[PR] resume, my proposal
Michal Moskal
malekith at pld.org.pl
Tue Feb 19 16:03:39 CET 2002
This is my idea how the document about PLD for PR purposes might look
like. This is one big IMHO however, you have been warned.
What is PLD?
PLD is Linux distribution developed by pack of geeks, mainly in Poland
(however this changes slowly). PLD stands for PLD Linux Distribution.
How is PLD different from other Linux distributions?
In PLD one does, what one needs, or wants to do. This simple fact multiplied
by number of developers involved gives good picture how does PLD look like.
* Packages very often comes in sensible default configuration, with bunch
of useful patches applied -- that's because packagers use packages
themselves very extensively.
* PLD has the best IPv6 support among all Linux distributions (and yes,
that's because some of us are using it)
[[mention rc-scripts, initrd, localization issues (%lang() stuff),
-static, -devel, gziping mans/docs, several choices of
inetd/MTA/finger/ftp/whatever, and other stuff here]]
* In general PLD is very sysadmin friendly, several choices of crucial
servers is one example, highly modularized kernel from distribution
suitable for most machines is another (sysadmins with 20+ machines tends
not to bother compiling kernel over and over again :^)
[[need some more examples]]
* PLD is also very developer friendly. There are compilers and other
development tools for wide variety of languages. This includes such
"standard" things like C (three compilers available), C++, Perl or
Python, but also some less standard things like two implementations
of SML and Prolog, OCaml with several utility programs and libraries
and even experimental compilers, like Cyclone or Ksi. As with other
packages they are often much better packaged then in other distribution,
especially with respect to splitting them into subpackages.
Some other features.
It is common in PLD to simplify and cleanup things. We have very strict
packaging standards. However it goes far beyond that. Installing package
in PLD is often enough to make it work in some default configuration. For
example installing telnetd or cvs-pserver adds it to configuration of
current inetd server (this is done through rc-inetd common interface to
all inetd servers in PLD), installing kernel generates initrd image for
it (with geninitrd script), adds it to current bootloader configuration
(through rc-boot interface), and reinstalls bootloader.
PLD is fully prepared for automatic system upgrade. We supply indexes
for RPM's apt-get port, we also have other upgrade tool, named poldek,
with similar functionality.
Common myths about PLD.
PLD is not Polish Linux Distribution, nor Polished, or even Polish(ed).
Specifically it means that system won't talk to you in Polish, if you
won't instruct it to. It can also speak other languages, beside English
and Polish.
: Michal ``,/\/\, '' Moskal | | : GCS {C,UL}++++$
: | |alekith @ |)|(| . org . pl : {E--, W, w-,M}-
: Linux: We are dot in .ORG. | : {b,e>+}++ !tv h
: CurProj: Gont Compiler: http://gont.pld.org.pl/ : PLD Team member
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