SPECS: ircd.spec - don't build ipv4-only version, its has no sense...

Marcin Król krol at wsb-nlu.edu.pl
Tue Oct 12 10:03:22 CEST 2004

> ircd used to create AF_INET6 sockets only and support v4 through
> v6-mapped addresses

Uhm. I've noticed that only when P-line or M-line in ircd.conf was set 
for INADDR_ANY with IPv6 support enabled. IPv4 P-line/M-line was 
creating IPv4 socket. But that was long time ago... I'll check and if 
its bad, probably fix :) On the other hand, I sitll think that IPv6 
support in ircd is badly written, bircd has a lot better ;-)


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