perl auto-dependencies
Jacek Konieczny
jajcus at
Tue Mar 20 20:36:17 CET 2001
I have just packaged dbman, an interesting interface to various database
system (via perl-DBI interfaces and perl-DBD-* drivers).
The problem is I don't like Requires and Provides generated by
1. dbman can use Tk, NCurses or SLang module. Each one via different
perl module (we have only perl-Tk in PLD), but it is the same
executable. The problem is, that generated packages Requires:
perl(Curses), perl(Term::Slang) and, what is most interesting, it
doesn't require perl(Tk) (at it has stub module for this)
2. dbman is very modular. Instead of one executable file it is made of
several perl modules. The problem here is, that those modules are not
supposed to be used outside dbman. And any other perl app. won't find
them anyway. But very much "Provides" is generated. Including perl(Tk),
which is false, as Tk module in this package is dummy.
Is there any way to fix find-perl-*es behaviour. Or should I remove perl
macros from spec and make Provides/Requires by hand?
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