ANN: Closing AC
Tomasz Pala
gotar at
Tue Dec 13 17:05:06 CET 2005
On Tue, Dec 13, 2005 at 02:55:35PM +0100, Cz at rny wrote:
> I'm testing it right now on my laptop( yea - it doesn't have this much
> load, but it runnes few server-like daemons, like apache and mysql + pgsql
> ). The boot speeds up *really*! X starts in like < 10sec from powering on
> the laptop!
I had already written that it can be nice feature on desktops. But when
your system becomes operational? Means working services - that's what
customers may be interested with.
> trinary > more. Why? Example: I've forgot to connect my pen and mount
> outputed an error, which resulted in failure of running the mounting init
> script, which stopped > 50% of the system from running, which is insane!
Hiehheiehe, I knew it;)
Tom Pala <gotar at>
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