[packages/libLC3plus] - up to 1.4.1, adjusted .pc file for pipewire compatibility, bcond to choose fixed/floating point
qboosh at pld-linux.org
Sat Mar 23 10:03:29 CET 2024
commit e3061abbca5bff0bc7b2a7fa6bea92d45e27b660
Author: Jakub Bogusz <qboosh at pld-linux.org>
Date: Sat Mar 23 08:52:31 2024 +0100
- up to 1.4.1, adjusted .pc file for pipewire compatibility, bcond to choose fixed/floating point
CMakeLists.txt.in | 186 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
LC3plus.pc.in | 12 ++++
libLC3plus.spec | 40 +++++++-----
3 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libLC3plus.spec b/libLC3plus.spec
index ea8fbf6..569c8df 100644
--- a/libLC3plus.spec
+++ b/libLC3plus.spec
@@ -1,22 +1,34 @@
+# Conditional build:
+%bcond_with fixed # fixed point implementation
Summary: Fraunhofer LC3plus Codec library
Summary(pl.UTF-8): Biblioteka kodeka Fraunhofer LC3plus
Name: libLC3plus
-Version: 1.3.6
+Version: 1.4.1
%define gitref 887a9e1b3dd5e51462bc60b0400152eab51337ec
Release: 1
-# build system from BlueKitchen is BSD-licensed
-License: ETSI IPR + BSD
+License: ETSI IPR
Group: Libraries
-NoSource0: https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_ts/103600_103699/103634/01.03.01_60/ts_103634v010301p0.zip
-# NoSource0-md5: 3a3bc7c3ef7dcaede82caa73cd641b61
-Source1: https://github.com/bluekitchen/libLC3plus/archive/%{gitref}/%{name}-%{gitref}.tar.gz
-# Source1-md5: ec70471250a579d418b728a76ff685c3
+# search for newer releases at etsi.org
+# also (unofficially?) mirrored at https://github.com/arkq/LC3plus/tags with nice versioning
+Source0: https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_ts/103600_103699/103634/01.04.01_60/ts_103634v010401p0.zip
+# NoSource0-md5: 9baaf65d7cf4f6cddfba278a7b8b85f2
+# inspired by https://github.com/bluekitchen/libLC3plus and https://github.com/Quackdoc/libLC3plus
+Source1: CMakeLists.txt.in
+Source2: LC3plus.pc.in
Patch0: %{name}-dirs.patch
NoSource: 0
URL: https://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/en/ff/amm/communication/lc3.html
BuildRequires: cmake >= 3.8
BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+%if %{with fixed_point}
+%define srcdir src/fixed_point
+%define srcdir src/floating_point
LC3plus (Low Complexity Communication Codec Plus) codec library.
@@ -40,15 +52,13 @@ Pliki nagłówkowe biblioteki LC3plus.
%{__mv} LC3plus_ETSI_src_* LC3plus_src
-%{__tar} xf %{SOURCE1} -C LC3plus_src/src/fixed_point --strip-components=1
-%patch0 -p1
+%{__sed} -e 's, at VERSION@,%{version},' %{SOURCE1} >LC3plus_src/%{srcdir}/CMakeLists.txt
+cp -p %{SOURCE2} LC3plus_src/%{srcdir}
-install -d build
-cd build
-%cmake ../LC3plus_src/src/fixed_point
+%cmake -B build -S LC3plus_src/%{srcdir}
+%{__make} -C build
@@ -64,11 +74,11 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
-%doc LC3plus_src/Readme.txt LC3plus_src/src/fixed_point/{LICENSE,README.md}
+%doc LC3plus_src/Readme.txt
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libLC3plus.so.*.*.*
%files devel
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libLC3plus.so
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt.in b/CMakeLists.txt.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daaf354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt.in
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
+ DESCRIPTION "LC3plus library"
+ HOMEPAGE_URL "https://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/en/ff/amm/communication/lc3.html"
+add_definitions(-DWMOPS=0 -DDONT_COUNT_MEM)
+ adjust_global_gain_fx.c
+ al_fec.c
+ apply_global_gain_fx.c
+ ari_codec.c
+ attack_detector_fx.c
