SPECS: kde-i18n-pl.spec - 3.3.1
Piotr Szymanski
djurban at pld-dc.org
Tue Oct 19 20:26:43 CEST 2004
Arkadiusz Miskiewicz (Tuesday 19 of October 2004 17:39):
> It's not supposed to be send to builders but it's in CVS
> because some pleople like me use it.
Yup, theres nothing wrong with it, the difference betweene it and
kde-i18n.spec is that:
1. its only -pl tarball and not 181MB kde-i18n.tar.bz2
2. its split in a different manner
Piotr Szymański djurban at pld-linux.org
CS student at Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology,
Wroclaw University of technology, Poland
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