upgrade apache to 2.2
Tomasz Pala
gotar at polanet.pl
Sun Jan 8 17:29:29 CET 2006
On Sun, Jan 08, 2006 at 12:56:42 +0100, Patrys :: Patryk Zawadzki wrote:
> > if we had php 5.0.0 there would be no problem, any client could rename
> > it's non-working files to .php5, leaving .php for mainstream (or sth).
> That's a great joke. I can imagine a client going through each and every
> file, changing it's name to .php5 and replacing requires and includes as
> appropriate.
Each and every? LOL Apparently you have no idea how real world looks
like. Just few percent of code doesn't work properly after such
Secondly: not client, but admin who probably will have to do this, as
client don't care about upgrade and won't seek his webmaster to fix code
immediately (and appropriate perl code can be written in 5 minutes).
In the third place, last but not least: webmaster can change handler on
per-site (user, directory, etc) basis, so that there would be no need to
rename any existing file.
> Sorry, could not resist :D
I'm glad I could clarify you some things.
GoTaR <priv0.onet.pl->gotar> http://vfmg.sourceforge.net/
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