Slony1 1.1.0

Jacek Konieczny jajcus at
Fri Jul 1 10:38:06 CEST 2005

I have created a new spec for slony1 and removed slony1 from
postgresql.spec. Older Slony1 version required full PostgreSQL sources
to compile, current version does not. The only problem with the change
is that upgrade is not easy -- there are some actions to do on all
cluster nodes simultanously -- that cannot be done with any %trigger
or %post script. Any ideas what to do with that?

I don't think we should keep the old version of Slony1 in Ac, as
building it in postgresql.spec was rather an ugly hack, and there are no
many Slony1 users in PLD community, so the impact of the upgrade will
not be big. Is that ok?


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