SPECS: vim.spec - with python, ruby and tcl by default - rel 3 for...
Mariusz Mazur
mmazur at kernel.pl
Mon Jun 18 15:14:50 CEST 2007
Dnia poniedziaĆek, 18 czerwca 2007, Jacek Konieczny napisaĆ:
> On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 02:20:27PM +0200, Mariusz Mazur wrote:
> > Yup. We should have full vim with everything (X, python, perl, ruby,
> > brainfuck, you name it) and a vim-minimal for those, that want to have
> > the lightest version possible.
> It is not that easy... one needs minimum VIM (imagine: to be booted from
> a pendrive anywhere), just for writing human-readable text... that
> means: not GUI, no syntax highliting, no built-in interpreters... but a
> spell-checker is a requirement.
Not really. Minimal in this case means -- minimal set of deps. Meaning maximum
functionality with minimal deps. So having a few 50kb libs might be ok.
Depending on python, ruby and perl ain't.
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