SPECS: spamassassin.spec (RA-branch)

Paweł Gołaszewski blues at ds.pg.gda.pl
Mon Aug 25 19:05:53 CEST 2003

On Mon, 25 Aug 2003, Radoslaw Zielinski wrote:
> >> SA 2.5x has been put there despite my protest and actually _happened_
> >> to be seriously broken.
> > *What* is wrong and why nobody has told me that?
> *Was* wrong.  With versions 2.5[0123].  2.50 was marked as unstable, but
> made its way to RA-branch.  Now the history goes round with 2.60.

well... I'm not fairy... I don't know everything...
You know that package, so if you see that someone is putting wrong version 
into RA-branch - shout.
I didn't asked arekm why is he putting this into RA-branch because... I 

> I don't really care about Ra itself (since mmazur digs a grave for it).

dig mmazur, dig :)

pozdr.  Paweł Gołaszewski 
worth to see: http://www.againsttcpa.com/
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