[SEC] arts-3.0.2
Michal Kochanowicz
michal at michal.waw.pl
Mon Jul 8 01:51:59 CEST 2002
All KDE version startin from 2.2 up to current CVS have a printf format
bug in artswrapper. Patch for this hole has been added to the spec, so
people using it should consider upgrade.
Note that in PLD artswrapper is _not_ installed SUID root.
PS. What's up with the security list? Does it exist? It isn't mentoined
on pld.org.pl.
--= Michal Kochanowicz==--==--==BOFH==--==--==michal at michal.waw.pl =--
--= finger me for PGP public key or visit http://michal.waw.pl/PGP =--
--==--==--==--==--==-- Vodka. Connecting people.--==--==--==--==--==--
A chodzenie po górach SSIE!!!
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