Kamil Kosiński
paladinee at
Thu Nov 18 20:37:12 CET 2004
Dnia 18-11-2004, czw o godzinie 20:18 +0100, havner napisał(a):
> $Log: gnome-vfs2.spec,v $
> Revision 1.134 2004/11/03 18:53:27 aflinta
> - removed nonexisten patches, well, finally it seems to be working great
> with my USB pen drive
> Revision 1.133 2004/11/03 18:18:54 freetz
> - rock'n'roll - uncommented hal patch, PLD GNOME squad is about to test
> it!
> (if you own pendrive or external storage gadgets feel free to test it)
> Ok for integer rel and STBR?
You can give it a try :) I have this version since it's in cvs and I
have no problems. Finally with latest hal, dbus and gnome-vfs2
everything seems to be working fine.
Kamil (paladine) Kosiński
jid: paladine at mail: paladine at pld-linux,org
PLD Linux developer
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