gnome-media - gnome-cd problem
Artur Flinta
aflinta at
Tue Sep 28 15:54:38 CEST 2004
Dnia 28-09-2004, wto o godzinie 15:49 +0200, Marcin Chojnowski napisał
> I'm not going to click on evry file type. If so gnome sux.
Well, You got something fucked ;) It is normally working for me.
> I used KDE for a while and I had no problems just instsalling new
> software (gnome or kde) caused that application (for example xpdf) is
> opening pdf file. I didn't need kpdf or so.
Sorry, I've never seen KDE :P
> I just want to say that Gnome ofter installing with poldek is almost
> unusable. For example nautilus is unable to display proper icons of
> files.
Strange, probably You don't have any theme installed or selected theme
without icons pics.
Każdy problem ma swoje rozwiązanie,
jeżeli nie ma rozwiązania to nie ma problemu.
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