freetype 2.1.7 is broken - 2.1.9 in AC

Arkadiusz Miskiewicz arekm at
Wed Mar 16 12:59:36 CET 2005

On Wednesday 16 of March 2005 12:26, Andrzej Krzysztofowicz wrote:

> > I'm sorry to disappoint you but my proposal doesn't mean that I volunteer
> > to do everything to get it done. I can do what free time and real live
> > stuff allows me.
> Proposal "let sb else do it" is valueless.
Where do you see such proposal? ,,I can do what free time and real live stuff 
allows me.'' means that I will work on this but it also means that I can't 
say that I'll be able to finish it in 100% alone.

This list is still used for communication with other (possibly interested in 
fixing bugs) developers right?

> So if you propose anything you have to either
> - volunteer
> - find sb else who volunteer
> - forget it and not to propose
Forgeting about bug doesn't seem to be a good option to me.

Anyway AC RM said his word on this - he is against new freetype (and currently 
there is no one willing to do the backporting).

Th will be better (if it finally starts ;)

> This is how PLD works if you did forget.
Long time ago it was also about collaboration. Recently it's mainly about 
blaming other people, conflicts and no real progress.

Face the sad truth: AC is becoming (uh, it is already) another Ra 
unfortunately :-(
Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz                    PLD/Linux Team

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