ANN: Closing AC
Cz at rny
dhubleizh at
Wed Dec 14 16:53:13 CET 2005
Dnia Wed, 14 Dec 2005 12:19:46 +0100, Tomasz Pala <gotar at>
> Are you sure you've read mine? Don't you understand what means RUNNING
> service, SERVING requests? It's not the same as 'I can login and write
> blablabla in shell'.
> Parallel running via backgrounding jobs gives better usage of resources
> when you've got different resource-consuming services. And only then. A
> ratio depends on what you're running and 'proven 2 times faster' can be
> ability to LOGIN to machine, not becoming fully OPERATIONAL.
> All customers don't give a shit if you can login or not.
So one more time - all services runned on my laptop (also apache etc )
start altogether > 2x faster, then in traditional initsctips.
> But sometimes something get killed or won't start at all. Yeah!
Does? Have You tested it? I don't see any without any reason. Let me
rephrase that - I haven't seen any random kills on my laptop.
>> it is more configurable, we
> It IS?
Well, isn't it?
> So what are you waiting for? Don't waste time talking with me, just do
> it, show me. For now all what you're doing is 'yeah, yeah, it is cool,
> fast, better, and you are wrong having doubts'.
And the only thing You're doing is saying "no - we shouldn't switch to
that, because it doesn't work yet and that's why the whole idea is wrong
to start with". There are possibilites which we could utilize and give me
a good reason, good retorical reason, why shouldn't we use that. So - what
wan't work when we're done scripting, what is impossible because of the
nature/architecture of initng and so on. So far You've just claimed the
obvoius - it isn't ready and productional yet, but the question is, should
we make it, should we take the effort of tweaking it to PLD and are there
any things, that won't work for us!?
> Nothing. I'm just against gentooism like `it's two times faster'.
Do I look to You like a Gentoo user? Am I writing things on pld list, or
on the gentoo? Am I trying to sell You an operating system for $? No -
I've just written down my personal experience with only slightly tweaked
initng with PLD and the result is as follows - boot time, including *all*
services and daemons, speed up dramatically, probably more than 2 times!
> If it is better, answer one of my question: how would you start bind in
> relation with quagga?
I don't know what quogga is, but I don't see any service would be
unrunable in the new initng. I'm not ignorant so much, to say it doesn't
matter. That seems to be the first con not to make it in PLD, so please
tell me, what is so speciffic bout it and we'll think is it really such an
> How can it work, when NOONE can tell me it's rules. How to start bind?
service named start :D
> If something works 'free style', and my services can randomly become
> unavailable, it IS bad.
Jumping to conclussions again? Why randomly become down? Why free style?
Has anyone here written bout random restarts, random services going down.
> All I want to know is: how dependencies work (will my services be killed
> by logrotate service reload after fatal error in quagga?).
It's up to how we write the scripts. That's a large field to discuss. Also
the trinary or larger logic - is it neceserry, how to ensure proper boot
even after errors, what gets restarted and when.
Cz at rny
"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to The Dark Side" -
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