poldek SEGV when --up
Tomasz Pala
gotar at polanet.pl
Sat Oct 2 00:33:40 CEST 2004
On Fri, Oct 01, 2004 at 21:42:04 +0200, Pawel A. Gajda wrote:
> Assume you have commented out config's "%include fetch.conf" line
> and deffault_fetcher param is in included file? If yes, move it to
> main config (/etc/poldek/poldek.conf or $HOME/.poldekrc) -- for security
> reasons (maybe to paranoid for non-remote files?) [global] sections from
> included files are ignored.
That's that. Thanks. And if so, default configs mislead.
> BTW bugs in 20040928 snap you reported are fixed in 20040930.
I've just noticed that, nice:)
> Thanks for testing.
Great tool, now with pipes in command line, changing sources at
run-time, new indexes..., well -- it rocks.
A few more questions:
- can poldek use proxy by it's own now (without changing fetcher)?
- is there any $HOME/.poldekrc being read (it was in older one)?
- what about home_etc (I did have ~/etc/.poldek_history, now ~/)?
- did you think about something like 'distributed poldek' -- servers
runnning at remote hosts, operator runs one master process which
connects with all the servers (in the manner of changing sources)
and query them.
GoTaR <priv0.onet.pl->gotar>
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