Michal Moskal
malekith at pld.org.pl
Fri May 4 12:36:46 CEST 2001
On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 09:27:26PM +0200, Lukas Dobrek wrote:
> 2. My idea is to provide two additional packages like rc-boot-grub and rc-boot-lilo. Each of them
> contains the rc-boot script. They conflicts one with the other and one of them no metter
> which oneis required by kernel package.
> The problem is in dependences this what user should choose is
> the kind of bootloader and the rest should come from deps. And I don't really know how to
> solve it. It could be done in following way: bouth of packages provides some virtual functionality
> lets call it rc-boot-automat. kernel requires rc-boot-automat, grub conflicts with rc-boot-lilo and
> lilo conflicts with rc-boot-grub. Bot I don't really know if it is a good solution.
At the moment there are three packages:
rc-boot -- req: rc-boot-loader
rc-boot-lilo \
rc-boot-grub / provides rc-boot-loader, req: rc-boot
This way kernel.spec will only need to require rc-boot.
There is problem with this, since when you're installing using
rpm kernel you will get requieres: rc-boot, that's ok, you do
rpm -Uvh rc-boot-0*, but then you get req: rc-boot-loader, and
this can be somewhat hard to figure out what to install. I guess
this can also lead wuch/poldek/apt to confusion (but I'm not sure).
So maybe better remove rc-boot, and leave only rc-boot-XXX.
Anyway I like 2 approach more.
: Michal ``,/\/\, '' Moskal | | : GCS {C,UL}++++$
: | |alekith @ |)|(| . org . pl : {E--, W, w-,M}-
: | : {b,e>+}++ !tv h
: Current project: http://aleph-0.dhs.org/ywindow/ : PLD Team member
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