SPECS (DEVEL): sqwebmail.spec - updated to 5.0.1, removed -build.p...

Elan Ruusamäe glen at delfi.ee
Tue Mar 22 13:46:35 CET 2005

On Tuesday 22 March 2005 10:32, Andrzej Augustynowicz wrote:
> > 3. i had situation there i had multiple tirggers for package, and only
> > one of the triggers was actually ran, altho the versions did match for
> > two triggers
> have the same..... :(
> so there is only one solution - give provides apache2 to apache.spec
> package :-) or forget about this....

no. that's not the problem
the problem is that (afaik) rpm parser executes best match for trigger (not 
all matches) :(

so if the package has need to have additional trigger on apache (which is 
unlikely really), then there can't be two triggers, but the code must be 
merged to the same (best match) trigger. i could be wrong (some rpm gurus can 
comment here?)

ie this will probably not work as expected
%triggerin -- apache1 >= 1.3.33-2
%triggerin -- apache1 >= 1.3.33-99

anyway, produced sample package which according to my tests did what i 
expected: template-apache-package.spec

build it with -debug to see trigger executions
$ ./builder -debug -bb template-apache-package.spec
you need 'cvs up builder' for -debug option to work :P
or just
$ rpmbuild -debug -bb template-apache-package.spec


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