SOURCES (AC-branch): bashrc - removed stty erase setting to `tput ...

Michal Kochanowicz michal at
Sun Jul 3 12:05:55 CEST 2005

On Sat, Jul 02, 2005 at 11:10:27PM +0200, Jan Rekorajski wrote:
> My proposal is for us to stop being so uber-smart and just revert to
> defaults. Kill all those s/xterm/xterm-color/ and s/xterm/we-know-better/
> patches and just stick to TERM=xterm like the rest of the world.

Two questions:
1. Does terminfo contain information wheter terminal support colors or
2. Does terminfo entry for "xterm" states (everywhere) that it can
   provide color output?

Third question:
3. WTF backspace doesnt work... "" ;(

--= Michal Kochanowicz =--==--==BOFH==--==--= michal at =--
--= finger me for PGP public key or visit =--
--==--==--==--==--==-- Vodka. Connecting people.--==--==--==--==--==--
A chodzenie po górach SSIE!!!

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