X11@DEVEL: libraries and font packages done in X11.spec
Jakub Bogusz
qboosh at pld-linux.org
Wed Sep 15 10:58:17 CEST 2004
On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 09:26:13PM +0200, Piotr Szymanski wrote:
> Hello,
> RFC for the following changes:
> I. libraries:
> X11-libs to become a metapackage that would require the following packages:
> X11-libXtrans
> X11-libXdmcp
> X11-libXau
> X11-libX11
> X11-libXext
> X11-libXrender
> X11-libXcursor
> X11-libXft
> X11-libICE
> X11-libSM
> X11-libXt
> X11-libXmu
> X11-libXrandr
> X11-libXfont
> X11-libXpm
> X11-libXaw
> X11-libXv
> X11-libXi
I don't see much sense in separating them now.
Virtual provides should be enough.
> Each with:
> Provides: lib{Sm,Ice,etc} = %{libsm,ice,etc_ver}
what is libSm, libIce, libetc?
Such malformed names doesn't tell anything valuable.
If X11* were renamed to Xorg*, then X11-lib* would be good names for
virtual provides.
> Is it ok? I would really like to use this situation to make the foundations of
> xlibs<->X11 coexistance.
Forget about mixing libraries from different X11 implementations.
xlibs packages should require other xlibs packages, not virtual ones.
I doubt if it would give anything sensible, only mess in the system
and massive poldek's confusion.
(even assuming that we drop libtool files from xlibs, as it's the only way
to use X-dependent libraries with other, non-libtool, X11 implementations)
> II. fonts
> A big deal of fonts is now being installed from tarballs in X11.spec, should i
> move them from X11-fonts to X11.spec ?
I don't think so; IIRC there is a patch to disable building fonts in
X11.spec on HEAD.
But maybe font utils could be moved from X11-fonts.spec to X11.spec
Jakub Bogusz http://cyber.cs.net.pl/~qboosh/
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