cvs vs svn...
Piotr Szymanski
djurban at
Fri Sep 9 12:30:37 CEST 2005
wrobell (Friday 09 of September 2005 10:42):
> which is de facto the branch name... so, what's the problem?
djurban at djurban ~ $ cd rpm/SPECS/
djurban at djurban SPECS $ up koffice.spec
P koffice.spec
djurban at djurban SPECS $ vi koffice.spec
djurban at djurban SPECS $ up -r DEVEL koffice.spec
P koffice.spec
djurban at djurban SPECS $ vi koffice.spec
djurban at djurban SPECS $
I needed to check some parts of the spec in different branches, i do that very
often, now try do this with a not greater number of words in commands with
Not to mention that after a probable reorganisation doingh such stuff would
mean rechecking folders (per package folders), which sucks, because some
package could be sharing sources but have different setups on branches or in
specs, but the tarballs would remain the same, that would be another
Piotr Szymanski
djurban at
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