except GitRepoError as e:
-+        print('Problem with checking branch master in repo {}: {}'.format(repo.gdir, e), file=sys.stderr)
- def clone_packages(options):
--    for repo in fetch_packages(options):
--        try:
--            repo.checkout('master')
--        except GitRepoError as e:
--            print('Problem with checking branch master in repo {}: {}'.format(repo.gdir, e), file=sys.stderr)
-+    repos = fetch_packages(options)
-+    run_worker(clone_package, options, zip(repos, [options] * len(repos)))
-+def pull_package(gitrepo, options):
-+    directory = os.path.basename(gitrepo.wtree)
-+    try:
-+        (out, err) = gitrepo.commandexc(['rev-parse', '-q', '--verify', '@{u}'])
-+        sha1 = out.decode().strip()
-+        (out, err) = gitrepo.commandexc(['rebase', sha1])
-+        for line in out.decode().splitlines():
-+            print(directory,":",line)
-+    except GitRepoError as e:
-+        for line in e.args[0].splitlines():
-+            print("{}: {}".format(directory,line))
-+        pass
- def pull_packages(options):
-     repolist = []
-@@ -189,19 +214,8 @@ def pull_packages(options):
-     else:
-         repolist = fetch_packages(options, False)
-     print('--------Pulling------------')
--    for gitrepo in repolist:
--        directory = os.path.basename(gitrepo.wtree)
--        try:
--            (out, err) = gitrepo.commandexc(['rev-parse', '-q', '--verify', '@{u}'])
--            sha1 = out.decode().strip()
--            (out, err) = gitrepo.commandexc(['rebase', sha1])
--            for line in out.decode().splitlines():
--                print(directory,":",line)
--        except GitRepoError as e:
--            for line in e.args[0].splitlines():
--                print("{}: {}".format(directory,line))
--            pass
-+    pool = WorkerPool(options.jobs, pool_worker_init)
-+    run_worker(pull_package, options, zip(repolist, [options] * len(repolist)))
- def list_packages(options):
-     refs = getrefs(options.branch, options.repopattern)
-@@ -213,7 +227,7 @@ common_options.add_argument('-d', '--packagesdir', help='local directory with gi
-     default=os.path.expanduser('~/rpm/packages'))
- common_fetchoptions = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False, parents=[common_options])
--common_fetchoptions.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', help='number of threads to use', default=4, type=int)
-+common_fetchoptions.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', help='number of threads to use', default=cpu_count(), type=int)
- common_fetchoptions.add_argument('repopattern', nargs='*', default = ['*'])
- common_fetchoptions.add_argument('--depth', help='depth of fetch', default=0)
-@@ -253,10 +267,14 @@ default_options['fetch'] = {'branch': '[*]', 'prune': False, 'newpkgs': False, '
- pull = subparsers.add_parser('pull', help='git-pull in all existing repositories', parents=[common_fetchoptions],
-         formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
--pull.add_argument('--all', help='update local branches in all repositories', dest='updateall', action='store_true', default=True)
-+pull.add_argument('--all', help='update local branches in all repositories', dest='updateall', action='store_true', default=False)
- pull.add_argument('--noall', help='update local branches only when something has been fetched', dest='updateall', action='store_false', default=True)
-+newpkgsopt = pull.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-+newpkgsopt.add_argument('-n', '--newpkgs', help='download packages that do not exist on local side',
-+        action='store_true')
-+newpkgsopt.add_argument('-nn', '--nonewpkgs', help='do not download new packages', dest='newpkgs', action='store_false')
- pull.set_defaults(func=pull_packages, branch='[*]', prune=False, newpkgs=False, omitexisting=False)
--default_options['pull'] = {'branch': ['*'], 'prune': False, 'newpkgs': False, 'omitexisting': False}
-+default_options['pull'] = {'branch': ['*'], 'prune': False, 'omitexisting': False}
- checkout =subparsers.add_parser('checkout', help='checkout repositories', parents=[common_fetchoptions],
-         formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
-diff --git a/slug.py b/slug.py
-index 69bd3b9..9238cc9 100755
---- a/slug.py
-+++ b/slug.py
-@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ class ThreadFetch(threading.Thread):
- def readconfig(path):
-     config = UnquoteConfig(delimiters='=', interpolation=None, strict=False)
--    config.read(path)
-     try:
-         config.read(path)
-     except UnicodeDecodeError:

---- gitweb:


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