SPECS (LINUX_2_6_8): kernel.spec - mount /boot in %pre
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
ankry at green.mif.pg.gda.pl
Mon Dec 20 14:35:29 CET 2004
Elan =?iso-8859-2?q?Ruusam=E4e?= wrote:
> On Saturday 18 December 2004 16:38, Paweł Sakowski wrote:
> > I'm not sure if that's the right approach. If somebody mounts /boot ro,
> > they usually do it for a reason and might not want it silently
> > overridden by rpm scripts. Besides, if you change the disks mounted in
> > %pre, you should roll it back in %post -- honour admin's decision of not
> > having /boot mounted permanently.
> >
> > You need /boot mounted rw to install FHS, kernel and grub. You need /usr
> > mounted rw to install virtually any package. An admin should know this.
> the noauto for /boot is from gentoo world. they say it's for security and for
> system failures.
/boot is also required to be on fat, minix or old ext2 format patition for
alpha with ARC loader. As other fs-es are unsupported by milo. While milo
must be installed on fat or ntfs (NT 3.5) partotion.
And in these cases thay are also not mounted at boot at all.
(To avoid loading extra filesystem drivers)
> can't find any reference from their site right now ;(
> and there is difference between /boot not mounted or /usr mounted readonly.
> because if the /boot isn't mounted the kernel image will be placed silently
> to rootfs and you won't even notice that.
Andrzej M. Krzysztofowicz ankry at mif.pg.gda.pl
phone (48)(58) 347 14 61
Faculty of Applied Phys. & Math., Gdansk University of Technology
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