Fryderyk Dziarmagowski
freetz at gmx.net
Wed Jan 4 12:43:33 CET 2006
On Wed, 4 Jan 2006 11:52:15 +0100
havner <havner at smtp.kamp.pl> wrote:
> Revision 1.137 2005/11/16 15:35:22 freetz
> - removed hotplug symlink (it can't be done this way until /sbin/hotplug
> is
> a default kernel hotplug handler), added cleaned up hotplug_map.rules
> (instead of creating it with script at build time), rel.1
> So how should it be done? Cause now we end up with a booted system:
> $ sudo sysctl kernel.hotplug
> kernel.hotplug = /sbin/hotplug
> $ ls -l /sbin/hotplug
> ls: /sbin/hotplug: No such file or directory
> /sbin/udev_start sets this to /sbin/udevsend but rc-scripts set it back
> to hotplug. I dont care how it will be done (maybe remove it from
> rc-scripts) but for now it cant stay this way. What was wrong in this
> symlink? Cause i dont really get the "it can't be done this way until
> /sbin/hotplug is a default kernel hotplug handler". Why? This package is
> PLD specific and our rc-scripts set this to /sbin/hotplug so for us its
> default.
Symlink was wrong because was called after / is mounted and before udev
was ready to start. That was leading to propagating device nodes on
readonly filesystem.
I can't speak about rc-srcipts. I don't know why (cruft?) it is set by
default, even when hotplug is not installed.
btw. starting from linux 2.6.15 it (hotplug handler) should be set to ""
Fryderyk Dziarmagowski
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