[distributed builder?]

Michał Margula alchemyx at uznam.net.pl
Sun Dec 1 13:59:46 CET 2002

Dnia nie 1. grudzień 2002 13:35, Sergiusz Pawlowicz napisał:
> is  it possible  (and worth  of  spending a  time) to  prepare
> distributed pld builder?
> http://distcc.samba.org/

Would be nice but I haven't found at their site anything about security, 
because you need to trust your builders which could inject trojans into 
compilation results.

Michał Margula, alchemyx at uznam.net.pl, http://alchemyx.uznam.net.pl/ +)
"W życiu piękne są tylko chwile" [Ryszard Riedel]

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