SPECS: clamav.spec - merged epoch 0 from RA-branch

Pawel Sakowski pawel at sakowski.eu.org
Thu Oct 21 13:07:39 CEST 2004

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004, Pawel Sakowski wrote:
> Hmm... it seems that simply adding "%epoch 0" to the rpm macros file does the 
> job -- making the whole rpm-epoch0.patch unnecessary. I wonder why this 
> solution hasn't occured to me when I was writing the patch (must have been 
> the winter time).

A fix is available in release 38 (for Ac, STBR). So, dependencies 
'foo = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}' resolve correctly, even is Epoch 
isn't explicitly set. Note that to use this feature you should add
BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.164 (or be prepared to respond to bug 
reports from users of older rpms).

| Paweł Sakowski <pawel at sakowski.eu.org>            Never trust a man  |
|                            who can count up to 1023 on his fingers.  |

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