rc-scripts daemon --check

Marcin Krzyzanowski krzak at hakore.com
Wed Oct 27 10:55:00 CEST 2004

Użytkownik Marcin Krzyzanowski napisał:
> Hi,
> daemon():
>                   --check)
>                         # for compatibility with redhat/mandrake
>                         nls "warning: --check option is ignored!"
>                         shift
>                         shift
>                         ;;
> my question is why is it disabled, because of known issues or jus 
> because nobody wrote it ?
> The second question is if there is possible to kill process (killproc??) 
>  but depending not only on program name but also options. I just need to 
> fis messagebus.init to kill only "dbus-daemon-1 --system" and do not 
> kill "dbus-daemon-1 --session" instances and not sure how to do it with 
> rc-scripts.

in addition... is pidofproc function work fine ? pidfile shouldn't be 
absolut path instead /var/run/${pidfile} ??

Marcin Krzyżanowski

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