+ basop_mpy.c
+ basop_util.c
+ constants.c
+ cutoff_bandwidth.c
+ dct2_fx.c
+ dct4_fx.c
+ dec_entropy.c
+ dec_lc3.c
+ detect_cutoff_warped_fx.c
+ enc_entropy.c
+ enc_lc3.c
+ estimate_global_gain_fx.c
+ fft.c
+ imdct_fx.c
+ lc3.c
+ levinson_fx.c
+ ltpf_coder_fx.c
+ ltpf_decoder_fx.c
+ mdct_fx.c
+ mdct_shaping_fx.c
+ near_nyquist_detector_fx.c
+ noise_factor_fx.c
+ noise_filling_fx.c
+ olpa_fx.c
+ pc_apply_fx.c
+ pc_classify_fx.c
+ pc_main_fx.c
+ pc_update_fx.c
+ per_band_energy_fx.c
+ plc_apply_fx.c
+ plc_classify_fx.c
+ plc_damping_scrambling_fx.c
+ plc_lpc_scaling_fx.c
+ plc_main_fx.c
+ plc_noise_substitution_fx.c
+ plc_phecu_f0_refine_first_fx.c
+ plc_phecu_fec_hq_fx.c
+ plc_phecu_lf_peak_analysis_fx.c
+ plc_phecu_peak_locator_fx.c
+ plc_phecu_setf0hz_fx.c
+ plc_phecu_tools_fx.c
+ plc_tdac_fx.c
+ plc_tdc_inverse_odft_fx.c
+ plc_tdc_lagwin_fx.c
+ plc_tdc_main_fx.c
+ plc_tdc_pre_emphasis_fx.c
+ plc_update_aft_imdct_fx.c
+ plc_update_fx.c
+ plc_xcorr_fx.c
+ pvq_dec_fx.c
+ pvq_enc_fx.c
+ pvq_index_fx.c
+ quantize_spec_fx.c
+ reorder_bitstream_fx.c
+ resamp12k8_fx.c
+ residual_coding_fx.c
+ residual_decoding_fx.c
+ rom_basop_util.c
+ scale_signal24_fx.c
+ setup_dec_lc3.c
+ setup_enc_lc3.c
+ sns_compute_scf_fx.c
+ sns_interpolate_scf_fx.c
+ sns_quantize_scf_fx.c
+ tns_coder_fx.c
+ tns_decoder_fx.c
+ basic_op/basop32.c
+ basic_op/control.c
+ basic_op/count.c
+ basic_op/dynmem.c
+ basic_op/enh1632.c
+ basic_op/enh40.c
+ basic_op/enhUL32.c
+else ()
+ adjust_global_gain.c
+ al_fec_fl.c
+ apply_global_gain.c
+ ari_codec.c
+ attack_detector.c
+ CMakeLists.txt
+ codec_exe.c
+ constants.c
+ cutoff_bandwidth.c
+ dct4.c
+ dec_entropy.c
+ dec_lc3_fl.c
+ detect_cutoff_warped.c
+ enc_entropy.c
+ enc_lc3_fl.c
+ estimate_global_gain.c
+ fft.c
+ imdct.c
+ lc3.c
+ LC3plus.pc.in
+ ltpf_coder.c
+ ltpf_decoder.c
+ makefile
+ mdct.c
+ mdct_shaping.c
+ near_nyquist_detector.c
+ noise_factor.c
+ noise_filling.c
+ olpa.c
+ pc_apply.c
+ pc_classify.c
+ pc_main.c
+ pc_update.c
+ per_band_energy.c
+ plc_classify.c
+ plc_compute_stab_fac.c
+ plc_damping_scrambling.c
+ plc_main.c
+ plc_noise_substitution0.c
+ plc_noise_substitution.c
+ plc_phecu_f0_refine_first.c
+ plc_phecu_fec_hq.c
+ plc_phecu_hq_ecu.c
+ plc_phecu_lf_peak_analysis.c
+ plc_phecu_rec_frame.c
+ plc_phecu_setf0hz.c
+ plc_phecu_spec_ana.c
+ plc_phecu_subst_spec.c
+ plc_phecu_tba_per_band_gain.c
+ plc_phecu_tba_spect_Xavg.c
+ plc_phecu_tba_trans_dect_gains.c
+ plc_phecu_trans_burst_ana_sub.c
+ plc_tdc.c
+ plc_tdc_tdac.c
+ plc_update.c
+ quantize_spec.c
+ reorder_bitstream.c
+ resamp12k8.c
+ residual_coding.c
+ residual_decoding.c
+ setup_com_lc3.c
+ setup_dec_lc3.c
+ setup_enc_lc3.c
+ sns_compute_scf.c
+ sns_interpolate_scf.c
+ sns_quantize_scf.c
+ tns_coder.c
+ tns_decoder.c
+endif ()
+SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall -W -Wextra -Wno-long-long")
+SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Werror=implicit-function-declaration")
+set_target_properties(LC3plus PROPERTIES VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION})
+set_target_properties(LC3plus PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER lc3.h)
+target_link_libraries(LC3plus m)
+install(TARGETS LC3plus
+configure_file(LC3plus.pc.in lc3plus.pc @ONLY)
diff --git a/LC3plus.pc.in b/LC3plus.pc.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65564b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LC3plus.pc.in
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Libs: -L${libdir} -lLC3plus
+Cflags: -I${includedir} -DENABLE_HR_MODE
---- gitweb:
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