pdksh broken
Paweł Kołodziej
pawelk at pld.org.pl
Sat Mar 10 23:46:56 CET 2001
Dnia Sat, Mar 10, 2001 at 02:09:45PM +0100, Arkadiusz Miskiewicz napisał(a):
> Thanks to malekith we now know how to reprocude segfault under
> pdksh on PLD.
I have been invesigating it for a while, and I've found that it crash when
trying to do:
lib_search_path=ces.lo gnome-propertybox.lo gnome-properties.lo gnome-property-entries.lo gnome-scores.lo gnome-spell.lo gnome-startup.lo gnome-stock.lo gnome-winhints.lo gnome-paper-selector.lo gnome-procbar.lo gnome-window.lo gnome-window-icon.lo gnometypes.lo gtkcauldron.lA /usr/lib
It's quite strange for me, becouse first word afetr = char is
"ces.lo" and it seams to be derived from gnome-preferences.lo
I dont know, if it's ok (mayby libtool shifts some string) or wrong (it may
be caused by some buffer overfow in input subsystem (awfully lex.c (I don't
think that it was generated manually, but there is only .c file :( ))
Becouse sigsev was becouse of freeing not alloced memory arrea, I just
commented out one afree(). It seams to work, but it's dirty.
I'm posting my patch to cvs.
Paweł Kołodziej
pawelk at pld.org.pl
I edycja konkursu na dobrą radę -- ,,WUCH 2001'' wciąż trwa
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