propsal: tasks

Pawel A. Gajda mis at
Fri Sep 20 19:29:53 CEST 2002

piÄ…tek 20/09/2002 18:27:52, Michal Moskal:
> There are special packages called 'tasks' in debian. Some time ago I
> discuss this matter with Pawel Gajda. We come to conlusion that tasks
> would be better as a way of selecting packages then existing groups
> file. Reasons:
> 1) they are more understandable by avarage developer then bizzare groups
> file syntax
> 2) they can be easly checked (if all required packages are available)
> 3) they are not bound to bootdisks (they are fresh on ftp all the time)
> There is a problem with MTA-like packages, where one can select one of
> many possibilities but there are not so many of them so it can be
> resolved with separate text file (like groups).

Some time ago I made perl script to convert "groups" file to spec, 

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