python 2.5 bytecode problems
Patryk Zawadzki
patrys at
Tue Sep 26 23:07:12 CEST 2006
Dnia 26-09-2006, wto o godzinie 21:25 +0100, wrobell napisał(a):
> I am planning to build Python 2.5 (final version) on TH builders.
> This will cause major problems on your systems - you will not be able
> to run software, which is not rebuilt against Python 2.5. This situation
> is caused by bug in Python prior to version 2.5c2, which fixing required
> changing bytecode magic number (#1520864).
> Therefore, please do not upgrade your Python related software on TH based
> systems for few days till migration to Python 2.5 is finished.
> Sorry for any inconvenience,
That's no problem, just make sure to tell us when it's finished :)
BTW: check your Reply-to.
Patryk Zawadzki <patrys at>
PLD Linux
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