Piotr Skwarna
spider at linux.pl
Fri Sep 29 08:08:17 CEST 2006
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz napisał(a):
> Piotr Skwarna wrote:
>> Andrzej Krzysztofowicz napisa�(a):
>>> Elan =?iso-8859-1?q?Ruusam=E4e?= wrote:
>>>> ftp.iso.pld-linux.org is not answering
>>>> is it planned downtime?
>>>> when it will be up?
>>> Probably never. We lost the machine.
>> so, where can I / user find pld install cd ?
> On the main ftp(s) ?
Connected to ftp.atm.pld-linux.org.
220 (vsFTPd 2.0.3)
Name (ftp.pld-linux.org:spider): anonymous
331 Please specify the password.
230- ___ _ ___
230- | _ \ | | \
230- | _/ |__| |) | Linux Project
230- |_| |____|___/ Main FTP Archive
230- Additional access is at http://www.pld-linux.org/distrib/ftp.
230- For questions and other contact mailto:feedback at pld-linux.org
230- On This Site:
230- /dists/ PLD Distribution Versions
230- /dists/1.0/ 1.0 Ra stable version
230- /dists/1.0/test/ Test and Experimental RPM packages for 1.0 Ra
230- /dists/1.0/updates/ Updates for PLD 1.0 Ra
230- /dists/2.0/ 2.0 Ac new version
230- /dists/2.0/supported/ Supported RPM packages for 2.0 Ac
230- /dists/2.0/test/ Test and Experimental RPM packages for 2.0 Ac
230- /dists/2.0/updates/ Updates for PLD 2.0 Ac
230- /software/ Various Software Projects
230- /people/ Developers stuff
230- /pool/ Packages Pool
230- PLD ISO images are on ftp://ftp.iso.pld-linux.org/
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> pwd
257 "/iso"
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
150 Here comes the directory listing.
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-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 583 Feb 12 2005 README.pl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 0 0 168 May 24 2004 readme.en.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 0 0 184 May 24 2004 readme.pl.txt
+PLUG +PLD http://www.linux.pl | [Quoting Sergiusz Pawłowicz]
RLU 301329 spider(at)linux(dot)pl | "głupota to straszny wirus."
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