Fwd: php-mmcache and eaccelerator

Elan Ruusamäe glen at delfi.ee
Tue Jan 11 13:24:03 CET 2005

hi list!

somebody give him decent answer :)
what a co-incidence :)

and cc: me (or list), so i know he got the answer.

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: php-mmcache and eaccelerator
Date: Tuesday 11 January 2005 14:09
From: Bart Vanbrabant <bart.vanbrabant at zoeloelip.be>
To: glen at delfi.ee


I saw you're posting on a mailing list. eAccelerator works for php4 and
php5. It's nothing more than a fork of mmcache and a further
development. We have built Feodra packages that you can use to create
the packages for other rpm based distrubutions. There have been Suse and
Mandrake rpms built from it. You can find the srpms and the spec files
here: http://eaccelerator.sourceforge.net/BinaryInstallationUk
If you would built these packages for pld and maybe even include it or
you know who I have to contact for this. Please give me feedback so I
could put it on the eaccelerator website.
Thank you, we need the help of distributions to get eAccelerator on
every php server :)


eaccelerator packager

Bart Vanbrabant <bart.vanbrabant at zoeloelip.be>
PGP fingerprint: 093C BB84 17F6 3AA6 6D5E  FC4F 84E1 FED1 E426 64D1



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